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What Will Happen If I Don't Follow The 2 Week Preopp Diet?

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I'm worried about mine it's 3 week pre op diet 3 weeks of just Protein shakes the last time I was on a all liquid diet was 39 years ago and I'm 40 now! I know it's going to be hard but I'm ready to give it my best shot.

ROTFL!!!! I really appreciate your humor, especially on a topic that's as worrisome as this one. Thanks for lightening up the mood!

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The preop diet is to shrink your liver. The length is probably based on the amount of weight you have to lose. You should not cheat on this, if you do you will find yourself attempting to cheat post op. You may encounter complications also. If you want to eat on the preop liquid diet, perhaps you are not ready to go through with this surgery at all. It is only yourself you are hurting in the long run. You have to have the mindset that you are going to have to make severe changes in your eating habits, before and after. It starts with pre op.

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If your doctor put you on the diet, you should follow it. Mine was Protein shakes and nothing else. Now I don't eat anything like I did before. Things simply have to change and the surgery is not magic. It is a tool. Yes the pre-op was harder, but it puts you in the right frame of mind.

It more than shrinking your liver. It's getting you in tune for what lies ahead. I little tiny cheat is fine. We all do it, but dropping the whole diet is a no go IMO. My surgeon would not have done the surgery.

This is not judgment. I come from the suck it up and do it philosophy. It's what I should have done before I got so obese, but I simply refused to put my mind to it. I could kick myself for not doing what I was supposed to.

I'm fine now, but I wasted 10 years of my life and have done irreversible damage to myself.

Starting out right just ensures that you will finish a winner.

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I'm ALL for bluntness when the need arises, but saying someone isn't ready for surgery just because they are struggling w/the pre-op diet is just not fair. I don't hear him saying he isn't following it, but that the occasional cheating is really difficult. That is WHY we have this surgery, to have a tool to HELP us with our will power.

I am confident he will do just fine.

If your doctor put you on the diet, you simply do it. If you can't handle it, Then I personally do not think you are ready for the surgery. That of course is my opinion. I don't eat anything like I did before. Things simply have to change and the surgery is not magic. It is a tool.

It more than shrinking your liver. It's getting you in tune for what lies ahead. I little tiny cheat is fine. We all do it, but dropping the whole diet is a no go. If I was your surgeon and didn't see some weight loss, I wouldn't do the surgery. My surgeon would not have done the surgery and sent me back to the psychologist.

You say you don't want judgement, only support? What are we supposed to tell you? The truth or what you want to hear? Compared to mine, the post that offended you was less blunt and actually kind.

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He we go. Cheating a bit is fine. Not following the diet at all is not a good way to start. I went back and edited my post so it wouldn't be so harsh, but I am of the suck it up and do what you have to do mentality. For years I never bothered do do anything about my weight and I did irreparable damage to myself. I lied to myself. I ruined myself.

I'm just cautioning people not to lie to themselves. not following the surgeons orders in not okay. Most will not do the surgery when there is no progress.

It didn't sound like a struggle. It sounded like dropping the pre-op.

"If I eat during these two weeks, will I still be able to have the surgery?"

But then if by eating through the two weeks means just cheating a bit, then I stand corrected.

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Maybe you aren't ready for surgery. It's hard, but it's for the rest of your life. You can do it, and you will be so ready for the changes you will be going through after two weeks of following that diet.... Not to mention greatly reducing the dangers of a fatty liver during surgery. Focus on the goal and congratulations on getting sleeved soon!

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Have you tried "doctoring" your shakes up? Does he have you guys using the Bariatric fusion ones still? When I had my band with him the pre-op diet was 2 days of sugar free liquids, and maybe since I was a revision he just had me do the same before my sleeve, so I'm not completely sure what his other pre-op diets look like now.

If you can add SF ingredients, try some of the DaVinci or Torani syrups. They really make all the difference in the world. Or you can try some PB2 (if allowed). I buy mine online, but the best local selection I've found is at World Market in Westport (for the syrups) and Price Chopper usually has the PB2.< /p>

To chocolate Protein try adding:

PB2 and a squirt of SF PB Syrup - tastes reasonably close to a peanut butter/chocolate treat.

