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Hi sarahjp' date='

My surgeon is Stephen Blamey. He took my band out (it was put in by Tny Kiereth in Perth though).

I'll be at Cabrini Malvern. Which Cabrini were you at?[/quote']

I was at malvern to and stephen was my surgeon. I have to go see him tomorrow for my one month review.

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Hi everyone, I don't post often, however, I want to congratulate all of you who have reached a goal.

Deano: soooooooo close to halfway, what an inspiration. I hope I can do as well after my surgery in March.

Lila: 50 kg down...WOW!!!!!! what a remarkable achievemnet in spite of having such a rocky post op experience.

AussieGirl: Sorry to hear about your ankle, I hope you make a speedy recovery.

Sarahjp: Please don't get your hopes up that Stephen will give you a pat on the back, it's not his style. That is an amazing result and you should be very proud of yourself.

Apologies if I have left anyone out, I read all of the posts here but I don't post very often.

Great work All.

best Wishes


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Hi everyone, I don't post often, however, I want to congratulate all of you who have reached a goal.

Deano: soooooooo close to halfway, what an inspiration. I hope I can do as well after my surgery in March.

Lila: 50 kg down...WOW!!!!!! what a remarkable achievemnet in spite of having such a rocky post op experience.

AussieGirl: Sorry to hear about your ankle, I hope you make a speedy recovery.

Sarahjp: Please don't get your hopes up that Stephen will give you a pat on the back, it's not his style. That is an amazing result and you should be very proud of yourself.

Apologies if I have left anyone out, I read all of the posts here but I don't post very often.

Great work All.

best Wishes


Hey One_Elle

I know its not his style Ive been a patient of his for over 2yrs.... Just would be nice to get a well done from him once in while. Anyway will see tomorrow when I go for my one month Appointment.

Im guessing your one of Stephens patients to?

His very good at his job... I trust his work.... but sometimes a pat on the shoulder would be good.

But he has seen me doing well, then reversing all my good work. So he has a right to be a tad disappointed. This time Its not going to happen... So 10 kgs is a great achievement for me.

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Thanks Elle,

March is only just around the corner!


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Hi Puppyphat,

I think that you look amazing! Honestly, I can't ever imagine weighing 58kg, even after all my weight loss. So I think you should be really proud of getting basically to your goal. With regards to the comments of others, it is really hard. If I was wearing my psychologist hat (sorry for this), I'd ask myself not why I didn't think people are proud of me but why I am looking to others to be proud. We all do it but maybe you could start to look at why you're externalising feelings which really are only internal one's. Pride in yourself can only come from yourself. It's really about self-confidence and self-esteem. Like, what does it mean if they aren't proud of me even after I've lost the weight? What does it say about my relationships?

Or you could just write them off as jealous b-atches lol.

Anyway, from looking at your photo's you look really healthy not sick. People will get used to it and before you know it, it will cease being an issue :)

Cheers, Lila

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PuppyPhat, here is my 2 c for what it is worth. At a BMI of 21 you are at the lower end of average weight..going much more is risking being under weight which has risks as much as being overweight...clinical assessment aside.

Are you happy where you are? Where does your ideal weight come from?

I think you look good as you are. When you get back to gyms and good work outs that will help with tone, and may also cause slight weight increase ( muscle weighing more than fat), something that you need to mentally prepare for.

The thing about the sleeve is that it is a tool that a. Helps you loose weight and b. Helps you maintain weight. What we have during the first few months is a window that means that have the opportunity to loose weight, feel good about ourselves and change our relationship to food and exercise. What we need to do once we get near goal is trust the tool and trust that we have made the changes we need to continue with healthy lifestyles.

I have found that now I am no longer actively trying to loose weight, I can put weight on by not being vigilant with diet or exercise put on 2 kgs over Christmas but lost them and a few more in a few days before the ankle injury by being smarter in my choices.

At the end of the day family and friends mean well but we are the only ones who can say we are happy with what we see in the mirror...

Hope this doesn't come off too preachy...just my 2 c

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Hi again,


I think you look amazing and I'm with Lila, if you feel good then that is all that matters. I try to live by the 'code' "What anyone else thinks of me is none of my business". Sometimes easier said than done, however, in this case I think you could apply it and disregard the negative comments from people who do not understand your great achievement.


I have known Stephen for about 35 years as we 'trained' at the same hospital all those years ago. And yes, he was my 'Band' Surgeon and I found his bedside manner a bit abrupt, although, I would entrust my life to him if I needed any kind of 'lifesaving' surgery because, you don't get to be the 'head' of a Department in a major Hospital without having exceptional skills. The other reason that I have changed Surgeon, and probably the most significant reason, is that I now live in Mornington and I have trouble driving long distances because of a painful foot, so I see a Surgeon located in Frankston.

I hope that Stephen surprises us all and gives you a pat on the back because you have done really well.

I hope you both continue to achieve your goals.

Best Wishes


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Puppyphat, I think you look absolutely awesome and agree with all the comments above. I do hope you take it easy until your feeling 100% though!

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Puppyphat, you look sensational but you would also look sensational a little heavier too. It all boils down to what you feel comfortable with. People are well meaning but they are probably haven't really got used to the new you. About four years ago I lost about 40 kgs in about six months on a strict diet (of course I couldn't maintain it). Any how I am 170 cms tall and got down to 72 kgs which is at the upper end of my healthy weight range. Well meaning friends and work colleagues kept telling me that I was.....too skinny, looking drawn, looked sick, needed to put on some weight, etc., etc., etc. I think they just couldn't quite take in the quick weight loss and the major difference in my appearance. I was probably the healthiest i had been for a long time and, more importantly, I felt so good about myself. It will probably be the same this time and I'll just be prepared to know what is right for me. Puppyphat I think after all you have been through you are the best person to know what is right for you. You go girl!!!

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I have known Stephen for about 35 years as we 'trained' at the same hospital all those years ago. And yes, he was my 'Band' Surgeon and I found his bedside manner a bit abrupt, although, I would entrust my life to him if I needed any kind of 'lifesaving' surgery because, you don't get to be the 'head' of a Department in a major Hospital without having exceptional skills. The other reason that I have changed Surgeon, and probably the most significant reason, is that I now live in Mornington and I have trouble driving long distances because of a painful foot, so I see a Surgeon located in Frankston.

I hope that Stephen surprises us all and gives you a pat on the back because you have done really well.

I hope you both continue to achieve your goals.

Best Wishes



Thats one reason I went with him. I was at the seminar to talk to Prof O'brian about the Band and having him do the procedure and Stephen was the Dr speaking that night. His credentials as well as something he said about mental illness was what made me pick him in the first place. I agree with you he would never became a department head if he wasnt good at what he does.

He has operated on me 5 times now and I have never had any major or minor Complications. side effects from not dealing with band dont count in my book. It was my body and my mind rejecting it not anything. Not his work.

only one of my scares dont look the greatest and it the one he opened up 4 times... So there is going to be scaring there regardless.... all the other spots will only be small lines...

As for the Pat on the back?? He was really happy today :) He just wants me to continue losing and not to slip back into my old habbits. Which is the kind of support I need.

Anyway got things to do.... hope everyone is well


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Hey One_Elle

I know its not his style Ive been a patient of his for over 2yrs.... Just would be nice to get a well done from him once in while. Anyway will see tomorrow when I go for my one month Appointment.

Im guessing your one of Stephens patients to?

His very good at his job... I trust his work.... but sometimes a pat on the shoulder would be good.

But he has seen me doing well, then reversing all my good work. So he has a right to be a tad disappointed. This time Its not going to happen... So 10 kgs is a great achievement for me.

Clearly he's a good surgeon, and I feel completely at ease with him......in the surgical ward. Across the desk is a whole other story. I literally have to take a Valium before going to see him (left over from a stint with seized back muscles).

Then, I get annoyed after every appointment, because I think 'dang, you come to him for help and he passes as much judgement on you as any random person in the street!'. He isn't caustic or hateful.......just....abrupt...... tries to put words in your mouth and implies that he's a better witness to your experiences than you are. It's annoying because if I were actually able to get my weight under control on my own, I'd surely have achieved it by now, and I wouldn't even be there. For Gods sake, I've spent 3/4 of my life (literally!) trying to lose weight. One gets the feeling that he expects you to apologize profusely for taking up his time, despite the fact that you're paying him a pretty handsome sum per visit AND 9 times out of 10 he keeps you waiting an hour or more.......So.......it would be nice if he could exude some semblance of bedside manner.

Doubt it will ever happen, as much as I doubt any of us will earn a "well done!" and a pat on the back.

But like Lila said, it's not what others think of us...it's what WE think of ourselves. We just have to remember it!

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Would like to further state that my comments in my above post make my surgeon out to be a real jerk - and he's not. He's very professional and I know without a doubt I'm in very good hands.

I just that he was schooled in the old ways where certain specialties of the medical professional were taught that they are a god and above reproach. And probably schooled in (professionally and socially) in the idea that shaming, belittling or negative feedback is the best method of motivation when it comes to getting fat people to lose weight. Trouble is, I think for most of us with a weight problem (in particular those of us who have battled weight our whole lives) it's NOT AT ALL motivating. I'd go as far to say that we use it to further reinforce how we already feel about ourselves, and use that experience to continue to abuse ourselves. Well, that has been my experience and what I've read and heard in others. I think it's probably applicable to many here.

But Ive gotten off topic. AGAIN.

I just want to say that anyone who is here looking at posts while searching for a surgeon, please don't discount Dr Blamey because he IS a very excellent surgeon. Just don't expect a warm fuzzy, cuddly working relationship. You won't get that. You'll get facts, which are usually cold and hard, from a well meaning surgeon who doesn't have a sugar coating! Lol

In other news.......

