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Attention ! Australian Sleevers

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Lila - you look fantastic in your skinny jeans! You look so young and trendy! You must have people that hardly recognise you now!

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It is wonderful to read everyone's notes. I am just starting this journey.. I find out next week the date of my surgery. I am so tired of being fat. Tired of the looks when I eat out' date=' it's like everyone is looking at my plate to see if I am eating too much. I am tired of clothes that make me look like curly in the three stooge s. Very nervous,but I figure it's this or early death. I wish everyone successful in their journey.[/quote']

Welcome Carolyn - you will find this thread great support - I certainly have! All the best for your surgery and keep us posted on how you go.

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LOL Sue - it's so funny...people keep coming up to me and grabbing my waist, saying "look how skinny you are"....it's oddly disconcerting and funny at the same time. BTW I live in a very small town where I grew up and I am related to 50 percent of inhabitants and grew up with the rest lol. Still, it's odd :) It's also really nice too. I went into work today and all the nurses wanted me to "do a little turn" - felt like a bit of a rock star hehehehe. You know, with the exception of a little run in with my mother the other day, I haven't had a single negative comment from anyone about this. Even my friend, a diabetic nurse, who is really kinda mean about other people we know who had the sleeve has been really supportive. I think it's cause I have so much to lose that she could understand it was impossible without the surgery. It's lovely having all the support though- I am truly blessed!!!

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Well its official I called the Gym back after taking a day to cool off. 2 different managers had left messages to call them back during this time. When I did I got nothing but apologizes from the manager that signed me up to the gym and insisted that they pay for sever personal training sessions to make me feel more welcome with in the gym.

So all is good now I just have to get up the guts to go back .

Can someone tell me if this is normal or not. I still love my sweets after the sleeve. But I find when I eat them. I start to feel really sick. Has anyone else felt like this or is it just me?

Oooo contgrats on the promotion and weight goal Miss Guru.

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Hey Sara ;) Congrats on a good outcome! Don't rush, go back when you feel you can and then commit to your decision :) it sounds like you are setting yourself up for success anyway!

With regards to the sweets, I know I can eat three peanut M&M's and feel okay. If I even have one more, I am sick. It happens when I have too much sugar. Example - had one coffee with a sugar in it - it was okay. I had a second one several hours later and that was enough to send me off. I had to have a lie down. I was sick and my heart was racing. Another friend who was sleeved years ago tells me she has the same thing - her story was that she ate about a third of a Maccas sundae and had heart palpitations and had to lie down for hours too.

And thanks for the congrats :)

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OK before I go back to getting ready to start uni Next week. Firstly Aussie I wish i could lose the kind of weight you have lost.. You look great in your outfit.

I just want to know I am almost 4 months since I had my op. I have lost 10kgs that's it. First I thought it was because of what i was eating.. Changed my diet..... no change.

Now i'm exercising....... No change.

What the hell am i doing wrong???

Or was my sleeve done wrong and I can just eat to much???

I eat out of the little tiny bowls you get at Asian restaurant and on a good day i'm eating one or two serves.... before i'm full...... Personally I Feel like I might have stretched my sleeve early on and i'm never going to get the restriction everyone else gets. :(

anyway Would love some imput....


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OK before I go back to getting ready to start uni Next week. Firstly Aussie I wish i could lose the kind of weight you have lost.. You look great in your outfit.

I just want to know I am almost 4 months since I had my op. I have lost 10kgs that's it. First I thought it was because of what i was eating.. Changed my diet..... no change.

Now i'm exercising....... No change.

What the hell am i doing wrong???

Or was my sleeve done wrong and I can just eat to much???

I eat out of the little tiny bowls you get at Asian restaurant and on a good day i'm eating one or two serves.... before i'm full...... Personally I Feel like I might have stretched my sleeve early on and i'm never going to get the restriction everyone else gets. :(

anyway Would love some imput....


Sarah, you said that you have lost 10kg in the last 4 months. Had you not had the surgery, how much would you have gained in that time? Not only have you prevented getting heavier, but you have lost 10kg!!! I know that this seems slow compared to some other losers here, but look around the whole forum and you'll find many many people just the same as you.

