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Attention ! Australian Sleevers

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Keloff, the sleeve can be a strange mistress on what it can accept foodwise. Somedays it can be super tolerant and others days a complete pain in the butt :)

I notice tho (close your eyes guys or skip to the next paragraph) at that time of month i can eat a significant amount more than usual. Also crackers generally crunch down to nothing.

At a year and a bit the amount my stomach can handle is significantly more, I need to be more aware of what I am eatting. I am not whether it has stretched but the capacity is more.

Swift Kate, Yay!!!! Keep us updated how you go. I am sure you will do great and put that band behind you :)

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Hi everyone...today marks six weeks since the test revealed that there was no longer a leak! My surgeon isn't back from OS until the middle of next month but once I speak to her, I am hoping to get the 'all clear'. Things are going pretty well. I haven't puked (touch wood) for a few weeks, although get a bit nauseated at times, mostly when I haven't eaten. Not sure where my weight is at the moment as I haven't weighed myself but last time I checked, I was 35kg down and that was three weeks ago. I would like to think there was another 5 kg off :)

Before the surgery, I was in size 26 clothes. Target brand stuff was a bit hit and miss - sometimes the 26's were too small. Today, I went in and tried on a size 20 dress - and it FIT!! It would look better with another 10 kg off no doubt, but it fit. In a pinch, I could have worn it out the door!!! I was so excited to be in a size 20!!!!! Really is great.

food wise, nothing much has changed. I am back to basics in my eating, having a serve of nuts and fruit everyday as Snacks. Brekky is half a cup of Cereal and dinner is some kind of Protein and veggies. I have to prioritise Protein though and often the veggies get left. I am getting in about 50g of protein at dinner if I eat slowly enough. lunch is usually crackers , cheese and Tomato :) Which I love. Today I had a quarter of a chicken, cheese and avocado toasted sandwhich on multi and it was delicious!!

liquids are still a bit of a struggle. I have mostly really watered down juice or a little soda Water. Sometimes, I have a little (very little) lemonade for an energy boost which is not a great idea but if I'm honest, it's gotten me out of a pickle. I get light headed even with very moderate exercise and need a sugar hit, even if I eat just before. I am going to try to get onto fruit instead now I can seemingly tolerate it again.

Exercise is very slow. I am only walking. I get very fatigued, very quickly. I hate that feeling!!! Particularly the light headedness.

Interestingly, I get cold now. Before the surgery I was always hot. Now, even though it's almost 40 degree's again today and humid, I keep having to turn the aircon off cause I'm cold :) Soon I will have to start carrying around a cardy with me lol.

So things are going pretty well (touch wood). Hope you all are going well too!!

Cheers, Lila

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Thanks for your encouragement Nessa and Aussiegirl. I had only told my two grown daughters and my partner of course. Was going to let my mum know a bit closer to the date as i didnt want her to worry but she knew I went to surgeon yesterday and rang up to see how I went. Told her I was getting band out in January and she immediately asked whether I was getting "the other". So bit the bullet and told her and she was very supportive although I'm sure she will be anxious about it until its done. Have decided not to share with anyone else...just don't want to have to explain. Apart from my immediate family only a few close friends know about the band and I will tell them I'm getting the band out but not about the sleeve. I just don't want the pressure I'll put on myself if others know if that makes sense.

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Hi all, haven't been on here for a while and had to read about 9 pages worth! Welcome to all our new and soon to be sleevers, I hope you find lots of fabulous support and info on here- these guys and gals are amazing! Lila, Puppyphat, sue, Kelliv, Aussiegirl, and anyone else I've missed....you all look so beautiful!!

I had a really nice moment last week, went out for a collegues farewell and when I was getting a glass of wine- I look at the reflection in the mirror behind the bar and didn't recognise myself! My face was different, thinner and longer. It was the first moment I actually noticed a difference. I am 11weeks post op today and have lost 21kg. Slower than I should be I think. So that was the good bit but it's the rest that's bothering me...

I am so exhausted all the time, basic tasks are a challenge for me- work wipes me out. I get dizzy when I move around, cough or sneeze, my bones are aching, a short stint of sitting still and I'm stiff as a board. I try to walk but my hips are painful- and the worst part for me is no memory. I forget EVERYTHING!!! I have a 2 hour exam tomorrow and I cant remember anything as info goes straight out of my head. This makes me so frustrated, I almost feel a little depression lingering. Making an appointment with doc tomorrow. I don't want to see my nut, she charges $140 a pop and I really don't feel comfortable with her. Eating bad is another reason I'm feeling aweful.....old habits and constant cravings. I perceived I would be ontop of the world at almost 3 months, instead I feel like I've been hit by a truck :-/ did anyone else ever feel like this?

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Thanks for your encouragement Nessa and Aussiegirl. I had only told my two grown daughters and my partner of course. Was going to let my mum know a bit closer to the date as i didnt want her to worry but she knew I went to surgeon yesterday and rang up to see how I went. Told her I was getting band out in January and she immediately asked whether I was getting "the other". So bit the bullet and told her and she was very supportive although I'm sure she will be anxious about it until its done. Have decided not to share with anyone else...just don't want to have to explain. Apart from my immediate family only a few close friends know about the band and I will tell them I'm getting the band out but not about the sleeve. I just don't want the pressure I'll put on myself if others know if that makes sense.

Congratulations on getting your date and we hope it all goes smoothly and you can get the sleeve on the same day.

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Hi all, haven't been on here for a while and had to read about 9 pages worth! Welcome to all our new and soon to be sleevers, I hope you find lots of fabulous support and info on here- these guys and gals are amazing! Lila, Puppyphat, sue, Kelliv, Aussiegirl, and anyone else I've missed....you all look so beautiful!!

I had a really nice moment last week, went out for a collegues farewell and when I was getting a glass of wine- I look at the reflection in the mirror behind the bar and didn't recognise myself! My face was different, thinner and longer. It was the first moment I actually noticed a difference. I am 11weeks post op today and have lost 21kg. Slower than I should be I think. So that was the good bit but it's the rest that's bothering me...

I am so exhausted all the time, basic tasks are a challenge for me- work wipes me out. I get dizzy when I move around, cough or sneeze, my bones are aching, a short stint of sitting still and I'm stiff as a board. I try to walk but my hips are painful- and the worst part for me is no memory. I forget EVERYTHING!!! I have a 2 hour exam tomorrow and I cant remember anything as info goes straight out of my head. This makes me so frustrated, I almost feel a little depression lingering. Making an appointment with doc tomorrow. I don't want to see my nut, she charges $140 a pop and I really don't feel comfortable with her. Eating bad is another reason I'm feeling aweful.....old habits and constant cravings. I perceived I would be ontop of the world at almost 3 months, instead I feel like I've been hit by a truck :-/ did anyone else ever feel like this?

Hi Kayargh, I can only offer general support as I am waiting to have a 'bypass' done in early 2013....Sorry to hear that you are feeling so 'ordinary'!!!! I would fully support you in seeing your GP as it seems that there may be more going on than routine post-op recovery. 'Aching bones' and feeling 'as stiff as a board' are not common symptoms experienced by people recovering from having a major operation and an anaesthetic. I would be suspicious that you have a 'virus' or a condition known as 'post viral syndrome' ; you may also be anaemic or undernourished. Also, you may be able to apply for 'special consideration' for your exam if you have been unwell for such a long time and you will need a Doctor's certificate to support an application for 'special consideration'.

Do you know that you can get some of your Nutritionist/Dietitian's fees covered by Medicare by having a Health Care Plan completed by your Doctor or one of his/her Nurses? Perhaps you can ask your Doctor about this when you see him/her tomorrow. I am happy to give you more detail about this if you are interested.

Good Luck with your exam tomorrow and I hope your Doctor can give you some answers about your mystery illness.

