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I am coming up on my three month mark next week, and continue to have stalls every two weeks or so. Very frustrating. I have talked to my doctor, he's no help. I've talked to my nutritionist, she is at a point where she doesn't know what more to suggest. So I thought I'd come to the group to see if anyone has any suggestions.

  • I keep a food journal. I get 70-100g of Protein every day, no I cannot correlate more/less loss with the lower or higher protein. I keep my carbs between 15-30g per day (doc wants below 40). And my fats are between 8-20g per day. My calories are always below 600, some days closer to 500.
  • I drink two Protein shakes per day (Nectar/Unjury mixed with water), one in the mid morning and one in the afternoon.
  • My food sources are (non-fat as applicable) Greek yogurt w/some blueberries or raspberries, cottage cheese w/ tbsp unsweetened applesauce, chicken meat cooked at home w/small shot of cooking spray and herbs/lemon, shrimp, scallops, sashimi fish, grilled pork chop, tofu -- all 2-2.5oz portions measured.
  • Other food sources are broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, edamame, artichoke, mushrooms -- all cooked at home either steamed or oven baked. No butter, no sauces, some lightly sprinkled Parmesan at times (less than a teaspoon). All between 1-2oz measured.
  • I like and am allowed cheese but keep all dairy to a minimum due to Constipation issues.
  • For an occasional snack, I will have 2-3 flax/soy "tortilla chips" from Trader Joe's that have 4g fiber/6g protein per serving (7 chips) and only 13 carbs. So with eating only 2-3, maybe 6-7 carbs? With 2 teaspoon of homemade salsa. Sometimes I'll sneak in a tablespoon of natural Peanut Butter (no palm/hydrogenated oils) with my doctor doesn't even allow.
  • I add Benefiber dissolvable to my shakes and eat the Metamucil wafers my doctor suggested for more Fiber.< br />
  • I drink 64-80oz of fluids every day, mostly Water or tea.
  • I walk 3 miles in one hour 4-5 days per week and workout for one hour with a personal trainer 2 days per week (muscle toning, strengthening). Also, a 6-8 mile bike ride 1-2 days per week, weather permitting.
  • I sleep 7-8 hours per night, am unemployed right now so stress is relatively low (other than the stress of looking for work).

I know my hormones are completely out of whack, they have been for years. They are the only culprit I can think of. I have Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome which puts estrogen and progesterone in imbalance, along with all the estrogen being released by the fat burning. I am not on birth control, cannot stand the side effects. I thought it was related to my TOM, but my stalls seems to happen a little to haphazardly. I will lose 0.8-0.4 pounds per day on the scale, then just no movement at all for 5-6 days. My trainer and chiropractor both say they feel a lot of muscle in development, but I don't think it's enough to be it? I take measurements every two weeks, but I don't seem to be "losing inches when I'm not losing pounds."

I have to limit my exercise to what I do now because of my bad knees and breast size. I can't do those Boot Camp things because they do a lot of squats and other knee exercises my doctors tell me not to do. I'd love to swim, but am having a hard time getting a bathing suit that fits a size 16 on the bottom, and 36H bra size. I can go the custom route for $180, but haven't bit the bullet for that one until I have income coming in again.

I know stalls happen, and I'm really OK with the pace I'm losing. But I worry that maybe I'm doing something that is holding me back from losing more. Any advice?

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It may be time to switch it up. Meaning varying your calories on a daily basis. Some days higher, and some days lower. I love your Water intake, it's really good. You may need to do different routines when exercising. Switch everything up and that will help with getting out of a stall. You might check out LilMissDiva's The Basic Bootcamp Diet. It helped me loose 3 ounces the past 4 days. :)

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Girl you rock at the records you keep! But I just wonder if you are getting enough calories? Don't go off and eat more based on me saying this. But what's the nutrionist say? I know you said she doesn't have anything more to suggest..... but if you are only getting 500 to 600 calories a day, and working out 3 miles a day, I'm thinking your body isn't going to let anything go. And you might need more carbs. Good carbs (i.e. banana not banana bread). With your records, you know what I mean!

