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Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

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Hi Everyone, I haven't written in quite a while because frankly, I have all but given up. I am trying once again though.

Just to update: I had my band put in 7 months ago (Oct 07). I have had 6 fills now, I think and I have had only a tiny bit of restriction recently. I only had one episode of being really stuck which resulted in my trying to get it up with some slime. That happened after one bite of chicken and not chewig it enough.

My last visit to Lahey Clinic resulted in them saying that they are not going to give me any more fills because they think that I should have plenty of restriction and should be losing weight (which I have not lost any exept for the first week out of surgery) due to the fact that I have NO restriction. They said that I am not eating properly and until I do, they will not even consider any more fills. I am at 3.2cc's with a 4cc band. I was devistated with my last visit. So, tomorow will be a week since that visit, I have stuck to all the rules and documented all that I have eaten and drank and my exercise to show them. The amouts of food that I eat at one sitting does not indicate to me that my band is restricting very much. I kind of feel like it is starting to work, but I am eating alot more than what others are saying that they can get down.

So, I welcome oppinions, tips, ideas, thoughts, support, anything.

I really need you.

Janet :cursing:

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hi Janet. as a slow loser I hear your pain! I would need a little more info on your eating habits to really know how to help, I'm pretty good at knowing what we SHOULD do, I'm just not good at following it! Had a bad day today eating things I know are not good, tomorrow will be better. As I've said before, this is still a diet at heart. the band will not fix poor choices. How are you cooking things? what are you basically eating? How much? are you drinking at the proper times? Are you hungry a lot? this is still basically a DIET, I make a carrot Soup that I have at night when I want to eat junk. It's thick and fills me up and is really only the veggies that I didn't eat earlier. they weren't too happy with the concept but it helps me. got it out of a cooking lite book. If interested I'll post the recipe.

Please don't give up hope, you can still turn this around! I also have often thought I could eat a lot more that I assume others can at one sitting, but just because I can doesn't mean I should! the band is really only to keep you from getting "real" hunger. there is always room for more food to fix the head hunger. the band will not stop that, only you can.

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Cheri and Cindy:

I totally agree with it getting harder to lose. I've been playing around with the same three pounds for a month now. It does get a bit discouraging.

I think it's important to focus on all accomplished so far when there's a lull in the weightloss. I try to think about the fact that I can wear size 16's instead of 26/28's. I also try to think about how much younger I feel - about 20 years younger! I also think about how much better shape I'm in physically. I was able to ride my trikke/and walk for almost 2 hours at once today.

So, try to focus on the positive, follow the bandster rules, and we'll all get over the plateaus and to goal. It's a war, and we've won alot of battles already, but we have more to keep fighting.:wink2:

Take care.



Thanks so much for your encouragement. You and I seem to be at the same slow down. I lost 97lbs rather quickly but now know that I must exercise to get the rest off. I will dang it. I just wanted you to know that I broke my plateau this morning by losing 1lb. I am happy with that because it means this fill may be working. I started Water aerobics last week and really like it. I didn't actually think that it would work but I am lame when done.

We will make it.....We will endure.....

Thanks again,


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Thanks Cheri52

I get that the band is just a tool, but If I am "dieting" the way I have for years and still not looseing weight, isn't there something not right??

Yes, I indulged here and there, but pretty much tried to stick to the rules.

I have stuck right by the book for 1 whole week, today I am going to the YMCA to weigh myself to see, I hope I lost a few pounds.

So, do you think I should consider myself lucky that I never had PB'ing, sliming or got too stuck (exept for that one time)? I have also not seemed to get a "sign" for when to stop as they said we should get. For months, they said that some people take more fills than others and that it will come, why are they changing that now?? I just hope the band didn't slip or is kinked or anything.

Also, I have a huge amount of scar tissue at the port site, only a problem when the fill. But also at times the port site is sore, like when I bend over to tie my shoe, weed the garden, pick up something from the floor, it feels as if is bruised or something like that. Also, sometimes when I eat, the port site gets hard and bothers me (I don't know if is gas pressure or what)

It has been a year since I started this whole journey, and if it wasn't for my supportive husband, a few band friends who have been successful and this website, I don't know what I would do, really.

