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Confused, Scared, Anxious & Nervous

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I was banded in March 2005 and had really great success. I lost about 40kg and was happy and living a life that I loved. In 2008 I had a slip. My surgeon and I tried to work with it and see if it was manageable but by January 2010 pretty much the only foods i could keep down were the chips and chocolate. I was unhappy all the time, would be vomiting with every meal and had heartburn like no ones business (turns out I had a hiatus hernia). So I decided to have the band removed.

Since then I've put on all of the weight i lost and then some. I've never felt more low.

I've been dealing with depression and bi polar disorder for years and years and this added weight has made it the worst I've ever had it. I hate going out anywhere anymore, i hate going to see people or even people coming to see me. I'm scared every day that this is what my life will be forever.

I'm considering the sleeve but am so scared about what I've read. I'm worried that I'll not be able to control my eating and I'll have a leak. I'm worried about giving up eating and enjoying food. I'm scared that it will send me even further into my depression/bi polar "black hole". And I'm worried about telling people - this might be dumb and i cant really explain it but I'm embarassed to tell people. Only 1 member of my family knew about my band surgery when it happened. They were hurt that I didn't tell them when they finally found out.

I guess I'm on here trying to find out all i can from people's personal experiences. Anything you've got will help me a lot! Are there any regrets? What kind of complications have you had? I don't even know anything about what kind of foods i will and wont be able to eat!

Just very scared to make my decision...

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I had the sleeve in march of 2012. So far it is going okay. It is safer than the bypass itself, so thats a plus. It is true you can no longer eat as much as you want too. it is helping me lose weight. I had no issues with leakage so far. I'd talk to your doctor and see what they think about doing the sleeve on you.

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if u decide to go with the surgery, they will teach you what you can and cant eat. at least mine did.

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I can only tell you my side of the story, I LOVE MY SLEEVE. At first you drink only liquids and then about 3 weeks later you start on mushy foods and about 6 weeks out you can eat solid foods. Each doctor is different and so these may change a bit. I can eat anything I want as long as it's only 4 oz total weight on the plate, and drink everything except soda (due to the bubbles and the gas it causes).

I recommend you read and talk with as many people on this site as possible we all have different stories some good some bad.

Also read about your doctor the pro's and con's of the surgery on different sites as well. Better to have to much information then not enough.

I wish you the very best in your choice, as I stated "I love my sleeve" and only wish I would have had it so much sooner. I have not had any problems with the sleeve or the surgery.

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I had my Band for 5 years, and was so sick all the time that I was living on cheese. I gained all my weight back plus some. I was also depressed, wouldn't go out, and refused to attend social events, especially with people who hadn't seen me for awhile. I started out every morning calling myself brutal names when I looked in the mirror.

Because of the complications, I had the Band out in December and a revision to sleeve. I am 55, and now weigh the lowest I have weighed since I was 20. I did go through a type of grieving process for food, I will admit. But I'm taking joy in the fact that I can eat tasty, healthy foods that I never could with the Band: White-meat chicken, cooked veg, cooked egg, etc. And my tastes have changed. So much of what I used to eat just looks NASTY now. With such a small stomach, I want what I put into it to give me the most nutritional bang for my buck. Crap food ain't it.

I have had no leaks or other complications. I haven't vomited once. I have followed the doctor's orders to the letter. I don't have to shop in the plus size area. I fit into stadium seats. I can march into a regular store and buy clothes off the rack. My thighs don't rub together. I'd rather have all these things than a table full of crap food. You have to decide what's best for you, and I urge you to do your research. I would do this all over again without one shred of hesitation. God bless you.

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Your hesitations are exactly all the emotions and questions I had. I was worried that I would be that exception that was not successful after surgery. It is definitely not a cure all because you do still have to work at making good food choices and exercising. I had surgery three months ago today and I am down 40 lbs. since that day plus another 10 that I lost on the pre-op diet. I kept telling myself through those difficult days on liquids and mushy foods that this is a matter of life or death so I can do it. Before I knew it, I was on regular foods. I have had moments where I still do eat the foods from the past. But it is so amazing that I couldn't eat the quantity of food I did in the past even if I wanted to now. After some of that "I can eat anything I want but in smaller portions" eating, I started listening to my body and am making better choices. I read on this board how people would become addicted to exercising and I couldn't fathom that. I am starting to become that way as well where I can't wait for the evening to come so I can get my workout done. This has been the best decision of my life.

