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Back again!

I haven't been watching the thread for awhile but I'm back. Actually, I haven't been doing too good so I've been hiding...

I got my 4th fill last Tuesday and I can really feel a difference. Last Tuesday will mark the second part of my journey - I FEEL THE BAND!!!

Yes, my friends, the band has come to life. Restriction is here... yes... restriction is here.

My last check in for the St.Patrick's Day challenge (371/-1.5) was a couple of weeks ago and I gained a few pounds back before my fill. In the last week I have lost 3 pounds and now sit at 368.9 pounds.

Keep up with your fills and don't give up until you reach the "sweet spot".

The last fill is giving me some good restriction now but I think I have one more in me before I taste the sweetness.

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harlito....Welcome back. I'm glad to hear that you have restriction. I have putting off my fill and gained some weight because of it too. I am going for a fill today and I guess I will see what happens. I am kind of getting discouraged a little bit. Congratulations on your loss last week.

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Here is this week's weigh in - we are now 4 weeks into the challenge and down a total of 78lbs!

TamifromAL – 213/-5/-2/0/-5

BJean – 181/0/0/-1/-1

Gonnabethin – 190/0/0/-1/-2

MimIN – 199/-2/-2/0/-4

Sandranoelle – 275/-4/+2/0/-6

Kareyquilts – 203/-4/-2/-3/0

TrueBlueSue - 174.5/0/0/0/-1.5

LindaN – 218/-1/-3/-1/0

Lauriegee – 215/-2/-6/0/+2/

Mom of Many – 209/-1/0/0

Mariecarmen – 198/-8/0/-2/-1

Lisalee – 203/+2/-4/-2/-1

Harlito – 371/-1.5/-3

April – 241/-5/0/0

Finallyonmyway - 200

Katt – 282/-2

Melissa0915 -

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Wow. Four weeks into the challenge and I am down a whole 2 lbs. Color me red-faced.

I read a nice story today from a guy who has lost a lot of weight since his LB in July. He said that he didn't do well at all until his band was adjusted properly. It took seven (7) adjustments!! That made me feel better and made me realize that I'm not alone in my Quest for the sweet spot! Once he got to the proper fill, he's still having to stay conscious, but he just isn't able to eat a lot and he has to eat very slowly. The weight is going, going, gone!

I'm going to keep at it. Keep working on the adjustment problem, and I will catch up with some of you who have found your sweet spot and are happily becoming all you can be!

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Sandranoelle...I would love to find out what the name of that book is!

MimIN...I'm glad y'all talked. I wonder how many relationships change or struggle when one of the pair loses weight? That would be an interesting poll for this site.

I've really struggled with the urge to eat bad things this week. It doesn't help that I can't get solids in before noon. Just this morning I saw someone eating a Breakfast sandwich with Mayonnaise and craved one all day. I even fantasized making a fried egg sandwich this evening for supper. I think I'm coming to terms with the permanence of this band. There are some things I will never ever be able to eat again. I have known this would happen, just been waiting for it to come.

Don't get me wrong. I am so blessed to have the band. I would not change it or go back ever. But I am mourning for a smooshy piece of white bread with something gooey in it and a coke to wash it down with. Don't get me started on the beer!

I have to do a lot of positive thinking, coaching and visual imagery. Just this afternoon I was struggling with the "I don't feel like exercising" mood. Well, I did it, only because I really want to be a runner. Weird, me saying that. There's just something really satisfying about talking about "going running." Like I can identify with a group of uberathletes :) I actually did it and have surpassed my goal of running straight for a mile...I did 1.3 (gotta get every little bit in!) Of course then the mile walking was thoroughly enjoyable.

Guess I just needed to talk about that to a group who cares and understands. My friends are all supportive but just don't quite get it like my September Bandsters!

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Lisa: Congrats on the running! You're doing awesome.

Harlito: Welcome back! Glad that you're feeling some restriciton. It's so hard before you do.

BJean: Don't get discouraged. You'll get there and you're doing just fine!