Hanging out to get on the scale tomorrow. I think I might have drooped a couple of kgs, which if I have is AWESOME! And makes me very relieved and very happy and feel like my hard work this last 2 weeks hasnt been for nothing.

And it has been HARD at times. I know y'all know exactly where I'm coming from!

Got my last pre-op with Blamey on 30th Jan, so hoping to have lost most of what I put on after band removal, and then more still in 2 week pre-op Optifast stage.

Right wrapping this up now.

Hope everyone is having a super week. Go out, and make it happen. I will! (stole that from my fav VSG vlogger ;) )

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Hi all - Just checking in and I notice that I have had a lot of reading to catch up on!

I am still on holiday and haven't weighed myself since before Christmas - I won't be back until the 19th so dreading the weigh in!

My diet has been really un disaplined and I have been indulging in homemade shortbread, chocolate and lots of other goodies - seriously I am a bit concerned but as long as I am still in the healthy BMI I am not going to worry. I will be back on track when I get home. My main worry at the moment is that I seem to have some hormonal imbalance and I am a bit concerned I will end up with an Iron deficiency - so back to my GP! I have heard that weight loss can play havoc with your cycle so hoping it is that but could be my age too - sorry for the guys on here that have to listen to this - too much info I guess!

Anyway, great to hear that everyone is progressing through their different stages pre-op. I wouldn't worry about weight gains with band removal - the pre op diet will get you back on track and then once you have the sleeve the weight will all be down from there!

Puppuyphat - as long as you are within the healthy BMI and your bloods are ok and you are taking your supplements and you are feeling strong then I wouldn't worry. Exercise will make you feel even better!

Lila - what can I say other than YIPPEE for you! 50 kg - you must be feeling pretty happy with yourself!

Aussiegirl - hope you finding your recovery not too tiresome! I am sending my healing vibes your way!

Sounds like the Brisbane crowd had a nice lunch - Dean - loved you comment about the two attractive girls you had lunch with!

Sydney crowd - lets do that soon too!

Sorry if I have missed anyone and welcome to all new posters on this thread!

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Puppuyphat - as long as you are within the healthy BMI and your bloods are ok and you are taking your supplements and you are feeling strong then I wouldn't worry. Exercise will make you feel even better!

Sounds like the Brisbane crowd had a nice lunch - Dean - loved you comment about the two attractive girls you had lunch with!

Sydney crowd - lets do that soon too!

Sorry if I have missed anyone and welcome to all new posters on this thread!

Bummer about the hormonal imbalances. I was lucky enough to have the implanon put in 4 months before surgery and have only had a couple of episodes of light spotting since surgery. Naprogesic and milo (high in iron) were my best friends before that.

Bloods are all within normal parameters but doc has just put me on 6 weeks of vit B12 injections to try to boost my immune system and energy a bit. Not worried about the amount of weight lost, just how crazy fast it fell off. Said after 3 weeks of shots I should feel a lot better and be able to hit the gym again. Can't wait.

So keen to meet up with all the Sydney people, pre and post op. will be great to see where everyone is at and have a face bigger than a postage stamp to put to all the names.

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Hi all - Just checking in and I notice that I have had a lot of reading to catch up on!

I am still on holiday and haven't weighed myself since before Christmas - I won't be back until the 19th so dreading the weigh in!

My diet has been really un disaplined and I have been indulging in homemade shortbread' date=' chocolate and lots of other goodies - seriously I am a bit concerned but as long as I am still in the healthy BMI I am not going to worry. I will be back on track when I get home. My main worry at the moment is that I seem to have some hormonal imbalance and I am a bit concerned I will end up with an Iron deficiency - so back to my GP! I have heard that weight loss can play havoc with your cycle so hoping it is that but could be my age too - sorry for the guys on here that have to listen to this - too much info I guess!

Anyway, great to hear that everyone is progressing through their different stages pre-op. I wouldn't worry about weight gains with band removal - the pre op diet will get you back on track and then once you have the sleeve the weight will all be down from there!

Puppuyphat - as long as you are within the healthy BMI and your bloods are ok and you are taking your supplements and you are feeling strong then I wouldn't worry. Exercise will make you feel even better!

Lila - what can I say other than YIPPEE for you! 50 kg - you must be feeling pretty happy with yourself!

Aussiegirl - hope you finding your recovery not too tiresome! I am sending my healing vibes your way!

Sounds like the Brisbane crowd had a nice lunch - Dean - loved you comment about the two attractive girls you had lunch with!

Sydney crowd - lets do that soon too!

Sorry if I have missed anyone and welcome to all new posters on this thread![/quote']

Hi Sue, great to hear from you and it's wonderful to hear that you are having a long and well deserved holiday. You may be pleasantly surprised when get weight yourself next. We would love to hear how you went.

I agree with all if your observations and congratulations about all of the fantastic people on this thread who are all taking positive steps to improve their lives. Such a positive and supportive group and one I am pleased to be a part of.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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