Best Wishes


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Hi all' date=' haven't been on here for a while and had to read about 9 pages worth! Welcome to all our new and soon to be sleevers, I hope you find lots of fabulous support and info on here- these guys and gals are amazing! Lila, Puppyphat, sue, Kelliv, Aussiegirl, and anyone else I've missed....you all look so beautiful!!

I had a really nice moment last week, went out for a collegues farewell and when I was getting a glass of wine- I look at the reflection in the mirror behind the bar and didn't recognise myself! My face was different, thinner and longer. It was the first moment I actually noticed a difference. I am 11weeks post op today and have lost 21kg. Slower than I should be I think. So that was the good bit but it's the rest that's bothering me...

I am so exhausted all the time, basic tasks are a challenge for me- work wipes me out. I get dizzy when I move around, cough or sneeze, my bones are aching, a short stint of sitting still and I'm stiff as a board. I try to walk but my hips are painful- and the worst part for me is no memory. I forget EVERYTHING!!! I have a 2 hour exam tomorrow and I cant remember anything as info goes straight out of my head. This makes me so frustrated, I almost feel a little depression lingering. Making an appointment with doc tomorrow. I don't want to see my nut, she charges 140 a pop and I really don't feel comfortable with her. Eating bad is another reason I'm feeling aweful.....old habits and constant cravings. I perceived I would be ontop of the world at almost 3 months, instead I feel like I've been hit by a truck :-/ did anyone else ever feel like this?[/quote']

I had similar symptoms, my hips ached like crazy, and I would sit on the lounge for 10 mins and wake up 4 hours later. I insisted that my Gp check for viruses in my blood work and it turned out to be glandular fever. Had 3 weeks off work. Finally feeling a little better now, but it was comforting to know that my nutrition was fine and I wasn't doing anything wrong. I do strongly believe that losing this weight so quickly lowers our immune system. And 21kg in 11 weeks is slow??? I'm 14 weeks post op and have lost 22kg, with the help of the glandular fever diet! Nothing at all wrong with with your loss so far. It would have taken you longer than 11 weeks to put it on, and you surely don't want to be all saggy everywhere.

I'm noticing that I'm not losing so many cms now, but my saggy skin is getting tighter. I no longer have to lift up my tummy to dry after a shower. Boobs are still requiring a belt to hold them up, rather than a bra though. hair is falling out everywhere. No real bald Patches, just thinning all over. How are you going with these?

It was good to hear from you and congratulations on not recognizing yourself.

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I am so exhausted all the time' date=' basic tasks are a challenge for me- work wipes me out. I get dizzy when I move around, cough or sneeze, my bones are aching, a short stint of sitting still and I'm stiff as a board. I try to walk but my hips are painful- and the worst part for me is no memory. I forget EVERYTHING!!! I have a 2 hour exam tomorrow and I cant remember anything as info goes straight out of my head. This makes me so frustrated, I almost feel a little depression lingering. Making an appointment with doc tomorrow. I don't want to see my nut, she charges 140 a pop and I really don't feel comfortable with her. Eating bad is another reason I'm feeling aweful.....old habits and constant cravings. I perceived I would be ontop of the world at almost 3 months, instead I feel like I've been hit by a truck :-/ did anyone else ever feel like this?[/quote']

Hi Kayargh - you must be due for blood tests soon right? I know what makes me feel really bad is when I am anaemic. I hope it's something simple and that can be remedied quickly for you

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Hi all, haven't been on here for a while and had to read about 9 pages worth! Welcome to all our new and soon to be sleevers, I hope you find lots of fabulous support and info on here- these guys and gals are amazing! Lila, Puppyphat, sue, Kelliv, Aussiegirl, and anyone else I've missed....you all look so beautiful!!

I had a really nice moment last week, went out for a collegues farewell and when I was getting a glass of wine- I look at the reflection in the mirror behind the bar and didn't recognise myself! My face was different, thinner and longer. It was the first moment I actually noticed a difference. I am 11weeks post op today and have lost 21kg. Slower than I should be I think. So that was the good bit but it's the rest that's bothering me...

