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I Think I Am A Sleeve Failure!

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I never went into this journey blind. I knew this was just a tool to help me with this life long struggle of losing weight. but i have fallen back into the same old pattern. The only difference is i cant eat much. i dont eat alot of bread or those kind of carbs veggies make me extremely gassy even though i was blaming bread im nvr thirst so i have a hard time drinking Water. i still can drink alcohol like i used to which i plan to give up starting tomorrow so that i can get this back on track. what through me off is the stall i have been in for a long time. i cant shake it. but now i have even gained 4 pounds. what the heck. the once a week that i do have a beer or two or more you wouldnt think would stop my weightloss. the carbs i dont eat you think would help but it aint. the most i might consume for calories is 1000 cals. that if i am eating bread or candy or crap like that. im frustrated im disappointed. i dont know what to do with myself. and the slips with the food or the drinkin is all cause im disappointed. I think i am gonna try boot camp and see where i go from there because i cannot handle this. this feels worse than when i would diet before. except before i know i consumed to many calories. where now i aint even eating 1/4 of them and still no loss.grrrr. anyone else experience an almost 2 month stall? my weight has maybe changed by 2 lbs in the last month or 2. i still have 90lbs to lose before my goal and i am almost 5months out and still only down 42lbs. HELP

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Don't be too hard on yourself, you have realized your mistakes and plan on changing them. I have occasionally noticed small slips back in the wrong direction but as long as I catch them and stop them everything is fine. I know how frustrating stalls are, I had a pretty big one but even as my weight was not budging I was fitting smaller clothes. Try not to concentrate on the number, its hard I know, I have struggled bad with that. Just get yourself back on track and the pounds will come off. Just concentrate on getting your Protein and avoiding as many processed carbs as you can. Also if your eating everything right and still not losing, this may not be the advice most people would give but what has worked for me if I see my weight loss slow is up my Water but also my calories by about 200 calories for a few days, it seems to kick start my weight loss again... weird I know.

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I am a new sleever 6 days out. But I would start fresh with some protien drinks, sipping like the beginning and jumpstart your exercise a little. Only drink liquids again for a couple of days. It'll be like just having it done. Maybe it'll be enough to get you going again, then start slowly eating again do smaller portions. I don't know worth a shot.

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I can completely empathize. I am exactly 8 months out and was down 50 lbs. by my 6th month. My Dr. was thrilled and so was I. In the past 2 months i haven't lost a thing. In fact i've gained 6 lbs. I lost my brother in October and while it was heartwrenching I managed to stick to my eating plan. However two months ago I took a job transfer and moved out of state. My husband didnt find a job right away and well I guess the stress has just taken over. I love my new job etc but this has been a huge transiton for me. The bills are all behind and I have found myself succumbing to my old standby.... food. Nutty bars, fast food, drinking from a straw etc. I cant eat much at one time but I know I'm eating the wrong things. I am getting little exercise with my new work schedule and the more the scale doesn't go down the more depressed I feel. Does anyone have any advice? I don't want to undo all of the good I have done and want to get back on track.

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Hey there-

Just want you to know that I have definitely heard of 2 month stalls. Also you must have lost that 42 lbs REALLY FAST so maybe your body is just catching up from the rapid loss--which explains the stall.. Some people have a stall 3 weeks after surgery. Some people 3 months after surgery. Sounds to me like you hit the stall at 3 mos. If I were you I would make sure to get in some exercise at least 3 days a week for 45 min to an hour. DEFINITELY cut out the beer. Or try a lower calorie beer.

Check out:

http://getdrunknotfat.com It's a site that shows beer and the calorie content and even more. Be smart about it.

You can't let this stall control you. Just keep on eating right, exercise at least a few days a week, and either stop drinking or be smart about it. You will beat the stall.

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Get back to the basics, which you already know you need to do. Drink Water, eat your Protein and add in some exercise. You've lost 42 pounds already, and you will lose more! :) My weight loss has really slowed since the six month mark, as well, but I've been adding in exercise and I'm seeing the results in my clothes sizes and my measurements. It's not as bad as you think it is, but you've identified a few things that you want to change, so change them.

You can do this! You will get to goal!! I have faith in you! :)

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You might not be eating much in terms of calories or carbs, but it sounds like you are drinking them. If you are going to quit or greatly reduce the drinking this should help. But, like others have said- go back to the basics to start out. You should start to see results just in doing that and then you might get motivated to start incorporating even some basic exercise a few times a week, even if its just taking brisk walks in the evening.

You can do this. I actually gained 12# when I was on my trip to Europe just recently. I went over there knowing this would be likely. It wasn't that I planned on it really, but I also was planning to experience all that I could including different types of foods because this was my first trip outside the states and I have no idea when I will get to go again. I have no regrets honestly. First, it's a great feeling knowing that even if I "fall off the wagon", that I can hop right back on and do what needs to be done. Since I'm so close to my final goal, this is comforting knowing that maintenance is just around the corner. I've already taken all but 3 of those # off now by getting back to the basics and pumping up the exercise. Just remember how motivating it felt when you saw progress in weight loss and inches lost.

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Beer is liquid carb, pure and simple. But it's not just the carb count, it's the alcohol itself. Alcohol is the only carb metabolized as a fat. It screws up your liver. Alcohol and sugar follow the same pathway through the body.

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Really good responses, sleevers.

I went back to emotional eating yesterday when my emotionally immature ex-son-in-law was verbally abusing my sweet 10 year old granddaughter. The clash between my protective instincts which would like too....you know, and rational common sense is like continents colliding. I am an emotional man, more so as I age. After a 1 pound drop earlier in the day I gained 2 back today.

I recognize what I did. I am back to my senses. I think the trick is to stop it early before it becomes a trend.

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Thank you everyone! im gonna try doin Protein and Water for the next five days and see what happens. also this might be gross but what do u take to have a bm cause that isnt a regular thing anymore.

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You aren't alone on the BM issues.... Miralax is like a sand laxative. Sounds yummy doesn't it? You can mix it into anything you drink (or eat). It's what my dr's told me to have in case of Constipation. Good luck.

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Some thoughts...

I never went into this journey blind. I knew this was just a tool to help me with this life long struggle of losing weight. but i have fallen back into the same old pattern. The only difference is i cant eat much. i dont eat alot of bread or those kind of carbs veggies make me extremely gassy even though i was blaming bread im nvr thirst so i have a hard time drinking Water. i still can drink alcohol like i used to which i plan to give up starting tomorrow so that i can get this back on track. what through me off is the stall i have been in for a long time. i cant shake it. but now i have even gained 4 pounds. what the heck.

4 lbs could easily be Fluid retention due to... anything. Don't freak out over 4 lbs, just be aware of it and monitor it. If it doesn't go back down, make some more modifications.

the once a week that i do have a beer or two or more you wouldnt think would stop my weightloss. the carbs i dont eat you think would help but it aint. the most i might consume for calories is 1000 cals. that if i am eating bread or candy or crap like that.

If you're still actively trying to lose, I think you're on the right path by stopping the beer. Completely empty calories, and we just don't have enough capacity to entertain empty calories. Same with the candy & whatever else you mentioned.

anyone else experience an almost 2 month stall? my weight has maybe changed by 2 lbs in the last month or 2. i still have 90lbs to lose before my goal and i am almost 5months out and still only down 42lbs. HELP

Well. I've only been sleeved for not quite 6 weeks, but I had a lap-band for 6 years and stalled for over a year. I had certain weights where my body wanted to stay. That stall was at 250 and I guess my body REALLY liked 250. Unfortuntately I still needed to lose about 80 more lbs! There are some stall breakers you can try, that often have good success. But you need to get your eating in tight order before you try them, or the effect will be lost. Here are some suggestions I've posted previously (copying & pasting is faster than re-typing):

Sounds to me like you might be experiencing a stall. Let me qualify that a little by saying that the term stall is abused. A stall is not going four days without losing anything, or 2 weeks. A stall is an extended period of no weightloss, think 3+ months. And not just no weightloss, but no weight and no measurement changes (e.g. you aren't stalling if you're just adding muscle weight to replace fat weight, hence the scale is not moving).

