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Sorry in advance! I was sleeved on April 17. I've lost somewhere between 15-20lbs. :-) This is my week of full liquids. Wednesday I can do soft diet for 2 weeks. I'm at a turning point and have several questions. Please answer any one you can. I need all the help I can get.

1. Are full liquids eating, i.e. no drinking for 30-90 minutes after?

2. Is Jello considered eating?

3. Can I drink broth all day? Is there a difference between chicken and beef?

4. I don't like artificial sugar for the sugar free diet. How can I compensate?

5. How do I keep the momentum going with the weight loss? I'm starting to feel hunger, but can't eat. I'm worried about going into starvation now that I'm actually feeling hungry and it working backwards for me. I'm also afraid that when I do start eating it will either stop the weight loss or go backwards because of the previous "starvation". Momentum, momentum, momentum, I want to keep it rolling.

6. I'm having a hard time watching my family eat. It grosses me out the food intake not so much with my growing boys, but especially with my husband who is going to have the surgery also. I feel like....."hey do you realize how much food you eat and I'm over here drinking broth all day long! Get control of yourself." Yikes, I know. So sorry, but it's true. This is emotional. You don't realize the emotions that you will go through in this life changing journey.

7. TMI Warning!! I am on the Depo shot and I have been spotting ever since the surgery - 12 days. I never have a period if I do it a day or two of lite spotting. This is every time I wipe, not fresh but old if you know what I mean. Sorry again. Could something in the surgery have messed with my shot or what are your thoughts on this? I do not want to get pregnant!

8. I'm starting to feel normal and that scares me a little. When I could feel the soreness and restriction (no hunger), it made it easier to not eat and be great with it. Now, it's like appetite is coming back. I'm scared of gaining. Other diets have worked opposite for me and I don't want this to also. I'm scared of any change or move! I feel like I have to starve myself to keep this going. :-(

9. Life evolved around cooking, eating out, social eating, etc. I've halted all of that and feel a little trapped. No one except immediate family, i.e. husband, sons, and girlfriend who went to hospital with me know that I have done this. I don't lie and would have a hard time explaining why I'm not eating, drinking alcohol, participating in the activities this early in my post surgery. So we are using our workload right now as a reason for staying home, etc. There's so much there for me right now. My husband is extremely supportive and wants me to do the same for him when he has the surgery. Sorry rambling but trying to get through the emotional/mental part of it.

10. I'm still bloated and tend to bloat throughout the day. Is this normal or what can I do to alleviate this?

11. I know I don't get enough liquids in as I can't drink Water. Any liquid suggestions would be great.

12. I can already tell that my absorption rate is super sensitive and high! Within seconds of trying something, I either feel sick, lightheaded or full or all of the above. Does this stay? When food is introduced will it be one bite at a time?

13. I think Protein Shakes make me sick??

I know I'll have more, but here's a start. Thanks for your patience. Thanks to anyone and everyone for replying. It's wonderful to have a great resource like this board to be able to utilize.

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I can address your concern about how to explain to friends your changes in behavior. I was sleeved 4/23 and only immediate family members know. When people notice my changes in activities/eating habits and ask about them, I plan to tell them I am dieting and exercising.

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Sorry in advance! I was sleeved on April 17. I've lost somewhere between 15-20lbs. :-) This is my week of full liquids. Wednesday I can do soft diet for 2 weeks. I'm at a turning point and have several questions. Please answer any one you can. I need all the help I can get.

1. Are full liquids eating, i.e. no drinking for 30-90 minutes after? No, use your own judgement here, if it doesn't feel right, stop drinking. I didn't follow that until I was on more solid foods.

2. Is Jello considered eating? It's a liquid

3. Can I drink broth all day? Is there a difference between chicken and beef? Yes, but be concious of how much sodium is in it, you can but you probably don't want to. I would say the flavor is going to be the biggest difference between beef/chicken.

4. I don't like artificial sugar for the sugar free diet. How can I compensate? You might find real sugar makes you dump. I know there are alot of people "allergic" to artificial sweetners - maybe one of them can tell you what they do. Truvia isn't artifical but I know some still don't like it.

5. How do I keep the momentum going with the weight loss? I'm starting to feel hunger, but can't eat. I'm worried about going into starvation now that I'm actually feeling hungry and it working backwards for me. I'm also afraid that when I do start eating it will either stop the weight loss or go backwards because of the previous "starvation". Momentum, momentum, momentum, I want to keep it rolling. Follow your plan, your doctor put it together because he found it worked. If something doesn't work for you then ask your nutritionist for alternatives. When you can eat solid food you may find the hunger goes away. Also are you on a PPI? I felt gnawing in my stomach which I mistook for hunger when I went off mine - I asked the Dr if I could continue on it.

6. I'm having a hard time watching my family eat. It grosses me out the food intake not so much with my growing boys, but especially with my husband who is going to have the surgery also. I feel like....."hey do you realize how much food you eat and I'm over here drinking broth all day long! Get control of yourself." Yikes, I know. So sorry, but it's true. This is emotional. You don't realize the emotions that you will go through in this life changing journey. I understand, I see my husband (who is NOT having surgery) eat and it disgusts me. I usually try and busy myself away from him when he does.

7. TMI Warning!! I am on the Depo shot and I have been spotting ever since the surgery - 12 days. I never have a period if I do it a day or two of lite spotting. This is every time I wipe, not fresh but old if you know what I mean. Sorry again. Could something in the surgery have messed with my shot or what are your thoughts on this? I do not want to get pregnant! I don't know anything for sure other than burning fat releases hormones and alot of people have a very messed up cycle.

8. I'm starting to feel normal and that scares me a little. When I could feel the soreness and restriction (no hunger), it made it easier to not eat and be great with it. Now, it's like appetite is coming back. I'm scared of gaining. Other diets have worked opposite for me and I don't want this to also. I'm scared of any change or move! I feel like I have to starve myself to keep this going. :-( Trust me there will be restriction when you are on regular food - especial high Protein.

9. Life evolved around cooking, eating out, social eating, etc. I've halted all of that and feel a little trapped. No one except immediate family, i.e. husband, sons, and girlfriend who went to hospital with me know that I have done this. I don't lie and would have a hard time explaining why I'm not eating, drinking alcohol, participating in the activities this early in my post surgery. So we are using our workload right now as a reason for staying home, etc. There's so much there for me right now. My husband is extremely supportive and wants me to do the same for him when he has the surgery. Sorry rambling but trying to get through the emotional/mental part of it. I like to cook things to share, I find alot of recipes that are good for us on http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/. As far as eating out, I find going to lunch is better - smaller protions are served, alcohol isn't expected, etc. You can always say I am still full from Breakfast or lunch or the snack I ate - this wouldn't be lying? Everyone knows I had the surgery so no one questions me.

10. I'm still bloated and tend to bloat throughout the day. Is this normal or what can I do to alleviate this? Pass gass. Honestly I felt bloated a long time.

11. I know I don't get enough liquids in as I can't drink Water. Any liquid suggestions would be great. Drink what you can, drink milk, eat Jello, broth like you mentioned - how about hot chocolate, Decaf tea, decaf coffee? Water was hard for me too unless I mixed something in.

12. I can already tell that my absorption rate is super sensitive and high! Within seconds of trying something, I either feel sick, lightheaded or full or all of the above. Does this stay? When food is introduced will it be one bite at a time? I noticed this in the beginning too, smell bothered me, everything was too sweet or too much seasoning. It gets better, things aren't like that for me now.

13. I think Protein shakes make me sick?? Mine did in the beginning. Too sweet. I mixed unflavored in with hot chocolate and decaf coffee. Also something I do now is make a shake with 3/4 a scoop of my regular Protein and 1 scoop of unflavored to cut back on the sweetness.

I know I'll have more, but here's a start. Thanks for your patience. Thanks to anyone and everyone for replying. It's wonderful to have a great resource like this board to be able to utilize.

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1. Are full liquids eating, i.e. no drinking for 30-90 minutes after? Ask your doctor.

2. Is Jello considered eating? No, its a full liquid believe it or not.

3. Can I drink broth all day? Is there a difference between chicken and beef? Yes, and nothing.

4. I don't like artificial sugar for the sugar free diet. How can I compensate? You can't. Although you have had a sleeve. You can still get dumping as you do with gastric bypass if you eat sooo much table sugar. But you won't have the cramps...you will get diarhea...trust me.

5. How do I keep the momentum going with the weight loss? I'm starting to feel hunger, but can't eat. I'm worried about going into starvation now that I'm actually feeling hungry and it working backwards for me. I'm also afraid that when I do start eating it will either stop the weight loss or go backwards because of the previous "starvation". Momentum, momentum, momentum, I want to keep it rolling. If you wait to each until you get hungry. Make sure you are eating every 3 hours at least (3 meals - Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2 Protein shakes) It the Protein that is most important as it contributes to healing and more "filling".

6. I'm having a hard time watching my family eat. It grosses me out the food intake not so much with my growing boys, but especially with my husband who is going to have the surgery also. I feel like....."hey do you realize how much food you eat and I'm over here drinking broth all day long! Get control of yourself." Yikes, I know. So sorry, but it's true. This is emotional. You don't realize the emotions that you will go through in this life changing journey. Don't know if anyone told you but when you lose a lot of fat, your body will release a lot of hormones into you rsystem which give you mood swings like crazy. I felt the same way about my family but I remembered that my husband did not have the surgery and I didn't like it when someone told me that I ate too much so I usually talk more at the table or sit down at the table 10 minutes after everyone else does so that we all finish at the same time. My husband has decided to go forward with the surgery so soon he'll know what I went through.

7. TMI Warning!! I am on the Depo shot and I have been spotting ever since the surgery - 12 days. I never have a period if I do it a day or two of lite spotting. This is every time I wipe, not fresh but old if you know what I mean. Sorry again. Could something in the surgery have messed with my shot or what are your thoughts on this? I do not want to get pregnant! Again the hormone release do to the rapid release of fat can do this. Call your doctor to besure.

8. I'm starting to feel normal and that scares me a little. When I could feel the soreness and restriction (no hunger), it made it easier to not eat and be great with it. Now, it's like appetite is coming back. I'm scared of gaining. Other diets have worked opposite for me and I don't want this to also. I'm scared of any change or move! I feel like I have to starve myself to keep this going. :-( Remember this is a tool to help you adjust to a new healthy life style. If you try to eat something fried or full of sugar you will get very sick. You will only be able to get 300-500 calories in the first month or so then you will need to get 800 to keep your hair from falling out. And it will be a challege to get 800 in. I am at 3 months and I'm struggling to get 600 calories. Also measure, measure, measure your food. I can't stress this enough. Normally, leaks occur 3 weeks after surgery because patients feel better and use the sleeve to gage fullness. But remember, it take 20 minutes for your mind to get that signal that you are full so by then you would have consumed to much. Besides, if you do eat to much or too fast, you will thowup and believe me, it's no the same as throwing up before you had surgery...it's worst! Not to freak you out but it is painful and sometime lasting. You will also plateu that will sometimes last for a week. You may gain a little when drop the following day. These are all normal things. I used a calendar to write down my weight everyday and the total lost. Then at the end of the month I figure out how much weight was down for the month. One month I gained 5 pounds but had at total weight loss of 13 pounds.

My husband has been very supportive. He is having his surgery in August. We have already change what we eat when we go out and what I cook for the family. Being obese is just as much of a mental battle as it is an emotional and physical battle. Everytime I was tempted to eat bad or eat fast or stuff my face or felt sad that I can't eat what everyone else was eating, I would redirect my mind to think " in 3 month I am going to look HOT!!!!" Now, I am the envy of every woman at work! I can fit in to a Small Shirt!!!! i have never fit into a small shirt!!!!!!!

9. Life evolved around cooking, eating out, social eating, etc. I've halted all of that and feel a little trapped. No one except immediate family, i.e. husband, sons, and girlfriend who went to hospital with me know that I have done this. I don't lie and would have a hard time explaining why I'm not eating, drinking alcohol, participating in the activities this early in my post surgery. So we are using our workload right now as a reason for staying home, etc. There's so much there for me right now. My husband is extremely supportive and wants me to do the same for him when he has the surgery. Sorry rambling but trying to get through the emotional/mental part of it. I like to cook too. It was a real adjustment to cook healthly things. I have discovered new foods as part of the process and that has been fun. As far as explaining why I don't eat to colleagues, I told them before the surgery. For colleagues I haven't seen in a while, I told them the truth if they ask and answered their questions. I have had only one person treat me bad but she was a big B to begin with so I was prepared to handle it. As for anyone who had past judgement on me to my face or behind my back, that just doesn't bother me because I did this for me and my family and for my health and that is all that is important. I think you will surprise how supportive people can be. Most people are just curious. And again don't get sorry about rambling because you are emotional...it's the hormones talking. :)

10. I'm still bloated and tend to bloat throughout the day. Is this normal or what can I do to alleviate this? Yes, this is normal. I was bloated for 5 weeks. This is because of swelling. Also there may be gas still trapped inside. Walking makes a big difference.

11. I know I don't get enough liquids in as I can't drink Water. Any liquid suggestions would be great. Frozen sugar free popsicles, warm tea, and sugar free gatorade were my friend. I also had sugar free Jello and broth.

