Joni 94 Posted April 19, 2012 What I'm wondering is all this gas we get postop that must come out while we walk, are we strolling down the hospital halls tooting away? And what about roommates - are we just letting those farts rip loud and clear? I guess if I have a choice between pain or letting it out, I'm all for sounding like Farty Franny. 3 Anjelika, and arj1016 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JDHenin 165 Posted April 19, 2012 Lolol this made me giggle! I didn't really have that kind of gas until day3-4. My gas was mostly lodged in my chest and shoulder. 1 Joni reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4ALongerLife 329 Posted April 19, 2012 OMG You should change your name to FFranny on here Joni.. you crack me up! I don't remember being uncontrollably gassy. I DO remember feeling bloated. Let's just say not great experiences while I was on flagile but I had that for pneumonia and a leak. Yuck I WILL be "allergic" to flagile forevermore! 1 Joni reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Doreykn 113 Posted April 19, 2012 My gas took a day or two to start coming out. I was in the bathroom & had a private room. When it started, I didn't think it was going to stop. I laughed so hard & it just kept coming out. But boy did I feel better when I was done. Let it out when it needs too! Walking does help.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BenisaMartim4 369 Posted April 19, 2012 I believe the gas that most people are talking about in the beginning is the kind trapped in the chest and shoulders. Moving around helps to dislodge it. I can't speak about the "tootie" kind of gas, I never had that. And as far as room mates, I don't think they do that any more. HIPPA and all you know. I know they don't here anyway. They won't even allow two children from the same family to room together because of privacy laws. Crazy but true. Sent from my iPhone using VST Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bethany1987 66 Posted April 19, 2012 Lol Mine didnt start until id been home a few days and so when I had some friends and family come over, the first thing I told them is be prepared to hear me toot. After 3 days of being bloated beyond belief when those toots started coming I didn't care who was around---I was getting that air out of me as soon as I could!! Sent from my iPhone using VST Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arj1016 57 Posted April 19, 2012 Let it out or your tummy will be sore. No modesty! Lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lissa 2,631 Posted April 19, 2012 I did more burping than farting, truthfully. I have heard that you should never trust that a fart will be "only" a fart, so keep that in mind. 1 sheila5497 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joni 94 Posted April 19, 2012 I did more burping than farting, truthfully. I have heard that you should never trust that a fart will be "only" a fart, so keep that in mind. You made me laugh! Oh, that's just great Lissa, now I have to worry about poopin my pants?? This is getting better.... 1 Lissa reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites