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Want to know peoples stories from the time they entered operating room to waking up in recovery and pain. I'm so nervous so please people give. Me some stories to read

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Here's my post about recover from Jan '10. The good news? It's a foggy memory now ...

I must admit' date=' I wasn't prepared for the pain and "icky" feelings after surgery. I should have been, but I wasn't. I read so much about how it wasn't bad and it went great, that I lost sight of the fact that this was major surgery. (That being said, I don't think people were lying to me - everyone is different and pain levels are different.)

So, why am I writing? I think people need to know that it might be hard ... I was scared when I woke up. I wasn't planning on that much pain.

The pain on my lower right side (largest incision) was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! The nurses did what they could to aleve the pain, but it didn't do much good. I was still in pain when I got to my hotel. The liquid medicine helped, but only about 2 to 3 hours and I couldn't take more until after 4 hours. The first night, I would literally scream every time I had to get out of the bed - the pain was that intense. I was thinking - "What have I done?" I had to prop pillows around me on bed and slightly lean to my left side to get any relief. By midnight, the bruising was scary. :ohmy:

By morning, all my bruises started to mesh together to make a massive bruise. I was so pretty - NOT! But, I was able to get out of bed with only medium pain. This was good. But, I was nauseous and still felt "icky" - I know that doesn't say much, but it's the best description I can come up with for the overall feeling. Pretty much walked, sipped, and laid in bed that day. Didn't want to watch TV, phone e-mail was a pain (my eyes didn't want to focus), so I talked a little and slept a little when I was in bed. Did I mention I kept an eye on the clock so I could time every four hours?

Day 2 post-op was better. Thinking I could drink like I had on Thursday, I took in 4 ounces of Protein shake in 30 minutes. Whoa Nellie! Not good - felt like a huge gas bubble in my chest and I was really woozy. Had an appointment with my surgeon for 9:30 so got up to get dressed. At my appointment, my heart rate was up, but temperature was fine. Once I got calmed down a bit, my heart rate went back done. No leak - YEAH! Surgeon encouraged more Water - need to stay hydrated!!!! That evening felt well - pushed pain meds to every 5 hours. Making progress.

Day 3 post-op - Travel Day. How was I ever going to sit up for the flight? How could I even travel from the car to the airport? But, I did it. We decided I should take Reglan 1 hour pre-flight since I was having nausea issues with movement. Got to the ticket counter and almost passed out standing that long. Maybe the Reglan wasn't such a good idea??? Got on the plane - no pillows. Borrowed a jacket and stuffed it around me so I could sit comfortably. Yeah. I might just make it. And, I DID!!!! Got home that evening and saw my husband and my kids. Great medicine. Unfortunately, we didn't explain things well to my 8-year old. He thought I was coming home skinny so I think I disappointed him a bit! :biggrin2:

Day 4 Post Op - What's this? I sorta feel like me again. Terrible pain in my shoulder (tight muscle due to the way I am sleeping???), but decide to go with liquid Tylenol all day. I feel good. Am I back? Got in a whole Protein Shake - took 2 hours, but I did it. Friends came over with homemade chicken Soup. They had "de-ingrediented" for me so I had rich broth to drink for a week.

Today is Day 5 Post Op - I'm getting a bit bored. I think I'm back. Just have soreness in abdomen and that pain in my shoulder (feeling better, my husband has been rubbing it for me and I am using a heating pad).

So, yes, recovery sucks, but thankfully, it's quick. :cool0:[/quote']

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from the time they entered operating room to waking up in recovery

Well, what you're asking us to tell is pretty much entirely time that we're unconscious. Is that really what you're wanting to know? Because stories will be really short, and very specific to each person.

I was wheeled into the OR, and as I entered the operating room and it looked familiar - had a brief conversation with my nurse and found out it was the same room I'd had my lapband done in over 6 years prior. They pushed the gurney next to the operating table and I scooted over. I'm a bit taller than average so they were joking about having to make the table longer since my feet were hanging off the edge. They started hooking up monitors (the sticky tabs had been applied in preop). The nurse anesthetist said she was going to give me some oxygen and I said, "Whatever, every time you guys tell me that it's lights out." She jokingly told me to stay awake if I wanted to, and I said something like, "That's up to you more than me" and next thing I knew I was in recovery.

