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August Sleevers?! Where Ya's At?

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What are good sites to look at clothes on?

Debshops.com (DEB) has 50% off their clearances this week. I just came from the store. got a bunch of stuff for my surgery vacation :) after all...we will be going through sizes like crazy.

Morning sleevers, just seven days before we'll begin adding to the pool of post-op stories. I bought my plane tickets yesterday! Speaking of clothes shopping, depending on how fast we move through our sizes on our way down we should have a good supply of clothing to re-home with a list as large as ours. Is anyone planning on posting the things they outgrow? I know some of us may have family or friends that will inherit our goods. When I get beyond a size I'll post pics...uhm, somewhere, of what I have. I'd love to recycle them to my sleeve sisters! I also bought large mixed lots of ladies clothes on e-bay and got a whole new wardrobe a few years back for a reasonable/inexpensive price, another option. When in Saskatoon I always end up in thrift stores or Plato's Closet which is my 15 year old's favorite for name brand second hand. What can I say, I'm cheap.

I was thinking of this. On weight watchers they have a sharing page on their board i forget what its called but its like a trading thread. Like I say..." i have size 14's ...does anyone need them..." then you post and you say yes, i do! I need 14's and I have 16's for anyone that needs them!" I went to goodwill yesterday for the first time. I got a few post op things.

So I keep having dark dreams of death and dying on the table and all...anyone else going through this....I even dreamed last night that I was visited and told if I didnt stop this surgery I would die.....would like to shake this and hope its just part of this weird issue of going back and forth and some being scared etc

I didn't have any bad dreams yet, thank goodness. I had one about the endoscopy the other night. Doc called to say everything was okay. I think its just your subconscious . Your secretly nervous and thats where its coming from. Make sure you trust your doctor and feel comfy. This is a huge change but it will be worth it. We're all here for you.

Thank you everyone who friended me on myfitnesspal. I feel like we are on one of those long long lines for a Disney ride. We are finally at the point where we are under the canopy and can hear the music. Out ride will begin shortly!

GREAT ANALOGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!

Feel free to add me:

Myfitnesspal - KRBullardRN

Facebook: /kelly.p.bullard

I love to meet new folks on here and love to keep up with y'all on Facebook and MFP too.


I think you might already be on my facebook but mines www.facebook.com/jaybeevsg

Im 15 years old and i need this asap ! Someone help me ?

I'm not sure if they do surgery so young but you can post a thread on the board under pre op questions.

I did my pre-op last week and found out yesterday that I have a spot on my lung. Grrr. I am getting a CT scan this afternoon. I really think it is going to be nothing but I am not going to lie, I am a little unnerved but this. Surgery IS one week from tomorrow! :)

Good luck!!!! I'm sure its nothing, I'll be thinking of you!

HEY GUYS!!!!!!!! Okay so....I will be adding people to the list by tonight. I didn't forget about you all.... I forgot my computer yesterday at my mom's so i'm just getting it back.. I'll catch up and post tonight :)

-My update- Today is day 3 of the pre op diet. I feel wonderful. The pain that i've had in my side on and off for months is gone!!!! Has been since i started pre-preop. So far with the Prepreop I'm down 9.4 lbs. With just the liquid pre op i'm down 4 lbs some odd oz's I think. The funny thing is....My bf and i weighed in sunday night....we weighed exactly the same. We weighed in last night....EXACTLY THE SAME! and this morning.....yep you guessed it! THE SAME!!!! I even tested the scale to make sure it was okay!

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I did my pre-op last week and found out yesterday that I have a spot on my lung. Grrr. I am getting a CT scan this afternoon. I really think it is going to be nothing but I am not going to lie, I am a little unnerved but this. Surgery IS one week from tomorrow! :)

Praying for you Carla. Please let us know how the CT scan goes.

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I did my pre-op last week and found out yesterday that I have a spot on my lung. Grrr. I am getting a CT scan this afternoon. I really think it is going to be nothing but I am not going to lie' date=' I am a little unnerved but this. Surgery IS one week from tomorrow! :)[/quote']

Sorry to hear that, thinking of you.

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Hi my August Family!!. Well today started out as a good day, but then it somewhat went downhill. Alarm went off this morning, so I got hubby out of bed and ready for work. I lounged around a bit and watched my true blood that I missed this past Sunday.

I suddenly realized that I promised my dad I would give him a haircut today, so I scrambled to get out of my pj's and into regular clothes and make the drive to his house. It was almost dinner by the time I made it. I did his haircut, visited with mom and dad for a bit longer and then made the journey home. I have to say they had lunch in front of me. My dad even slipped up and asked if I wanted some BBQ. I just gave him a sassy/sarcastic look and he was like Oh Shoot. I forgot. I did very well. I have to say food doesn't hold a pleasure with me at the moment.

I came home, had me a shake for my lunch and started following up with emails. Watched some tv and talked with my kids who are out of town visiting with their grandparents. Then came 4 o'clock central time. The strong urge that I needed something. I was not hungry, don't feel hungry, but that urge was very strong. I kept ignoring it, would concentrate on something else, but then I caved. I went to the icebox and got exactly what my urge wanted. I piece of cheese. Oh the Al' Mighty Cheese. I have been doing this liquid pre-op diet for 8 days now. I even started sooner than was requested. I was doing so good, and now this? Why now? I have to say that one slice of cheese sufficed and my urge went away, But I strayed from my planned/required diet.

Now I am almost certain that "One" slice of cheese would not interrupt my surgery on the 6th. But I have a severely wounded pride right about now. I have let myself down, and it feels like crap. Am I going to continue to beat myself up over it? NO! I made a mistake, I fought an urge, I lost, it's over and done with. Move forward and think positive. I;m just curious where the strong urge came from and why all of a sudden.

I am down 8lbs since I started my liquid diet.< /p>

Just had to share my frustration of the day, and to let those who are struggling that we are only human. We are not perfect, but we can overcome and prevail!! I had my mind set that I would not stray once from this diet, and I will follow things to the letter. But if something happens, dust yourself off, get back up and continue on.

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Carlab51, so sorry that you are going through this right now. Praying for you to have peace and for it to be nothing serious! (((hugs)))

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I heard good things about chia seeds. I'm on day 3 of the liquid diet and I cheated. I had half a piece of cheese pizza and I licked a spoon of mashed potatoes while cooking them for my son....I definetly am more hungry today and have a head ache. Tomorrow will be better :)

I seriously feel your pain! I am on day 3 also and have a bad headache. I am sooo hungry!

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Hi my August Family!!. Well today started out as a good day, but then it somewhat went downhill. Alarm went off this morning, so I got hubby out of bed and ready for work. I lounged around a bit and watched my true blood that I missed this past Sunday.

I suddenly realized that I promised my dad I would give him a haircut today, so I scrambled to get out of my pj's and into regular clothes and make the drive to his house. It was almost dinner by the time I made it. I did his haircut, visited with mom and dad for a bit longer and then made the journey home. I have to say they had lunch in front of me. My dad even slipped up and asked if I wanted some BBQ. I just gave him a sassy/sarcastic look and he was like Oh Shoot. I forgot. I did very well. I have to say food doesn't hold a pleasure with me at the moment.

I came home, had me a shake for my lunch and started following up with emails. Watched some tv and talked with my kids who are out of town visiting with their grandparents. Then came 4 o'clock central time. The strong urge that I needed something. I was not hungry, don't feel hungry, but that urge was very strong. I kept ignoring it, would concentrate on something else, but then I caved. I went to the icebox and got exactly what my urge wanted. I piece of cheese. Oh the Al' Mighty Cheese. I have been doing this liquid pre-op diet for 8 days now. I even started sooner than was requested. I was doing so good, and now this? Why now? I have to say that one slice of cheese sufficed and my urge went away, But I strayed from my planned/required diet.

Now I am almost certain that "One" slice of cheese would not interrupt my surgery on the 6th. But I have a severely wounded pride right about now. I have let myself down, and it feels like crap. Am I going to continue to beat myself up over it? NO! I made a mistake, I fought an urge, I lost, it's over and done with. Move forward and think positive. I;m just curious where the strong urge came from and why all of a sudden.

I am down 8lbs since I started my liquid diet.< /p>

Just had to share my frustration of the day, and to let those who are struggling that we are only human. We are not perfect, but we can overcome and prevail!! I had my mind set that I would not stray once from this diet, and I will follow things to the letter. But if something happens, dust yourself off, get back up and continue on.

Jenn, <<<HUGS>>>

I can't speak for your experience, obviously, but I know that when I am around my family, and especially if they were offering BBQ, I could easily be triggered and make a poor food decision. Just remember that this surgery is not going to be complicated by "one" piece of cheese, and you made a much better choice than BBQ! If it turned into a binge, then that could be a problem, but I think if you beat yourself up over this, it would be more harmful than this minor slip-up. Get back on that horse. We can do this. We are in this together!

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Hi my August Family!!. Well today started out as a good day, but then it somewhat went downhill. Alarm went off this morning, so I got hubby out of bed and ready for work. I lounged around a bit and watched my true blood that I missed this past Sunday.

I suddenly realized that I promised my dad I would give him a haircut today, so I scrambled to get out of my pj's and into regular clothes and make the drive to his house. It was almost dinner by the time I made it. I did his haircut, visited with mom and dad for a bit longer and then made the journey home. I have to say they had lunch in front of me. My dad even slipped up and asked if I wanted some BBQ. I just gave him a sassy/sarcastic look and he was like Oh Shoot. I forgot. I did very well. I have to say food doesn't hold a pleasure with me at the moment.

I came home, had me a shake for my lunch and started following up with emails. Watched some tv and talked with my kids who are out of town visiting with their grandparents. Then came 4 o'clock central time. The strong urge that I needed something. I was not hungry, don't feel hungry, but that urge was very strong. I kept ignoring it, would concentrate on something else, but then I caved. I went to the icebox and got exactly what my urge wanted. I piece of cheese. Oh the Al' Mighty Cheese. I have been doing this liquid pre-op diet for 8 days now. I even started sooner than was requested. I was doing so good, and now this? Why now? I have to say that one slice of cheese sufficed and my urge went away, But I strayed from my planned/required diet.

Now I am almost certain that "One" slice of cheese would not interrupt my surgery on the 6th. But I have a severely wounded pride right about now. I have let myself down, and it feels like crap. Am I going to continue to beat myself up over it? NO! I made a mistake, I fought an urge, I lost, it's over and done with. Move forward and think positive. I;m just curious where the strong urge came from and why all of a sudden.

I am down 8lbs since I started my liquid diet.< /p>

Just had to share my frustration of the day, and to let those who are struggling that we are only human. We are not perfect, but we can overcome and prevail!! I had my mind set that I would not stray once from this diet, and I will follow things to the letter. But if something happens, dust yourself off, get back up and continue on.

I believe we all get these urges and its all a learning curve, we are re learning to eat the pre-op way, when we have surgery we will nee to re learn the post op way to eat, a new adjustment like every week, learning what we can have and cant have. then 2-3 months out we will again re learn a new way to eat, its not that we have a mishap and don't do well, its that we learn from it and try to do better the next time, we don't learn to ride a bike with out a few falls, nor was Rome built with out a few mistakes :P, and we will have some trials and bumps along the way, we just need to get back up and try it better the next time, and not beat ourselves up over it...Its when we stop letting it bother us that we are usually failing because we are falling back in to old traps.

Temptation is hard, food is all around us, its the center of everyone's life's, we just got to learn to make some good choices 99 percent of the time, and allow ourselves the right to learn from the other 1 percent

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Hello everyone! I just got approved for August 13th and am on day two of my three week pre-op. Is anyone else having severe leg cramps at night? If so, what do you do about it?

