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Gone for Good Club -- September 2006

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I have left lapbandtalk due to the recent behavior. September Gone for Good Club needs a new leader. ASAP. My posts will most likely delete as I exit.

Welcome to the Gone for Good Club

The members of this "club" are like-minded people who want to challenge each other to keep working toward our goal of weight loss and keeping it off! We have no illusions of the band being a miracle cure, nor do we believe that we will achieve our goals without working for them. We understand that if we continue the lifestyle and eating habits that got us fat in the first place, we will not achieve our goals. We come together in order to strengthen our determination by sharing our dreams, our struggles, and our victories with one another.

We encourage everyone to get to know one another while sharing tips, support, struggles, and encouragement... and a kick in the rear when needed! *grin*

This is not a contest, there is no deadline, and everyone is a winner by being a "loser"!

Wednesdays are weigh-in days for those who wish to have us update your progress on this page. Please post a brief note on Wednesdays in the following format: C 265 (-42 lbs total, -3 this week).

(H-highest weight, S-weight at surgery, J-weight when joined this club, G-goal weight, C-current weight)

Use CDC BMI site: http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/adult_BMI/english_bmi_calculator/bmi_calculator.htm

If your name is in RED, we need your current weight.

503-250 - H&S 503/ J 467 / G 250 / C 456 (-47 lbs total) Welcome to the Club!

A1ikou - H&S 375/ J 329 / C 303/ CBMI 43.8 (-72 lbs total)

AliDiane - H&S 224/ J 210/ G 120 (-14 lbs total)

AndyLiz - H 270/ J 267/ SG 264/ G 150/ C 254 (-13 lbs total)

Anillacookie - H 270/ J 214/ C 210 (-60 lbs total)

Banded Brenda - H 260/ S 239.5/ J 227 (-33 lbs total)

Bell - S 300/ J 223/ G 160 (-77 lbs total)

Betje - H 300/ S 286/ J 239 (-61 lbs total)

CanadaSunshine - H 234/ S 222/ G 145/ C 210 (-24 lbs total)

Chameleon - H 275/ J 269 (-6 lbs unbanded to date)

Cheri - H 276/ S 266/ J 234/ G 160/ C 214 (-62 lbs total)

Chunk - H 320/ S 300/ J 220/ G 200 (-100 lbs total)

CindyCam - H 290/ S 287/ G 140/ C 256 (-35 lbs total)

Coyotegirl - H 305/ S 294/ J 220/ G 150ish/ C 208 (-97 lbs total)

Criss Kellogg - H 245/ S 241/ J 211/ G 175/ C 205 (-36 lbs total)

Daisybelle - H 400+/ S 403/ J 343/ C 340.5 (-63 lbs total)

Dawg - H 307/ C 220 unbanded (-87 lbs total)

DCPrincess - H 268/ G 135/ C 147 (-121 lbs total)

Desi80 - H 238/ S 238/ J 173.5/ G 125/ minigoal 160/ C 170.5 CBMI 31.8 (-67.5 lbs total)

DianeChef - H 260/ J 208/ G 150/ C 196 (-64 lbs total)

Diva Girl - S 257/ C 232/ CBMI 38.1 (-25 lbs total)

Drj - H 295/ J 234/ C 213 (-63 lbs total)

EmileeKaye - H 303/ J 227/ C 191/ CMI 28.2 (-112 lbs total)

Ericsmom - H 337/ S 322.5/ C 289 / CBMI 49.6 (-48 lbs total)

Feel2Young2B40 - H 289/ J 230/ G 150?/ C 207 (-82 lbs total)

FunnyDuddies - H 372/ J 340/ S313/ G 120/ C 294 (-68 lbs total)

Gadgetlady - H 255.4/ S 244.8/ J 227.6/ G 140/ C 227.6 (-27.8 lbs total)

Gloria37 - H 310/ J 285/ G 190/ C 281 (-29 lbs total)

Granlady - H 350/ S 294/ J 308/ G 185/ C 299.2 (-50.8 lbs total)

Guysis - H 234/ G 134 / C 205 (-29 lbs total)

HeatherGurl - H 365/ S 329/ J 279/ G 190/ C 225 (-140 lbs total) Founder of Gone for Good Club -- Bless Her Heart!!!

Iulizbug - H 241/ G 150/ C 160 (-71 lbs total)

Iziksmom - H 274.5/ S 268/ G 135/ C 221.5 (-53 lbs total)

Jan.barnett - H 318/ S 310/ C 215 (-96 lbs total)

Jaygerl05 - H 245/ S 243/ J 200/G 165 (-45 lbs total)

Jcbydesign - H 220 / J 211 / G 135 / C 189 / CBMI 32.4 (-31 lbs total)

Jerseytammy - H&S 308/ J 269 (-39 lbs total)

Jill S - H 320/ S 289/ J 246.6/ G 170/ C 205.2 (-114.8 lbs total)

Joe - H 362/ S 320/ J 269.6/ G 200 (-92.4 lbs total)

Jorjet - H 283/ S 278/ C 222 (-58 lbs total)

Josette - H 393/ G 220/ C 372 (-21 lbs total)

JQPublic - H 310/ J 196.5/ G 185/ C 196.5 (-115 lbs total)

Jucyc - H 186.5/ S 182/ J 164/ C 157.5 (-29 lbs total)

JulieNYC - S 358 / MiniG 299 / C 326 (-59 lbs total)

Just Paul - H 371/ G 189/ C 217 (-155 lbs total)

K@t - S 253/ J 237/ G 132 (-16 lbs total)

Kathi - S 255/ J 250/ G 180/ C 242/ CBMI 38 (-13 lbs total)

Kaybug - S 360/ J 348 (-12 lbs total)

Kelliebelly - H 265/ J 191 (-73 lbs total)

Kim 8 - H 235/ S 218/ J 192/ C 176.5 (-65.5 total)

Kimbo - S 292/ J 226/ C 202 (-90 lbs total)

Kimmcneely - H 256/ S 218/ J 163/ G 140 (-93 lbs total)

La_Madam - H 265 / G 150 / C 168 (-97 lbs total) Welcome to the Club!

LegallyKristin - H 298/ S 264/ J 251/ G 140/ C 217.8 (-80.2 lbs total)

Leila - H 295/ S 280 / G 160/ C 250 (-44 lbs total)

Leona06 - H & S 268/ J 250/ G 130/ C 250/ CBMI 45 (-18 lbs total)

Lianna - H & S 229/ J 204/ C 182 (-47 lbs total)

LindaV - H 315/ J 299/ G 170/ C 260/ CBMI 42 (-55 lbs total)

Lins12 - H 222.5/ J 184.5/ G 145/ C 181 (-41.5 lbs total)

Lookingout - H 185/ G 110/ C 159 (-26 lbs total)

LSasha - H 340/ J 280/ C 256 (-84 lbs total)

Maggie63- H 285/ S 277/ J 235/ G 190/ C 229 (-56 lbs total)

Marie485 - H 275/ S 270/ J 224/ G 140 (-51 lbs total)

Maryb - H 219/ 1st Dr Visit 207/ S 201/ G 130/ C 152/ CBMI 26.3 (-67 lbs total, -1 this week)

MaryPetunia - H 342/ S 333/ J 303/ G 200 / C 291 (-51 lbs total)

Meow - H 430/ G 200/ C426 (-4 lbs total)

MiaHalliwell - H 206/ S 205/ J 189/ G 120/ C185/ CBMI 33.8? (-21 lbs total)

Michelle43mi - S 215/ J 186/ G 125 (-29 lbs total)

MollyMolly - H 299/ S 275/ J 240/ G 140/ C 222/ CBMI 35.8 (-77 lbs total)

MoOrLess - H/J 278.5/ G 140/ C 260/ CBMI 43.4 (-18.5 lbs total)

