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Ideally, we should only really weigh ourselves about once a month (not even once a week). But I'll be the first to admit that it's hard to be patient when you're hoping against hope to hit some "magical" number (onederland for a lot of us, although I strongly doubt I'll ever get below 200, and I'm really okay with that...)

Best is to just not focus on the numbers on the scale too much, and focus on other measurements like body fat percentage or skeletal muscle percentage or waist diameter, etc. Better yet, focus on all the good stuff -- how much better you feel about your body, how much more energy you have, how much better your clothes fit, etc. The scale will just drive you nuts!

Could u please say how to measure fat %? I finally broke the stall and lost a couple lbs but am holding this loss again. Looks like a new pattern developing. First a wild loss of 50 and then nothing since 2/18 and then 2 more and now holding. Just like you outlined. Am now 3x week trainer and 4hours pt and ot. Maybe that's what broke the stall? But WHY can't the doc give proportions for food? Fat/prot/carb? I'm the NO! Diet. And I still hate it.

Ps: what're you going to substitute for the wt loss obsession once you've attained your goal weight? Is this what is meant by change in life style....obsess differently?

Changing my handle to resident grump!

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How right you are. i am an every day weigh-er. Yes, I know they tell you not to do it, but it is my morning habit. I wake up, go the the bathroom and weight myself. All the things you mention: Water retention, posture, clothing, sweating, etc. can change that number. That's why I use it as a trend and take it with a grain of salt.

I do try to use the same posture and step in the same place. I will step on the scale 3 or 4 times until I can get the same weight to come up. My scale is pretty good and weighs (is calibrated) to weigh heavier than the one in my surgeon's office. HAH! So I guess I'm actually in Onderland today ;-)

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Could u please say how to measure fat %? I finally broke the stall and lost a couple lbs but am holding this loss again. Looks like a new pattern developing. First a wild loss of 50 and then nothing since 2/18 and then 2 more and now holding. Just like you outlined. Am now 3x week trainer and 4hours pt and ot. Maybe that's what broke the stall? But WHY can't the doc give proportions for food? Fat/prot/carb? I'm the NO! Diet. And I still hate it.

Ps: what're you going to substitute for the wt loss obsession once you've attained your goal weight? Is this what is meant by change in life style....obsess differently?

Changing my handle to resident grump!

I do the "pinch test". I bought a body fat Caliper right off ebay for less than 7 bucks, then looked up on the 'net on how to properly perform the test. There are also many websites that will calculate everything for you by inputting what your Caliper says.

I've also paid to use the Bod Pod which you will also find on the internet. They are usually found in Universities or at Health Centers. The closest one to me about an hour away at a Golds Gym.

PS, Change in Lifestyle for ME means finally realizing there is never an end in sight. I will forever have to workout and maintain a healthy eating regimen. Until I die.

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There are electroresistive scales (usually at gyms, but you can buy them on Amazon for less than 100 bucks) that do a fair-to-middling job of measuring your body fat percentage.

Skin fold calipers are a bit touchy for folks like us with (potentially) lots of loose skin. It can throw off the readings a bit; that being said, ALL measurement techniques have a degree of error. Even the dunk tank can be thrown off by excessive gas (I kid you not!)

As to the "obsession" -- well, it's not an obsession. It's more like a combination of health monitoring (just like a diabetic takes their blood sugar reading regularly, I have to make sure my weight is healthy) and a personal challenge (just how strong, fit, athletic can I really BE?) And yes, like Diva says, it's for life; either you commit to that or you're not going to have the best results (you'll still lose weight with the sleeve, but you're just not going to "be the best you can be").

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Even if some might see it as obsessive I'm ok with that. It's better to be obsessive about being healthy and seeing just how fit I can get my body!! :) I have taken on the Insanity Challenge. I should get it next week, and I'm really looking forward to it. How far can I go? Well I'm about find out, or die tryin'! I asked around about it on MFP, and got some good feedback. Everyone did say too that it is NOT easy... but also said don't count on the scale too much with it, the best measure will be how your clothes fit and by the tape measure. Sure I'll lose some pounds but the real measure is the inches lost. Again, I'm ok with that!

