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September Bandsters

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I really don't know anything about the sleeve. I was just being a wise acre. What is WGB? Some kind of gastric bypass?

Fortunately you're getting great results with the band so it shouldn't be an issue for you.

I'm not giving up, but like you I have been outa control. It's so strange because I'm doing really well at meals. It's the chocolate thing that has me in its grip. Funny thing is that I've never been a honest chocolaholic. I like it, but it has never been something that I have trouble giving up. Right now it's about all I want. Wonder if there is some mineral in chocolate that having the band causes you crave it? Since there are so many of us who are talking about the chocolate thing at the same time, maybe the band depletes our zinc or something. Doesn't chocolate have zinc?

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I really don't know anything about the sleeve. I was just being a wise acre. What is WGB? Some kind of gastric bypass?

Fortunately you're getting great results with the band so it shouldn't be an issue for you.

I'm not giving up, but like you I have been outa control. It's so strange because I'm doing really well at meals. It's the chocolate thing that has me in its grip. Funny thing is that I've never been a honest chocolaholic. I like it, but it has never been something that I have trouble giving up. Right now it's about all I want. Wonder if there is some mineral in chocolate that having the band causes you crave it? Since there are so many of us who are talking about the chocolate thing at the same time, maybe the band depletes our zinc or something. Doesn't chocolate have zinc?

MGB is Mini Gastric Bipass, I don't know much about it but when I was reasearching the band I found videos on utube from a Dr in Las Vegas that seems to convert a lot of bandsters to MGB. It was a comment I made even before I got the band but I do think if the band was to fail I'd investigate it.

You bring up a great point! I was not sure if there was zinc in chocolate and googled it and came up with this article amoung others:


It doesn't say there IS zinc but it says to take a zinc supplement and may help reduce the cravings... I think I'm going to stop at walgreens on the way home!

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Yep, that's me... brilliant. I got it right up here in my butt (as she taps her temple.)

I knew I'd heard something about that. Let me give you a word of caution with those zinc supplements. They make you horny (as Mike says.) Seriously, they can. Not that there's anything wrong with that... I used to tell my DH that they were just Vitamins :heh: Not really! But if ever you need them, it works for a while. The effects wear off after you've taken them for a while - probably your body having gotten caught up on the deficiency. Let me know what you think.

Heck, if it will get me off this chocolate bender I'm on, I'll do it too~!

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Here are the numbers for this week. I will update the rest as they come in:) 33lbs so far!!!

TamifromAL - 185/0/-3/-1/-3

MimIN – 180/+14/0 /-17/-4

Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6

Gonnabethin – 185/-0.5/0/0

LindaN – 208/-1/0/-1

BJean – 177/-1/-1/0

Kareyquilts - 189/-2/0/-4

Lisalee - 189/0/0/-4/-1

Sandranoelle - 260/0/0/+2

Tanya67 - 231/-2/-2<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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I couldn't get through the other day but I lost 4 pounds. the 2 I gained and 2 more. so this week I don't feel like swearing. the zinc thing sounds like a good idea and the horney part would thrill my husband. actually I have been taking zinc and Biotin for my hair falling out. didn't notice any s/e/x/u/a/l/ side affects. but I quit taking it for a while so I will have to start again and pay attention.

We are all here because we have used food to satisfy SOMETHING. we all have different somethings and most of us can't figure it out. I think it starts that way and then becomes a full fledged addiction. Our bodies are used to craving food wether we need it or not. In my case I do great during school and then on the way home my thoughts are: where can I stop and get something to eat. if I get through that then when I get home it is what can I get to eat, even though dinner is only 1 hour away. I am actually scared for summer because I will be home all the time. I to to meetings and realistically I can understand that I should 1. keep the food out of the house 2. find something to take its place but I haven't been able to do that. that is why I was hoping that the lapband would force me to eat less. At first I was in the initial diet mode we all go in when we are starting a diet.. and it was easy. but now it is hard. I don't like hard. none of us like hard.. So what can we do to help each other????

see what spring break does.. it put me at the computer to get away from food and you have to put up with my continual spouting off at the mouth..

it is 11:34 I am not going to eat anything but Water until 1:00 baby steps.

notice my s/e/x/u/a/l/ the computer wouldn't let me write it out..

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hello again I just noticed this article from spark people I think that is what it is called . anyway it goes with my last post. I am going to post it here because I don't know how to send you to it.

Get a Handle on Emotional Eating

The Secret Sabotage of Your Weight Loss Program

-- By Zach Van Hart, Staff Writer

Ever been angry or upset one minute and then on your couch eating the next, unable to remember why you started eating or how long you had spent munching? If so, then you have entered the world of emotional eating. It’s something than can happen to anyone, and one of the most common dieting obstacles out there.

Emotional eating at its best passes after a few minutes. At its worst, it can take over your life and cause you to eat uncontrollably for extended periods of time. And according to nutritional experts, 75% of overeating is caused by emotions. So don’t worry, if you suffer from emotional eating, you are not alone.

People often eat to relieve stress or to get something off their minds. The kicker is that stress, and the insulin jump that goes with it, may actually cause you to crave high sugar, high carbohydrate foods – foods that go straight to your waistline and cause you even more stress.

Rather than munching, it's better to develop new skills for dealing with boredom, self-esteem issues and stress. Try to pinpoint the major reasons for your stress or unpleasant emotions, and see how you can turn the tide. Here are a few suggestions to combat your emotions:

  • Get your trigger foods out of the house, get your crutch foods out of arms' reach
  • Go for a walk or jog. Physical activity relieves stress.
  • Do deep breathing and relaxation exercises
  • Keep a reminder of your goal handy
  • Talk to a friend
  • Visit and post on the support message boards
  • Surround yourself with positive re-enforcers, like pictures and people
  • Keep a journal that includes your best personal accomplishments
  • Track your eating patterns, including when and why you pick up food.< /li>

If you still seem to come back to food when your emotions get the best of you, you can at least be prepared. Eating large amounts of snacks is not a good thing. But if you eat low calorie foods, it’s not so bad. So stock the fridge with healthy alternatives, foods that have good nutritious value, are smaller in size, and will not pack on too many calories. Here are a few food suggestions to keep within arms' reach:

  • Apple or orange slices
  • Carrot sticks
  • Banana
  • Broccoli
  • Whole wheat toast
  • Bran muffin
  • Fruit smoothie
  • Applesauce

Isn't that what I just said... kinda..

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Hi everyone. It has been a long time since I have posted here. I was banded in September 2006 and to date I have lost a total of 72 pounds. I am a lot happier with myself. The only thing I dread is buying clothes as I do not like shopping. I am one to grab and go with out trying on. It was so much easier when I wore jeans and t's. I wear nicer shirts and jeans and I sometimes even wear a slack. I care about how I look now.

I hope all is well with all of you and I hope to be posting more here again.

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I'm not giving up, but like you I have been outa control. It's so strange because I'm doing really well at meals. It's the chocolate thing that has me in its grip. Funny thing is that I've never been a honest chocolaholic. I like it, but it has never been something that I have trouble giving up. Right now it's about all I want. Wonder if there is some mineral in chocolate that having the band causes you crave it? Since there are so many of us who are talking about the chocolate thing at the same time, maybe the band depletes our zinc or something. Doesn't chocolate have zinc?

On another group that I belong to they were talking about the same thing and that Acidophilus supplements or milk help with chocolate cravings, they said they didn't know how, but it was a suggestion from a doctor and it worked.

I hope this helps :eek:

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Here are the numbers for this week. I will update the rest as they come in:) 33lbs so far!!!

TamifromAL - 185/0/-3/-1/-3

MimIN – 180/+14/0 /-17/-4

Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6

Gonnabethin – 185/-0.5/0/0

LindaN – 208/-1/0/-1

BJean – 177/-1/-1/0

Kareyquilts - 189/-2/0/-4

Lisalee - 189/0/0/-4/-1

Sandranoelle - 260/0/0/+2

Tanya67 - 231/-2/-2<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Sorry I'm late. Down 2 this week. Saw the Doc on Tuesday. Has me scheduled for an ultra sound. I have been having this painful ache, on and off, in the middle of my back. He wants to check the gall bladder and pancreas. Couldn't get an appt until 22 May.

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sandranoelle: Sounds like you're going through exactly what I've been going through! My LB doctor said that we actually become addicted to certain foods. He said that if we are having growling stomachs and are consumed with the thoughts of finding something "good" to eat, that we are addicted. I always thought that my growling stomach was a good thing since that meant I was truly hungry and it had been a while since I'd eaten. Then I started thinking about it and whenever my stomach growled, I made myself think about what the last items were that I'd eaten. It has been 100% high carb foods everytime! What a shock. I thought I'd heard everything...

Your posted article is good... I just never can seem to go for a walk or take a bubble bath when I start obsessing about food. I'm usually so driven to get something I like, all other thoughts are pushed aside. I too thought that the band would really address the hunger thing and make me not want to eat or think about food all the time. Figures that it wouldn't be that easy. I do agree that we should share everything we learn and go through because it always seems to help to read about other people's experiences. So thanks for sharing! It helps me not feel like such an outsider when I read about all the success some Sept. bandsters are having.

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lifelongband: You're one of the ones I was talking about. Fantastic weight loss. You're doing great!!!

And thanks for the milk tip for chocolate cravings. I've found a certain yogurt that seems to help a lot. It isn't carried by the grocery stores near me, but going further to find it is okay with me since it seems to help.

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I must have missed something- Where did the journal component go?h

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gonnabe: Dunno what you're asking.

I wanted to tell everyone about a scale I bought today. Someone told me about it and she and a group of 3 other women are using it to all lose a certain amount of weight by the end of May. They've been doing it for about 3 weeks and it seems to be working well for all of them.

It's called "InnerScan" by Tanita. Got it at Bed Bath & Beyond. It tells you your percent of body fat, percentage of body Water, your metabolic age and your bone mass. It estimates the number of calories you can eat in 24 hours to maintain your current weight. So that tells you how many calories you need to eat in order to lose. The water weight thing is good too because you can tell if you are hydrated enough or need to drink more water. I can't wait to start this approach. I figure this might be the thing I need to jump start me back into the losing game. I've been at about the same weight for a long time, in spite of a significant fill.

I'll let you know how it is working for me next week.

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BJean: You are quite welcome.

I have been going through quite a journey...as I was making my decision and getting the ball rolling about 9 or 10 months ago to get the Lapband done my husband starting saying things to me. "You are going to lose your weight and leave me." I started to think to myself about if I was in love or not and if he was in love with me. We have been together since I was 15. Well, this last month we made the decision to divorce. It isn't bitter, but I am moving into my own apartment right now and he is moving into his own. We are trying to stay friends, as we always have been. Lately though, he has been saying that he was right. I heard the statistics on people losing their weight and leaving is about 62%. Have any of you heard anything on that?

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Mimin: I don't think your losing lean muscle, but you might ask your doctor. I think that you probably lost more Fluid after the surgery and everything that your body has been through.

I gained one pound this week. I went to San Francisco to see my daughter, who is an aerial dancer, dance off a skyscraper. It was very exciting as I had not seen her do it yet. Then my DH and I were off to southern Utah for a conference that we were in charge of. It was fun, but hard to control eating and exercise. I was happy that I didn't gain much with all the junk I ate. I guess we all have to realize that the initial weight loss from the band is off and we're going to have to work harder to get to goal. I went to Water aerobics today and my left side is very weak again. I'm not sure if I should call the doctor or just wait it out. It's starting to freak me out alittle. I hope I'm not going to have a bunch of health issures now that I'm getting closer to my goal. The main reason I wanted to lose weight was for my health and then of course, for my physical appearance. Well, I will just have to go with the flow I guess. Good luck to everyone this week!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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