Sounds like a good deal that you're getting at the gym. A PT is a great place to start, and fab that you won't have to pay for the first few sessions.

I know the little bowls you're talking about, what are you filling them with? A full bowl of rice is different to a full bowl of chicken mince, which is different to salad. It's hard to estimate how much I would be able to eat without knowing what.

I have a lot of trouble with rice, Pasta and potato. I could eat 2 tablespoons of rice, get the hiccups, have a runny nose, get a slimy throat and be very uncomfortable for 2 hours. If it was a nice chicken casserole that had been slow cooked with sauce, I could probably manage most of one bowl, over an hour or so. salad is hit and miss. Carrots are in with the rice and Pasta, but Tomato is no problem.

As for the sweets, I find myself buying them and really wanting them, but not being satisfied by them. I don't enjoy eating them, but still try. I find savoury food much more satisfying. I just have to make my head catch up to my body and make it understand that chocolate will no longer act as an emotional bandaid and I will not get any satisfaction from eating it.

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LOL Puppyphat I was going to say pretty much the same thing about the sweets. it's hilarious - my new coping mechanism is that I buy the sweets and then take them in to the admin staff the next day cause I won't eat it. Before I'd eat the whole lot on top of my massive dinner. Now, as long as I say I will try that if I am still hungry after dinner, I usually don't touch it. The only thing I do have is a bag of peanut M&M's in my fridge. A 55g bag lasts about two weeks lol. But it fixes my craving and you know, Protein hahahahaha.

With regards to what we eat, I am sure it is all different. I use myfitnesspal.com to track what I eat and I get in on average about 500 cal per day.

An example of where I am (at 5 months) is:


8-10 grapes


half a piece of multigrain bread with ham, cheese and Tomato


3 crackers and cheese (munchables) or

quarter-half a chicken, cheese and avo sandwhich on multi (takes about an hour)


Lean Protein about 30-50g (a meatball or piece of ham), brocoli and carrot


1 piece of Multigrain bread with ham, cheese and tomato melted


Pistacio (not every day)

Peanut M&M (not every day)

I can't eat steak, chicken, eggs, lamb or pork. Too heavy for me still. It looks like I eat a lot of bread but I actually try to keep it to one meal per day.

I find that I can eat more if I take longer i.e. lunch is usually my biggest meal cause I have an hour to sit around eating with friends. Brekky is quick (admittedly usually at the computer at work, hence grapes) and dinner is usually quick cause I am so disinterested in eating - I am over it by the end of the day.

With regards to the time it takes to eat, my NUT said that I should stop after 20 minutes otherwise i will get in the habit of grazing. I don't want to do that so I am trying to challenge myself not to do that. The consequence is that I am eating less again which doesn't help the weak/ shakey feeling I get at times.

Anyway, I hope this helps a little but wouldn't worry if you have more than I do - I've only been eating for 3 months not 5 due to the leak so I am probably a bit behind :)

Cheers, Lila

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Well its official I called the Gym back after taking a day to cool off. 2 different managers had left messages to call them back during this time. When I did I got nothing but apologizes from the manager that signed me up to the gym and insisted that they pay for sever personal training sessions to make me feel more welcome with in the gym.

So all is good now I just have to get up the guts to go back .

Can someone tell me if this is normal or not. I still love my sweets after the sleeve. But I find when I eat them. I start to feel really sick. Has anyone else felt like this or is it just me?

Oooo contgrats on the promotion and weight goal Miss Guru.

That's great Sara and good that you felt empowered to take further action. You will enjoy the personal training I am sure. I feel the same about sweets. Makes me feel a bit sick, so I only have a little if I get the urge.

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Wow Lila, you are not consuming many calories, so it's not surprising you get the wobbles sometimes. For good nutrition my NUT told me I have to eat 1000 calories per day, over 5 small meals because I won't fit it in over just three meals. Your weight loss if great, but this few calories may be hard to sustain long term and I would be worried about deficiencies. I know you are busy but why not try to have another meals at morning and afternoon tea???