I've said this here before... I'd rather be wearing cute clothes and be heavier on the scale. I'm not going to walk around with a scale hanging on my neck. Who cares???

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Well, I am an obssessive every day scale stander!!! LOL... I need to stop because my mood changes depending on what I see.. That's getting better.. but up until a month ago... not seeing the scale move used to ruin my day!! Now I have a better grasp on the fact that the scale is only ONE tool to measure my progress and success...

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I am less obsessive now than I was the last two months before surgery; I would weigh myself up to 18 times sometimes in the morning, and then take the average and plug it in a table I had on excel. After surgery, I still weigh myself every day in the mornings, but just once or twice. I have already set my mind to the fact that since I eat between 800-1000 calories a day and I exercise 4-6 times a week I am losing fat even if the scale doesn't move. It totally helps that clothes that didn't fit before are fitting, and clothes from 10 years back are fitting too.

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I am less obsessive now than I was the last two months before surgery; I would weigh myself up to 18 times sometimes in the morning, and then take the average and plug it in a table I had on excel. After surgery, I still weigh myself every day in the mornings, but just once or twice. I have already set my mind to the fact that since I eat between 800-1000 calories a day and I exercise 4-6 times a week I am losing fat even if the scale doesn't move. It totally helps that clothes that didn't fit before are fitting, and clothes from 10 years back are fitting too.

I gave away 6 huge bags full of old clothing. Have very little to wear now as the last 10 yrs has been 3x-4x. My bra size doesn't change which drives me nuts. I don't know what my calorie count is. I call this the NO! Diet since everything is forbidden. And I obsess with all of it: weighing, eating, not eating, clothing, looking at myself in the mirror, pain from exercising, amt of exercising, going to gym, going to pt,going to ot, going to shrink...but living? Not yet. Yeah, I can tie my shoes by myself and if a lace opens while I'm walking I can bend over and tie it without blinking but the thought still obsesses me. Yeah I am back to 6 to 8 blocks walking with dog with walker. Yeah I fit on a weird bike at the gym (so far, the only one I fit on) and yeah, I walk up a flight of stairs after my workout (using all four limbs) big woop.

I can't walk far without the walker. I still have limited stamina. I still need the rotten cpap machine. I haven't met any new people beyond surface acknowledgements. I can't go on a trip or a cruise (I've read @ people who do 2wks out!) . I DID NOT EXPECT EVERYTHING TO CHANGE LIKE MAGIC after the surgery but I'm still surprised that it hasn't done just a little bit...

I wish I had a more forgiving, supportive surgeon who gave self worship a break once in a while. I would choose not to have him in my life if I could. I wish I could find a compatible curmudgeon to commisserate with. And I wish I could think about something else and do something other than just mark time until I have a more dramatic wt loss.

I wish....

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Rosy, I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time. I'm also appalled that you call this the "NO" diet because you think everything is forbidden. NOTHING is forbidden, in my opinion. I still eat many of the same foods I ate pre-surgery, but I concentrate on eating Protein first and drinking enough Water daily.

Somehow I missed that you were having difficulties until today. From your post above, it seems like you are making a great effort, but not getting the results you expected. Is that true? I have no idea of your starting weight or how much you have lost, but I do know that I have seen dramatic results in my health and my stamina from my workout/weight loss efforts...and I will be the first to tell you that, if you are truly working out for an hour a day, you are working out much harder than me!!

I started at 352 and couldn't walk from my car to my front door without being out of breath. Now, at 265, I can walk over 3 miles (slowly) on the treadmill. I sweat, etc, but I can do it. I just had another sleep study, expecting to get rid of my CPAP machine, but my sleep apnea hasn't improved enough to remove that yet. I can choose to be upset or I can choose to accept it and be patient with myself and my body. Since I don't like stress, I've chosen the patient route.

