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Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.

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Hi Kim,I have read through this whole thread. I hope you get things figured out real soon and that justice is served.

I post here alot,I always get support. I love this site. What I am struggling to wrap my head around is why some people felt the need to bash your story and point out their opinions of inconsistencies when this is supposed to be a site where you can come and tell your story and seek advise and comfort!

I think ppl need to stop being so judgmental and have a little faith. If you don't believe her story,then don't comment! Yes,I understand that some of you think it may scare ppl away from having the sleeve. But if anyone has done the research that they should on the sleeve,they will see that the complication rate is low and the success rate high. I don't mean to come off rude,I guess I am a little appalled at the fact that as soon as one person said the story sounded fishy,so many other ppl just jumped on the bandwagon and started bashing this lady like she is a liar. When I tell my version of a story,it is hard to get my facts straight too. I'm not a liar,I pride myself on being honest,brutally honest in fact.

When I was 19 weeks pregnant with my twin daughters just last year,I had to be rushed by ambulance to the Hospital BC I was in severe,excrutiating pain. I am rolled back to the e.r bed then left there crying and screaming. No one said A WORD to me. A nurse comes about 5 minutes later and doesn't even look at me,she just gets on a computer and starts typing. I am screaming for help,that I am pregnant with twins,and that I am in pain and I am afraid I am losing them,begging her to help me,to get a doctor,to give me something for pain. She looked at me and very rudely said "the doctor is handling something more important and I can't get you something for pain until he orders it,so you'll just have to wait" then she walked away. By this time I feel like I am going to pass out. I had no cell phone with me,noone came with me as it was the middle of the night and my husband had to stay with our other 2 kids bc my mother didn't wake up to her phone ringing. It took an hour,A WHOLE HOUR of me screaming and crying and feeling my babies kicking in distress for ANYONE to come in,and as they are doubting me that I am even pregnant with twins (I was so fat you couldn't tell yet but had been going to the dr since 6 weeks pregnant) I passed out! Woke right back up to them trying to start an iv and then they gave me morphine,then finally an ultrasound tech came in and gave me an ultrasound on my kidneys and saw I had an enormous amount of kidney stones,then went on to check on the babies and lo and behold,once they saw my babies in my belly they started being sooo much nicer,as if I just wasn't worth the time before. Point is,that crazy things can happen in the hospital. Noone should have made me wait that long to even come in and take my vitals or SOMETHING. I could have died in there waiting for help if it would have been something way worse than kidney stones.

Sorry for the rambling story I am just saying that crazy,bizarre things do happen,and hospitals don't always give their patients the care they need/deserve. I am just surprised to get on here after the day I've had and see ppl being rude to someone that was reaching out for help and advise,and comfort. I've made some great friends here and I hope to keep them even after they read my post,I just had to get how I felt about this thread off of my chest...

Kim I believe your story and I wish you all the best. I think you should start your diet over. Pretend like you are newly sleeved. Start on Clear liquids,then move up to full liquids and Protein shakes,make sure you are taking your Vitamins also. Then after a couple weeks of full liquids go to pureeds,then on to softs. Combine all this with a good 64 ozs of liquids and day,and consistent exercise,and that weight will come off girl. Also,see another bariatric surgeon,so maybe they can try to help you figure out why you are vomiting still.. Sorry you didn't have the best experience here on this site,but you can message me anytime if you need to talk. I like to help others,it makes me feel good. To always doubt would def make me feel like a bitter person,just sayin. ((HUGS))

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Calling people names isn't cool even if they come across wrong.

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I never said I didn't believe her story. I just had a hard time understanding everything. I have surgery next week and she didn't explain what happened. As you can understand, I am scared something like that could happen to me.

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Hi Kim,I have read through this whole thread. I hope you get things figured out real soon and that justice is served.

I post here alot,I always get support. I love this site. What I am struggling to wrap my head around is why some people felt the need to bash your story and point out their opinions of inconsistencies when this is supposed to be a site where you can come and tell your story and seek advise and comfort!

I think ppl need to stop being so judgmental and have a little faith. If you don't believe her story,then don't comment! Yes,I understand that some of you think it may scare ppl away from having the sleeve. But if anyone has done the research that they should on the sleeve,they will see that the complication rate is low and the success rate high. I don't mean to come off rude,I guess I am a little appalled at the fact that as soon as one person said the story sounded fishy,so many other ppl just jumped on the bandwagon and started bashing this lady like she is a liar. When I tell my version of a story,it is hard to get my facts straight too. I'm not a liar,I pride myself on being honest,brutally honest in fact.

When I was 19 weeks pregnant with my twin daughters just last year,I had to be rushed by ambulance to the Hospital BC I was in severe,excrutiating pain. I am rolled back to the e.r bed then left there crying and screaming. No one said A WORD to me. A nurse comes about 5 minutes later and doesn't even look at me,she just gets on a computer and starts typing. I am screaming for help,that I am pregnant with twins,and that I am in pain and I am afraid I am losing them,begging her to help me,to get a doctor,to give me something for pain. She looked at me and very rudely said "the doctor is handling something more important and I can't get you something for pain until he orders it,so you'll just have to wait" then she walked away. By this time I feel like I am going to pass out. I had no cell phone with me,noone came with me as it was the middle of the night and my husband had to stay with our other 2 kids bc my mother didn't wake up to her phone ringing. It took an hour,A WHOLE HOUR of me screaming and crying and feeling my babies kicking in distress for ANYONE to come in,and as they are doubting me that I am even pregnant with twins (I was so fat you couldn't tell yet but had been going to the dr since 6 weeks pregnant) I passed out! Woke right back up to them trying to start an iv and then they gave me morphine,then finally an ultrasound tech came in and gave me an ultrasound on my kidneys and saw I had an enormous amount of kidney stones,then went on to check on the babies and lo and behold,once they saw my babies in my belly they started being sooo much nicer,as if I just wasn't worth the time before. Point is,that crazy things can happen in the hospital. Noone should have made me wait that long to even come in and take my vitals or SOMETHING. I could have died in there waiting for help if it would have been something way worse than kidney stones.

Sorry for the rambling story I am just saying that crazy,bizarre things do happen,and hospitals don't always give their patients the care they need/deserve. I am just surprised to get on here after the day I've had and see ppl being rude to someone that was reaching out for help and advise,and comfort. I've made some great friends here and I hope to keep them even after they read my post,I just had to get how I felt about this thread off of my chest...

Kim I believe your story and I wish you all the best. I think you should start your diet over. Pretend like you are newly sleeved. Start on Clear Liquids, then move up to full liquids and Protein shakes,make sure you are taking your Vitamins also. Then after a couple weeks of full liquids go to pureeds,then on to softs. Combine all this with a good 64 ozs of liquids and day,and consistent exercise,and that weight will come off girl. Also,see another bariatric surgeon,so maybe they can try to help you figure out why you are vomiting still.. Sorry you didn't have the best experience here on this site,but you can message me anytime if you need to talk. I like to help others,it makes me feel good. To always doubt would def make me feel like a bitter person,just sayin. ((HUGS))

Well said!

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Kim, I think you mean you want an attorney who is going to take the case without charging you to take the case. That's not pro bono; you really want the attorney to take any fees out of whatever amount you possibly win, which is "on contingency". Pro bono means the attorney wouldnt get any fee for taking the case at all. Those types of cases, at least in Florida where I live, are usually done by younger, less experienced attorneys as part of their yearly obligation to the Florida Bar.

Also, it is ENTIRELY possible, and probable, that Kim cannot get the 911 tape without a subpoena... and it's very hard for a "pro se" (self-represented) litigant to get a subpoena. Since Louisiana does use a different legal system than many other states, it's even tougher to navigate their legal system for a pro se litigant. I'm a degreed paralegal and pretty well-versed in Florida's laws relating to family, corporations and estate planning and I wouldn't attempt to navigate Louisiana's system for any of the three without an attorney. My area of expertise is NOT litigation, but I could use the statutes and codes for Florida's courts to navigate the civil system if it were necessary.

Someone here posted asking why people are suspicious of Kim's story. I think it's because we've all seen the games played by some of the doctors and coordinators who post pretending to be a disgruntled patient in order to make other doctors and coordinators look bad. Personally, I don't think that's what is going on in this instance.