12. I can already tell that my absorption rate is super sensitive and high! Within seconds of trying something, I either feel sick, lightheaded or full or all of the above. Does this stay? When food is introduced will it be one bite at a time? You may need to eat slower. Take a bite, chew 25 times, swallow, then count for 10 before taking another bite. This does going away...sort of. You will get sick, lightheaded if you eat too fast. As far as full, you will have to figure that part out on your own but my Doctor told me to start with 4 Tbsp. (2 tbsp of a protein, 1 tbsp veg, tbsp fruit - in that order) but be prepared if you can only get 2 tbsp down. I started with 2 tbsp but now I am up to 1/4 cup.

13. I think protein shakes make me sick?? You tastes with change over time. I liked my Protein Shakes before the surgery. Then could not stand them for about 6 weeks after surgery but now I like them again. I would try a bunch of difference one. I like the Unjuy and nectar brands. The nectar brands taste like fruit juice with not after taste.

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I think Libbe and E-Girl did a great job of answering your questions, but I had a couple things I thought I'd add.

3. Can I drink broth all day? Is there a difference between chicken and beef? Yes, you can drink as much broth as you want, but you need to be careful of the sodium content or you'll puff up like a toad. (Sorry.) I made broth with whatever I had on hand when I was in this stage and it agree with me a lot more. Leftover rotisserie chicken or any chicken bones, beef bones or bits, veggies. I throw bones and etc. into plastic bags in my freezer until I have enough for broth then throw it all in a big pot and make broth. I made hubby some wonderful onion Soup with beef broth I'd made when I was still on my liquid phase and I sat there and had my broth with him for dinner. It made it easier to eat together when I was on the liquid diet.

5. How do I keep the momentum going with the weight loss? I'm starting to feel hunger, but can't eat. I'm worried about going into starvation now that I'm actually feeling hungry and it working backwards for me. I'm also afraid that when I do start eating it will either stop the weight loss or go backwards because of the previous "starvation". Momentum, momentum, momentum, I want to keep it rolling. You won't keep losing as fast as you have been. You should drop to about 8-10 pounds a month and sometimes it will be less. This is better for your skin adjusting anyway.

6. I'm having a hard time watching my family eat. It grosses me out the food intake not so much with my growing boys, but especially with my husband who is going to have the surgery also. I feel like....."hey do you realize how much food you eat and I'm over here drinking broth all day long! Get control of yourself." Yikes, I know. So sorry, but it's true. This is emotional. You don't realize the emotions that you will go through in this life changing journey. You'll get your revenge when he's had the surgery!! (Insert funny, evil laugh here.) He still has all his ghrelin hormone making him hungry, so you could cut him a bit of slack. My hubby was eating things like chicken-fried steak in front of me, but he's not overweight.

9. Life evolved around cooking, eating out, social eating, etc. I've halted all of that and feel a little trapped. No one except immediate family, i.e. husband, sons, and girlfriend who went to hospital with me know that I have done this. I don't lie and would have a hard time explaining why I'm not eating, drinking alcohol, participating in the activities this early in my post surgery. So we are using our workload right now as a reason for staying home, etc. There's so much there for me right now. My husband is extremely supportive and wants me to do the same for him when he has the surgery. Sorry rambling but trying to get through the emotional/mental part of it. When you get to real food soon, you'll find that there's normally something you can eat on every restaurant's menu, although I do still avoid Italian restaurants and I'm four months (and two days) out. Smelling garlic bread makes me crazy. We went out for tapas last night and I was able to eat every dish we got (all Protein and veggies.) Main dish salads are my best friends, although I can't eat much of the lettuce. I just tell people like my 87YO mother who doesn't know I had the surgery that I'm on a diet, and she says, "Good for you dear, you're looking great." My other best choices are grilled salmon or fish and I totally love seared scallops. I also eat the middles out of sandwiches and if I get any weird looks, I just smile and say, "Dieting." If they say anything else, I tell them I've lost (fill in the blank) pounds. Works every time.

10. I'm still bloated and tend to bloat throughout the day. Is this normal or what can I do to alleviate this? Heck, I still have tons of gas at four months. I try to fart discretely. ;-)

11. I know I don't get enough liquids in as I can't drink Water. Any liquid suggestions would be great. I drink 32 oz. of Powerade Zero before breakfast and then the rest is a breeze. My favorites are the zero or low-calorie versions of Sobe, Fuze or putting Crystal Light in my Water. I'm not wild about drinking plain water.

12. I can already tell that my absorption rate is super sensitive and high! Within seconds of trying something, I either feel sick, lightheaded or full or all of the above. Does this stay? When food is introduced will it be one bite at a time? This will get better. Eat teensy, tiny bites SLOWLY when you start eating regular food.

Hang in there. It will get better!!!


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