I'm off to Water aerobics. My bottom is really sore from yesterday's class, but I guess that's good. Right?!

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lisalee: Your post makes me more confident than ever that I am not adjusted properly. I can drink beer. In fact, more than one beer if I choose. I can eat white bread and eggs cooked any way. I haven't tried a coke, I've been off of them since before the band.

Anyway, thanks for the reinforcement. I am almost envious of where you are. It has to be a big adjustment and a little sad to be where you are and know that it is where you need to be to accomplish your goals. Sad in that you have no choice but to eat the lap band way. Eating that way will cause weight loss and afterall, isn't that what this is all about? But we're bound to miss some of the things that we loved (and that we were a bit addicted to perhaps.)

I won't be envious. I'll join you! I just am realizing that I have to keep working it, keep getting fills, keep adjusting until I reach that place like you Sandranoelle, MimIN, kareyquilts and other September bandsters are. Keep posting you guys, it's sure helping!

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I went to get a fill yesterday. Odd thing, they thought I only had 1.5cc and when they drained to refill there was 2.1cc in the band. They added .3cc. Hope this helps. Has anyone had horrible pain, swelling, and bruising after a fill. I think it hurts worse than the surgery itself did. I can barely bend over. I am also really gaggy. I don't have any trouble keeping Soup or liquids down though. If anyone can offer any advise I would appreciate it. Thanks.

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Good grief, I can't keep up with ya'll these days! And here I was worried that this group was petering out a month ago or so!

Mim, I can relate you the situation you're going through with your hubby. I lost about 100 lbs. 10 years or so ago, and hubby stayed the same. He definitely developed some "issues" that led to some marriage counseling. In retrospect, I realize that I did contribute to his insecurities because I was dressing more sexy and was flirting. But, it wasn't because I wanted any other man, it was just because I was celebrating the "new me" (and I've always been a flirt...it's just received differently when I'm thin vs. fat!). It's great that you guys are talking about it, because that's where we went wrong. Each of us was guessing what was going on in the other's mind, and we were way off base!

This time, he's losing with me, and it's much better. We're both getting lots of positive comments from others, enjoying new clothes, and the sex is awesome! Ohh, did I just say that? But, even with the 65 or so pounds he lost, he's *still* very sensitive about his "man boobs".

April, thanks for checking in with us! I'm glad to hear you've been able to maintain. When will be be getting checked again? Hope you can get a fill soon, and get your band in gear.

Sandranoelle, how much Fiber are you getting in? We need 25 grams of fiber for good digestion, and that can be tough on a diet that's focused primarily on Protein. And make sure you drink your water! Fiber + Water = poop. :nervous

harlito, isn't restriction great? I love not having my every waking thought about food! Lauigee, hope you fill gets you there! I've never had the pain after a fill that you're having, though. Did they have to poke you several times, or prod you to find the port?

lisalee, congrats on the running! I didn't start exercising until I was halfway to goal, but now I love it. I'm sorry that you can't eat breakfast. I know a lot of bandsters can't. But, for me, if I can't eat breakfast it's a sign that I may be too tight. I'm not saying that you are, but I hope you watch for the other signs, like PBing frequently, not being able to eat solid Proteins, or having acid reflux. I had just one week when I was a little over-filled. I couldn't eat breakfast, and that put me in a "deprivation" mind-set, that led me to eating some high-calorie soft foods. Right now, though, I'm at the exact same fill level that was "too tight" a month ago, and it's perfect. Weird.

I found out an interesting bit of info today. I had a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test today. My RMR is 1930, which means that I burn 1930 calories, if I just lay in bed all day. So, based on that figure, I can lose 3 lbs. a week while eating 1150 calories and no additional exercise. My speedy metabolism is why I've lost weight so fast. And, it means I have no excuse for being fat in the first place, except that I like to eat (and drink!) too much. I can't blame my genes, my hormones, or my metabolism, fer sure.


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Tami- Where the heck did you go to get your RMR test? That sounds very intriquing!

