housecatgirl 0 Posted August 21, 2006 I don't know if I am more upset because I am realizing I am only thirtysomething with a high school freshman or because I feel like I missed his all went by so fast.:rolleyes I was busy working and trying to live my own life and I was a young Mom.:cry I am just so sad because I feel like I missed his childhood. It all went by so fast. This really wasn't bothering me until now and now (tonight) it just all hit me so hard. Anyone else gone through this when they had a kid hit high school?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Constance 0 Posted August 21, 2006 Hey there! My stepdaughter starts her first day of high school tomorrow and it is WEEEIIIRD! Ok, so she is my STEPdaughter. But I have known and loved and cared for her since she was in 3rd grade! And here she is with boobs and MySpace and her own is crazy how fast it goes. I am only 30 -- my husband is 37, but sometimes I feel so old with a teenager under my care. We have made our share of sacrifices for her. I think that can be hard when you are younger and you see your friends out there living it up. But watching her grow' into a woman is just as special as teaching her to ride a bike. Granted, she is FILLED with attitude most of the time. But I just feel blessed to have her in my life. I can imagine it must be hard for you right now. Hang in there! You did what you ha to do. No parent is perfect. We do our best -- and you're doing your best! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted August 21, 2006 My oldest has one more year of primary school left and I like awake at night worrying about where we're going to send him. Our school system is different here, suffice to say I had a nice cushy private school education as did my husband and there are SO many social and cultural expectations that arise from that. We are school snobs, but we dont have the means to send our kids to the kinds of schools we went to, at $22,000 per child per year, that'd be over $60 grand of after tax dollars to educate our three children. Yet the schools in our area are a no go for us - we built in a new area and the population hasnt aged sufficiently for there to be good secondary school options yet, the schools we're zoned for dont even go to year 12 yet, as the first wave of students hasnt reached that age. How on earth can you select a school with no knowledge of their Year 12 performance or even the subjects/units that the school will be offering. For us, its going to mean a move, we have to move back to a more established area. And that's what makes me sad. We've spent the last 15 years of our lives since we built this house hating the area, hating everything it stood for, hating the demographics and the socioeconomic profile of the population here becuase we thought we were more highly educated, "better" people than those that have to live in an outer suburb. We've finally exorcised our demons, learned a few lessons about life and come to terms with where life has taken us and suddently we have to be the wannabes again, struggling to find the money to buy a family home in a good area so that we can select a good school for our kids. And in the meantime, they've grown up with us barely noticing, we've been so obsessed with our own material wealth. But the are loving well adjusted happy kids so I guess we've done something right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joy33s 0 Posted August 21, 2006 Hi there, I know exactly how you feel. My son starts as a freshman next Monday 8/28 and where did the time go? It seems like he was this colicky baby just a few years ago and I was wishing he would magically turn 2 and the non stop crying would stop. Now I wish I could turn back time so I could carry his crying little butt all over again. It is so normal to feel this way. I am 38 years old with a high schooler.. ughggh.. My youngest is going to be 11 and he used to be my Mr. Affectionate, always a hug for mom, but that is slowly going away too... It did with my oldest as he got closer to that dreaded age of 13... I was just telling my oldest the other night to enjoy these last 4 almost carefree years because college is a whole different story. We did have a celebration the other night..He made the freshman football team and I am so proud of him. Hang in there, I think we all feel that sense of loss as the nest starts to get close to empty. Just enjoy every moment you can and take pride in the fact that you are a good mom who raised a good boy. I know exactly what you are going through. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fee 0 Posted August 21, 2006 yes i know exactly what your going through. My son started high school this year and i am was only 30:(. I was really upset and devastated that i knew he was growing from a child been dependent on me , to a teenager who no longer needs me as much. It has really changed my life significantly and i feel so old:( i got through it, so you should too Keep your chin up:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites