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I was sleeve 4-24-12 and have never thrown up. Very little nausea too

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My breaking point was 10 years ago. While I have always battled my weight...my food addiction had taken over my life...I was working 65 hour work weeks in a demanding/stressful career, flying constantly, working through jet lag and time zone issues. My work/life balance was non existent.

I ate on the run or ordering room service and raiding the mini-bar for high carb, high fat, high sugar foods. My Water intake was almost non-existent, I drank diet coke and coffee all day, everyday.

On the outside I was a happy, bubbly, competent, highly successful career woman, with supportive parents, a large group of friends. On the inside I was slowly killing myself, as I ate my way to over 300 pounds.

I bullied myself constantly with negative self talk, that perpetuated the cycle and in turn I began to hate myself.

It wasn't just the way I looked, it was the way I felt. My health issues increased, my energy level hit rock bottom and I had to admit that I needed medical help to get my life back.

I had tried all of the standard weight loss medications and diet plans, which always worked short term for a period of time, until the weight crept back up.

I knew that I needed to have a heart to heart talk with myself and get to a place of understanding to recognize that I am not a failure for having issues with food and being overweight.

I gathered up all of the strength I could find and I got a referral to a therapist to work on the inside, so I could understand why I was self-medicating with food...as I began to work on the inside, I found someone who deserved to feel good, to live the life that I had always dreamed of.

So 8 years ago, I got the Lap Band, and lost almost 140 pounds. I kept 110 pounds off since 2004.

Due to complications, with severe acid reflux, ulcers, and band slippage, I just had the band removed and the revision to the VSG.

I am feeling great. I am down 36 pounds and love my sleeve.

What I can say is that, there is no shame in admitting that you need help to lead a healthier more fulfilling life. It takes courage to admit to ourselves that we can not do this on our own. But each of us makes choices that are right for us individually.

Know that whatever's choice you make it will be the right choice for you.

We all deserve to wake up each day with energy, optimism and an attitude that says, I feel good about the person I am on the inside and one day I will feel just as good about the person I am on the outside.

Know that you are not alone. In your darkest moments, when you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and you feel desperate and scared, there are many of us, who feel just like you and are coming out the other side, stronger, more empowered and filled with pride at what we have accomplished so far and what we will accomplish in the future.

Weight Loss Surgery may be judged by those who don't fully understand. However this forum is a safe place, a community of courageous, like minded people, who have taken a brave step forward to battle their own demons and take charge of their lives for their own health and happiness.

Obesity is not a failure of mankind, it is a symptom of the world we live in and we can overcome the challenge with determination and self-forgiveness.

For me, my breaking point was really my starting point, to self-discovery and understanding.

I am a work in progress, but I am proud of my work and my progress :0)

Please excuse the typos! I am just learning how to use my new iPad. yikes! :0)

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My breaking point to decide on the surgery was when I was rushed to the emergency room with chest pain and shortness of breath. They thought I was having a heart attack. I am only 28 years old and to have what they think was a heart attack was very scary. I have three young children and a husband I want to be able to grow old with. When I went for my follow up with my pmd and they had to weigh me and saw what the scale said I knew it was time for a change. 305lbs is not where i want to be. My whole life I have been on the heavy side but since I have had children it has only gotten worse. I am so scared that I will just balloon like my father Dad (RIP). I know I have to do something. I have done all the yoyo diets and exercising I have joined so many gyms. I have my second guesses where i will sit at night when everyone is sleeping and ask myself is this really what you want? My answer is always YES because it is something I HAVE to do to make sure I am around to watch my kids grow.

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I also tried all the diets. I did Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, diet pills, even joined a gym, etc. I would always lose 15 lbs and then gain it all back and then some. I would always exercise and then stop one day and never do it again. I was so tired of all the crap. I would always make everyone stay inside and not go anywhere because of how I looked. I was scared of being made fun of. I was tired of living this way. It was wrong of me to make my family suffer along with me.

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My breaking point was being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I had not considered surgery before that, but within six weeks I was sleeved. I don't consider it an elective procedure, I feel that it is saving my life.