I also didn't want to tell anyone out of embarrassment and fear that if I wasn't successful they wouldn't know since they would not know about the surgery. I told only a few people. As time has gone on and I am having success, I tell anybody who asks. Maybe someone else will be inspired by seeing my results and will look into this life changing tool. Do what is best for you when deciding who to tell or not tell. But the ultimate factor needs to be that you know you are doing this for you and you only.

While everyone must decide for themselves what is best for them, I want to encourage you to seek out all the information you can. Go to the pictures section on this site and look at the many wonderful transformations. It is very inspiring. There is so much support on this forum. I practically lived on this board in the months leading up to my surgery. I wish you the best of luck in making your decision. We are here for you!

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I am VERY scared too, one day I think I'll do it, the next I think I won't. My BF and my hubby don't want me to do it because of the risk. It is a lonely decision, because I know I have to make it by myself - and I hope my dr. will help. I've yet to have a consultation, but I am SO ready to at least do that and get off this fence. I feel like such a baby!

I made my pros and cons list last night - it is evenly divided!

One thing I have definitely decided, once I make up my mind, I'm going to try to put the negative behind me and go forward positively with whatever decision I do make.

But know you are not alone! I guess a little bit of fear reminds you how serious it is, but then I think surrounding yourself with positiveness is the way to go! Good luck!

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I am only 3 weeks sleeved, but am totally convined that this is the way to go. I am eating a limited group of food but as you have read, you can step up as you body becomes used to the smaller stomach. And the part of the stomach that goes away is the part that makes you hungry.

As far as leak goes, I was taken to xray the day after surgery, drank some radiopaque Fluid and was checked for any leaks- it was all good. Your surgeon and his dieticians will teach you how and what to eat ... And when. As long as you follow the routine, you should be great. You have be through the band. VGS should be the last weight loss surgery you have to have!

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Hey there. i can tell you that you won't feel so restricted with the sleeve that you can only eat cheese or chips or chocolates (slider foods). That is what kills the weight loss. You will be able to eat chicken, meats, veggies and more a month or two after surgery. You will be able to eat more healthfully with the sleeve. I think it was scary to go into surgery but once it was over, I felt like it was the most simple surgery I'd ever had done! I've had several surgeries and this was the easiest recovery. best of luck

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The first thing to do is find a surgeon and talk to him/her.

I was sleeed 9 April 2012. I am so very happy with the result.

I have lost 33 pounds. True, you can't eat a lot at a time, but if you follow the rules-protein and Water first- then you will be fine. I have to remember to eat. I drink water all the time. I am not eating everything yet-see my surgeon next week and then will step up a notch. But I am presently very content with soft foods. I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. A lot of things didn't taste right, but this is normal. I loved chicken before surgery and when they said I could have it again, I didn't like it.But now I like the taste. I don't crave anything. I am determined to make this work. The sleeve is safer than gastric bypass and you have been through the lap band. I was back to work after 5 weeks. I did 1/2 days the 6th week, but now I am full speed ahead.I have had to cut my blood pressure meds in half and don't need my CPAP any more. It is amazing.

The sleeve is self-restricting. You eat small amounts and you are full. At least for me. Four-six ounces of yogurt is all I can eat at a time. But I try to eat a little every couple hours.. The way I look now makes me smile and I follow the rules as it make me happy. My clothes don't hurt!

I didn't tell many people. More know now, but I have kept it pretty quiet. Some people tell everyone. It is a very personal thing.

Get to a surgeon and talk this out. You will find your way.

Good luck!

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The first thing to do is find a surgeon and talk to him/her.

I was sleeed 9 April 2012. I am so very happy with the result.

I have lost 33 pounds. True, you can't eat a lot at a time, but if you follow the rules-protein and Water first- then you will be fine. I have to remember to eat. I drink water all the time. I am not eating everything yet-see my surgeon next week and then will step up a notch. But I am presently very content with soft foods. I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. A lot of things didn't taste right, but this is normal. I loved chicken before surgery and when they said I could have it again, I didn't like it.But now I like the taste. I don't crave anything. I am determined to make this work. The sleeve is safer than gastric bypass and you have been through the lap band. I was back to work after 5 weeks. I did 1/2 days the 6th week, but now I am full speed ahead.I have had to cut my blood pressure meds in half and don't need my CPAP any more. It is amazing.

The sleeve is self-restricting. You eat small amounts and you are full. At least for me. Four-six ounces of yogurt is all I can eat at a time. But I try to eat a little every couple hours.. The way I look now makes me smile and I follow the rules as it make me happy. My clothes don't hurt!

I didn't tell many people. More know now, but I have kept it pretty quiet. Some people tell everyone. It is a very personal thing.

Get to a surgeon and talk this out. You will find your way.

Good luck!

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mirror mirror! i too have a band that is coming out on tues. i got it in april 2007. i lost quite a bit of weight before my first fill them blamo nothing. nothing but problems too. i had to come to grips with the fact that i made the wrong choice of surgery that i didnt fail the band did. this was a strange concept to me as i always blamed myself. i also saw the looks of people who knew i had the band and here i was back to where i started weightwise. then they would tell stories of someone they knew who had the band and how successful they were which only added to my big fat loser mentality. lo and behold i stopped beating myself up admitted i had a food problem along with a non functioning band. yes im a little scared but im also hopeful something just tells me this time around ive got it right. i wish you luck on your decision follow your heart.

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Thank you all for your stories and comments! I'm booked in for September 5th - unfortunately it was the earliest I could get in. I'm now more sad that i have to wait so long for it. it will be 2 months before my birthday so I'm hoping to have lost a bit of weight by then and start 27 as a happy person.

I'm sure I'll get lots of advice and tips from my surgeon/nutritionist but can someone tell me why there are no fizzy drinks allowed? I was given advice by a nutritionist when i had my band in that I should have a fizzy drink with me every time i ate in case something got stuck on the way down. I'm now totally hooked on soda Water and am scared to be without it!

Still pretty scared but i know now that it's the right decision. Hoping the next few months fly by!!

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Bubblesbgood- thank you for your comment. I am in the same boat. Lost weight initially and gained back. Felt like a HUGE failure. I was banded 6 weeks after one of my girlfriends at work and she lost almost 90 lbs. not me!! So to know someone else who says that it was there band that failed them makes me feel better about myself. And now Im just waiting for ins approval for a date!!

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The first thing to do is find a surgeon and talk to him/her.

I was sleeed 9 April 2012. I am so very happy with the result.

I have lost 33 pounds. True' date=' you can't eat a lot at a time, but if you follow the rules-protein and Water first- then you will be fine. I have to remember to eat. I drink Water all the time. I am not eating everything yet-see my surgeon next week and then will step up a notch. But I am presently very content with soft foods. I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. A lot of things didn't taste right, but this is normal. I loved chicken before surgery and when they said I could have it again, I didn't like it.But now I like the taste. I don't crave anything. I am determined to make this work. The sleeve is safer than gastric bypass and you have been through the lap band. I was back to work after 5 weeks. I did 1/2 days the 6th week, but now I am full speed ahead.I have had to cut my blood pressure meds in half and don't need my CPAP any more. It is amazing.

The sleeve is self-restricting. You eat small amounts and you are full. At least for me. Four-six ounces of yogurt is all I can eat at a time. But I try to eat a little every couple hours.. The way I look now makes me smile and I follow the rules as it make me happy. My clothes don't hurt!

I didn't tell many people. More know now, but I have kept it pretty quiet. Some people tell everyone. It is a very personal thing.

Get to a surgeon and talk this out. You will find your way.

Good luck![/quote']

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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