Favoredone said something yesterday that really hit home for me. She posted that she was learning to "submit to (the) journey". I think that says it all. This is a journey and we can either relax, follow the rules, and enjoy the ride, or we can stress about it all and make ourselves crazy while on the same trip. I am choosing to relax.

I'm not attempting to minimize your experience, but, aside from having a surgeon with no bedside manner apparently, you seem to be losing well and you are able to work out, which is phenomenal. Those are wonderful things! For some reason, though, I'm thinking you had a leak or a complication? If so, then I understand why you're having a tough time right now. I hope things get better for you soon! ((Hugs))

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Lissa, thanx...I replied to this and then my phone ate it and I didn't feel like typing it again. All those pithy words wasted <grin>.

My highest wt was 428. I'm 253 now (depending on how much the scale lies) and I still can't walk much. Certainly not 3 miles. I can do 1 mi, maybe at 2.0 to 2.5 on treadmill taking @ 20 min. I can walk 8 blks with walker but I lose my "steam" more quickly than on the treadmill.

I'm actually pleased with a few things: being able to tie my own shoes, based on how often I have to do it, is a small miracle. Being able to fit into my car without bending my knee and propping my foot against the side floor board is another. Not driving with my stomach scared me for a while. -- it felt like I lost control of the car.

But the diet is really the NO! Diet. The no being shouted at me by the sturgeon and his.henchwoman. I can have Protein and vegetables and nothing else. NO carbs. NO fat. NO prepared food. Now tofu is listed on this sheet but they both gasped and shouted in horror when I asked about Shirataki noodles. Then, I had the temerity to inquire @ popcorn and all &^%$$ broke lose. I hadn't eaten it. I hadn't bought it. I was just THINKING @ it but that set off alarms in thought police headquarters. I think the surgeon is not going to talk to me again. Yeah we got an appointment in june but he is determined that I am not in compliance...i.e. a thoroughly deficient patient and there is no hope on this earth for me.

Were I not so compulsive @ stuff, I could shrug it off but with their attitude, everytime the scale doesn't move down, ITS MY FAULT and I never will live it down. I'm doomed to failure.

I'm wsorking with shrink and two told me not to regard everything a doc says as god's word...but he thinks he's god and my role, as patient, don't have a chance of a snowball in h3ll.


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Lissa, thanx...I replied to this and then my phone ate it and I didn't feel like typing it again. All those pithy words wasted <grin>.

My highest wt was 428. I'm 253 now (depending on how much the scale lies) and I still can't walk much. Certainly not 3 miles. I can do 1 mi, maybe at 2.0 to 2.5 on treadmill taking @ 20 min. I can walk 8 blks with walker but I lose my "steam" more quickly than on the treadmill.

I'm actually pleased with a few things: being able to tie my own shoes, based on how often I have to do it, is a small miracle. Being able to fit into my car without bending my knee and propping my foot against the side floor board is another. Not driving with my stomach scared me for a while. -- it felt like I lost control of the car.

But the diet is really the NO! Diet. The no being shouted at me by the sturgeon and his.henchwoman. I can have Protein and vegetables and nothing else. NO carbs. NO fat. NO prepared food. Now tofu is listed on this sheet but they both gasped and shouted in horror when I asked about Shirataki noodles. Then, I had the temerity to inquire @ popcorn and all &^%$$ broke lose. I hadn't eaten it. I hadn't bought it. I was just THINKING @ it but that set off alarms in thought police headquarters. I think the surgeon is not going to talk to me again. Yeah we got an appointment in june but he is determined that I am not in compliance...i.e. a thoroughly deficient patient and there is no hope on this earth for me.

Were I not so compulsive @ stuff, I could shrug it off but with their attitude, everytime the scale doesn't move down, ITS MY FAULT and I never will live it down. I'm doomed to failure.

I'm wsorking with shrink and two told me not to regard everything a doc says as god's word...but he thinks he's god and my role, as patient, don't have a chance of a snowball in h3ll.



can I firstly congratulate you an an amazing weight loss to date. Secondly, I just wanted to say that you are doing bloody wonderfully in the walking dept. I started this at 238lbs and I couldn't tie my shoes without feeling light headed and putting my foot onto a step, I couldn't get a pair of tights on without taking my own breath away and winding myself. I certainly couldn't walk on a treadmill for 20 mins... and you are doing ALL of that , plus some with 30lbs more!! A-bloody-mazing!!

