waterlily1072 5 Posted August 2, 2006 MOM (milk of magnesia) Ugh, I gave it 3 hours to pass through my intestines on it's own but I am miserable and it's time to swallow the MOM. Wish me luck that it works fast this time. Sometimes it's quick and sometimes it's endless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NJChick 3 Posted August 2, 2006 Good luck Molly lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the best me 6 Posted August 2, 2006 Oy, I had bowel gas discomfort so bad last night. I took the MOM. A few hours later...ahhhhh! and again this morning. Whew! I don't know what it is about my band or my body but I can sure get a full colon. I LOVE my MOM, LOL! Keep us posted! hehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda 0 Posted August 2, 2006 OMG!!! Good luck Molly!!!! Maaaaaan, that was recommended to me a while back (about one week after surgery) and I took some (first time ever) and I just about scratched Mr. Yoda's eyes out for making me take it! That stuff is sooooooooooooooo beyond disgusting I can't even think of a word for it. NEVER NEVER NEVER again. I now take my benefibre every day without fail...but even if I get bunged up, I ain't gonna take the dreaded MOM>...I'll go another route. oh....ummmmmm....I see I digressed...sorry Molly......I forgot for a moment that it wasn't all about meeeee!! LOL Um.....yayyyy MOLLY......good luck......the MOM isn't that bad....(choke);.....you can do it!!!! *crosses fingers behind back* :rolleyes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marimaru 7 Posted August 4, 2006 I've been 'backed up' pretty regularly lately. I've been 'prescribed' adding more Fiber to my diet, so I got the benefiber that you can mix into anything. It really is tasteless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterlily1072 5 Posted August 4, 2006 I have always backed up easily, I think I may have inherited my Grandfathers issue of having several extra feet of intestine, won't know till the day they have to do a colonoscopy, hehe. That aside I had a bout of extremely soft bowels and took an Immodium AD. Two days later bam totally backed up. Today my body is still emptying out. (I know you all wanted to know that ) But yes Jack it is the texture that is the worst! But I have a hard time with most fiber stuff, gonna try the metamucil Cookies, my banded auntie eats one a day and swears by it. Sigh, this too shall pass (pun intended, lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadaSunshine 0 Posted August 4, 2006 I'm confused... I have to take MOM when things aren't "moving" and it sure isn't a tasty treat but my mom looks like milk mixed with lots of Water and tastes like mint.:phanvan What does everyone mean by the "texture" and "gooeyness"? Mine has the texture of water... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
waterlily1072 5 Posted August 5, 2006 Well, it is normally very thick like the consistency of very sour milk, kinda of gloppy. It comes in diffrent flavors, mint and mine is cherry flavored. And yes it is a natural laxative that works a little too well for me sometimes. Thanks goodness I hardly ever have to take it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites