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Am I crazy?? Already Mourning Food!

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Ok, I am pre-op, actually pre-everything (I will attend a semiar on the 24th) but have learned alot from just reading around on the internet. The only thing that is keeping me a bit weary of jumping right into getting the band is having to give up food. I am actually mourning food. I am emotional eater to say the least. Every emotion leads to me eating. Happy, sad, angry, excited. It's what I do. It's also the core of every family celebration. I am so scared that I won't be able to "let go" of eating so much. I'm just looking for some support from somebody that has/had similar issues with food. How did yall handle it?

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I grieve everytime I pass a chinese restaurant. I was sick of food. I felt like I had eaten everything I ever craved over and over again. I was just banded in July 06 and down almost 20 lbs.

My overeating is like a dearly departed relative. I know I should feel like I can eat anything but I dont trust myself. I am keeping problem foods for me out of the house.

I went to my first family dinner last night. It took a while for me to eat a chew ,chew and chew a plain hamburger. I took a large green apple too.

There was food I really missed eating but I dont want to have a stroke.

Geez I was in 4x shirts from the mens department @ 247lbs.

I wanted this for my health at 47 years old.

Think hard why you want it .


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You have a misconception of the band, it is a tool , you are not going to give up food, just eat alot less of it and only the right foods. Read and learn more it will work for you. I was banded four months ago and am down 86lbs currently.

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Thanks for the feedback, that was quick!


I understand how it works, but my personal issue is I am scare of not being SATISFIED with the "right" food and "less" food. That's amazing weight loss! I can only hope to be that sucessful!

Edie---The people at the chinese restaurant have my drink order before I even sit down. Now, that is sad :)

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This is my first post here. My surgery is scheduled for this Friday am. I was suppose to have my surgery 3 weeks ago but my doctor got sick as I was being wheeled into surgery and they sent me home. I was rescheduled for last week then he cancelled again. Long story short I switched doctors! I am self pay so they took me right away.

Anyway... The day before my surgery I looked longily at my last soda and taquito from 7-11 and started to cry. I also cried as I pulled away from Mc Donalds at 11:00pm that same night. (I couldn't eat after midnight) I felt like I was saying good bye to a lover. I was actually weeping. I knew then just how messed up my relationship with food was. I felt like the woman who stayed in an abusive relationship even though it was killing her. Food has done nothing good for me but has in fact ruined my life. I think its something I can't live without and that it is the only thing that is ever really there for me. Yeah it's there for me alright, but leaves me hurt and sick every time, just like an unhealthy relationship. I understand what you are going through. I have been in mourning for 3 weeks now. It makes me mad that I am actually mourning food! But it is the painful reality. I want to have my lap band to help me attain freedom once and for all. I am tired of always taking back my abuser time and time again. This band will keep me from sabotaging myself and my journey to recovery. I hope that you will be encouraged to say good bye once and for all.

Many blessings,

starting over

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I was only banded on July 18, but had much the same feelings as you beforehand. I thought I would never be able to have a soda pop again, only to find I can treat myself to one or two a day. My body tolerates them well, I stay with caffeine free, and I get no gas. No two people are alike. The only reason for staying away from soda pop is because it normally causes gas. This is something you need to find out on your own. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had no ill effect. I still occasionally stop and get a fish sandwich, or where I am in Tennessee I can go to Krystals (which serves a lot in minature) and enjoy a couple small chicken Krystals with no problem. I can eat Wendy's chili and Taco Bell's refried Beans with absolutely no problems whatsoever. I have lost over 20 lbs. in a mo. and I can not excercise because of knee problems and recent knee surgery....so it depends on the body and making good choices if you go to a fast food place.

Don't think you have to give up everything because you don't. I merely cut way down on what I eat, and it's easy with the band to do so, and I'm losing just fine considering the lack of excercise. I haven't really had to say goodbye to anything, except of course for greasy hamburgers I never cared for anyway. Hamburgers that are lean are great done on the grill and I enjoy them even without a bun, even though I have no trouble with bread. I also haven't had a fill yet, so a lot might change when I do.

I am so grateful I got the band. Saying goodbye to fast food places was easy because I now have a great new friend I named "Faith". I have faith the band will work for me, and I have faith it will work for you if you give it a chance.

I have a Protein shake for Breakfast (just not a Breakfast person), a Protein Bar usually for lunch and enjoy dinner the most. I find I eat a lot less than before and have no trouble with any food whatsoever. Have faith that the band will work for you too. You may have to give up greasy foods, but after all isn't that why you are getting the band? You will see the weight coming off and you will be so thrilled you made this decision.

Good luck to you on your journey.

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I was banded on February 21st 2006. So far I've lost 40 pounds while enjoying all of my favorite foods. The only thing I've said "goodbye" to is McDonald's, but that is completely by my own choice. I find that McDonald's food does not go down well, and makes me sick. The thought of it now is so gross to me, I don't even want it any more. I really try to get my Protein in, so McDonald's is unappealing because when I think of a Happy Meal, it is mostly all carbs. The thought of the food there has become disgusting to me. That being said, I don't mourn any foods because I have continued to greatly enjoy a delicious, rich, varied diet of wonderful favorite foods. I love pizza, sushi, hot dogs with the works, all varieties of chicken (spicy boneless buffalo wings are my favorite), fish, veggies, whole grains, and the occasional dessert. Since my surgery my sugar cravings have virtually disappeared. I've had dessert only a few times but don't miss having it every night like pre-surgery. I really am thrilled with eating and I still am a major foodie but honestly I have not said to goodbye to anything. I do eat waaay less than pre-surgery though, which is a good thing. It's so much fun digging into a single hot dog and feeling like I ate 10 hot dogs because I'm so full! I love it! It also takes me a long time to eat, so I feel like I'm eating alot when really I'm eating a tiny amount! Sometimes I can't even eat an entire hot dog (the small ones)!

So don't say goodbye to food or feel like you have to give up anything. Yes there might be some foods you find you just don't want after surgery, but you won't miss them because you just won't like them any more. You will still be able to enjoy a vast array of delicious food.

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I had some of the same worries you are having, but as I went along, I found out something really amazing. In fact, it is so amazing you probably won't even believe it can happen to you! I actually lost my desire for some of the same food I thought I couldn't live without! Some examples are Cereal (4-5 huge bowls at a time), soft drinks, most fast food (I still get some, but 1-2 times a month, not 1-2 times a day)...

See, it's just hard to believe...but I bet others will tell you the same thing!

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Hey Everyone!! This is my first post!! I was banded 7 days ago-August 11,2006!:clap2: I am very excited about the whole experience, even though it is all just starting!! If anyone has any tips or wants to talk please email me at allie329@bamacomm.com! I would love to hear from everyone! :flypig:Allie

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Mourning food is very common. I did it starting the day that I scheduled my surgery. I gained 5 pounds in that month with the 'last meal' syndrome. I threw it all to the wind....and I really wish that I had not. That was just 5 more pounds that I had to get off and I would be that much closer to my goal now. You cannot eat everything right away...but you slowly build up to it. There are really only a few true no-no's and that is because of the density and fibrous nature of the food.

The true discovery I have gained since surgery is calories in vs. calories out - and maintaining a baseline caloric intake to ensure not moving in to starvation mode. I wish someone had explained the logic to me all those many years ago. I could have avoided my pre-20s anorexic tendencies and had a more healthy approach towards weight loss, had I known.

Being almost a year through this process, I've been pleasantly surprised as to the foods that I have been able to incorporate back in my diet. As was said above - it is entirely on a person-by-person basis and a big experiment as to what foods will work with your body. Since the goal is to not PB, once you have done that or had something stuck that caused severe pain, you are most likely to not eat it again!

Spicy/flavorful food is extremely important to me - and I have not had any issues with that type of food since banding....with the exception that I cannot eat pickled jalapenos any more. :)( Mexican: refried beans/queso will get me through my required caloric intake when I am tight from being filled and nothing else is going down. Sometimes it is just a battle to get the food down - so you will do just about anything to get in your baseline calories.

I do not drink sodas any longer - but once in a while when I get a huge craving, I will get a frozen coke at the movies. smoothie King & Starbucks have become my best friends for breakfast. What I have found that eating my solid meal at lunch time and then having a liquid based dinner - unless it is a special dinner...helps with consistently losing. Some people do not believe in this method because we are supposed to be on solid Protein...but when I want to jumpstart my losing streak again, it is what works best for me.

You said that you were concerned about being satisfied from so little volume of food....I feared that too. But it is amazing how quickly you adapt to what feels satisfying and that high Protein really does make you feel better. In the beginning, hunger will not be a huge issue after you get your first fill. Some people say they 'forget' to eat....never had that problem but certainly wished for it!!!

Identifying head hunger vs. stomach hunger becomes a challenge. I deal with hunger every day....but it is nothing that a nice dose of phentermine cannot cure. You learn to control it, feel empowered...and watching the numbers on the scale come down also has its own euphoric high that you will start to crave.

I'll admit - the food cravings sometimes get the best of me. I have learned that if I will eat a little of whatever I am craving - then the compulsion goes away quickly and I'm at peace again. I have not consumed any fast foods since banding - and I do not miss it all that much. I rarely eat ice cream because I get that same satisfaction from the smoothie King Protein shakes. chocolate is a big thing for me....I have switched over to eating dark chocolate and that satisfies me with less volume intake.

I hope that maybe a little of my ramblings might help....there is no doubt that this is a very difficult process but you are very courageous to consider making such a huge change in your life. At some point, you will feel free of a bunch of the food demons - they will not go completely away....but the band helps to subside them.

Here are some helpful websites: www.calorieking.com ; www.freedieting.com ; www.dietfacts.com

Best of luck!!!

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My experience so far is that my "tastes" have changed. Some of the foods I thought I couldn't live without no longer have the same appeal.

Plus, I think of it this way...I've had those old favorites time and time again. I know what they taste like and I know how they make me feel afterward. They're old news. Now, it's time to move on toward finding new, healthier favorites.

I agree with the others...everyone has to decide for themselves that they refuse to let food run their lives any longer. As cliche as it sounds, I kinda believe in that old saying "eat to live" not "live to eat".

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Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much for the encouraging words. I really can not wait until this whole process starts. Although, mentally I still can't fathom not eating a huge bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream at least once a week, from what all of you said I will not care, and that makes it so much easier to anticipate the change. You guys are the best :)

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I had some of the same worries you are having, but as I went along, I found out something really amazing. In fact, it is so amazing you probably won't even believe it can happen to you! I actually lost my desire for some of the same food I thought I couldn't live without! Some examples are Cereal (4-5 huge bowls at a time), soft drinks, most fast food (I still get some, but 1-2 times a month, not 1-2 times a day)...

See, it's just hard to believe...but I bet others will tell you the same thing!

I never thought I would say this either but you are correct. I had to have a unfill 2 weeks ago due to gall bladder surg. During that week before getting filled again, I thought I would have sm amounts of all the food I couldn't have before (anything with bread) and I found 9 out of 10 times I didn't enjoy having it.:clap2:

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Anyone else had this experience?

My classes start back on Monday so I thought I'd treat myself to a few new outfits. I love to shop, it makes me quite happy:) Today is the first time in a while, though, that I have been clothes shopping. I usually stick to purses, shoes, and accesories since they always fit, ya know? Well my mother and I tackled 5 stores, and came back out without one single piece of clothing (I did buy a book, though!) It was quite depressing, everything that is cute is always too small, and the things that fit are few and far between and "not me" most of the time. Anyway, after tonight, I KNOW that I have to do this!! I have to lose this weight! I can not go around the rest of my life getting upset over clothes that don't fit.

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Ok, I am pre-op, actually pre-everything (I will attend a semiar on the 24th) but have learned alot from just reading around on the internet. The only thing that is keeping me a bit weary of jumping right into getting the band is having to give up food. I am actually mourning food. I am emotional eater to say the least. Every emotion leads to me eating. Happy, sad, angry, excited. It's what I do. It's also the core of every family celebration. I am so scared that I won't be able to "let go" of eating so much. I'm just looking for some support from somebody that has/had similar issues with food. How did yall handle it?

my sister mourned food too. And, you aren't giving up food, you are just going to be careful about your selection. For emotions, you are gonna have to find another way to handle that....but food, eventually you will be able to eat just about anything again...its in the beginning during the healing process that you have to give some up.

You'll be fine!

Take care!

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