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Attention ! Australian Sleevers

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Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone is/has been on a medication called Sandomigran? It's a Migraine preventer or something like that. Anyway, I seem my GP for the first time since a month or so before my op and she advised me that the medication will most likely make it very difficult to shift weight. I have to go back to see her next week and was thinking of asking her to change my medication to another sort like a Beta Blocker which is another way of treating things.

Has anyone had problems with losing weight while on it and if so what did you do about it?

Thanks so much

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Sooo bummed right now !! Went for my pre admission clinic today and all went well and I was psyched for my surgery next thurs. Returned home to a call from hospital saying there was a suspected lung clot on my scans ( I have had 3 previous pulmonary embolism). They weren't sure if it's a new one or an old one still showing. So now they are taking the long weekend to decide whether to 1. Proceed as planned or 2. Cancel surgery and treat the clot . Having had these in the past my gut feeling is that it's an old one still showing as I have no pain or symptoms . I understand their caution but I'm so ready for this !!

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Sooo bummed right now !! Went for my pre admission clinic today and all went well and I was psyched for my surgery next thurs. Returned home to a call from hospital saying there was a suspected lung clot on my scans ( I have had 3 previous pulmonary embolism). They weren't sure if it's a new one or an old one still showing. So now they are taking the long weekend to decide whether to 1. Proceed as planned or 2. Cancel surgery and treat the clot . Having had these in the past my gut feeling is that it's an old one still showing as I have no pain or symptoms . I understand their caution but I'm so ready for this !!

Hi, that is a real bummer!!!!! And having to wait over the long weekend for a result will seem like an eternity. I have had pulmonary embolisms too, and had them misdiagnosed and it is very frustrating. And the prospect of going back onto the Warfarin and all the blood tests must be daunting. Fingers crossed that when the Doctors review the X -rays they decide that is the 'old clot' and that your surgery can proceed.

All the best for Thursday *doing the positive thinking thing!* and I hope your surgery goes smoothly and that you make a speedy recovery.

Best Wishes


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Hi everyone' date='

Just wondering if anyone is/has been on a medication called Sandomigran? It's a Migraine preventer or something like that. Anyway, I seem my GP for the first time since a month or so before my op and she advised me that the medication will most likely make it very difficult to shift weight. I have to go back to see her next week and was thinking of asking her to change my medication to another sort like a Beta Blocker which is another way of treating things.

Has anyone had problems with losing weight while on it and if so what did you do about it?

Thanks so much[/quote']

I took Sandomigran many many years ago and yes a couple of the side effects are increased appetite (not sure how that works with a sleeve) and weight gain.

I had to stop taking all migraine medication due to a heart condition but I did put weight on whilst taking it and ate like a horse.

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Hi' date=' that is a real bummer!!!!! And having to wait over the long weekend for a result will seem like an eternity. I have had pulmonary embolisms too, and had them misdiagnosed and it is very frustrating. And the prospect of going back onto the Warfarin and all the blood tests must be daunting. Fingers crossed that when the Doctors review the X -rays they decide that is the 'old clot' and that your surgery can proceed.

All the best for Thursday *doing the positive thinking thing!* and I hope your surgery goes smoothly and that you make a speedy recovery.

Best Wishes


Thanks so much one_elle26. Did your surgeon use any other precautions for clotting. The plan (before the vq results yesterday that it) was the usual stockings, calf pumps & clexane injections for 3 weeks after surgery. Have u had any pe problems since surgery ? Sorry for all the questions but it's nice to know that there are people out there that "get it" if u know what I mean.

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sconatsam...fingers crossed that they will be able to do your surgery.


Where ever you are, hope you have a great day!!

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Hi Sconatsam, I had my band removed in December and am waiting to have a Bypass in March, and yes I did have to do the 3 weeks of injections post op. I also had Clexane the night before my op and I have been told that I will be going to Intensive Care after my Bypass because of the past Pulmonary Embolism and because I have very mild sleep apnoea. I try not to 'stress' about these things but as a Nurse I know that my past history does increase my risks during surgery. I have to keep reassuring myself that the 'risks' of staying obese are greater than having surgery to become 'not obese'.

The other major reason for me having surgery is that I have had a foot reconstruction which is giving me trouble after 7 years and if I don't lose the weight, I will be confined to a wheelchair / motorised scooter....not what I want to do!!!!!

I'm sure your Surgeon will take extra care of you with regards to surgery and if it doesn't happen on Thursday, then it will happen as soon as it is safe for you.

As I said, everything is crossed that your surgery gets done on Thursday.


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Sooo bummed right now !! Went for my pre admission clinic today and all went well and I was psyched for my surgery next thurs. Returned home to a call from hospital saying there was a suspected lung clot on my scans ( I have had 3 previous pulmonary embolism). They weren't sure if it's a new one or an old one still showing. So now they are taking the long weekend to decide whether to 1. Proceed as planned or 2. Cancel surgery and treat the clot . Having had these in the past my gut feeling is that it's an old one still showing as I have no pain or symptoms . I understand their caution but I'm so ready for this !!

I feel your pain Sconasam!! Must be so frustrating- all the waiting involved is excruciating!!! Hope all turns out well :)

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I took Sandomigran many many years ago and yes a couple of the side effects are increased appetite (not sure how that works with a sleeve) and weight gain.

I had to stop taking all Migraine medication due to a heart condition but I did put weight on whilst taking it and ate like a horse.

Thank you,

I hope to get some more replies on this before I go back to the GP Tuesday.

I really don't want something like this to hinder my weight loss

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Hope everyone had a great Australia day.

It was a nice one in Brissy, for ducks.

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It is still p155ing down! Over it!!

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Happy Australia Day all :) It didn't start raining here until this afternoon so we've been lucky by the looks of it! Hope everyone had a fun and safe Aust Day!!

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Beautiful temp in southeastern Vic too! Didn't start drizzling until the evening - but we welcomed that.

Dean, we'd have gladly taken some of the pi$$ing down off you, for sure! We need the rain soooooo badly, if not to dampen down fire prone areas, then at least to top up our Water tanks. That's all were on were on on the farm.

Anyway, I didn't get a chance to post last weekend, and due to my living arrangements during the week didn't have access to a scale until yesterday. Today is weigh in day. So today starts week 3 of my self imposed pre-pre-op diet. I've been trying to have a couple of Protein shakes and a small meal consisting of a lean dense Protein and a non-starchy veg (or 2) daily. It's been very hard this last week, and I have not made the best choices, hence I'm only down .2 kg from last weigh in, which bring me down a total of 1.7kgs since starting this 13 Jan(I think that's when I started). My surgeon is not going to be happy with me, but i am trying my best. Its hard - im hungry ALL THE TIME. And when not truly hungry, then i just want to bloody EAT. My own personal devil, Head Hunger. I see him on 30th. VSG still on for 18 Feb (had a bit of a win with personal finances....it had been looking like I might have to reschedule again, but not now. phew!). Official 2 week pre-op liquid diet will start 5 Feb. I wish I had that 2 weeks off from work as well, because I do better at home, in my controlled environment. Work stresses me out too much and I become preoccupied with food, eating, and it's just a danger zone for me. Away from work, I am FINE. But, I have to work, so am going to have to learn to manage this. There is no other way, and only I can do it. I have to change my response patterns, because work will not change.

We had a late night last night and so my evening meal is uh, still "with me" (i usually weigh after doing all my business in the morning, if you know what i mean! Sorry....TMI!). I did really bad with my Water intake this past week, some days only just got it all in, others lucky to get in half. Been working longer hours each day (10-12, as opposed to 8), 45 minute commute each way, and by the time I get home the last thing I want to do is exercise. Probably the exercise has been the worst - I did NONE this past week outside of body movement that takes place due to life and living! No intentional exercise,8 should say. I am still retaining some Fluid in my feet, ankles and lower calves but it is a lot better. So I will do my morning chores, see if things get moving. Things are a little slow in that department so I may have some.....build up to get rid of (again with the TMI!!) If they do get moving, re-weigh and see if it makes any difference. I'm sure it won't be much if at all, but hey.

Product Reviews

I've found a Protein shake that is fantastic on the calories to grams of protein ratio (a lot of WLS vloggers on YouTube say they look for things that are 1 gram of protein for every 10 calories, and less grams of carbs than protein). It's by Vitalstrength Nutriceuticals and it's called Define. Mine is the women's high protein mix; the label is black & pink with white text. I think there is a guys blend with a blue label. Anyway, I got it from Chemist Warehouse, it was on special $40 for 1kg tub. chocolate flavor, but they also have vanilla. It has 388kj/93 calories, 18.7 gr protein, 1.9 gr carbs, and 1.0 gr fibre (which makes the net carbs .9, I think?). I think that is a great ratio - more protein than kj/cal and low low carbs. It says to mix with low fat or soy milk but I do it with water. Its not the greatest taste in the world - doesn't really have much taste at all. So I added a little Stevia which helped but it just made it sweet. The texture still too watery (of course....I didn't use milk!). So I started looking for a way to improve the taste and texture, make it stay in my poor giant stretched out stomach a bit longer, which leads me to my next product......

