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I Just Had Surgery 6.12.2012 But I Haven't Lost Any Weight?!?

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(I should note: My highest weight ever, in life, was 293. That number is listed on my profile information. I lost weight when I went Vegan, then had to lose more for surgery. I was 227 when weighed at the hospital the day of surgery. I am 227 this morning.)

I had surgery on Tuesday, June 12th of 2012 at Buffalo General Hospital.

My surgeon was Dr. Alan Posner.

My situation is different for several reasons:

First, I'm Vegan. I've been Vegetarian since the age of 4 (going on 32 now), and Vegan since 6.15.2010. Dr. Posner had told me prior to the surgery that he wanted to make my sleeve bigger than usual, because of being vegan. He also stated that he would not have considered me for a gastric bypass, because of being vegan. There were concerns about nutrition and absorption- so that choice was out of my hands. The only area that I have not been perfectly vegan in, is vitamins/medications. It is near impossible to avoid all animal products with the medications I take..

Second, I have other medical issues going on (I need back surgery as soon as I heal up from this, for starters). They found a hiatal hernia during the endoscopy that was a part of pre-op testing. When Dr. Posner went to repair the hernia during the sleeve surgery, it was apparently "stuck." Dr. Posner told my husband that it appeared to have been there for quite some time, and that he really had to yank to get it out (the part of my stomach that had slipped through a hole in my diaphragm- that is a hiatal hernia).

Then, he said all my organs were "squished" together in an abnormal way. Additionally, my spleen was bigger on top than on the bottom, and not sitting in the normal position. He had to hold it to the side through the entire surgery, and due to that, the outer casing of my spleen cracked ever-so-slightly. (So, not necessarily his fault, my body is abnormal).. Usually spleens are hyper-bleeders, but since it was an itty bitty crack on the outermost layer, he claims there were only two drops of blood and they patched it right away with some kind of fibrous lining (I cannot recall the technical name of what he said).

Besides the pre-existing severe back pain, the hiatal hernia issue, and the spleen incident- apparently my diaphragm muscle started to bleed on the opposite side of where the hernia was when the last laparoscopic port was going to be closed- so more stitching. Meaning, I got stitched on *both* sides of my diaphragm muscle (equates to more pain) because of the hiatal hernia and then the muscle bleed.

Now, to be fair to the doctor and in respect of full disclosure- I had gained weight prior to surgery. My Grand-mother died unexpectedly. She had been in spectacular health; I fully expected her to be a centenarian. She was the woman who raised me, and my only real parent. I did not take her passing well at all (so-called family forced her to be dehydrated and starved to death and dared to call it a 'compassionate choice'. It was the most traumatizing thing I have ever been through to watch her be killed. I thank God, and her, that I was the one holding her hand and singing Amazing Grace to her when she passed). Emotional eating ensued.

I called the office to tell them I had fallen off the wagon, and was told to just get back on program, and come in on May 29th to see where I was, and we'd go from there. I was prepared for that. But instead, a few days later I suddenly got a call from Leslie (Dr. Posner's secretary) informing me that my insurance company had approved my surgery and that my surgery date was going to be June 12th, that May 29th would now be my final weigh-in appointment, AND that if I was even ONE pound over on that weigh-in appointment, that my surgery would be CANCELLED.

Needless to say, I PANICKED. I had worked almost NINE months to get this surgery- I couldn't let all that hard work and time be thrown away now! So, I drastically reduced food intake and began walking despite enormous amounts of pain (due to my back). I thought that I had to make a miracle happen if I wanted this surgery. Leslie told me that if I was so much as ONE POUND over, MY SURGERY WOULD BE CANCELLED. She did NOT tell me if it was cancelled that it could be easily rescheduled when I got the weight down.

Dr. Posner believes and says that I made assumptions, and that the entire situation was misinterpretation on my part, and stressed repeatedly that "no one in his office told me to starve myself." Dr. Posner was so personally frustrated that he raised his voice and (I felt) demeaned me upon hearing I had starved myself prior to surgery (at my first post-op appointment). He got so loud and animated that he felt the need to shut the door at one point, and the nurse tried to console me and my husband after the encounter, telling us repeatedly that "You handled yourself beautifully" and "I'm so sorry."

To his credit, he attempted to apologize on the phone when a question had to be called in. I did not even want to speak to him- I had my husband call, I originally had NO intention of ever speaking to him again and was fully prepared to seek alternate post-op care. However, after my husband called in the question, and then Dr. Posner called my cell phone. He did attempt an apology, but it was the kind of apology where the person says, sorry I got frustrated- but everything I said and did was really justified. Felt gross to me, though his tone of voice seemed sincere.

***Additionally in Dr. Posner's defense (this part added Saturday evening, 6.23.2012) .. He has the added pressure and responsibility that if something goes wrong it affects his practice- and if something were to go wrong because I was undernourished at the time of surgery without his knowledge; it would put him in a bad spot. I spoke with him again tonight. He called back within 5 minutes, and even took a moment to ask me how I felt and how my eating was going. I think the entire situation described earlier in this post was an unfortunate misunderstanding. I like his overall disposition. He takes the medical aspect of everything very seriously, but also usually has an upbeat demeanor with a few dry delivery jokes (endearing).

*AND NOW* for the REAL insanity........


Depressing much??? Beyond.

Dr. Posner says this is because I starved myself prior to surgery. Okay, I can buy that to explain the crazy weight gain Feasible. However, I am now 11 days out from surgery, and only just now got back DOWN to the weight I was immediately PRIOR to surgery!!! SO*** that means I have literally not lost one net pound yet!!!

And all the while, I am VEGAN and have been Only been ingesting a soy based Protein shake (prepared with light soy milk), pureed vegetable Soup (only since the post-op appt when I was told I could progress to pureed), real fruit frozen bars (in lieu of 100% fruit juice,because I couldn't find sugar free vegan frozen pops- so the nutritionists agreed that was an acceptable trade off)....


OH* AND- I *ALWAYS* feel hungry! Which was the MAIN reason I had wanted surgery- to NOT feel hungry!!! I thought that would give me a fighting chance... But no- I STILL >always< feel hungry. And my stomach FEELS HUGE INSIDE. Now, clearly that could just be a weird physical feeling- however, I'm really nervous since Dr. Posner said prior to surgery that he was planning on making my sleeve larger just because I'm vegan.. that maybe it IS too big. What if the part of the stomach that produces ghrelin (hormone that tells your brain you're hungry)- what if that part of my stomach didn't get removed?? (I will have to remember to ask this particular question at my next appointment).

I'm desperately afraid that I've gotten this surgery for nothing- that I will still have to work as hard as ever to lose the weight with no ascertainable benefit from getting major surgery.

I mean, I'm only on liquids and all I've been able to do is break even as far as weight goes!


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Ok, I am not an expert in anyway. But just wanted to comment on your story.

For starters, sorry you have had to deal with a ton on this journey.

So, as you will see in many threads already posted, you are swollen and retaining Water. Lots of people gain weight after surgery for a few weeks. You shouldn't even have the scale out at all.

This hunger may be a side effect of acid, I just posted a thread on this. It mimics hunger and you think you are hungry. Are you on an acid reducer? If not, get on one.

It may also simply be head hunger, where your brain thinks you are hungry and should eat while your stomach disagrees.

Getting in your Water may greatly reduce the feeling of hunger as well, you are supposed to be aiming for 60ish oz (depending on whatever your NUT told you -- mine is 70oz.).

Hang in there.

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I also came home 10 pounds heavier after surgery and lost my first pound quite some time after that.In addition to that I had gained 20 pounds before surgery (in the month before)

You will have to breathe and be patient.Follow your plan and dont weigh every day,for at least 2 weeks.I believe you will lose weight just like I did.

Stop stressing about it (easier said than done I know) Just keep chugging Water and stick to the food plan you were given.It is only now in month 3 that my weightloss is speeding up.

Even though you have other issues,try and just relax and let the sleeve do its work.No one on such low calories will stay the same weight,that I can guarantee you.

Good luck and do post when you start lsoing.You will feel the anxiety disappear as the weight comes off and the more I have relaxed the more I have lost.You will too.


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Thanks for responding.

Water weight would make sense for a few days, maybe even a week-- but 11 days after surgery??

I am getting all my liquid in, and my vegan soy Protein shake. Doctor has me on papaya for acid relief.

So did you experience this weight gain/lack of weight loss immediately after surgery too?

Ok, I am not an expert in anyway. But just wanted to comment on your story.

For starters, sorry you have had to deal with a ton on this journey.

So, as you will see in many threads already posted, you are swollen and retaining Water. Lots of people gain weight after surgery for a few weeks. You shouldn't even have the scale out at all.

This hunger may be a side effect of acid, I just posted a thread on this. It mimics hunger and you think you are hungry. Are you on an acid reducer? If not, get on one.

It may also simply be head hunger, where your brain thinks you are hungry and should eat while your stomach disagrees.

Getting in your water may greatly reduce the feeling of hunger as well, you are supposed to be aiming for 60ish oz (depending on whatever your NUT told you -- mine is 70oz.).

Hang in there.

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Just saw your post- thatnk you SO much for responding. It is *very* helpful to know I am not alone.


I also came home 10 pounds heavier after surgery and lost my first pound quite some time after that.In addition to that I had gained 20 pounds before surgery (in the month before)

You will have to breathe and be patient.Follow your plan and dont weigh every day,for at least 2 weeks.I believe you will lose weight just like I did.

Stop stressing about it (easier said than done I know) Just keep chugging Water and stick to the food plan you were given.It is only now in month 3 that my weightloss is speeding up.

Even though you have other issues,try and just relax and let the sleeve do its work.No one on such low calories will stay the same weight,that I can guarantee you.

Good luck and do post when you start lsoing.You will feel the anxiety disappear as the weight comes off and the more I have relaxed the more I have lost.You will too.


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I have heard of people going a whole month without losing in the beginning. I didn't have that experience. I didn't lose any weight during my Protein shake only two week pre-op diet and then lost 15 pounds after surgery within the first week. I think it was just my body trying to hold out and be stubborn and finally gave up.

It will happen, it will just take some time :)

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Thanks again to both of you for replying to my original post, and I just wanted to let you know that I edited the post this evening (in purple). Hopefully I can keep up with this site. I think this group online allows us to offer great support to others that understand and have been there!

I have heard of people going a whole month without losing in the beginning. I didn't have that experience. I didn't lose any weight during my Protein shake only two week pre-op diet and then lost 15 pounds after surgery within the first week. I think it was just my body trying to hold out and be stubborn and finally gave up.

It will happen, it will just take some time :)


I also came home 10 pounds heavier after surgery and lost my first pound quite some time after that.In addition to that I had gained 20 pounds before surgery (in the month before)

You will have to breathe and be patient.Follow your plan and dont weigh every day,for at least 2 weeks.I believe you will lose weight just like I did.

Stop stressing about it (easier said than done I know) Just keep chugging Water and stick to the food plan you were given.It is only now in month 3 that my weightloss is speeding up.

Even though you have other issues,try and just relax and let the sleeve do its work.No one on such low calories will stay the same weight,that I can guarantee you.

Good luck and do post when you start lsoing.You will feel the anxiety disappear as the weight comes off and the more I have relaxed the more I have lost.You will too.


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Thanks be to God above!... I weighed in at 225.0 this morning! FINALLY, *twelve* days after surgery I have SOMETHING to show for all this pain!

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To SaraBee323

I am so sorry the amount of pain you endured til now. I pray things will continue to get better. I have never heard of being rediculed and belittled by your surgeon. Personally, I would have retained a new surgeon, even if I had to start over. If for nothing else but the peace of mind of the support of the surgeon and his staff. Please keep us posted on your progress. We are here for you. Tina

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Thanks Tina, for caring and writing.

It didn't occur till the first pre-op appt.. He is actually pretty personable, more so than most doctors I've encountered. Needless to say, I was very taken offguard. But I don't know. Doctor or not, we're all human. I imagine trying to get a new doctor to do my post op care would be awkward.. Sometimes it's easier to just work through things, I don't know.

To SaraBee323

I am so sorry the amount of pain you endured til now. I pray things will continue to get better. I have never heard of being rediculed and belittled by your surgeon. Personally, I would have retained a new surgeon, even if I had to start over. If for nothing else but the peace of mind of the support of the surgeon and his staff. Please keep us posted on your progress. We are here for you. Tina

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I ended up in the hospital twice this week. Nausea and pain to the point of not being able to get the bare minimum fluids in. Hoping to go home later today on stronger anti-nausea and antacid meds. The IV fluids and antinausea/antacid meds have helped tremendously. I hope that I can get to normal life soon. I have two classes from the Spring semester that I still have to finish (have extensions- but one class is supposed to be over next week, meanwhile I have 3 papers to finish for it!). I'm discouraged and don't know if I can do it. The recovery was more difficult than I had anticipated. I watched my best friend (who lives across the street from me) get the surgery in late January and recover extremely well..

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This is my first post on this site. :) I also had my surgery by Dr. Posner. Mine was May 1st. We have some things in common. I too gained a bit of weight before surgery. Having a breakdown in the room at my last pre-op weigh in appt. I actually gained about 18 lbs but got it down to 9 by that appt. the PA told me he is probably going to cancel. Oh boy did I start falling apart. I had been sick before and was chugging bottles of cold medicine and everything else. 2 antibiotics and steroids later I was finally better. But I had pretty nasty broncitius. I also had the risk of him canceling because of the steroids. You can't have those too close to surgery. Well she came back after going to look for him and he said it was ok. He would not cancel. I guess it was because my body fat had gone down though since my last visit, so he saw improvement still. Perhaps that is a factor in him not canceling yours.

Now I am so greatfull to not have had any recovery problems. He sent me home the next day because I was doing "too well". Lol. I was driving the next day, shhh... And went back to work a week later. P.s. I am nuts, I'm a hairstylist! I at times wasn't sure what to think of him. Day of surgery, He is all business. But I find him funny. Now, It wasn't until my one week Post op appt that I found him to be wonderful and kind. I left there wanting to be his friend. He talked to me a lot and even sat with me in the hall chatting until the NUT was ready for me. But the biggest thing that I hate is that I won't ever see him a again for appts.

I will tell you this. We are so lucky to have had him as a surgeon though. I did no research on him prior to surgery but have since. But the biggest thing for me is that I have several clients that work at BGH and know him. Every one of them has nothing but wonderful things to say about him. One in particular, She worked with him in his operating room for many years and said, but told me not to tell him, lol, that he truly is the be liproscopic surgeon in the area. So in that respect we did well.

Now the weight loss part.... It sucks! Like you again, I'm super limited as to what I can do for exercise. I have a torn ACL along with some other ripped up stuff in my knee. Going upstairs is the worst. I just turned 30 and I can hardly make it up them. I've tried to go for walks and like the last time, I limped and was in pain for 4 days. I'm having surgery for it end of September. So until then the weight lost is crazy slow. I'm 9 weeks post op and in the whole 2nd month I only lost 7 lbs. I feel like I'm wasting all of the good weeks. The ones where I should be the most productive. But it is what it is and i have to tell myself (and believe it) that I wouldn't have lost it otherwise.

Do I feel hunger still? I swear I was starving in the hospital. And this is not head hunger. Although that is rough. I do feel like I am, I wouldn't say getting over it, but it has gotten so much better. But I really do feel hunger. When I went for my one month post op I told them that, but she just got on my case about the fact that I wasn't hardly eating. I did notice when I first started adding calories the scale moved. I have a hard time getting in liquids. In this heat I've been drinking Powerade zero. I don't want to dehydrate. But the hunger is there. I have talked asked other sleevers that I talk to on Facebook and it sounds very common. I will say that it has gotten much better. Maybe because I am used to it now. Where before I was so upset because I didn't think I was suppose to feel it. Dr. Posner told my mom that he feels very confident that I will lose 10 lbs a month. He said to me that I will lose at least 100 lbs in a year.