But see if I knew better, then would I have been fat in the first place? Genes and hypothyroidism have contributed but I love to eat.. or loved rather. I was doing 5 miles a day on the elliptical 5 days a week prior to my surgery. After my stress and metabolic tests, prior to my surgery, my dr. said I should expect that I will need 1800 cals a day after surgery to get to a sensible weight (150 ish probably) and keep it there. Yes, that's alot of calories .. but for so much gym time, he said I have to have it. So I'm really wondering if you are getting enough calories with all that you are doing.

Have you asked your trainer for their input? I'm sorry I'm not much help on this ... how about a second nutritionist's opinion?

Have you gotten your hormones checked? I have hypothyroidism and girl, let me tell you, no matter what I do sometimes, you can hang it up Jack. Then bam, they change my synthroid and BAM... I lose 30 lbs. Hormones are some tricky lil buggers (I was thinking of an f word instead, but keeping it PG here).....

I think you are doing wonderfully, jeesh with all you detailed, I need to be more like you mama. Keep up the good work... and maybe in time your body will finally just overcome the plateau... and maybe that's all it is?

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You sound so much like me, your diet, everything. I'm not really losing either. It'll be a month tomorrow and only 16 lbs since surgery. I'm frustrated. I also know my hormones are way screwed up and have been for awhile. I blame that. I have an appt next month to see about that, but it takes so darn long to get into the doctor these days!

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Girl you rock at the records you keep! But I just wonder if you are getting enough calories? Don't go off and eat more based on me saying this. But what's the nutrionist say? I know you said she doesn't have anything more to suggest..... but if you are only getting 500 to 600 calories a day, and working out 3 miles a day, I'm thinking your body isn't going to let anything go. And you might need more carbs. Good carbs (i.e. banana not banana bread). With your records, you know what I mean!

But see if I knew better, then would I have been fat in the first place? Genes and hypothyroidism have contributed but I love to eat.. or loved rather. I was doing 5 miles a day on the elliptical 5 days a week prior to my surgery. After my stress and metabolic tests, prior to my surgery, my dr. said I should expect that I will need 1800 cals a day after surgery to get to a sensible weight (150 ish probably) and keep it there. Yes, that's alot of calories .. but for so much gym time, he said I have to have it. So I'm really wondering if you are getting enough calories with all that you are doing.

Have you asked your trainer for their input? I'm sorry I'm not much help on this ... how about a second nutritionist's opinion?

Have you gotten your hormones checked? I have hypothyroidism and girl, let me tell you, no matter what I do sometimes, you can hang it up Jack. Then bam, they change my synthroid and BAM... I lose 30 lbs. Hormones are some tricky lil buggers (I was thinking of an f word instead, but keeping it PG here).....

I think you are doing wonderfully, jeesh with all you detailed, I need to be more like you mama. Keep up the good work... and maybe in time your body will finally just overcome the plateau... and maybe that's all it is?

I know, I've always questions the calories but that is what my doctor wants me at and the nutritionist works for him, so she tells me the same thing "below 600." TBH, some days I don't know how I could eat any more than I do. I feel full every time I eat, whether it's the yogurt or chicken or fish. My doc/nut both say "hell no" to things like bananas, Beans, carrots, etc. -- the "good" fruits, veggies and legumes that tend to be higher in the sugar content or high in carbs in general. I've asked them directly why they don't want me eating even SMALL amounts of these "good carb" foods that have other nutrional content if I'm keeping it under 40g per day. Like avocado. I love it and it has healthy fats and fiber. At best, I eat 1/4 of a small/medium with a meal 1-2x a week. They're answer, "Well, we're worried that you'll get the taste of fat, sugar, etc. and want more and seek out non-healthy sources." So it's not like they know that bananas, berries, etc. are good for you -- they just think that if I have 10 blueberries (yes, she was concerned when I had 10 blueberries) that I'll like the sugar taste and plow through a candy bar. They don't TRUST me is what it is. Even though I've given them no reason not to. I am not a fan of chocolate and I couldn't tell you the last time I had anything resembling candy.