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I had a terrifyingly similar situation at a hospital here in Detroit this last summer. I reported with intense pelvic pain and they basically put me in a room, doped me every 4 hours and completely ignored me for 4 days. I finally called 911 as well and ended up transferred to another hospital where I had an emergency hysterectomy to remove my reproductive system that had been destroyed by an infection that had been neglected the whole time I lay there. I sued, and lost. My medical records also had no record of the issues,and half of my symptoms were gone. They told the courts I was drug seeking and had nothing wrong with me. I have no recourse, and no lawyer will take my case. I Soooo understand! This is why I'm not afraid to go to Mexico for my VSG! They have better care standards there!

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I have read this entire thread, and I really don't know what to think, or believe to be honest with you. From someone who has yet to be sleeved, I will say that the story did not scare me, or put any doubts in my mind. I know there are risks involved in ANY surgery. I also know that Kim did not almost die due to surgery, but from what I read the lack of proper aftercare. Which is very important!

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I think the problem here is that there have been so many trolls thta have put stories on this site that are so outlandish and this one, the lack of certain details, the over explaining of others, and the information not relevant and not needed that appear to be bragging add up to a same old situation scenario. This person, if the story is true did not have near death complications from surgery, but from lack of medical care.

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Hi Kim,

I just read this entire thread & wanted to tell you that I completely believe your story & am so sorry for all the struggles you've been thru with this & Katrina. I hope that you find a new bariatric Dr that can help you. I also hope that you are able to use this site for support. I know you have not received the warmest welcome, but I have found the people on here to be so kind, helpful & supportive. I hope you find the same, as well as peace & a final resolution to this horrid situation.

Best wishes,



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I have read this entire thread, and I really don't know what to think, or believe to be honest with you. From someone who has yet to be sleeved, I will say that the story did not scare me, or put any doubts in my mind. I know there are risks involved in ANY surgery. I also know that Kim did not almost die due to surgery, but from what I read the lack of proper aftercare. Which is very important!

PLEASE...Just have someone the entire time in the hospital.

I honestly thought I would be in good hands as a patient in the hospital.

My sister wanted to stay with me but I told her to go home because I would be fine. She had the same surgery, same Doctor and went to work in 3 days. She lost 100 lbs in one year. She want fm size 18 to size 2, 3, 4, 5.

I really think the hospital is to blame but because the Doctor did not tell me

or mention what happened caused me to question him & that is why I sued him too. The Doctor never saw me again. I think he got scared.

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Thank God you made it through that horrible experience. Besides suing your surgeon, find yourself another surgeon for your aftercare. You may need to go out of town to get one, since all local doctors know each other.

You have gone through the worst experience, so everything now is going to be SO MUCH EASIER than what you have been through. Lean on this forum for support - we are here for you.


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I think the problem here is that there have been so many trolls thta have put stories on this site that are so outlandish and this one, the lack of certain details, the over explaining of others, and the information not relevant and not needed that appear to be bragging add up to a same old situation scenario. This person, if the story is true did not have near death complications from surgery, but from lack of medical care.

I think you are right.

1. I am not a troll & don't even know what a troll is.

2. It was the Hospital that almost killed me, not the surgery.

3. I had the same surgery as my sister. She lost 100 lbs in 1 year.


Please... have someone stay with you the entire time so that this won't happen to you.

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Thank God you made it through that horrible experience. Besides suing your surgeon, find yourself another surgeon for your aftercare. You may need to go out of town to get one, since all local doctors know each other.

You have gone through the worst experience, so everything now is going to be SO MUCH EASIER than what you have been through. Lean on this forum for support - we are here for you.


Sharon...Thank You.

For every mean spirited person here, I've found 5 good hearted people.

1 out of 5 is not bad.

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Kim I read the whole thread and I don't see why you would make it all up so good for you in defending yourself and not giving in. I am having surgery this afternoon!!! I pray that I have no complications and my new life begins.

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I really hate joining threads like this, but Kim - you've shared your story. You've posted an alert to people you might have wanted to warn. At this point you seem to be in a spiral of defending yourself against total strangers on the internet. There's nothing to gain in that. People will believe you, or not, but either way no one is gaining anything. At some point, the best thing you can do is say "OK" or "I agree to disagree" and walk away.

Advice is only advice before the deed is done. After that, it's criticism. In much the same way, sharing your story is spreading information, but after a point, what's the point?

Visit a different thread, give your blood pressure a break, and enjoy your time here. :)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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