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Okay, so the old feelings of guilt I used to have before surgery are overcoming me once again.

Here's the background: had surgery on 1/23/12. I have been very good, all I eat is Protein, only 3 meals/day, and I measure everything. I have lost only 17 lbs and I'm finishing week 6 now. Have felt crappy the entire time---tired and dizzy, and having a hard time keeping down all the vitamens/meds.... get nausea frequently from almost anything (in the car, drinking Water too fast, vitamens...). Haven't been able to exercise yet.

So yesterday I was standing for 30mins in a hot room at work and I got very dizzy and sweaty. my sugar was 60. I had to leave work. felt like crap, it was around 10am and I had had 4oz Protein shake at 7am. I got frustrated, I can't do my job and all this for only 17lbs off!

Then the kicker, today I ate 5 little Cookies for lunch. 1st time I've had sugar since surgery. they all went down well, suprisingly given my nausea with everything Protein. I feel so guilty, don't know why I did it, I'll probably realize why later today. But I feel like it's the beginning of falling into my bad habits, my old emotional overeating self.... it's scary to have a setback. I feel like an alcoholic who has been sober for 6 weeks and just binge drank.

HELP from all my formerly fat (always fat at hear) friends!!!!!

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My Nut told me to eat 5 small meals per day, rather than only 3, for precisely the reason of keeping my blood sugar up. It's worked great for me.

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If you are only eating Protein you are going to get discouraged and tired of eating the same thing meal after meal. You are at a point where you should be able to have some mashed potato, eggs, yogart, Jello just to mention a few things. The Cookies are no big deal but I think that they are a way of your body telling you that you need something more than a Protein Shake. I think you need to expand your foods to include some more choices or things that you should be capable of eating at this point after your surgery. Do not let those little cookies dictate your life. I have also had a few small cookies and I do not feel a bit guilty. It is not that you will never be able to eat a cookies again but you can not just sit down and eat an entire package or Oreo's. Just like I used to sit down and eat a package of chips with dip or a pizza. I have not had any chips or pizza as of yet and I had my surgery on Dec 11, 2011 but that does not say that I do not crave some of my old "comfort foods". Hang in there and you will be making progress soon. Did you get a diet plan from your doctor or NUT when you were released after surgery?

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Sounds like your sugar had dropped at work. If you had not ate anything til around 10, that is 3 hrs, so it was past time for you to eat, if you're like me. I have to eat every 2-3 hrs, especially early out when we can only hold a tiny amt. I know it's probably more difficult for some people at work to be able to take breaks or lunches to have something to eat, but you could take small ziplock bags of peanuts or almonds to snack on until you can get somewhere and have an actual meal.

On the Cookies, I have no advice except to not dwell on it, what's done is done. Just strive to do better with your choices, and keep better choices very handy so you won't be in a situation where you're hungry and have cookies as an option. I keep peanuts, almonds, pistachios, edamame, or Protein Bars in my purse at all times. Protein bars are as yummy to me as any candy or cookie anyway, and the ones I get are 20 grams of protein, so can easily also be a meal. If you have a fridge at work, you could also take ready to drink Protein Shakes or string cheese.< /p>


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Okay, so the old feelings of guilt I used to have before surgery are overcoming me once again.

Here's the background: had surgery on 1/23/12. I have been very good, all I eat is Protein, only 3 meals/day, and I measure everything. I have lost only 17 lbs and I'm finishing week 6 now. Have felt crappy the entire time---tired and dizzy, and having a hard time keeping down all the vitamens/meds.... get nausea frequently from almost anything (in the car, drinking Water too fast, vitamens...). Haven't been able to exercise yet.

So yesterday I was standing for 30mins in a hot room at work and I got very dizzy and sweaty. my sugar was 60. I had to leave work. felt like crap, it was around 10am and I had had 4oz Protein shake at 7am. I got frustrated, I can't do my job and all this for only 17lbs off!

Then the kicker, today I ate 5 little Cookies for lunch. 1st time I've had sugar since surgery. they all went down well, suprisingly given my nausea with everything protein. I feel so guilty, don't know why I did it, I'll probably realize why later today. But I feel like it's the beginning of falling into my bad habits, my old emotional overeating self.... it's scary to have a setback. I feel like an alcoholic who has been sober for 6 weeks and just binge drank.

HELP from all my formerly fat (always fat at hear) friends!!!!!

Don't let the guilt get to you enough where you fear it may sabotage your efforts, because it can and it will. It's a gray day when you find out that you will still crave foods and you can still eat them. The only thing you can do it push past it, work hard to avoid them - but if you do you must forage on!

Be kind to yourself, I'm sure you've lived long enough in the mindset where it's ok to feel bad about yourself. Well, its not ok - you've done too many wonderful things for yourself now to feel that way. *hugs*

Oh... and 17 Lbs is wonderful. Surely not worthy of saying "only"...

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If you are only eating Protein you are going to get discouraged and tired of eating the same thing meal after meal. You are at a point where you should be able to have some mashed potato, eggs, yogart, Jello just to mention a few things. The Cookies are no big deal but I think that they are a way of your body telling you that you need something more than a Protein Shake. I think you need to expand your foods to include some more choices or things that you should be capable of eating at this point after your surgery. Do not let those little cookies dictate your life. I have also had a few small cookies and I do not feel a bit guilty. It is not that you will never be able to eat a cookies again but you can not just sit down and eat an entire package or Oreo's. Just like I used to sit down and eat a package of chips with dip or a pizza. I have not had any chips or pizza as of yet and I had my surgery on Dec 11, 2011 but that does not say that I do not crave some of my old "comfort foods". Hang in there and you will be making progress soon. Did you get a diet plan from your doctor or NUT when you were released after surgery?

thanks for the reply. I did get a plan and they want me to eat 3 meals only and eat protein 1st then cooked veggies if I still have room---which I usually don't. they are anti-carbs and basically don't want me to have any. I can't help but feel so guilty about the cookies, it's making me feel like a failure, also my slow weight loss is not helping

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You are doing fine. Don't beat your self up for those five little Cookies. Just make a conscious effort not to do that again. SOmetimes we do things that sabotages our weight loss. Just get back on track. When feeling emotional with that horrible empty feeling, try exercising somehow. That's what my plan is. Hang in there baby! ;)

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Don't let the guilt get to you enough where you fear it may sabotage your efforts, because it can and it will. It's a gray day when you find out that you will still crave foods and you can still eat them. The only thing you can do it push past it, work hard to avoid them - but if you do you must forage on!

Be kind to yourself, I'm sure you've lived long enough in the mindset where it's ok to feel bad about yourself. Well, its not ok - you've done too many wonderful things for yourself now to feel that way. *hugs*

Oh... and 17 Lbs is wonderful. Surely not worthy of saying "only"...

thanks for you support words. I think you know exactly what I'm feeling. I really have to try hard to not let this get me down to the point where I sabotage myself.....

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I understand! It is hard to feel that way, but who got to a great place without a few setbacks....its that they don't let it get them down and keep moving towards the goal! You can do it. As a nurse, I would call my doc or nut if I had a blood sugar of 60 and get a better diet plan. It is not safe to have your sugars dropping that low. :)

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Don't use the word "only" in front of how many pounds you have lost. You had surgery just barely over a month ago. How many pounds would you have lost in that time without surgery? 8 or 10 maybe? That is IF you had been able to stick to some extreme diet plan without ghrelin killing your good intentions.

Did you take your measurements before surgery? If so, it's time to measure yourself again and marvel at how many inches you have lost. If not, then take them now to help with future hurdles. :)

How about NSVs (non-scale victories)? Are your clothes looser? Are you able to walk further? Work harder/longer without fatigue? Do you FEEL better overall? I know that you are having issues with getting food in, but that will resolve itself as long as there is no underlying issue.

It may be time to talk to your doctor or nutritionist about what the next stage in your diet should be, especially if you haven't progressed to soft regular foods yet. Depending on your doctor's plan, that's where it sounds like you should be. Work on getting in a little bit of food every 2-3 hours, even if, as Kelly said, it's just a few nuts. Perhaps have a cup of chicken broth instead of coffee.

Don't worry too hard about not getting in veggies this early post-op. You will be able to add them as your new tummy heals. Do make sure that you are taking the recommended Vitamins and supplements to make up for the veggies, though.

Your weight loss could be slower than you are expecting for a number of reasons. You could have started with a lower BMI than many here, or lost a good bit of weight pre-op. Both will slow down the weight loss immediately after surgery. It's also possible that you aren't eating enough food...like that's ever been a problem before, right? :) But, not feeding your body enough food makes it hang onto those pounds. When you are eating enough and providing adequate hydration, it's like the body calms down and says 'okay, I can lose a few of these stored pounds'.

Good luck! I hope to hear from you soon saying that you are now losing steadily. :)

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Don't beat yourself up over a few Cookies. Yes you can eat crap, and you can also choose not to. I felt the same angst regarding about the same time along where you are now. I battle the old addictive demons, but every week they get easier to beat back. I am going to be stonger. I am gonna be who I was always meant to be. You can too. One bad day does not define you....

And I eat three small meals, and two very small Snacks like 1oz cheese. It helps me keep the blood sugar even and steady. My NUT said a that 5-6 meals and snack a day. One plan does not fit all.

Good Luck and hang in.


sleeved 12-19-11

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Hello Fitforlife! I live in the Bay Area as well, so we may have had the same surgeon (?) based on hearing you say "they hate carbs and don't want (you) to have any." My surgeon and nutritionist are the same way. Their plan is by far the strictest I've seen and I've been downloading other WLS diet plans on the internet to compare. It turned me into a stressed out nut about carbs, to the point I was willing to forgo Vitamins and Fiber I needed to get below 30g. Not smart. The funny thing is I've lost *only* 21 pounds since surgery (I'm in week 5) and to them, that's not terrible but not great either. I've notice people with other surgeons and other NUT plans seem to be losing more -- NOT that I'm saying their plans are better. Just everyone loses differently and to hold everyone accountable to the same plans is just crazy.

I went through a period around days 22-27 where I was also getting dizzy, headache, weak, etc. especially when I got warm or overexerted myself. I looked at my journal and noticed that cutting the carbs so low was killing my electrolyte intake (sodium, potassium, magnesium). Not to mention I was still in the 450-525 calorie range when I should really be getting more like 600. It was just crazy to think I could continue that way. So I listened to my body and started allowing up to 50-55g of carbs instead of 30-40g, and from the "approved" list of veggies. Amazingly, I felt so much better and I'm still losing at the same rate I was before! And I do better when I snack on smallish meals 4-5 times per day than keeping to the 3 meal rule. By smallish meal, it can be 5-6 small nuts, 1oz of Protein meat or cottage cheese, or even a few bites of egg salad. I think some docs are too worried that someone will take the 4-5 smaller meal thing as dangerous ground for grazing and taking in sliders (like the cookies).

Try to keep good snack options around like other posters have mentioned, and concentrate on keeping a food journal with MyFitnessPal on your phone or computer. It really is important to see how much you're taking in, or when you're not getting enough! Don't feel like you've irrevocably messed up. You will most likely do it again at some point (we all will) and the important thing to do is RECOGNIZE IT and learn from it. The more you pay attention, the more realize the difference between real hunger and head hunger. Planning is key, keeping emergency "good" Snacks available in your purse, car, desk, etc.

Best of luck to you!

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thanks everyone! you're comments are so helpful and supportive. I think I need to have smaller meals throughout like everyone is saying and not be so carb shy. It got so bad that I was scared to eat carbs! I thought that once I start eating them then I won't stop. I was a major carb addict before surgery, like many of you

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you definatly need to be having more then 3 meals a day. there is no way for you to get everything that you need in 3 small meals a day. no wonder you feel so bad! you poor thing!!!

i eat 6 meals a day.....and when i say meals, really i mean Snacks. you shouldnt feel bad about one slip up.....ive had a ton. you are only 6 weeks post op and have lost 17 pounds!!!!! that is almost 3 pounds a week....that is amazing! stop stressing yourself out, and have a little fun with this journey. that is what i have chosen to do. you can do it!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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