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My breaking point came the first of last summer. I was in terrible pain, anxious and panicky and depressed all the time. I was on a total of 21 meds. I was out of my mind. I couldn't think two solid thoughts in a row. I had taken the kids (4 of them) to town with me, got them something to eat and came back home. We had been in the house 15 or so min. and I noticed the youngest (3 at the time) missing. Then it hit me..he had not came in. I almost passed out on the spot. I ran outside and he was still strapped into his car seat (he had fell asleep). He was soaking wet, screaming and had thrown up everywhere. When he looked up at me he snubbed "mama, why did you leave me." I grabbed him and ran screaming into the house. It got my husband's attention and he helped me undress him and wash him to get him cool. All I could keep saying was "I could have killed my baby." I can honestly say, I believe I would have killed myself if anything had of happened to him. After I made completely sure he was fine and got myself calmed down somewhat; I went back out and ripped the car-seats out of the van and threw them across the yard. I immediately replaced them with booster seats. I made sure that they could all get out of the vehicle alone from that point on. I called and made an appointment with my PCP that afternoon. At that point I was not sure what I was going to do, but I knew I could not continue as I was. I am happy to say that now I do not take any meds at all. It really is a miracle. But no matter how much better I get, nothing could ever erase that day. I had a crushing pain and guilt in my chest while I sat here typing this. I could have very easily caused the death of one of my children. How could a mother ever get over that...

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My breaking point was having to tell my 5 year old nephew that I adore that I couldn't come to his birthday party. I was too embarrassed to go knowing I would be the fat man everyone stared at. Add in everything else I haven't done over the past few years and enough was enough.

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My breaking point came the first of last summer. I was in terrible pain, anxious and panicky and depressed all the time. I was on a total of 21 meds. I was out of my mind. I couldn't think two solid thoughts in a row. I had taken the kids (4 of them) to town with me, got them something to eat and came back home. We had been in the house 15 or so min. and I noticed the youngest (3 at the time) missing. Then it hit me..he had not came in. I almost passed out on the spot. I ran outside and he was still strapped into his car seat (he had fell asleep). He was soaking wet, screaming and had thrown up everywhere. When he looked up at me he snubbed "mama, why did you leave me." I grabbed him and ran screaming into the house. It got my husband's attention and he helped me undress him and wash him to get him cool. All I could keep saying was "I could have killed my baby." I can honestly say, I believe I would have killed myself if anything had of happened to him. After I made completely sure he was fine and got myself calmed down somewhat; I went back out and ripped the car-seats out of the van and threw them across the yard. I immediately replaced them with booster seats. I made sure that they could all get out of the vehicle alone from that point on. I called and made an appointment with my PCP that afternoon. At that point I was not sure what I was going to do, but I knew I could not continue as I was. I am happy to say that now I do not take any meds at all. It really is a miracle. But no matter how much better I get, nothing could ever erase that day. I had a crushing pain and guilt in my chest while I sat here typing this. I could have very easily caused the death of one of my children. How could a mother ever get over that...

Oh my goodness... my heart goes out to you! I was in tears and gasping as I read your post. I have an almost 5 year old daughter and the very thought makes me nauseated. I am so glad you got the help you needed to change your life! Hugs to you!!!

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My breaking point.. Well over a year and a half ago I started the process with my insurance, at my 5 month of the 6th month requirements I lost job so bye bye surgery. I thought to myself I've lost 60lbs on my own following the nuts program so I can do this! I get to a total of 90lbs lost from my person and another 160 lost by getting out of a bad relationship and guess what, the weight started piling back on! When I started the insurance process I had a BMI of 45 with some comorbities. About a month ago I started feeling really disgusted with myself. I was fat all thru middle school, high school, and now my 20's. In 6 months I will be 30 and REFUSE to keep being fat! I took my kids to cedar point 2 years ago and couldnt fit in not 1 seat to ride anything! How frustrating, and I never really thought I was that big. I always had this thing that if I ever hit 300 lbs I would sew my mouth closed! I got on the scale about 2 weeks ago now, I am 8lbs from 300. I keep repeating to myself that this isnt happening! My bmi now is 50.68. I have had ENOUGH! I am currently researching surgeons in Mexico. No more waiting and no more putting it off! I'm only waiting long enough to afford my self pay surgery and thats it. It's time for me to start living and being happy. I cannot survive like this!! I have reached the point of no return so I have decided to stick with my decision to get sleeved and to start enjoying life, since it seems I have missed out on alot being fat, not having energy, and being depressed...

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My breaking point (when I decided to start looking into surgery) happened in February when my younger brother and his wife announced their pregnancy.

I am 18 months older than my brother. He has been married for 7 years and is now starting a family. At 30 (now 31) years old, I feel that I have allowed life to pass me by. I have never been in a long-term relationship. I am nowhere near getting married and having children, something I long to do very, very, very badly.