Chobani Greek Yogurt. 2 version available: 2% fat and fat free. I went with fat free. Having had Greek yogurt in the past I'm used to it being very sour if taken plain, but this is brand is very mild (I think - I can actually eat it by itself, and I can't do that with other brands). It's slightly more expensive than other brands, BUT this has great label stats! Per 100 grams it's 241kj/58cal, 9.2 gr protein, 4.5 carbs (3.1 of which are sugars but I've read that these are not the same as say sugars found in fruit or cane sugar, something about the fermentation process changing them to not affect blood sugar the same? Will have to refresh my mind on that), and 108mg Calcium, which is so important and hard to get if you're minimizing dairy intake because of the carbs (I am). Anyway, it's got a really smooth creamy texture, reminds me of Paul's chocolate Custard in the tub. So I mix about 1/2 cup of this yogurt into my morning and afternoon shake, and it REALLY helps. Much more satisfying because it stays with me a bit longer, and it sort of helps to bring out the choc flavor.

Ok I have a food review that should suit sleevers who have been on solids for a little while - virtually sin free pizza. Its so good....even my husband, a pizza fiend thought it was awesome, and that is saying A LOT! He's usually a purist on things like pizza as in he likes a traditional base and nothing else will do. I got the recipe and instructions from one of the vloggers I watch regularly.

Vsgtanya2011, post from 22 Jan 2013, titled Cheesy Garlic Cauliflower Pizza Crust. (sorry can't seem to post links from my iPad anymore...I think something's wrong with it!). You guys, this stuff is so good, the base is good enough to eat all by itself. And we did just that on the first one (made a double batch and then quartered it to make 4 different kinds of pizza (about the size of personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut). We only made 3 because the first one we ate as it was! Probably the only downside is the salt/sodium, because you use low fat mozzarella and Parmesan (both high-ish in sodium) and then it calls for garlic salt too.

The first pizza I made up, I put a single layer of shaved hot Hungarian salami from the deli on it (that was 12 grams). Some sliced mushrooms, red and green capsicum, onion, a couple of sliced green olives (small ones) and some low fat mozzarella cheese, about 20gr of the shredded stuff. OMG, absolutely BRILLIANT. And you know what? I didn't realize until we were eating it that I forgot to put on the pizza sauce! And it tasted awesome! So score! No sugar from the sauce.

The next one I did the same but added the sauce (brush it on with a pastry brush to minimize the sugar) and I think I actually prefer it without the sauce. The third on ei made BBQ chicken for my hubby. It was pretty good too.

I had to adjust the cooking time of both the base and the pizza by about 3 minutes longer (difference in altitude I think) but I left the temp alone (she is American, as am I, but has an Aussie husband though ;-) - so uses Farenheit, so the conversion to Celsius is about 232 degrees). I found that the olive oil on the parchment didn't do anything but keep the base a little more moist, so wasn't a thin and crispy (my fav) except around the edges, but even so, it was still Devine. Honestly, I could quite easily never have a traditional based pizza ever again. Even my husband said he'd be happy to have this any time we had pizza at home. You guys do not know how big of a statement that is!!! I almost fell off the bar stool! Lol

Also, I don't have a ricer, so after I cooked my cauliflower, I put it into a wire strainer and pressed the water out using a Cereal bowl that is slightly smaller than the strainer rim and then dumped it onto a stack of paper towels (I get rolls of the stuff from work for free, so have no qualms in "wasting it" (lol) so for those of you who don't use that stuff, a couple of old tea towels or even several layers of news print would work.....if you don't mind news ink! Lol) The cauliflower doesn't really stick to it and you just fold it over press out more water and then dump it into the mixing bowl. I think that's the most important part, get out as much excess water as possible.

And this stuff is versatile, if you back off the cooking time you could avoid the crispy edges and use the stuff as a wrap, or cut it into squares for sandwich "bread", if you like savory stuff. I may do some experimenting with this see what other sort of flavors I can come up with that would suitable for less savory toppings/fillings.

Ok, as usual I have ran off the end of the earth with a single post so hope everyone is doing great and having an awesome long weekend. Let's go out and make it happen!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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