I was thinking of bumping up my calories, say to 800, since I've seen it work for other people. Again, not sure how I'll do it with how I'm NEVER hungry and get full so easily. I'm also reaching that place where my energy sucks 4-5 days out of the week, and I'm especially drained after exercise. I just thought it was hormones doing their thing. Wasn't like that a few weeks ago, so something is definitely shifting for me.

My thyroid was checked a few months ago and was fine. I went through treatment for that 5 years ago when they thought it was the culprit for the initial 100 pounds I gained in a single year. My mom is hypothyroid, so I know how much of an effect it can have. I'm going in for bloodwork next week to check everything.

Thanks everyone. I keep records because I like to look for trends. My husband would like to see me take a break from it for a while because he reminds me that in the future I will need to be able to live normally and not freak out when I can't log something in. As for fluids, that's the easiest part as I'm always thirsty and I know the containers I use - what they measure up to. Very helpful.

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Hello all,

emlefe, you've had some great responses so far, and I agree, you keep a mighty detailed record and for what is it worth, I feel that you are doing an amazing job!

I am interested in the hormone theory though... I am peri menopausal and have been for over a year - started when I was nearly 30 turning 40 - I'm 41 (today ... lol) and been on HRT for just over three mths. I haven't lost a pound since the end of Oct and believe me I've tried everything and then some to shift some more weight...and I have been thinking that it's down to hormones. Now, when I mentioned this to my meopause doc she said that the hormones and HRT will have NO effect on my weight loss as it is a case of cals in v cals out and exercise. OK... so with that being said, I have been consuming anything between 900-1200 cals a day (apart from the last two weeks where I have stopped logging but I guestimate that I am about 1200 most days) and I've seen no movement on the scales. I really do feel that hormones are responsible for a lot more than we think ... that being said, it is not a case of 'Oh I give up it's my hormones' but more of a case where I have to be extra vigilant and patient and carry on waiting to see some movement.

And here is the strangest part ... during the last 6mths of no weight loss I have gone down a dress size and that includes jeans!! What is that all about...!!

Stick with your programme... things will happen and your body will respond and change! Good luck!

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Being out of work helps with being extra vigilant with the records... HA! I doubt I'll be like this when I get back to the crazy schedules :P

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Where can I find the LilmissDiva bootcamp stuff

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Here it is:


For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only...

Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter.

Veggies: Green only.

Fruits: None.

Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None.

Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein drinks.

Avoid: Sugar and Sodium

Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.

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Here it is:


For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only...

Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter.

Veggies: Green only.

Fruits: None.

Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None.

Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein drinks.

Avoid: Sugar and Sodium

Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.

This seems like another "diet" plan. The whole point of the sleeve is to get off of the weight loss diet rollercoaster. These plans didn't work for us before and will just serve to keep us in the same mindset that didn't work for us. I recommend going about your life for a few days and stop counting everything. Stick with the plan, do your exercise (log it on a sheet of paper if you like so you can enter it later after you get your results). Stop stepping on the scale daily and use your tool. Stop when you are full and switch up what you are eating a little bit. You seem so regimented. It looks so familiar. I was always able to micromanage myself into weight loss in the past, but lets be honest, how long are you going to have time for that? Then you won't have learned how to use your tool when life is insanely busy because you haven't learned to really listen to it. You are in a stall anyway, so trying it for 5 to 7 days isn't going to hurt. Weigh yourself in a week and see what happens. Give it a fair shot. I am an A type personality so it was REALLY hard for me too. More plans and "diets" aren't going to help you now, just like they never did before. Good luck! You are a person who is destined to succeed. Weight loss is hard for those of us that have trouble relaxing btw. Our cortizol levels are higher than most and that contributes to belly fat too!

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As far as ways to increase calories... it works for me to go from 1% milk to 2%, or low fat mayo (like for tuna) to regular. I have those things in the house for my family but I'm sure there's others. Regular cottage cheese, etc... Those are just examples of course but that's what works for me :)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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