Oh did I mention that I too had the hernia? He found it during surgery. I guess he always looks for them. Sounds like he was surprised that I had it because i had no signs of it before.

Anyway, I'm sorry that this is soooo long! Lol. But I love that there is someone that knows the same people at the doc office, someone that, unfortunately, is going through and feeling the same things I am, And lives in the same town as I do!

If you ever want to chat off this board that would be awesome. I believe there is a way to send a message privately. I could give you contact info through that.

Hope to talk to you soon!

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Did you ask your doc what size your bougie is? Because of all the IV Fluid you can expect to gain Water weight. In 11 days you lost the water weight, now you will start losing. As far as starving yourself, I was on a 2 week liquid diet (isnt that starving myself, too)? I really dont understand what the doc was making such a big deal over that was about. Focus on drinking water, getting your Protein in and walking. I have only lost 10 pounds in three weeks post op. It is frustrating but I am at least losing and not gaining!

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What a nightmare. Every additional factor complicates the recovery, and you have had quite the run of unexpected issues. It was good to read the update, that you've lost weight. That's got to be a bit of encouragement.

I wanted to say that everyone is different in how we respond to the "insult" of surgery, and in your case, the complications from surgery itself are not to be taken lightly. But in the overall scheme of things, you're going in the right direction, and that's all that matters.

Research in reputable, peer reviewed journals (not just anecdotal/experiential postings on the internet) suggest that it takes 4 - 6 weeks for the swelling and trauma from surgery to completely disappear. In that time, depending on the former eating habits of the individual, the body may compensate for the sudden lack of food by becoming super efficient - squeezing the life out of every single calorie and hanging on to the fat stores. This equals weight gain and/or no net weight loss in the early days. This is not everyone's experience, but it isn't uncommon. The average healthy sustainable weight loss is 8-10 pounds/month. Again, individually this varies, but this is considered the optimum. If you lose more, great. If you lose less, the average over time generally works out to... you guessed it, 8 - 10 pounds per month. ;) And lastly, those individuals who do not keep a scale at home do better overall both physically and emotionally than those who weigh daily/weekly. One study found that individuals who had a regular monthly weigh in with an objective source had better levels of emotional and psychological health than those who kept scales at home. And, those who kept scales at home had a harder time breaking emotional eating habits because their moods rose/fell depending on what the scale said. They experienced more mood instability, which is a common trigger for emotional eating.

As a former "weigh everyday" person, I can tell you personally that getting rid of the scale at home was the hardest and the best thing I ever did. Now, I don't think about my weight like that at all. I go to the doctor for my monthly check up, weigh in, and see whether my guess (of total pounds lost) is close. I usually aim for 5 - 8 pounds, and so far, every weigh in has been at least that if not more.

Keep at it Sarabee323 - as long as you're headed in the right direction, the time it takes to get there is irrelevant. It will certainly take less time to lose the weight than how long you have lived with it. This is a good thing. :P

Be encouraged - it gets better.


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Seriously... You have a lot of nerve to come on here and publically bash Dr. Posner like that.. Posner did my sleeve on July 17th 2012... I have the utmost respect for that man.. Not only did he change my life, but he saved it as well.. What he gave you was a GIFT!!! You were given the gift to start fresh and live the life you should be living.. Is it his fault that you gained weight before surgery??? No it is not!!! If you cant show him that you can keep a few pounds off for a bit, then why in the hell should he trust that you will do the right thing post-op!!! You have a lot to learn!!! Im sure Dr. Posner reads these posts, and lm sure that he probably knows exactly who you are, which makes it stupid for you bad mouth him like this after all he has done for you.. I feel that you are ungrateful, and disrespectful... With the attitude that you have, you should have just went to Sisters Hospital... You were operated on by the BEST there is... You are a jerk!!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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