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Sarah, good on you for getting back in touch with the gym. I hope they can find a trainer that will be able to work with you. My original trainer was really good at helping me with my head as well as the physical part.

I did have a huge weight loss, some days I still dont comprehend that I lost the equivalent of an overage person, but getting off track. I did work really hard, especially in the first year. I would work out an average of 2 times a day 5-6 times a week. It somehow seems easy to say but it really wasnt. However I would try and make atleast one of the work outs part of my life (for example I have a 5 km commute from home to work, I would walk/run this ..which strangely ended up being about the same time it took me to do the commute on public transport in the end). I would take my lunch break and use that to work out. I also had people who I would work out with, a work out buddy can not be underestimated.

I agree with what the others have said about food. My sleeve is now quite large, they do "grow" over time (ie swelling goes down, stretches slightly etc), however I can still feel alot of restriction and will never finish a meal again. No matter what you are eatting, focus on the sleeve rules, Protein first, some Proteins are richer than others and I think this varies for most, for me I can not finish a boiled egg but can eat a chicken leg and then a little of the thigh), then on veggies and carbs last.

Most of embrace and Celebrate the loss, we all lose at different stages, but keep an eye on the goal.

And sweets, yes I still get the darn head crazies for them, tho eatting them really doesnt do much for me. I dont get the sickness I used to get from them but dont really need them...however as Lila has also noted, feel the need to still buy copiouos amounts of them (the head is a weird ole place)

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Wow Lila, you are not consuming many calories, so it's not surprising you get the wobbles sometimes. For good nutrition my NUT told me I have to eat 1000 calories per day, over 5 small meals because I won't fit it in over just three meals. Your weight loss if great, but this few calories may be hard to sustain long term and I would be worried about deficiencies. I know you are busy but why not try to have another meals at morning and afternoon tea???

Yeah my NUT wanted me to be on 1200 cal per day. She knows where I am at and believe it or not, I've actually increased it to 500 cal. My surgeon was apologetic because she feels this was due to having to well resleeve might be the best way to describe it. It left me with about half the pouch she was aiming for. I eat every few hours but it can be left overs from the other meals depending on the day. I have to eat regularly cause my blood sugar dips too low (a few weeks ago I was down to 2.2 and had to stay at the surgery until it rose or I was going back to hospital on a drip). It's complicated by the fact I can't tolerate the Protein drinks etc. I certainly agree it's not sustainable long term though!!

I do have malnutrition issues and am trying hard to get this sorted out :) It's slow!

Hopefully I will be able to increase it again in the near future :)

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Oh and I should say too that stress is an appetite killer these days. I have a crazy and stressful job and it seems to shrivel my stomach capacity. There are days when eating a cracker feels like I've eaten a brick. I am going to try to have Soups on those days to see if I can get a little more in ;)

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Yeah my NUT wanted me to be on 1200 cal per day. She knows where I am at and believe it or not' date=' I've actually increased it to 500 cal. My surgeon was apologetic because she feels this was due to having to well resleeve might be the best way to describe it. It left me with about half the pouch she was aiming for. I eat every few hours but it can be left overs from the other meals depending on the day. I have to eat regularly cause my blood sugar dips too low (a few weeks ago I was down to 2.2 and had to stay at the surgery until it rose or I was going back to hospital on a drip). It's complicated by the fact I can't tolerate the Protein drinks etc. I certainly agree it's not sustainable long term though!!

I do have malnutrition issues and am trying hard to get this sorted out :) It's slow!

Hopefully I will be able to increase it again in the near future :)[/quote']

It sounds like you are doing your very best Lila and are aware of what's works best for you and the risks involved. You still you fantastic, but we want you to be healthy too!!

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Thanks Kelli - I know it's concern and I appreciate it. I should qualify that I try to do my best but some days are better than others :) Today, not so good and as a result, I almost passed out. Well done me. I am now at home, with a washer on my head and some juice. So silly!! *sigh* Odd thing is that despite the weak/ dizzy thing, I feel the best I have in YEARS. I don't think I realised how unwell I was before!!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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