They give most people versed or some other "relaxer" that tends to have an amnesiac effect before you go to the OR. Some surgeries I have full recollection of up until I was out, some I remember nothing about the trip to the OR, and some I remember intermittently, almost as mental snapshots. When I had my GB out I was telling the nurse a recipe for Greek meatballs as they sedated me, and literally the next thing I knew I was in recovery and she was trying to wake me up to get the end of the recipe before her shift ended.

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When I got to the OR, I was terrified and thinking about jumping off the table and running. I had been in pre-op for quite some time but panic struck when they moved me to the OR table. One of the anesthesiologists (there were two of them there) put a mask over my face and nose and was holding in there. I pushed it off because it was freaking me out and told him I couldn't deal with that. He then held it about 2" from my face and asked if that was better. That's it .... I don't remember anything else until I woke up in recovery.

This was my first surgery ever, at the age of 48, so I had no idea what to expect. Before I opened my eyes, I could hear beeps of machines and people talking everywhere. Then, there were people saying my name. I opened my eyes and they told me that surgery was over and I was in recovery.

My first words were, "I'm going to puke and I have chest pains." LOL They gave me a basin in case I actually puked (I didn't.) They told me that the pains in my chest were not my heart, but gas that had collected there. The pain went straight through to my back. I felt no pain at all in my stomach area.

I think I may have complained a few times about feeling sick to my stomach because it was intense. Kind of embarrassing, I feel like a whiner now. The doctor came around and ordered extra nausea meds be put in my IV. Very shortly after that I felt better and, in no time, was moved to my room.

I spent the next two days in the hospital. I had a morphine pump that I could push every 6 minutes. Anytime something would start to hurt, I would push the button. I never did feel pain in my stomach, only in my chest/shoulder. It was worrisome to me because it was in the same position as my heart. If I had known for sure that my heart wasn't going to explode, I would have been able to relax more.

Eventually, the doctor ordered an EKG, which was normal. I was still freaked out so they did an echocardigram, more or less to humor me, which I was thankful for. After that was all normal, the pain in my chest was tolerable.

On Day 3 they removed my morphine pump about noon. I left the hospital about 2pm and by 5pm I was in pain. I took my Roxicet liquid and felt better right away. The following day, I used my pain meds twice and felt decent. After that I used pain meds only once a day through Day 6. On that day, I felt back to normal with the exception of being a bit more tired than usual. I went back to babysitting my 3-year-old granson, and even took him shopping with me. We spent four hours shopping and I held up well.

I am now 9 days out and have yet to feel any pain in my stomach or incisions. I have some gas in my stomach, but I would not describe it as painful. I noticed a few of my incisions getting red around them a few days ago so I went to see the doctor. Turns out they were infected, but I still don't feel a thing. If I press on one of the infected ones, they feel tender. The other two I could press on all day and feel nothing. Other than pressing on them, I am completely unaware of them. I have to lift my shirt to even know they are there.

The only thing that really bothers me is diarrhea. I had it Days 2-5 then it got better. Now that I am on antibiotics, it's back. Other than the "chest pain," I would say that has been the most uncomfortable part of this surgery.

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I was really nervous too, I hope my story helps. I was first put in a room to change clothes, hook me up to IV, etc etc. They gave me something to "clear out my stomach" I didnt get this because I hadnt had food in a week but whatever LOL. I was in that room for two hours which I could have climbed the wall from my nerves. And just as scheduled in came my doctor, she asked what kind of music I wanted to go to sleep to, my response was whatever she wanted LOL I mean she is the one doing the cutting :). I was then given a shot which I was told would make me not remember anything after that point....WELLL....I recall being taken into the OR several people around me and I was wondering where my DR was, I could see my nurse and the anasteoligist (sp). I wanted to speak and say where is my DR but I couldnt really talk, I felt really calm (which I was freaking out mins before). Suddenly I felt soooo sleepy and the nurse said Stephanie, thats the meds I recall shaking my head like yes and it was BAM lights out.