So, this week, I have been eating all low fat solid protiens first, then vegi's and than the carb. stuff like 6oz of fish, green beens, and brown rice, only with spray butter if any at all, and not drinking with my meals. I still get hungry between meals ( I know head hunger, this is stomach growling hungry) I have been white knuckling it, keep myself busy, really just suffering through it, again, ready to give up somedays.

I just don't get it. Most of my friends have lost 50-90 pounds. Since surgery I have lost 8-10 pounds. I am exercising and praying.

Thank you for your support.


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I dont understand what folks mean when they say that they lost just from dieting, without incorporating any exercises.

Let me give you an idea of what I do on a daily basis in order for me to loose five pounds a month!!!

I have very minimal restriction in my band - which I only feel in the morning. So the food part is all willpower amidst a rumbling stomach!!

Breakfast - Yogourt and cheese stick - to make my 20 oz Protein

drink - 25 oz of Crystal light until lunch

lunch - Lean Cuisine meal of about 340 cals

drink - 25 oz of crystal light

dinner - steamed vegetables and some broiled fish or chicken (kind of careless here - i think i take in about 800 cals of food)

walk back and forth to work - 4 miles a day

Curves - 30 minutes.

Drink - 25 oz of Water - I am able to do that with exercising.

Now doing all this, I have lost four pounds in the last month!!!! I need to loose 100+ pounds. and I really dont know what else to do to get there.

What am I doing wrong that y'all seem to be dropping pounds and I have them sticking onto me like crazy!!!

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Maybe you should increase your calories up to 1200 for a few days. Maybe 800 isn't enough for the calories you're burning. Just a thought.

I hope it works for you soon.


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biologically, my body needs 1800 calories to live - no gain, no loss!! So if I try to stick to 1400 cals (which my current diet sort of falters around) and in addition I burn about 700 cals a day - that kind of puts me at negative 4900 cals a week which indeed comes up to 1.4 LBS lost a week --------- hence my 4-5 LB lost a month!!!!!!! of I totally get it now!!!! DUH!

Boy! I thought I was doing a lot compared to what I am hearing folks saying they are doing!!! Now I see that I am not doing as much as I thought I was doing --- come on!! what the heck are you guys doing to get your 10 LBs loss a month - for those that were banded in January, just like I did - am hearing folks reporting 40 LBS plus weight losses, while I am just at at 22 LBS!!!

Are you guys starving yourselves and sleeping at the gymn???

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Janet, I really do wish I had an answer. It's definately a bitch! I used to wonder if there could be defective bands, like maybe a leak or something so it wasn't holding the fill. maybe they could do a scan of it? I'm reaching here!

were you in class in the early spring at Lahey? there was a Janet among us who had to drop out for a while. She was on a long pre-op liquid diet. I wondered how that would work when you came off of it. I should think it would screw up your metabolism, like putting your body in extreame famine mode, so after when you continue to eat somewhat normal your body responds by packing on the lbs to survive the next depression. Jillian, on biggest losers had her people boost the calories every few days to fool the body and not let that happen. I take that to heart and eat too much every Saturday! I just want to make sure that doesn't happen...lol.

so far as luck on the PBing, etc, not sure. that may be what keeps some of us from eating tooo much:redface: I know it slows me down:blush: .

any help from Karen, the nutritionist? When do you go back?

Tchilambe, keep up the good work, sounds like you are getting there...... like me, slow....but sure. I figure it took me half a century to get here, can't expect it to happen over night. I'm gratefull for the progress so far, it's a damm site better that it has been in years.

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Janet - I'm going to share a website that I read about on another thread on this forum. This was offered to another lapbander who was describing similar frustrations - www.5daypouchtest.com I offer it just as another resource...

tchilambe - it sounds to me like you're doing A LOT both in exercise and diet to help your band...you inspire me so keep up the good work! I wondered what the NP's are recommending when they hear about your minimal restriction...although i'm very new to this (only had my first fill this week), maybe you need a little more fill? also...watch the sodium intake on prepared foods...that affects my weight loss!

Sue & Cheri52 - thanks for the support and ideas! I'm so glad to have found you here.

My own journey is...I'm currently working at making exercise a more consistent part of the solution to weight loss as well as paying attention to the mental side of when and why I'm eating. I started an online blog to journal out some of the thoughts and feelings and this is helping me to understand myself as well as keep track of food intake. I copy and paste inspirational sayings and website addresses to remind myself of good input. I think adding the calorie count to my food journaling might be a good idea too. I know that this is just the beginning so I'm trying not to look too far ahead.

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I didnt think the Lap band group was on Tuesday May 13th, I thought its on the last Tuesday evening of every month?

Hello. Also a Lahey Bander. Do you know what time the Support Group is on the last Tuesday? 3 Weeks out and would like to go.

Thanks! :crying: KIM

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Hello. Also a Lahey Bander. Do you know what time the Support Group is on the last Tuesday? 3 Weeks out and would like to go.

Thanks! :thumbup: KIM

Hi Kim - Hope all is going well with you at 3 weeks post op...this is the information on the lapband support groups that I have:

Post Surgical Lifestyle Mgt Support Group - 2nd Tuesday each month from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., meet at 6 Central Waiting area;

Lapband Support Group - Last Tuesday of every month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., 6 Central Waiting area;

There's also a "Summer Series" session on Tuesday, June 10th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at 6 Central Waiting area, called, "I Can Eat That" presented by Karen Palmer [description from flyer: discuss fresh ideas for summer. find out about farmer's markets and what to look for. food demonstration for some easy to prepare foods.]

Since my surgery on April 7th, I've only attended the post surgery group that was held last week (May 13th) and found it helpful. Maybe I'll meet you there! :blushing:


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Hi Kim - Hope all is going well with you at 3 weeks post op...this is the information on the lapband support groups that I have:

Post Surgical Lifestyle Mgt Support Group - 2nd Tuesday each month from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., meet at 6 Central Waiting area;

Lapband Support Group - Last Tuesday of every month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., 6 Central Waiting area;

There's also a "Summer Series" session on Tuesday, June 10th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at 6 Central Waiting area, called, "I Can Eat That" presented by Karen Palmer [description from flyer: discuss fresh ideas for summer. find out about farmer's markets and what to look for. food demonstration for some easy to prepare foods.]

Since my surgery on April 7th, I've only attended the post surgery group that was held last week (May 13th) and found it helpful. Maybe I'll meet you there! :cool2:


Thanks Liz,

I am def going to go next week. Thanks for all the info - I miss placed mine. The I can eat that night sounds really good. I want to go to that one also. I only went to one support group prior to surgery which I found helpful and if possible I would like to continue going. If you do go we will have to meet. Thanks again for the info.


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Hay Liz, thanks for the pouch test info. I checked it out and looks good. I'm not sure I'm ready to do the whole thing, but it has explained a lot. I am going to try some of the ideas and see what happens. I've been going on the very moist and slow theory as easier to go down. maybe it shouldn't be so easy :cursing:. I wish I were closer (the boat is the bitch and you need to be rich:blushing:) I would love to go to some of the support meetings. You all don't know how lucky you are.

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It was great meeting you last night, Kim and I think...tchilambe? :sad:

This was my first lapband support group (post op anyway) and I was surprised by the number of pre op group attendees...there must be A LOT more people having lapband than I thought. The best thing about last night was that I could weigh myself on their scale (I purposely do not keep a scale at home) and I've already dropped another 4 pounds since my fill on May 19th! I can tell by the fit of my clothing but although I am trying not to get 'hung up' on what the scale says, this is the lowest I've weighed in over 3 years. :frown:

Next week I see the dietician again..and wonder if they'll do fill #2 while I'm there? or will this require another appointment? anyone know?

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Hello Liz,

It was great to meet you too. I also really enjoyed the meeting last night. It is rare to find such a nice group of people who genuinely want to help. I got a lot of my questions answered and it is always nice to know that people are going through what your going through or have been already and are willing to share some advice. I will def continue to go an I can't wait for the seminar in June.

Hope I see you and Barbara there again. Let me know how your apt goes next week.


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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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