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Weight-loss surgery proves fatal for driver

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So, you lost 80kg of Fluid (peed out, as you said in your other post), and a further half kilo a day? (17.5kg over 5 weeks = 3.5x5=17.5)

I am sorry, but I smell something funny with your whole post. If you are for real, I am sorry, but it took me 18 months, with a band, working my ass off to lose 72kg. And you say you lost 97.50kg (if I did my math right) in 5 weeks? I am really sorry but is sounds off. Very off.

And as for the article? The media will twist anything to suit themselves. They do it all the time. This bit of "reporting" is no different.

I'm with you Aussie. This post seems highly suspicious to me. I can't imagine anyone losing that much weight so quickly without seriously damaging their health. Besides that, you said your doctor put you on a very strict diet, but the diet you posted doesn't seem all that severe, and certainly not severe enough to lose that kind of weight in such a short time. In my opinion, that would require some sort of liquid diet. Looking at the meal plan you posted - an egg, three pieces of bread, three pieces of chicken, two pieces of fish, nevermind the other stuff - that's more than 800 calories.

I'm sorry, but I'm too much of a cynic to believe you. You know what they say about things that sound too good to be true...

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Congrats on your weightloss and good luck when it comes time to banding. I just have a few questions you said you were in the ICU was this for another condition or to lose weight? I have been doing some reserch on lasix and it says Lasix treats Fluid retention (edema) in people with congestive heart failure, liver disease, or a kidney disorder such as nephrotic syndrome. Lasix is also used to treat high high blood pressure did you have any of these that resulted in the ICU vist or the use of lasix. Also you were subconscious for the first week this seems highly unusual did they put you under or was it some sort of complication? Which hospital were you in I am interested in trying to see if they are doing reserch or if this is standard protocol for them. Thanks for answering these questions.

Thanks, I'll be happy to answer your questions.

First of all, I voluntarily admitted myself to hospital to get lap band treatment/surgery. However, later found out I have other issues;

1) sleep apnea - cause my blood oxygen level to drop slowly over the years.

2) High Water content in body cell - kidney not functioning fast enough to process high Water intake.

For 2) lasix treatment

for 1) CPAP treatment - constant pressure air pump something, to forceme breathing with consistent flow of oxygen. Sudden increase in oxygen make me drowsy thus put me sub-contious - this is normal and expected.

Admitted to ICU becuase oxygen tube connecting to CPAP machine accidently disconnected for few hours causing me what they call "hard of breathing" - this is not normal and definitely not expected, so they put me on ICU for a day to monitor my condition.

I had all done from UKM Hospital, Malaysia.

For those who choose not to believe in me, what can I say, nothing for me to loose. It was a very interesting but scary 5 weeks ordeal. Some experinces to share... over the 5 weeks

1) 2 neigbouring patients died.

2) became big baby for 3 weeks - feet to weak to move after 1 week lying down. everything taken care by nurse, and i mean everything.

3) physioteraphy treatment started week 4, started to learn to walk again.

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an egg, three pieces of bread, three pieces of chicken, two pieces of fish, nevermind the other stuff - that's more than 800 calories.


Egg, raw, boiled, or poached, 1 large 82 x 1 = 82

Bread, whole wheat, 1 slice 67 x 3 = 201

chicken drumstick, roasted, w/o skin 76 x 3 = 228

Fish, raw, broiled, poached, 3 1/2 oz. 140 x 2 = 280

total = 791

Apple, medium, 1 apple, 2 3/4 in., 1/3 lb. 80

Lettuce, iceberg, 1 cup, shredded 7

Like I said, less fat, less carbo, but people need Protein, you get Protein from chicken/fish. Why need protein, you may not want to grow bigger but cells dies every second and you need protein for cell regeneration.

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Love to share this, remember I was hospitalised so I can't take outside food even i want.

First of all, 150lbs are mostly Water. After all Water being flush out via medication, however following this diet help me to reduce half kg of FAT a day, at constant rate.

Half kg a days = 15 kg / month, if you follow these strickly


1 pc wholemeal bread

1 boiled chicken eeg

1 cup tea/coffee - sugarless / calory free sugar


1 pc wholemeal bread

2 pcs grilled fish (no salt)

green vege (no salt)

Soup (no salt)



1 pc wholemeal bread

3 pcs grilled chicken (no skin no salt)

green vege (no salt)

Soup (no salt)


The above diet based on 800 calories /day.

Basically high Protein, less fat, less carbohydrate

Fruit - avoid banana

Fruit -limit 1 pc per-intake

I survived 5 weeks. Another patient same ward, survived 4 days.....


Egg, raw, boiled, or poached, 1 large 82 x 1 = 82

Bread, whole wheat, 1 slice 67 x 3 = 201

Chicken drumstick, roasted, w/o skin 76 x 3 = 228

Fish, raw, broiled, poached, 3 1/2 oz. 140 x 2 = 280

total = 791

Apple, medium, 1 apple, 2 3/4 in., 1/3 lb. 80

Lettuce, iceberg, 1 cup, shredded 7

Like I said, less fat, less carbo, but people need Protein, you get protein from chicken/fish. Why need protein, you may not want to grow bigger but cells dies every second and you need protein for cell regeneration.


1 pc wholemeal bread 89.07

1 boiled chicken eeg 100.35

1 cup tea/coffee - sugarless / calorie free sugar (with or without milk?


1 pc wholemeal bread 89.07

2 pcs grilled fish (no salt) 197.2 (based on a losely packed 3/4 cup of salmon, steamed)

green vege (no salt) 43.41 (based on 1 cup of Broccoli)

soup (no salt) 103.7 (based on Tomato Soup, 1 cup)

fruit 81.42 (1 medium apple)


1 pc wholemeal bread 89.07

3 pcs grilled chicken (no skin no salt) 220.89 (1 cup, no skin)

green vege (no salt) 43.41 (based on 1 cup of Broccoli)

soup (no salt) 103.7 (based on Tomato soup, 1 cup)

fruit 81.42 (1 medium apple)

Breakfast 189.42

Lunch 514.80

Dinner 538.49

Total 1242.71

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1 pc wholemeal bread 89.07

1 boiled chicken eeg 100.35

1 cup tea/coffee - sugarless / calorie free sugar (with or without milk?


1 pc wholemeal bread 89.07

2 pcs grilled fish (no salt) 197.2 (based on a losely packed 3/4 cup of salmon, steamed)

green vege (no salt) 43.41 (based on 1 cup of Broccoli)

Soup (no salt) 103.7 (based on Tomato Soup, 1 cup)

fruit 81.42 (1 medium apple)


1 pc wholemeal bread 89.07

3 pcs grilled chicken (no skin no salt) 220.89 (1 cup, no skin)

green vege (no salt) 43.41 (based on 1 cup of Broccoli)

soup (no salt) 103.7 (based on Tomato soup, 1 cup)

fruit 81.42 (1 medium apple)

Breakfast 189.42

Lunch 514.80

Dinner 538.49

Total 1242.71

Ah haaa....I got it now. You are just one sad little girl who cannot accept the fact that there are other people out there who accomplished more without going thru surgery.

Your reply above show how much confused you are. My suggestion is, since you are now very slim and sexy, just log off and start having real life friends and get a life.

Referring back to the calory figure above, heck my apple, chicken and fish were genetically altered so that when all mix up in my stomach instead of absorbing to my body as fat, they evolved into a full load of shit.

That explained how I lost hugh amount of weight, by shitting every hour.

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Ah haaa....I got it now. You are just one sad little girl who cannot accept the fact that there are other people out there who accomplished more without going thru surgery.

No, I am a grown woman, who is a lot smarter than you think. I know people can, and do lose a lot of weight without surgery. People just don't lose the type of weight you are claiming to have lost, in the time you claim to have lost it in.

I am not the only person who doubts your claims. But I was not disrespectful about it.

Your reply above show how much confused you are. My suggestion is, since you are now very slim and sexy, just log off and start having real life friends and get a life.

So, I proved that you are taking in well over the 800 calories a day you claim to be eating. You were the one who posted what you were eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just added it up. You are the one telling the story here, I am just adding up the numbers, and questioning a few of the facts.

And do I really have to go away now that I am at goal? I am already married with a child, have plenty of friends, and own my own business. I am pretty busy as it is... More friends on top of that?

Referring back to the calory figure above, heck my apple, chicken and fish were genetically altered so that when all mix up in my stomach instead of absorbing to my body as fat, they evolved into a full load of shit.

That explained how I lost hugh amount of weight, by shitting every hour.

I am laughing at this... You can't keep your story straight. First you peed it our because of Lasix, now it is genetically altered food, and you just poop it out (oh, and FYI, if it passes through your intestines, you are absorbing calories, fat and nutrients I doubt that GM foods have evolved to the point of having no calories)

I have the utmost respect for those who lose weight, no matter how they lose. I don't have any respect for people who breeze in, claim to have lost almost 100kg in 5 weeks, then get uppity when questioned, and start calling me a "sad little girl" and tell me to "log off and gt a real life"

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This will be my final reply to you and your kind. Anymore posting I shall made only and strickly for one who respect and acknowledge others success stories.

Below I shall quote how this oz chick TWIST all my facts.

No, I am a grown woman, who is a lot smarter than you think. I know people can, and do lose a lot of weight without surgery. People just don't lose the type of weight you are claiming to have lost, in the time you claim to have lost it in.

I am not the only person who doubts your claims. But I was not disrespectful about it.



So, I proved that you are taking in well over the 800 calories a day you claim to be eating. You were the one who posted what you were eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. I just added it up. You are the one telling the story here, I am just adding up the numbers, and questioning a few of the facts.



And do I really have to go away now that I am at goal? I am already married with a child, have plenty of friends, and own my own business. I am pretty busy as it is... More friends on top of that?

I am laughing at this... You can't keep your story straight. First you peed it our because of Lasix, now it is genetically altered food, and you just poop it out (oh, and FYI, if it passes through your intestines, you are absorbing calories, fat and nutrients I doubt that GM foods have evolved to the point of having no calories)


I have the utmost respect for those who lose weight, no matter how they lose. I don't have any respect for people who breeze in, claim to have lost almost 100kg in 5 weeks, then get uppity when questioned, and start calling me a "sad little girl" and tell me to "log off and gt a real life"




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You know, I typed out a huge reply to this, quoting all your posts... Making my point.

But by going all CRAZY RED CAPS on me, calling me a sad girl, over and over, because I don't buy your story, you kinda made the point for me.

If anyone wants to see the post (I save everything, lol) PM me. But this sort of garbage is hardly worthy of my time.

Oh, but one point I *must* make! Being called "girl" in my country is not a form of degradation! :)

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If this continues the Moderators will have to move this thread to the Rants and Raves section.

Everyone has their own opinions, please respect each others. You can always agree to disagree. You can always chose to NOT respond or post to a particular thread. You can chose to NOT feed into the line of thought.

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In my country, lapband falls under cosmetic. Here not many people aware of this treatment. Lipo is definitely under cosmetic. Thus anything about losing weight is cosmetic, includes tummy thuck.

That is why most insurance company does not cover this and general hospital did not perform lap band. They stock to traditional diet and execise.

I'm still trying to get reimbursement on my treatment bill based on the fact that this is "life treatening" if not threated.

Gotcha, had you said you were from another country, that might have cleared a few things. What country are you from?

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Ah haaa....I got it now. You are just one sad little girl who cannot accept the fact that there are other people out there who accomplished more without going thru surgery.

Your reply above show how much confused you are. My suggestion is, since you are now very slim and sexy, just log off and start having real life friends and get a life.

Referring back to the calory figure above, heck my apple, chicken and fish were genetically altered so that when all mix up in my stomach instead of absorbing to my body as fat, they evolved into a full load of shit.

That explained how I lost hugh amount of weight, by shitting every hour.

Wow Meyour...you ARE rude. (do they not have manners in your country?) Maybe had you posted info about yourself, you might not have been misunderstood. Honestly, not knowing you were foreign ..I was reading your postings and thinking you were loaded (drunk) or something because of the mix of translation and spelling errors....and this is in no way knocking you for being foreign, I wasn't born in the USA either! You need to understand that we don't understand where you are coming from...of course things are different for you than for us. So the fact that you were misunderstood, misconstrued, is entirely your fault.

I can't believe you called someone a sad little girl and told her to leave, she has just as much right as anyone else to be here and you had no right to tell her to leave.

Best wishes to you in your weight loss journey............but in the future, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. This is all I am going to say about this because Karma will take care of everything.:huggie:

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I really question the accuracy of this report. First, if I remember correctly, "The Star" IMHO is a tabloid -- think I remember seeing ridiculous stories about babies from outer space, etc. Second, the details of the report don't add up. Third, the source of the story is vague. And fourth, if this was true, don't you think Reuters, API and mainstream US papers would have picked up on it?

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I really question the accuracy of this report. First, if I remember correctly, "The Star" IMHO is a tabloid -- think I remember seeing ridiculous stories about babies from outer space, etc. Second, the details of the report don't add up. Third, the source of the story is vague. And fourth, if this was true, don't you think Reuters, API and mainstream US papers would have picked up on it?

Hi nancy,

The Star here is not a tabloid, indeed this is no 1 nasional newpaper, beating NST (News Strait Times). Anyhow, this thing happen in Singapore and it's real. But like others said, it was not lapband killing the man, it was other factor. But my point is, 99% risk free does not mean you can ignore the fact sh*t happen.

Having doubt on the "tabloid" how about this


or google on these "singapore lap band surgery death"

Happy slimming.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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