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Attention ! Australian Sleevers

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Hi mimz,

I wouldn't mind having a recovery buddy nearby as well! My surgeon is Dr Blamey. I had my band out at Waverley Private, but when the nurse was asking me about my plans, she wasn't familiar with the sleeve, and wondered aloud if they did it there.

Do you know where you'll be having your sleeve done, when you get a date?


I saw Dr Blamey yesterday for my 1 week follow up (band removal). Everything looks great. We calculated 10 weeks out from surgery, and he said, since I did so well this last time, he'd do me a favor and offer to make it only 9..... But admitted that worked well for him too! Haha. I was like GREAT! But then I realized it was 26 Nov, the day after my BIL is getting married in WA (in the evening). Tried to think of any way of being able to do m sleeve on 26th, but weve already bought our non-refund plane tickets, accomm and hire car, and are not coming back until Tues, 27th. Mon 26 Nov is the last date he's doing surgeries in 2012. The rest of that week he's just doing follow ups and then he's on annual leave until 3 Jan.

Soooooooo.......I'm being sleeved Tues 7 Jan at Cabrini Hospital, Malvern.

I was a little disappointed, because I had envisioned having it done BEFORE 2013, but now that I think about it, it works out better. For one, I can actually enjoy Christmas and not have to worry about how to dodge the eating and food questions. And 2 there is the financial side of things. Its going to cost me $4800 gap, and that gives me longer to save and Christmas won't be quite as skint!

So my instructions are to maintain my weight, don't gain, and try to even lose a bit - which I'm working on now, so I can look and feel a little better at the BILs wedding. I won't look good, not as big as I am, but I always feel a little more comfortable just knowing I've lost some weight. It usually shows on my face first, and I'm a master at obstructing my body when having my picture taken!

Then I've got 2 weeks of pure Optifast prior surgery-not even any non-starch veg, he said. Just Opti, preferably just the shakes. :-/ Well, fine, but I'll be doing just 13 days! I'm NOT having Opti for Christmas dinner! I will just be sensible and have whatever I want just SMALL, SINGLE serves. Really my only weakness at Christmas is trifle, anyway, and if I wait until everyone else has a go at it, there will poor little for me to have, I assure you! (the Great Trifle Fight of 2005 still hangs over my inlaws house like a weather balloon hung up in a tree!) Christmas pudding and Christmas cake I can take or leave. Hate hot Desserts and don't like Christmas cake because it's hard as a brick bat and has all those pips from the raisins or sultanas (whichever have pips I I always forget!).

Oh and I'm a turkey junkie........but I don't think that is bad - PROTEIN!

So, now it's just a matter of doing pre-pre-op, practicing patience, and making the best use of the time I've got. With that in mind, I'm going back to weight watchers, going to start walking before and after work and during lunch on days it doesn't rain, and also see if I can find a therapist who specializes in emotional/compulsive eating so I can try to get a grip on that before I'm sleeved. Because it's a big problem for me.

Anybody know of a good therapist in Melbourne area?

Also, anyone heard from Lila?


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Your diet sounds really good - I am not getting enough Calcium - as calculated by my dietician - so have to make sure that I take my 2x2 huge calcium citrate per day. I am still finding it difficult to remember to take those as they have to be taken separately from other supplements and Protein meals and you have to take on 2 at a time as that is all you can absorb at one time - you are not kidding about being complicated!

Hi Sue, my dietician suggested trying to get nutrition from food instead of supplements if at all possible. Re Calcium it mens min 2 serves of milk

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Hi Sue' date=' my dietician suggested trying to get nutrition from food instead of supplements if at all possible. Re Calcium it mens min 2 serves of milk[/quote']

Sorry, cat was scratching her head on my iPad and sent the last message before I finished. I find the large tablets ok to get down. It's just the thought of them that puts me off. I already take, multi Vitamins, krill, Vitamin D, and a pre menopause natural supplement. Don't wish to add to that pile, so food is my friend.

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I think getting a pic and putting side by side like you said. In sure you will be quite surprised how much change you will see with 26kgs. That is great achievement and you need to know big changes are ahead of you and for all of us.

I did that with my pic and my family nearly fell over when they saw it side by side.

I love hearing everyone's progress.

Sueoco - when was your op and how much have you lost if you don't mind me asking...it looks as though you would be very close to goal' date=' so great.

I'm aiming for another 15 by Xmas and then on the home run for the last 15 by mid next year. Would love for it all to be done by July (1 yr anniversary)[/quote']

I don't mind you asking at all! I had my op on the 18th July 2012 - I originally weighed in at the clinic at 99kg ( I had lost a bit of weight prior because i had the bejeezus scared out of me about my fatty liver so had weighed 102kg at my GPs).

My surgeon said I was 35kg over weight so he set my goal at around 65kg. I have set my own goal of 69kg which will just put me in the healthy BMI weight range - I will be happy with that. I weighed myself yesterday and I am 75kg. So not far to go now.

I still have trouble getting the required amount of fluids (which gives me some problems with Constipation - sorry for too much info)and remembering to take my Calcium. No hair loss yet but nails are breaking - really hoping I don't get the hair loss!

I also have the same issues as everyone else with remembering to chew well, take small bites and eat slowly. Apart from that, all good.

I am going to try and drink more milk like Kelli suggested so maybe theses calcium tablets won't be needed - it might be because of my age that the dietician wants me to supplement - I'm 50.

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Soooooooo.......I'm being sleeved Tues 7 Jan at Cabrini Hospital' date=' Malvern.


That's great news Kristi! You can be my lab rat, lol. Just kidding. I'm going for earliest 21st January, so two weeks after if it's available, this means I can start Optifast straight after coming back from holidays. We can still be mushy buddies!

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I don't mind you asking at all! I had my op on the 18th July 2012 - I originally weighed in at the clinic at 99kg ( I had lost a bit of weight prior because i had the bejeezus scared out of me about my fatty liver so had weighed 102kg at my GPs).

My surgeon said I was 35kg over weight so he set my goal at around 65kg. I have set my own goal of 69kg which will just put me in the healthy BMI weight range - I will be happy with that. I weighed myself yesterday and I am 75kg. So not far to go now.

I still have trouble getting the required amount of fluids (which gives me some problems with Constipation - sorry for too much info)and remembering to take my Calcium. No hair loss yet but nails are breaking - really hoping I don't get the hair loss!

I also have the same issues as everyone else with remembering to chew well' date=' take small bites and eat slowly. Apart from that, all good.

I am going to try and drink more milk like Kelli suggested so maybe theses calcium tablets won't be needed - it might be because of my age that the dietician wants me to supplement - I'm 50.[/quote']

Sue, you and I are the same age when getting enough calcium is especially important leading up to the dreaded menopause and increased risk of osteoporosis. I can relate exactly to everything you have said and our goals are very similar only you are just over a month ahead of me. I hope I din't get the breaking nails and Hair loss as I am being very conscious of getting a good range of nutrition. Not easy, but slowly learning when to stop eating before feeling uncomfortable. My eyes are still bigger than my belly and I usually end up giving away half my meals to my husband.

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I am in struggle town with food right now :( being at home was fine because I had the time to plan meals and stuff but being back at work 6 days a week with an extra 20+ hours after work making cakes is killing me! I haven't hit my Protein goal of 50g for the last few days and I'm getting slack with meal prep. Today I had an up and go, formé yoghurt and a few teaspoons of left over casserole for dinner. I barely got through 700ml of Water and I feel terrible.

Is anyone else struggling with remembering to eat? Or just finding that you can't be bothered? I'm taking all of my Vitamins religiously but am feeling so tired and run off my feet all day!

I'm officially onto soft foods now. If anyone has any easy meal/snack ideas then throw them at me! I feel like i just don't have time for anything other than work right now!

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Hey Susie, not sure that I can help as only 3 weeks yesterday, but I am struggling with eating, only a small amount, not even 1/2 cup and I feel aweful and so full, can be painful and lasts almost an hour. Then I feel like I'm starving, I have faint rumbles remenisant of hunger pangs, but eat a little and feel sick again. It's constantly uncomfortable. I have been sticking with the Optifast shake in the morning and have also bought the dessert for the evenings. That way I cover the consistent craving for chocolate and know I'm getting more Vitamins in too. I haven been pureeing canned stock pot ( something I would have never eaten before this!) and refried Beans and heating and putting them in little 180-250ml containers I have purchased. Then I just take them out of the fridge and heat them up for lunch/dinner. cheese sticks for Snacks too. I have bought a pump water bottle and refill it, putting 5ml of fruit juice concentrate in it (water is too harsh on bella banana and this seems to soften it for her). I carry this bottle everywhere and sit it next to me

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....and accidentally pressed the send button!

I have found having the Water bottle with me constantly is a good reminder to keep sipping. It sits on the couch with me, in the car, on my bed side table, when I go for a walk, when I'm studying....everywhere. I just refresh the Water when it gets a bit low.

Hope this helps, hopefully I will be able to eat a little more. I find myself snacking too much and not eating proper 'meals' which is only increasing my calorie consumption so I need to cut that out.

Oh yeah, and mashed veges is also a good one! :-)

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I am in struggle town with food right now :( being at home was fine because I had the time to plan meals and stuff but being back at work 6 days a week with an extra 20+ hours after work making cakes is killing me! I haven't hit my Protein goal of 50g for the last few days and I'm getting slack with meal prep. Today I had an up and go, formé yoghurt and a few teaspoons of left over casserole for dinner. I barely got through 700ml of Water and I feel terrible.

Is anyone else struggling with remembering to eat? Or just finding that you can't be bothered? I'm taking all of my Vitamins religiously but am feeling so tired and run off my feet all day!

Susie, the other thing you need to factor into this recovery period is that it can take some time before the effects of the anaesthetic get out of your system, so Please don't be too hard on yourself. I suggest you try to rest as much as you can around your heavy work schedule and keep up your fluids because these help flush out the residual anaesthetic toxins.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself, sounds like you are doing a great job.

Keep up the good work. Regards one_elle

I'm officially onto soft foods now. If anyone has any easy meal/snack ideas then throw them at me! I feel like i just don't have time for anything other than work right now!

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I am in struggle town with food right now :( being at home was fine because I had the time to plan meals and stuff but being back at work 6 days a week with an extra 20+ hours after work making cakes is killing me! I haven't hit my Protein goal of 50g for the last few days and I'm getting slack with meal prep. Today I had an up and go' date=' formé yoghurt and a few teaspoons of left over casserole for dinner. I barely got through 700ml of Water and I feel terrible.

Is anyone else struggling with remembering to eat? Or just finding that you can't be bothered? I'm taking all of my Vitamins religiously but am feeling so tired and run off my feet all day!

I'm officially onto soft foods now. If anyone has any easy meal/snack ideas then throw them at me! I feel like i just don't have time for anything other than work right now![/quote']

Hi Susie and Kayargh,

Lots of good tips especially about Water, but also keep in mind that as long as you are eating healthy options, you should not be worrying about calories or restricting yourself and snacks/eating often is fine.

Thick soft soups/stews with mince chicken, beef or lamb is good because you an make a bit pot and freeze or eat over several days. Beans with avocado and Tomato salsa is yummy. fruit such as banana and melon and other soft types should be eaten 2-3times every day and are easy to take to work. Dairy id good Protein and Calcium, so low fat soft cheeses, yogurt and milk are fine. Grainy foods such as soggy Cereal, rice, oat or polenta porridge for Breakfast is yummy. eggs can also start to be eaten at this time. I take boiled eggs with me to work for a quick snack.< /p>

If you are feeling tired you are not eating enough, so as much as we don't feel hungry and sometimes could not be bothered eating, this is our life now and eating good food often is to be our new way of eating, so it's something we all need to adjust to over time. Hang in there and try and remain positive. The discomfort does reduce as you get more used to stopping eating when you are satisfied and eating more frequently instead. Good luck

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Thanks Kelli, great advice and tips there. The exhaustion is getting to me the most! I am so tired all the time. Luckily my children are with my sister at the moment, the other day I slept till 2:30pm!!!! It was like 15 hours straight! I set my alarm for 7am every day but can't seem to even wake to hear the alarm. Waking at 9:30 like i have today is actually early for me and it shits me!! Maybe when the girls come back it will be easier to wake up. As I study from home and work part time I am eager to get over this before the start of next week when life returns to normal and I am off sick leave. I will start by changing up the food choices so thank u for your suggestions!

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Thanks for the tips. I do the same with my 1.25L pump bottle and usually get down the lot before bed time. Yesterday was just completely nuts! Running around all day at work then working from 5-12 on cakes at home.

Have a shopping list written that includes a lot of Protein, dairy, fruit and veg. Hopefully when things slow down a little at the end of the week ill be feeling better.

But I'm totally with you on the tired thing! If I wasn't working I could easily sleep til noon. I'm snoozing my life away every morning making me almost late for work and missing out on the car parking spots!

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I am in struggle town with food right now <img src='http://www.bariatricpal.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> being at home was fine because I had the time to plan meals and stuff but being back at work 6 days a week with an extra 20+ hours after work making cakes is killing me! I haven't hit my Protein goal of 50g for the last few days and I'm getting slack with meal prep. Today I had an up and go' date=' formé yoghurt and a few teaspoons of left over casserole for dinner. I barely got through 700ml of Water and I feel terrible.

Is anyone else struggling with remembering to eat? Or just finding that you can't be bothered? I'm taking all of my Vitamins religiously but am feeling so tired and run off my feet all day!

I'm officially onto soft foods now. If anyone has any easy meal/snack ideas then throw them at me! I feel like i just don't have time for anything other than work right now![/quote']

Hi Susie

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment - no pun intended!!

With being so busy I would just concentrate on eating Protein at least two times a day and trying to have healthy Snacks like cheese, or vegetable juices for snacks- let's face it, I feel like all my meals are Snacks now! I am still struggling with Water myself so it must be difficult for you when you are working so hard! I to try to keep the water bottle in front of me all the time and sip sip - it is the only way I can get through it. If I let that bottle out of my site I forget to drink. Sorry I haven't been much help - hopefully next week will be a quieter week for you and you will be able to refocus. I was lucky enough to be in a job where I could take a years leave of absence so don't have the same pressures that you have at the moment. I think it is amazing that you are doing a busy two jobs and going through this huge life change at the same time. Well done.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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