Morsaille - S 312/ J 287/ G 180/ C 275 (-37 lbs total)

Mrycrltn - S 189/ J 168.5/ G 125/ C 151.5 (-37.5 lbs total)

Mvpo8961 - H 278/ S 270/ J 260/ G 135/ C 250 (-28 total)

Mychevygirl - H 380/ J 351.5/ C 261/ CBMI 44.6 (-119 lbs total)

Mysherrijo - H 265/ J 262/ S 262/ G 145/ C 233 (-31 lbs total)

Mystjin - H 304/ J 297/ C 244/ CBMI 43.5 (-60 lbs total)

NaturalBeauty - S 283/ J 228/ G 185/ C 180/ CBMI 26.8 (-103 lbs total) Reached Goal Weight and MORE GONE! :D

Nightingale2u - H 257/ J 219/ C 221.5 (-35.5 lbs total)

Nolagirl - H 333/ S 315/ J 288/ G 183/ C 257 (-76 lbs total)

NJGirl - H 248/ S 230/ J 220 (-28 lbs total)

Papillon - S 291/ J 255.5 (-35.5 lbs total)

Patty103 - (-99 lbs total)

Paula - S 248/ J 185 / G 150/ C 183 (-65 lbs total)

Penni - H 296/ S 296/ J 252/ G 200/ C 262 (-34 lbs total)

PhotoNut - H 307/ S 291/ J 265/ G 130/ C 216 (-91 lbs total)

PinkMary - H 265/ S 265/ J 185/ G 128/ C 174 (-91 lbs total)

Pinkylee - H 244/ S 239/ J 227/ C 212.5 (-30.5 lbs total)

Poster child - H 268/ S 246.5/ G 130/ C 210 (-58 lbs total)

Pugmum - H 250/ J 240 (-10 lbs total)

REEIZBOOJE - H 314/ S 300.5/ J 277/ G 145/ C 265/ CBMI 47 (-49 lbs total)

RHONDAKO - S 270/ J 229/ G 150/ C 214 (-56 lbs total)

ScrapKarla - H 321/ S 310/ J 250/ G 190/ C 250 (-60 lbs total)

ShackDog - H 393/ J 346/ G 232/ C 320 (-73 lbs total)

Shari Lou - S 244 J 238 C 188 G 160 (-56 lbs total) Welcome to the Club!

Sherita - H 314/ S 300.5/ J 277/ G-145/ C 276.4 (-37.6 lbs total)

Sheryl H – H 362+/ J 278/ G 200/ C 278 (-84 lbs total)

Skbishop78 - S 205/ J 185/ G 125/ C 172 (-33 lbs total)

SkyeBlu - H 210/ S 206/ J 191/ G 130 / C169 (-41 lbs total)

Stitchy - H 232/ S 220/ G 140 / C 192 (-40 lbs total)

Styler96 - H & S 291/ J 222/ G 135/ C 217 (-74 lbs total)

Sugar1 - H 311/ S 289/ J 240/ G 160/ C 240 (-71 lbs total)

Sunsett - H 268/ J 207/ G ??/ C ?? (-61 lbs total)

Sunta - (-36 lbs total)

Telly - H 240/ S 235/ J 219/ G 135/ C 167 (-73 lbs total)

Tess L - H 218/ S 216/ J 195/ G 150/ C 180 (-35 lbs total)

The best me - H 242/ S 223/ J 188/ C 178 / CBMI 29.8 (-64 lbs total)

ThinMan - H 305/ S 302/ J 294/ G 180/ C 294 (-11 lbs total)

Time4Change - H 263/ S 257/ J 247/ G 150/ C 246 (-17 lbs total)

Tracyd - H 331/ S 319/ J 308/ G 165/ (-23 lbs total)

Tricia K. - H 283/ S 274/ J 216/ G 160/ C 182 CBMI 29.4 (-92 lbs total)

Trip2bme - H 358/ S 350/ J 319/ G 150/ C 311 (-47 lbs total)

Txblue eyedqt - H 296/ S 296/ J 224/ G 140-150/ C 209 (-87 lbs total)

Valhallagirl - S 250/ J 238/ G 130/ C 237 (-13 lbs total)

VegasWildflower - H&S 285/ J 265/ G 160/ C 261 (-23 lbs total)

Vickie1177 - H-303 / S-297 / J-220 / G-210 / C-220 (-83 lbs total) Welcome to the Club!!

