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Taken for granted.

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Being in a somewhat introspective mood, I got to thinking about silly little things I take for granted, that I really ought not to.

Here's my top 5.

1. Employer provided coffee. Okay I know sounds a bit stupid. I come from the UK though and have had to pay for crap coffee for most of my working life. Now I whine because the employer provided coffee isn't awesome.

2. Gas Prices: Am I mental? Yep. Fraid so. Even at three bucks a gallon, I'd probably pay more to fill up a Ford Focus in the UK, than I pay to fill up an Expedition here.

3. High speed internet: Yep, I now get grumpy if I download at less than 150K a second. Maybe I should spend a month on dialup at 3K a second as a reminder.

4. Music: I have enough music that I could start it all playing today, and it wouldn't finish (without repeating a song) for about three weeks. I expect it to be there, but I rarely show any appreciation for having it!

5. Air Conditioning - everywhere: Again, the UK. We had air conditioning in our house. It was called a big window. A window with no sensible screen to keep the bugs out. Now I expect it to be everywhere, but I certainly don't give much appreciation for it.

Yes this is kind of light hearted but I do trully wonder about how much we all take for granted, and just how desperate we'd be if we didn't have it.

So, what's your top five?

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Cool idea for a thread.

1)my coffee maker. I have it programmed to start when I get up, and by the time I'm out of the shower, it's got a nice pot of good hot coffee waiting for me.

2)my car. I just walk out, and it's there and starts up and takes me where I need to go.

3)my body in many ways. I just assume everything is going to more or less work as I want it too.

4)My Tivo. I have it set to record my favorite shows, and watch them whenever I want.

5)Our DSL connection. I'm used to it always being there, and I would go nuts without it!

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1. Internet - my first two months here, I had none. With the internet, I have email, skype, and lbt. I can order foods I like from netgrocer, Amazon, food coops, etc. I can order stuff from Target, Walmart, and drugstore.com. I get dvds of my favorite tv shows.

2. reliable electricity and household appliances - when I first moved into this house, my stove and microwave did not work. You could not run the washer and dryer at the same time without blowing the main circuit breaker. My generator did not work and the electricity went out regularly.

3. household help - my gardener and housekeeper may not be the best but they are well intentioned. They don't steal my money or jewelry. I sometimes say I would like to live without help since it seems an invasion or privacy but it really does make life easier. And my gardener does grow great vegetables.

4. good co-workers - both the Malawians and the Americans I work with are nice. There are always challenges but almost everyone is trying to help the country and do the best job they can. (there are always a couple of lazy ones!)

5. great friends and support - without my friends and support system (like lbt), I could not survive. I truly admire people who can move and do it without relying on everyone. I have been single for 12 years now and without everyone's support I couldn't have gotten through loss of loved ones, job stress, band surgery, etc.

Dawg, thanks for reminding me to be grateful.

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Oh, I forgot, the toilets at work have been partially repaired. For that I am grateful. Not having a bathroom available at work was difficult.

Dawg, is it okay if I have 6 items I am grateful for???

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What a great idea...I believe the following would be my top five things I take for granted and should try and stop more often and realize how grateful I should be:

1. Mr. Yoda, my husband. I love him so incredibly much and as corny as it sounds I love him more and more each day; where this love within me comes from, I don't know but I'm sure glad he brings it out in me. I waited a long time and went thru several "duds" before I met him. Sometimes I know I take him and the things he does for granted; I shouldn't.

2. My country. Yeah yeah, I know I'm biased...but IMHO, Canada is THE best country to live in. I take it for granted that I live in such an amazingly beautiful country with so much to offer in so many ways. I take for granted my freedom and availability of choices and options in this country.

3. Transport such as having my own vehicle. I recall being a teenage and even young adult and having to walk or bus it EVERYWHERE. I HATED the bus (still do), it was sweaty, hot, smelly, hot, noisy, hot, long, hot and...hot! I look back at how much I used to walk everywhere...no wonder I wasn't overweight back then! I forget what it is like to not have a car....I take it for granted a lot; and now we have TWO!

4. My mom. I have several friends/co-workers who no longer have their mom's in their life. In many ways I just always expect my mom to be there....even though she lives on the other end of the country, I still feel like she is here with me; I know one day she will be gone and I will wish I hadn't taken her for granted. I will tell her next time we talk that I love her. (very rare for my family to say those words...which is why I say them ALL the time to my husband).

5. My career. I make a very decent wage, I have progressed and I can actually retire any time now (since last May) with a full pension...not bad for 41. I take that for granted and should appreciate that I've had a rewarding, exciting, challenging career for the last 20+ years that many people would die for.

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This is cool.

1. My fiance. I've been having a hard time lately and he's been such a rock for me to hold on to. When he can't offer advice he'll just hold me and let me cry.

2. My health. I recently found out I have a kidney cyst, developed a UTI, and some dental issues. You really don't know how good you have it until you are miserable (and I know there are those with worse situations than I).

3. Employment. I'm not 100% happy with my job right now, but I am very greatful that I have it.

4. Transportation; I'm very happy to have my car, and very unhappy when I don't have it for whatever reason.

5. I'm greatful for my family, even if I am having trouble dealing with them at the moment, lol.

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Thanks Dawg for an awesome thread!

1) I'm thankful for great friends and acquaintances on LBT!

2) I'm very thankful for air conditioning in my house AND in my car (I have watched many people walking/riding bikes in 100 degree heat and I feel so bad for them)

3) I am thankful for my fiance, especially his love, laughter, and support!

4) I am thankful for the ability to go to college - many people can't or don't; I'm thrilled to finally get my BA at the age of 48.

5) And last, but most definitely not least, I am thankful for God in my life -He is always there; never leaves me; and listens to me when no one else wants to; and most of all He loves me every day - no matter how much I do or don't love myself some days.

6) (sorry-absolutely necessary) - I am very thankful for my wonderful children (2 by birth and 5 by engagement - including a new grandbaby!) - I am truly blessed!

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1. Family and home life

2. Education: First in my family to graduate from College.

3. Career: I love to teach.

4. Ability to give my kid the things he wants/needs. Clothes, toys, food, etc. And I am very thankful for my son. Took us lots of meds/money/time to get him.

5. Modern day comforts (toilets, air conditioning, stove, etc) Believe it or not, I survived 9 months in a tent when I was 8. Taught me to appreciate alot. Unfortunately, now I live like someone that was raised during the depression. (I never throw anything away.)

And my bonus #6.... Is JACK!!! I love Jack! :love:..... Oh and everyone else here on LBT... truly don't know what I would have done without you guys/gals!

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1. My husband. He is my champion.

2. My car. It always starts and never lets me down. And runs forever even when I neglect it.

3. Electric appliances. A month in a motorhome gives me a real appreciation for those conveniences.

4. Electricity. Makes everything go.

5. My health. Have always taken it for granted. Now I have a cyst on my neck that is inflammed. Oh, yeah, blood test says Rheumatoid Arthritis. That sucks!

6. (I know, should only be 5, but ...) My job. They never look crosseyed at me even when I come rolling in 1/2 hour late and offer no explanation.

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1. The human mind.

2. Electricity.

3. Free will.

4. Loved ones - including my family (mostly)

5. A planet that supports all 6 billion of us.

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Heh, I can definately go for 6 :)

#6 My Computers. No they aren't bleeding edge. No they aren't monster gaming machines. No they can't churn data like a Kray supercomputer. But they are stable. Efficient and thus far, unfailing (why do I feel it is a mistake to say that??). I always take it for granted that it will be there.

Heh - regarding my #3... turns out my internet went out for over ten minutes today, I was quite upset. Man I'm spoiled.

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1. Affordable transportation, including gas. I've gone without it, so I truly appreciate it, even though I take it for granted. I spent several engths of time in Europe, paying over $8 per gallon, so I relied heavily on publis transportation... trams... which only get you so close to where you're going, and so close to the apartment, which was up exactly 282 stairs...

2. Microwaves. I'm annoywed when my popcorn needs more than a minute to cook, and pace around like a mad woman, but then I remember -once upon a time people had to use their stoves for this stuff, and all of sudden, 90 seconds isn't all that long.

3. Life. Take it for granted every day. Lump into this good mental function, physical function, general health, etc. It doesn't take much at all to wipe out either of those.

4. My band, really. If I knew I would lose it in 3 months, I would definitely be doing things differently today. But I don't know that, I take it for granted that it's with me for good.

5. Although we have prepared in the event that this isn't the case, I do take it for granted that DH and I will always have another paycheck coming in. About 70% of our income is "extra" or discretionary if you prefer, and I could/should be a lot smarter and conscientious with how I manage it, but I'm not. I take it for granted our jobs will always be there, or that we'll always be able to find new ones. We have over a years' worth of salary set aside, just in case, but that doesn't keep me from assuming we'll never need it.

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I'm putting a spin on things....things I took for granted but no longer do because my situation is quiet the opposite of dawgs.

1. AC - I had central AC in florida, now I sleep with a fan and I'm fine with it, in fact its probably healthier.

2. Screens - we have what you would call....storm shutters on our window. the have slits so they can keep the bugs out, but they also close completly to block the sun. You can sleep in mid afternoon in complete darkeness.

3. Car parking - Here if you find a spot any where with in a mile of your destination your doing good. In the US you can usually get a spot right up front of any place your going to.

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Thankful, yes I am

1. God- who allows me to wake up each day. He provides me the comfort of knowing he is always there when I feel completly alone.

2. Health- it is getting better each day w/ the help of the band.

3. Brother- who loves me unconditionally, who is my boss, who is giving my a home, who is truly blessed

4. Daughter- who brings a smile to my face when she is sleeping

5. LBT- who provides me with so much support that I would give each and everyone a hug if I could:grouphug:

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I think this post was supposed to be about what we take for granted...not what we are thankful for...however its nice to know what every one is thankful for as well.

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