SF Khalua syrup, and blend with ice - nice "mudslide".

SF Salted Caramel syrup - just yum.

To vanilla Protein try adding:

PB2, a squit of SF PB syrup, and a squirt of SF strawberry syrup - PBJ. :)

A squirt of SF White chocolate syrup, and a squirt of SF Cookie Dough syrup. White chocolate cookie.

Low sugar OJ (if you can have it), half packet of Splenda, tsp of SF vanilla pudding, blend with ice - orange julius.

^ not sure how those taste when blended with Water, I use skim extra milk. If you can't make those additions now, they might still help for the first several weeks post-op before you're able to get all your protein in through regular foods.

These are great ideas. I have Torani SF in lemon, orange, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, almond roca and a half dozen others. I also use 2% milk and sometime 6 oz of coffee mixed with 2 oz of milk.

I also use powder SF Jello pudding and Gelatin as flavorings. Ever had a pistachio or chocolate mint shake? they can be so good.

During my pre-op I interspersed those with broth or used the packaged egg drop Soup that is only 30 calories for a 1 cup serving and 35 for half the egg. The whole package makes 2 cups and uses on egg.

In between those, get all your Water (or iced tea or crystal light, etc.) down.

Just drink all the time and you might not feel so hungry.

P.S. Don't make those shakes with water.

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Let's put things into perspective here. A low sugar, liquid pre-op diet shrinks your liver but it does other things as well:

  • No solids or residues in the digestive tract. Any time a surgeon is going to be cutting into any part of your GI system, you really, really don't want any solid matter in there.
  • It can have a benefit when dealing with post-op nausea - it's easier and generally more pleasant to expel liquids.< br />
  • It helps you get properly hydrated before a major surgical procedure.
  • Better hydrated you are, the easier/quicker your recovery will be.
  • Reduces liver size AND clears the colon.
  • Body does not have to work hard to digest whatever is in the system.

Is cheating on a pre-op diet OK? Sure, if you're OK with any of the above having the potential to be compromised. It's your surgery, and your risk to take. But if you ask for opinions, you have to accept that they are going to come from all directions. If you're looking for a particular answer, then save people the time and put that in your topic. That's only fair. ("You" is not a reference to anyone in particular, but just a general comment to this entire thread.)

(To be fair, I have to insert a little warning here - I'm inserting this after the post was all written because I sort of soap-boxed... and lots of people here don't like me very much because I'm blunt/opinionated/know-it-all/adjective of choice... so if "I" am not your "thing" or you don't care for my messages or my body ain't that bootylicious or whatever, then bow out now because I'm sooo going there again...)

I get both sides of it. I really do. On one hand - if you can't even make it through two weeks (or whatever), what are you going to do for the rest of your life? On the flip side, you don't have enforced will power or surgical exorcism to take help with your caloric demons, you're still feeling hungry (physically or mentally), and let's face it -- there's usually a healthy dose of "poor me" thrown in there somewhere. Keeping food away from a fat person is like the worst thing ever! (Said in my best ommigod voice). Yes, that's facetious, but not entirely...

We have this mechanism called "cognitive distortion" that makes not ok things be ok, or ok things be horrible, or whatever. Example: Ugh, traffic was HORRIBLE!!! No. Traffic may have been worse than yesterday, but it wasn't horrible. A building full of babies and puppies and Ryan Reynolds burning to the ground - that's HORRIBLE. Traffic ain't **** compared to that. But when you give yourself permission to tell yourself it is, then you're giving yourself permission to believe it.

What does an enflamed (not flaming!) Ryan Reynolds have to do with us, here, now?

Us obese folks are master manipulators through cognitive distortion. "Well, I've already had a piece of gum... there goes that diet... I'll just start fresh tomorrow and have this cheesecake since after tomorrow I'll never eat it again..." Raise your hand if you've been there, because I certainly have. Most people who have insurance, or can self pay, or have Internet access (which in some way, shape, or form should cover most people here) have no idea what real hunger is like. We've never, truly been hungry. We have felt hunger, but we don't know it the way that people who are actually starving know it (but look how meaninglessly we throw around phrases like, "I'm starving!") But we blow our little NERF hunger pebbles into gigantic boulders. And it's all thank to the "stinking thinking" we permit ourselves to have.