I am so exhausted all the time, basic tasks are a challenge for me- work wipes me out. I get dizzy when I move around, cough or sneeze, my bones are aching, a short stint of sitting still and I'm stiff as a board. I try to walk but my hips are painful- and the worst part for me is no memory. I forget EVERYTHING!!! I have a 2 hour exam tomorrow and I cant remember anything as info goes straight out of my head. This makes me so frustrated, I almost feel a little depression lingering. Making an appointment with doc tomorrow. I don't want to see my nut, she charges $140 a pop and I really don't feel comfortable with her. Eating bad is another reason I'm feeling aweful.....old habits and constant cravings. I perceived I would be ontop of the world at almost 3 months, instead I feel like I've been hit by a truck :-/ did anyone else ever feel like this?

Hey, just a suggestion but where do you live? Maybe someone on here can recommend a dietician that they're seeing that might be better / cheaper. Hope you're feeling well soon.


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Thanks for all your replies. Puppyphat, that is so me- sit down for two minutes wake up hours later- I hope it doesn't happen in my exam today! I am worried about sitting for so long...falling asleep and being able to walk when I stand up. Plus the last few days i have had a massive sore throat so im clearly run down and as ozeedonkee suggests, probably aneamic as well. So pleased to hear that you have noticed your skin firming up, I thought I might have been lucky enough to keep some of my F cup boobs...but sadly they are disappearing:-( I think my bum is starting to head south too so keen to start exercising but finding a walk down the road just causes pain in my hips. Deano I live on the gold coast, I'm going to book a long appointment with my doc and see if I can get another subsidy to see another dietician, the one I was going to is in Brissy, which is a pain.

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There would be someone on the GC that would specialise in WLS surely. I'm in Brisneyland. I see Marg Brooke. She was great. I see her in the Surgeons rooms at Chermside, but she's at Red Hill.

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Went to see doc this morning, she too is a little concerned. Blood pressure 92/67 and she said I looked a little pale...I said umm I have bronzer on! Just had all my bloods done, forgot to eat this morning as well so it has made me feel worse. Doc doesn't want me to see the nut again either....once I explained that nut doesn't want me eating over 400cal a day and I'm not to have anymore than a teaspoon of carbs a day. I have had my doc for 13 years, I think I'll trust her instead! Lol

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Wow that is low. You been feeling dizzy too?

My BP has finally normalised after I don't know how many years. Only been on meds since January. I should 've been on them earlier but I had no symptoms...bad I know.

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Hi everyone,

Started my 4 weeks on soft food on mon!!! It's good to be off purée, nothing that tastes good looks good puréed lol! I have had a heap of stupid moments along my short journey, with 1 freaking me right out thinking I'd busted my sleeve. It was prob the kick in the arse I needed! I will definitely say this has not been an easy journey for me, struggling with eating. I was fooling myself that I'm fine now and can eat what I want (along comes reality check). This was also my first week back at work so I had a few hurdles there trying to hide my lack of eating etc and energy. I also had a heap of guys asking how I lost 18 kgs in 7 weeks, I hate lying. Anyway the longer I go the better its getting. Can't wait to get back into training.



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Uh oh...buffet invite

My doctor says that he'd like to organise a pre Christmas Breakfast or a post Christmas Breakfast gathering.

Options are for pre Christmas: Four Points by Sheraton in Geelong and post Christmas: Langham in Melbourne.

Both offer buffet breakfasts:

Sheraton: http://deals.fourpoi...aurant_Menu.pdf

Langham: http://www.melbarest...menu-270410.pdf

I said to the nurse who called about this that really it would be a waste of money for me as Sheraton is $25pp and Langham $40pp.

I know he'll be paying (I assume, as he's a bit of a tightarse...as he's a doctor LOL), but seeing as I eat so little, I'm not sure I should go.

Your thoughts?

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