Really... chin up and be very proud of where you are and where you are going.

And I don't mean to sound rude, but I really don't like the sound of your surgeon. Mine hasn't disallowed ANY food for me. Yes, I had a strict post op diet plan for 2mths, but that is all good as I was healing... but when I got onto solid food he wanted me to eat EVERYTHING but in much smaller amounts. I know each and every surgeon is different, and each and every body is different but it sounds to me that he is making this much harder for you than you than it needs to be!!

Keep working with your 'shrink' and remember that what he says isn't 'God's word'!

Good luck to you

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You know, this kinda support is great :) thanks to all....

I really think age plays a big factor. I'm 66 and was sendentary most of my life. My job was sendentary. And when I wasn't working, I slept a good deal so I'm severely out of shape. I also have ankle pain and shoulder pains that limit my movements but...most days I muck thru with the hope that something I'm doing will pay off.

But like ouroberous said, the initial loss is crazy and then slows down. But don't you worry that you'll reach a point where you can't spreed up your metabolism and you can't eat any less? Then what happens????

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Then you stop losing weight. You can't lose weight forever; eventually weight loss becomes unhealthy.

However, given your current weight, I'd wager it's going to be a while for you before you get there yet. There will be stalls and plateaus, sure. But if you keep coming back to that core of discipline, you'll get there.

And the "diet" shouldn't have to be a diet; it's just the way we're all supposed to eat all the time. It's not about denying yourself or berating yourself, it's about sane, sensible eating. Check your portion sizes, eat your Protein first, then your complex carbs (leafy, green vegetables, etc.), then your simple carbs (potatoes, rice), and THEN, if you have room, you can have dessert -- but a SMALL portion. If you're like me, you wanted to skip the meal and go right to dessert! Plus, drink your Water -- make sure you're getting around 60-80 ounces per day in one form or another (a bonus is that you won't feel so hungry). And finally, you have to move -- I understand how limited your mobility is, but the point is to keep pushing yourself, move as much as you can, as safely as you can. If you still feel like you're too heavy to walk, see if you can find something like an aqua aerobics class (great exercise, and very low impact -- good for the joints). Try a yoga class -- pretty good for the joints and good sweating! We all have our own unique problems and limitations, but what you CAN'T do is give up and decide that you're doomed, because that will become self-fulfilling. I assure you that no matter what your age or weight or physical condition, there are people who were older, fatter, and sicker than you who have lost weight and led healthy, happy lives; the key is making the decision to do whatever is necessary to get there.

Sorry if I sound like an infomercial, but sometimes I think that's what we all need :)

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My personal trainer says"we may never be perfect, but don't stop moving". I already do Water aerobics and swimming and see the pers trnr 3x week. The pt and ot 2 hrs each a week.

I hear you. But the doe doesn't give choices. He says NO CARBS. NO FAT. EAT Protein DRINK Water. Period. So....find me a Protein without fats....can't do it, can ya? My yoghurt in bthe a.m. is siggi's icelandic 80 calories. 18 grams protein and 4g fat. I put tofrani Syrup on it (its plain) and its great stuff. But I wanna know what I'm eating wrong that doesn't let me lose consistently.

The oximetry results show me under 88% 2 hrs a nite and under 89% 3 hrs a nite. That sucks. I thought pulmonary hypertension went away when lose wt. Not complaining per se...just saying.

And yes I want to eatnormal too. But the doc doesn't allow it. He says to lose all the wt now in the first year is the goal cuz it won't happen later! I do wonder how many calories I'm actually consuming. I know I've had 120 so far this a.m. going to have my yoghurt now.

Thanks for not giving up on the grump-upagus

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Argh, I definitely needed to hear this....and I need it like, daily. I am so obsessed with the scale and trying so hard not to be!

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