I woke up in recovery and started to cry, I was so greatful to be ok, I prayed out loud thanking God over and over for letting me get through surgery. My left side hurt so I told the nurse I was in pain she sat inbetween me and another person managing our pain. She would give pain shots in the IV I would drift off and then 30 mins or so later I remeber waking up crying saying it hurt, I was also emotional and so glad to be ok and right away she would get it under control. I was suppose to be there for about 1 hr but ended up staying for 2 until my pain was tolerable. I was taken to my room, I had a drain, a qball, and a pump to push for pain. In addition the nurse would come in and give me more pain meds, antibiotics, and a shot in the belly to prevent blood clots. Not ONE time did I feel like I would vomit (I was greatful for this). I did feel like I had heatburn or acid reflux which was taken care of by meds. I walked the same day a little. 2nd day... was the worst, I was taken down for my drink test and because I was a revision I was super swollen inside. The nurse said if all is ok you will take a drink we will take pics and you will be on your way. I took the drink, they took some pics..... and then wanted to lay me down. The xray machine layed me back and I was told to lay on my side on this metal surface and the pain I felt rolling to my side I couldnt decide to pray or cuss, so I did both, out loud. I was scared something was wrong, I laid there for 15 mins taking more and more pictures, freaking out that something was wrong. Finally it was over and I was taken to my room. I was alone and I sat in the bed and cried wondering what I had done to myself. No one would say if all was ok until the images were sent to my dr. Turns out I was FINE no leak, just swollen so it took a while for the Fluid to get through me. I was given more pain meds, then I was a happy camper again. BUT the worst pain was from the laying flat on that xray bed AND cramps from my bladder which was from the cath they put in during surgery. Once I told my dr that the pain in my bladder was worse than the pain in my stomach she gave me this tiny brown pill and BAM I was golden, and didnt regret a thing. I stayed 2 1/2 days, and went home where I slept in a big chair with a ottoman for almost 2 weeks (I took a 1 week off work), it was just comfortable for me. I was sore but I got around fine. I went to the store 3 days after surgery walking around SLOW but getting around. I am now 4 weeks out and felling good, almost no pain unless I bend down the wrong way or something, I have even been hitting the gym for the past 2 weeks 1st walking on the treadmill and this week on the elliptical. :) Again my worst pain was laying on my side on the xray bed and my bladder. :)

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I spent a very short time in pre-op room Nurse put in IV and Drs. came by. Nurse shaved around stomach area then gave me some happy juice in IV after that who cares! Surgery only took about 45min. when I woke up they took me to room I remember I was half asleep and Drs. Assistant came in told me to use the little spirometer every hour and walk as much as possible to make sure I don't get blood clots in my legs, scared the crap out of me and I started walking the next morning and every day after. I had a morphine pump first night and some pressure leg wraps to keep away blood clots. I have a vague memory of a couple shots in stomach to keep clots away I did not have very much pain went home next afternoon missed the morphine pump but pain was managable with the pain meds.

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Well, what you're asking us to tell is pretty much entirely time that we're unconscious. Is that really what you're wanting to know? Because stories will be really short, and very specific to each person.

I was wheeled into the OR, and as I entered the operating room and it looked familiar - had a brief conversation with my nurse and found out it was the same room I'd had my lapband done in over 6 years prior. They pushed the gurney next to the operating table and I scooted over. I'm a bit taller than average so they were joking about having to make the table longer since my feet were hanging off the edge. They started hooking up monitors (the sticky tabs had been applied in preop). The nurse anesthetist said she was going to give me some oxygen and I said, "Whatever, every time you guys tell me that it's lights out." She jokingly told me to stay awake if I wanted to, and I said something like, "That's up to you more than me" and next thing I knew I was in recovery.

They give most people versed or some other "relaxer" that tends to have an amnesiac effect before you go to the OR. Some surgeries I have full recollection of up until I was out, some I remember nothing about the trip to the OR, and some I remember intermittently, almost as mental snapshots. When I had my GB out I was telling the nurse a recipe for Greek meatballs as they sedated me, and literally the next thing I knew I was in recovery and she was trying to wake me up to get the end of the recipe before her shift ended.

You are pretty funny.... :P

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thanks for these posts!!

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