Okay, I am getting vain. Tommorrow I am going to a medical spa and having Thermage on my face and skin. Thermage is a laser that is SUPPOSE to rebuild collagen on the third layer of skin and help to smooth out wrinkles and tighten up your skin. My face, especially, around my jowls and chin is sagging with the weight loss. I've seen before and after pictures and the results are pretty amazing. I'm a little nervous becuase it is suppose to be painful. It takes about 2 hours and they give you a tranquilizer, but it doesn't sound like it's going to be a fun day! I'll let you know what I think when it's over. I can't believing I'm doing this, but I didn't go to all this work to look older!

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Karey, I belong to a health & wellness center (that's where I work out). I visited the nutritionist, and she had me relax for 10" or so, then I breathed in this device for 10", and that's what gave her me RMR. There are some formulas that can give you an approximate RMR. Here's an online calculator: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/calrmr.htm

According to that calculator, my RMR is 1710. So, my *actual* RMR is about 200 points higher. I believe the difference is in the percentage fat vs. lean. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is.

Let us know how the Thermage goes.


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Okay Tami, that was an interesting website. How do you find these things? My RBR rate 1450-1647. It would be helpful to know your lean muscle mass. Oh well. Thanks for the info! It just confirms that I've got to work on strength training!

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I went to get a fill yesterday. Odd thing, they thought I only had 1.5cc and when they drained to refill there was 2.1cc in the band. They added .3cc. Hope this helps. Has anyone had horrible pain, swelling, and bruising after a fill. I think it hurts worse than the surgery itself did. I can barely bend over. I am also really gaggy. I don't have any trouble keeping Soup or liquids down though. If anyone can offer any advise I would appreciate it. Thanks.

I also have brusing when I leave from a fill. The bruises last anywhere up to 2 weeks. Sometimes it's a little sore for a while too. I am at 3 weeks after my last fill and am doing much better. Obviously it has loosened up quite a bit. I was PBing almost everytime I ate normal food. I really should have gone back and had some taken out or ate soft food for those 2 weeks, but I'll learn for next time. I really have to chew and eat SLOWLY now, but am very comfortable with my fill now.

Weighed in a couple of minutes ago, praying to finally break that 40 pounds mark and have lost 42 pounds!!!!! My daughter was making fun of me because I was crying and doing this goofy dance all over the kitchen for 20 minutes. Been trying to break that 40 pound mark for over a month now. They just don't understand that part.

Hope I can hold that weight loss til next Monday.



(Ticker is wrong, will fix soon)

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Bjean: I really had not thought of it that way. It is a very real possibility considering she doesn't know me (never met) and hasn't heard me talking about getting a BA for the last 10 years. Jamie is so seldome serious that he may have given that impression. I have been guilty of passing judgement on a man for similar - it's the feminist in me. I will meet this woman next week at Jamie's employee appreciation dinner, I will try to refrain from giving her stink eye and give her a fair chance.

Tami: I had read a lot of stories of where relationships went awry when one or the other lost a significant amount of weight and I was so scared that it would happen to us as well. I am a talker and although he is not I can sense when something is wrong and will drag whatever it is out of him. It has taken years but he finally trusts me and will talk if I approach it right. It's great that your hubby has been on board since the beginning! Jamie was uninterested initially but now is gung-ho and dragging me to the gym; I need the reinforcement some days!

Lisalee: It would be an interesting poll/thread! It comforts me to know that others have made it through the struggles and are better than ever!

Bodybuilding.com is a great website! I go there periodically when I need new workout ideas and it's much cheaper than my personal trainer! My RMR according to the calculator is 1675. It does makes me wonder why I'm not losing more weight - I take in about 1000 calories a day, I work out 5x a week burning around 500 calories each time. I need to find out what my actual RMR is.

Karey: I look forward to hearing about your thermage experience. I am starting to get little lines around my eyes that are freaking me out and I read about it and wondered how well it worked.

LindaN: Congrats on breaking your plateau! You must feel fabulous!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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