High Weight/low Reps Vs. Low Weight/high Reps... There Is No Difference In Results!
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Yeah... the science is becoming pretty conclusive. I think the reason that I (personally) keep harping on it is that I've been bodybuilding for a long time, and I'm continually amazed how resistant bodybuilders are to actually listening to science and research. Every year, at least one of my bodybuilding friends and colleagues injures themselves (sometimes quite seriously) trying to lift a huge stack of weights (often, as you intimate, with improper form). It's ironic and frustrating that they could be getting just as effective of a workout using a light stack, proper form, and more reps.
But I guess that (especially for the guys) a little weight doesn't look as impressive. That's one reason that I work out at home now -- nobody to impress except myself
I'm already on the low weights, high rep bandwagon, but I appreciate scientific confirmation.
As long as you can work out to exhaustion with them, it doesn't matter if it's a giant stack of weights, a tiny "girly" weight, or a thick sheaf of rubber bands... all that matters is the effort expended over time.
I had my consult with the "personal trainer" at my gym today. He's a very buff kid named Kyle and Kyle spewed forth the standard "High weights, low reps" crap. I listened, smiled, and did what I know works.
He also recommended cardio as a warm up to my every other day weight routine, plus doing the bulk of my cardio after I work out with the weights. I do 30 minutes a day, period, but I may split that to before/after weights because I found that I had more energy for cardio after the weights.
One thing he wanted that I refused to do was a "baseline" test to see if I can do a pull up. Um, no, I can't, and I'm not about to injure my shoulder to prove that to him. I seriously doubt I've ever met a woman who can do a pull up at 250 + pounds. I'm not sure I know many women who could do a pull up period, except maybe Lil Miss Diva or Blackberry Juice!
The consult was interesting, but not super informative. The best information I got was on form as an essential in doing the weights properly.
Thanks for posting this. It was a very good read and to tell you the truth, it makes a whole lot of sense to me.
Time Magazine did a similar article. They also noted that people using lower weights/higher reps were more likely to use proper form as they are not overstraining to try to lift a very high weight.
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