Wendyr - H 230/ S 226/ J 188/ G 135 (-42 lbs total)

Wonkette - S 245/ J 179 (-66 lbs total)

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:clap2:Honors Page for GFG Club Members :clap2:

:biggrin1: (And they ask if this works!) :biggrin1:


:D 100 pounds or more gone for good! :D :clap2:


Just Paul - 155 pounds

HeatherGurl - 140 pounds

DCPrincess - 121 pounds

Mychevygirl - 119 pounds

JQPublic - 115 pounds

Jill S - 114.8 pounds

EmilyKaye - 112 pounds

NaturalBeauty - 103 pounds

Chunk - 100 pounds

90 pounds or more gone for good!


Patty103 - 99 pounds

Coyotegirl - 97 pounds

La_Madam - -97 pounds

Jan.barnett - 96 pounds

Kimmcneely - 93 pounds

Joe - 92.4 pounds

Trisha K. - 92 pounds

PinkMary - 91 pounds

PhotoNut - 91 pounds

Kimbo - 90 pounds

80 pounds or more gone for good!


Txblue_eyedqt - 87 pounds

Dawg - 87 pounds

LSasha - 84 pounds

Sheryl H - 84 pounds

Vickie1177 - 83 pounds

Feel2Young2B40 - 82 pounds

LegallyKristin - 80.5 pounds

70 pounds or more gone for good!


Bell - 77 pounds

MollyMolly - 77 pounds

Nolagirl - 76 pounds

Styler96 - 74 pounds

Kelliebelly - 73 pounds

Shackdog - 73 pounds

Tellymelly - 73 pounds

A1ikou - 72 pounds

Sugar1 - 71 pounds

Iulizbug - 71 pounds

60 pounds or more gone for good!


FunnyDuddies - 68 pounds

Desi80 - 67.5 pounds

Maryb - 67 pounds

Wonkette - 66 pounds

Kim_8 - 65.5 pounds

Paula - 65 pounds

DianeChef - 64 pounds

The best me - 64 pounds

Daisybelle - 63 pounds

Drj - 63 pounds

Cheri - 62 pounds

Betje - 61 pounds

Sunsett - 61 pounds

ScrapKarla - 60 pounds

Anillacookie - 60 pounds

Mystjin - 60 pounds

50 pounds or more gone for good!


JulieNYC - 59 pounds

Jorjet - 58 pounds

Poster Child - 58 pounds

Maggie63 - 56 pounds

RHONDAKO - 56 pounds

LindaV - 56 pounds

Shari Lou - 55 pounds

Iziksmom - 53 pounds

Marypetunia - 51 pounds

Marie485 - 51 pounds

Granlady – 50.8 pounds

:clap2: Great work everyone! Now let's get more of us on this page! :clap2:

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I joined last month and I just noticed i'm not on the list...I left out.

503-250 - H&S 503/ J 467 / G 250 / C 456 (-47 lbs total)

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Woot! Go Joyce! Have fun with September!

I still have to update the stats from Wednesday tho, so these aren't current yet. My bad. :D

I'm doing it now!

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is it too late to join, even though I am flying solo I am struggling right now and really could use this support. I am currently 168 lbs. I have gained 4 lbs since flying solo in November 2005

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Welcome to the club LaMadam and Shari Lou!

Tell us a bit about yourselves and if you look on the list of members youll see everyones stats, if you include yours in a post with a breif blurb about yourselves, then we will get you added to the list.

This club is all about support, and all are welcome. *hugs*

Gotcha covered Nola :D

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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