Being faithful to a pre-op diet is hard. But it is finite, and you know exactly when it will end. Haven't you ever thought to yourself, "If I could just do something for two weeks, and know that at the end of it I would ne skinnier/healthier/richer/sexier/whatever, I would do it?" So why is this si hard? It's important to keep away from the cognitive distortions that are going to make "cheating" OK. Is cheating OK? Not really my place to say. But I know that my sleeve surgery was worth the sincere effort & compliance. Pre-op was a great detox, and a good opportunity for a little introspection.

I'm not going to tell someone it's "OK" to knowingly "cheat" in a pre-op diet. I believe in the function/purpose of the pre-op diet, and if I tell them it's OK to cheat, I'm also telling them it's not their fault if their surgery has to be revised to an open procedure, or cancelled, or takes longer because the liver was too large, or... whatever. I'm not that much of an enabler. But I'm also not going to put the smack-down on someone for eating a Cheetoh.

Cheating on pre-op comes up as a topic quite frequently. It's unfortunate for the people who are truly just wondering, because I think they tend to get lumped in with the others who are looking for affirmation/justification of their bad behaviors. The problem is - it's really hard to tell the two apart. :(

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Guess what I saw this weekend! Torani makes BACON flavored syrup! I'm sooo not kidding...

But it's not SF. And I don't really like bacon.

These are great ideas. I have Torani SF in lemon, orange, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, almond roca and a half dozen others. I also use 2% milk and sometime 6 oz of coffee mixed with 2 oz of milk.

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Guess what I saw this weekend! Torani makes BACON flavored syrup! I'm sooo not kidding...

But it's not SF. And I don't really like bacon.

Oh GAWD! I saw that. I love bacon and that there is a desecration! I can't do chocolate or maple bacon either. I do get the sweet/savory thing, but I can't do this.

What would you use it for? Bleech!

They have coconut and pumpkin Syrup. What I REALLY want is pineapple and I don't think they make it.

Pina colada Protein shake. Hmmmmm. I have learned that fresh pinapple does not do well blended and the juice is way too sugary.

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I have seen some recent replys that have not been very supportive, so now that i am over a week into my pre-op diet let me review this for you.

First I posted that i was having trouble, and was very tempted to cheat. If I was already going to cheat, then why would I post a question asking for you alls permission? I posted because i felt weak and was looking for support. Thankfully that is what i got. I also got some people, who i think very little of that said that if I cheat, then I am not ready for the surgery, and/or I will cheat after the surgery. Wow, you folks need some help of your own. that isn't tough love, that is projecting your own short commings onto others.

Second - I updated that I was able to get through it, because my nutrionist told me I could eat some lean Protein. i have all three of my shakes, and then eat a little tuna, or chicken in the evening if I am hurting. A couple of nights i made it without anything.

Third - I did end up cheating. I went on vacation last weekend and one night at dinner, I was watching TV, and happened to eat four of my son's nachos that he could not finish. I felt like an idiot, and told my surgeon about it yesterday at my final pre-opp appointment. His response was to smile and tell me that it was not a big deal since I stuck to it before that, and went right back to it.

Most importatly, in my opinion when you reply to a person's post, that is looking for support, and if they posted on here that is exactly what they are looking for... Then don't be a jerk. Yes I needed someone to be honest and tell me that I need to stick with it, but I don't need to be insulted, belittled, or put down in any other way. The reason i joined the site was to learn from those who went before me, to have some mentors. Mentors and teachers don't yell at there students until they really screw up.

so to sum up.... If you replied to this thread and you thought you were giving "tough love" Go "tough love" yourself and keep me out of it. I appreciate those of you that were actually decent people and were supportive. Those that were not, can kiss my soon to be shrinking fat ass.

Good Day

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I know it's hard to comprehend, especially when still in the pre-op, but people who say "if you cheat then you maybe you aren't ready for surgery" are being supportive in the way they know how. I can pretty much promise the intent isn't to insult, belittle or put down, and most of the time it isn't projection.

So...how's the weather? :rolleyes:

Dr. Hoehn has a level head. He will take your actions in stride (as it sounds like he did). Tim will as well. They do TONS of surgeries and have seen it all. He really is a very skilled surgeon and could probably work with just about anything you threw at him. Anyone who could make a pretty little sleeve out of my scar-tissue-jumble-mass of a stomach is a miracle worker. Just continue be honest with your progress, and if you do falter - just make sure he knows about it. You don't want any surprises on your big morning. :)

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Oh hell. I did it again. It's a free country. Listen or don't. You don't have to like what anyone says. I would heap all kinds of advice if a person would just say, "How do I make good shakes?" or "Are there any tricks I can use to feel full so i can get through this pre-op diet?" or "Why pre-op diets?" or "How did you get through your pre-op diet."

A post that says "My doctor put me on a diet and I'm not going to follow it. What will happen?" just flummoxes me even if it wasn't meant that way.

I'm just saying MY surgeon is extremely strict. He's good, but put a lot of value on what the patient puts in. I think I was expect to lose about 20 pounds in the pre-op. Mine was nothing but full liquids. He was dead serious. I also had 2 weeks of clear, 2 weeks full and 2 weeks puree after the surgery.

I had no painkillers. One day home and I was cleaning the house and going to livestock auctions and flea markets. 2 weeks out I was hiking and horseback riding.

Long painful recovery or short recovery? but maybe I should just be supportive and to heck with reality.

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I have seen some recent replys that have not been very supportive, so now that i am over a week into my pre-op diet let me review this for you.

First I posted that i was having trouble, and was very tempted to cheat. If I was already going to cheat, then why would I post a question asking for you alls permission? I posted because i felt weak and was looking for support. Thankfully that is what i got. I also got some people, who i think very little of that said that if I cheat, then I am not ready for the surgery, and/or I will cheat after the surgery. Wow, you folks need some help of your own. that isn't tough love, that is projecting your own short commings onto others.

Second - I updated that I was able to get through it, because my nutrionist told me I could eat some lean Protein. i have all three of my shakes, and then eat a little tuna, or chicken in the evening if I am hurting. A couple of nights i made it without anything.

Third - I did end up cheating. I went on vacation last weekend and one night at dinner, I was watching TV, and happened to eat four of my son's nachos that he could not finish. I felt like an idiot, and told my surgeon about it yesterday at my final pre-opp appointment. His response was to smile and tell me that it was not a big deal since I stuck to it before that, and went right back to it.

Most importatly, in my opinion when you reply to a person's post, that is looking for support, and if they posted on here that is exactly what they are looking for... Then don't be a jerk. Yes I needed someone to be honest and tell me that I need to stick with it, but I don't need to be insulted, belittled, or put down in any other way. The reason i joined the site was to learn from those who went before me, to have some mentors. Mentors and teachers don't yell at there students until they really screw up.

so to sum up.... If you replied to this thread and you thought you were giving "tough love" Go "tough love" yourself and keep me out of it. I appreciate those of you that were actually decent people and were supportive. Those that were not, can kiss my soon to be shrinking fat ass.

Good Day

What you may also want to consider, is that some people would have considered the answers that you found so insulting to be tremendously supportive. I found them to be extremely supportive and those people were very generous in devoting their time and energy to supporting you.

Unfortunately they have no idea what your reaction is going to be when they answer. You are always free to ignore their responses.

You may wish to review your initial post:

I am miserable. I can't sleep, and all I can think about is eating.

If I eat during these two weeks, will I still be able to have the surgery?

People replied to that post. Yes, you added more details later, but your initial post made it sound like you might just disregard the entire two week diet and those responses make perfect logic to such a question.

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Example: Ugh, traffic was HORRIBLE!!! No. Traffic may have been worse than yesterday, but it wasn't horrible. A building full of babies and puppies and Ryan Reynolds burning to the ground - that's HORRIBLE. Traffic ain't **** compared to that.

You had me at Ryan Reynolds.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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