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Hi my August Family!!. Well today started out as a good day, but then it somewhat went downhill. Alarm went off this morning, so I got hubby out of bed and ready for work. I lounged around a bit and watched my true blood that I missed this past Sunday.

I suddenly realized that I promised my dad I would give him a haircut today, so I scrambled to get out of my pj's and into regular clothes and make the drive to his house. It was almost dinner by the time I made it. I did his haircut, visited with mom and dad for a bit longer and then made the journey home. I have to say they had lunch in front of me. My dad even slipped up and asked if I wanted some BBQ. I just gave him a sassy/sarcastic look and he was like Oh Shoot. I forgot. I did very well. I have to say food doesn't hold a pleasure with me at the moment.

I came home, had me a shake for my lunch and started following up with emails. Watched some tv and talked with my kids who are out of town visiting with their grandparents. Then came 4 o'clock central time. The strong urge that I needed something. I was not hungry, don't feel hungry, but that urge was very strong. I kept ignoring it, would concentrate on something else, but then I caved. I went to the icebox and got exactly what my urge wanted. I piece of cheese. Oh the Al' Mighty Cheese. I have been doing this liquid pre-op diet for 8 days now. I even started sooner than was requested. I was doing so good, and now this? Why now? I have to say that one slice of cheese sufficed and my urge went away, But I strayed from my planned/required diet.

Now I am almost certain that "One" slice of cheese would not interrupt my surgery on the 6th. But I have a severely wounded pride right about now. I have let myself down, and it feels like crap. Am I going to continue to beat myself up over it? NO! I made a mistake, I fought an urge, I lost, it's over and done with. Move forward and think positive. I;m just curious where the strong urge came from and why all of a sudden.

I am down 8lbs since I started my liquid diet.< /p>

Just had to share my frustration of the day, and to let those who are struggling that we are only human. We are not perfect, but we can overcome and prevail!! I had my mind set that I would not stray once from this diet, and I will follow things to the letter. But if something happens, dust yourself off, get back up and continue on.

**** happens. Don't beat yourself up over it. I think everyone i know (that had this diet) cheated atleast once. Some more than others...One of my good friends had tuna and freaked out over it...but it was okay...even though she was sick ALOT throughout the pre op diet she moved on, completed the diet and lost 33 lbs.

It'll be okay. Just remember next time you want to nibble on something make sure its ice....or a frozen Protein Drink. Or sugar free Gum. Remember how you felt when you "cheated". It made you feel bad and it wasn't worth it. But ...its just a piece of cheese......lesson learned :)

We're all in this together, just post and they'll be someone here to tell u , no you don't want no damn cheeeseeeee! lol <3

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Hello everyone! I just got approved for August 13th and am on day two of my three week pre-op. Is anyone else having severe leg cramps at night? If so, what do you do about it?

Sounds like you need potassium. Call your surgeons office and ask if you can take some potassium pills or if you can have a banana....or a piece of banana each day.

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Just Peachy.. do they feel like charlie horses? If they do, its dehydration. Make sure you are getting plenty of fluids. they are PAINFUL! Drink your water! :D

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August 17th with Dr. Alvarez! I'm sooooo excited. Counting down days, hours, and minutes. I'm an athlete, but I'm 80 lbs from where I should be. I can't wait to see my glory days of swimming again!

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August 17th with Dr. Alvarez! I'm sooooo excited. Counting down days, hours, and minutes. I'm an athlete, but I'm 80 lbs from where I should be. I can't wait to see my glory days of swimming again!

Welcome Dlmeekie, see you made it over, this is a fantastic support group here...and still might pass you as i go for mine on the 14th :)

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Welcome Dlmeekie, see you made it over, this is a fantastic support group here...and still might pass you as i go for mine on the 14th :)

Yes! We very much just might cross paths!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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