I made the choice to have this surgery because I was sick of letting my weight hold me back. I will be sleeved in November, but (with the help of this amazing site) I have already begun making huge changes in my life. I am ready to love myself and to allow someone else to love me.

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Getting "let go" from the best job I've had in years for being too fat. My new boss thought I was "bad for the image of the company."

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What was the final breaking point that made you decide to go through with this drastic change? WHat made you decide that "this is worth it"? I'm so scared' date=' but I just don't think I can go on like this anymore. Like everyone here, I've tried a million things and I just need to do something. Is this it?

I'm going to one of the informational meetings on Tuesday to see what they have to say. I've been reading this site and I am so jealous of the progress everyone has made. It's just amazing.

My biggest enemy here is going to be me because #1 I can't make decisions, #2 - I am terrified... TERRIFIED of throwing up and from what I've read you just better be ready to throw up at anytime for any reason. Is it worth it? I don't know... thus problem #1.


My breaking point was how much my body hurt all over. I was sick of it and knew I needed help if I was going to be successful. Learn everything you can. Knowledge is power and it will help calm your nerves.

About throwing up. I'm 4 weeks postop and haven't thrown up once. I know someone who had surgery in March and she has never thrown up. You need to pay close attention to the signals your body is giving you that you are full. Listen to it and stop eating and you shouldn't throw up.

Also, I have lots of information on my blog especially in the side bars. You will need to view it on a laptop or desktop to see it properly.

Good luck to you in your journey. The people here are wonderful. Don't hesitate to hang out here and ask any question you may have.

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My breaking point was all my medical issues due to being almost 300lbs. Borderline diabetic, severe sleep apnea, high BP, achy body all over. I couldn't breathe just putting on my socks. Now 4 1/2 months postop all all of my issues are GONE. I am a new man. I have lost close to 70lbs total. Have never thrown up but like others have said. Listen to your body and the warning signs when you get full. But for those of you who are nervous or scared or not sure what surgery to get, the sleeve is the way to go in my opinion. It will change your life and yes it's not easy at first but as time goes by it gets better and better.

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Wow, your stories are hitting home like you wouldn't believe. I needed to hear that the surgery isn't taking the "easy" road but is taking the road to living.

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What was the final breaking point that made you decide to go through with this drastic change? WHat made you decide that "this is worth it"? I'm so scared, but I just don't think I can go on like this anymore. Like everyone here, I've tried a million things and I just need to do something. Is this it?

I'm going to one of the informational meetings on Tuesday to see what they have to say. I've been reading this site and I am so jealous of the progress everyone has made. It's just amazing.

My biggest enemy here is going to be me because #1 I can't make decisions, #2 - I am terrified... TERRIFIED of throwing up and from what I've read you just better be ready to throw up at anytime for any reason. Is it worth it? I don't know... thus problem #1.


When my husband looked at me and said, "I don't want to lose you because of your weight." (meaning health issues), I knew it was time.

I can't tell you weather WLS is right for you or not, but let me tell you a little about my story and why I chose this route:

I have been overweight since I was 8 years old. I went on my first diet when I was 10. I reached obesity by the time I was 16 and I have not seen under 250 lbs in my entire adult life (I am 36). I have been on every diet known to man, and some that were pretty far out. For well over 20 years I have been in a cycle of lose 10, gain 15. Lose 10, gain 20. Lose 10 gain 25 . . . see where I'm headed with this?

WLS has been in my brain since 2004, when my mom had the lap-band procedure done. Then I felt the way many people do now about WLS: that it was a cop-out, the "easy" way out. I'd make fun of my mom behind her back for all the things that came along with the lap-band (she couldn't belch normally and would make a deep moaning sound instead). That being said, on lap-band, my mother has lost 80 lbs and stalled. She has been the same weight for 5 years, which would be okay except she still has another 50-60 to go. After reading the differences in the band and the sleeve, I decided to go with the sleeve because of the chance of less complications and maintenance later on in life (98 in a rest home, with a band??).

Also, keep in mind that everyone's experiences are different with WLS. I've known people that couldn't tolerate anything for years after surgery, and some that could eat whatever they want. I've heard of people throwing up a lot, and some that can keep everything down fine. They're experiences may not be yours. Yes there are chances, but everything we do in life is a chance. There's a greater chance of you dying from being obese than there is of you dying on the operating table, though.

My advice to you is research, research, research. Make sure that whatever choice you make, weather to have the surgery or not, that it is the best informed choice you can possibly make for yourself.

Good luck!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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