I stalled for about 13 - 16 months when I had the lapband. I'm prety sure I was doing everything "right" - or at least I was doing everything textbook. Nothing made a difference and my stats didn't budge. Then, within a span of about 9 days, I went from my stall weight of almost exactly 250 (down from about 385) to 241. I remember that 241 very clearly.

I know the whole concept of "burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight" and that's true in an overarching kind of way, but I know from my own experience there are at least temporary exceptions. I think there's also some truth to the idea that different quality foods burn more or less purely.

Here are some things you might want to look at:

  • Cut out any artificial sweetners: crystal light, diet sodas, SF foods, etc. There are some that are obvious, and some that are well hidden so you need to be diligent about food labels.
  • Try to get around 1200 calories a day. Especially during long-term caloric defecits, our bodies find ways of hanging on to what they have. Remember your body doesn't know "dieting," it just knows basic survival.
  • Add healthy fats (oliveoil, avocado, etc.)
  • Try to keep carbs to no more than 20 per day. Try to make the 20 you get come from low glycemic sources.
  • Insulin inhibits fat burning. If you don't already, stop eating about 4 hours before you go to bed. Eating, then sleeping soon after does yucky things to your insulin levels.
  • If you've been doing the same exercise routine, switch it up.
  • If you're still relying on Protein shakes, try getting away from them and more toward solid Proteins.
  • Check and see if you're in ketosis. Easily done with a pee stick suck as Ketostix. In theory, bariatric patients should be in a sort of perpetual ketosis.
  • You can try a temporary "stall buster" diet, there are many. One of the ones recommended with the Atkins plan would probably be most doable (physicall), like the "Fat Fast" (Atkins). http://www.low-carb.com/atarfatfa.html

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Dont be hard on your self. Start from the basics. Add more exercise. I remeber in my classes for my weight loss the told me that this was not a quick fix. I would have to work on it. And boy is that true. You have made a life change. And my weakness is Cookies and popcorn. I have not had popcorn. Infact two days after my surgery they made a big bowl and i wanted some so bad i licked one. I dis not chew it and i spit it out. Lol

You can cheat on the sleave you can eat like you use to. But your going to have to commit. So try going back to the basics. Or the boot camp. This will jump start you. And add more exercise. You can do this.

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Hey there-

Just want you to know that I have definitely heard of 2 month stalls. Also you must have lost that 42 lbs REALLY FAST so maybe your body is just catching up from the rapid loss--which explains the stall.. Some people have a stall 3 weeks after surgery. Some people 3 months after surgery. Sounds to me like you hit the stall at 3 mos. If I were you I would make sure to get in some exercise at least 3 days a week for 45 min to an hour. DEFINITELY cut out the beer. Or try a lower calorie beer.

Check out:

http://getdrunknotfat.com It's a site that shows beer and the calorie content and even more. Be smart about it.

You can't let this stall control you. Just keep on eating right, exercise at least a few days a week, and either stop drinking or be smart about it. You will beat the stall.

Thanks for posting that website. I always joke that I like to eat my calories, not drink them. My surgeon's rules were no alcohol for 1 year post-op (he also admitted that it was the most commonly broken rule.) I did it though, and made it through the first year and no alcohol.

For everyone who is struggling, get back to basics, detox from the sugar, carbs and alcohol, and get back on track. Use your tool, don't waste this gift you've been given!

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You aren't alone on the BM issues.... Miralax is like a sand laxative. Sounds yummy doesn't it? You can mix it into anything you drink (or eat). It's what my dr's told me to have in case of Constipation. Good luck.

I eat 2 prunes when I have a problem. The moist wrapped ones. Natural and works wonders for me.

Sent from my iPad using VST

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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