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Hey All!

I can heartily recommend "The Color Purple" on Broadway. It was WONDERFUL - but I also recommend springing the extra bucks for a front row so your knees don't burn by the end of the show! There just isn't much room for having Legs in those seats... I mean, I expect to have to wedge by big ol' butt into the seat - but I didn't expect to have to wedge my legs in...By the last act, I was squirming around like a 3 yr old, trying not to cry. But even that couldn't detract too much from how great the show was. IF you haven't read the book, I recommend that you do so prior to seeing the play - but it isn't a requirement. The book is like a 2 boxes of kleenex read - but the play is very uplifting at the end. It's been so many yrs since I did read the book that I am going to have to read it again...

Eileenie - you mean you don't want to go to "OUR" place? (and see my boyfriends?) Geesh! I have no idea where to go - except for the mall or the Italian place... we'll do the e-mail thing in the morning.

Darcy - getting your first house together? That will be fun... or at least a learning experience.... :] Oh - and get your ass back to the gym, now - Y'Hear?!?! I don't want any more excuses out of you, young lady! (Mom, enough? lol!)

Mary - Hugs! Sucks not to be able to surf at work, doesn't it? I am not enjoying it much. Hope you get to fill us in on what's happening with you, soon. Is the big D final, yet? How are the boys? We miss you...

Cindy did the "E" word, Cindy did the "E" word... (hear the sing-song chant) Hip Hip Hooray!! So, are you marking off the days, like an advent calendar? How are you ever going to be able to focus on teaching? I wouldn't be able to do it. I would have to either do the whole year - or none of it, but I tend to be pretty OCD... Yes, I am here in the City that Never Sleeps... But only til Friday afternoon. Of course, my lunch with Eileenie is always the high light of my trip. :]

Kat - God save us all from our relatives. I swear they are all insane. Like ANYONE would have a recovering patient doing hard exercise... especially your most beloved. WTF? And don't worry about the chocolate... I mean, my personal challenge right now is to drag my butt to the gym at least ONCE in the week after I get back to town. It doesn't have to be a big change... the small ones do start to add up, if you can make them and maintain them. Hugs!! Don't let the old baggage get on your nerves. Just love that man and help him heal.

Well my Darlings... I am dropping off to sleep in front of the computer... so I had better get a little nap in before tomorrow.

Love to all!


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Hi Lovies :)

Kat I'm sorry your DH's family are asswipes and treating you like that but I'm proud of you for holding back for your DH's sake, last thing he needs is aggrivation right now (want me to roughen them up for yah? Beanie's here, we could come at them from both sides :guess ) YEAH DH, you go boy !! 4 blocks 3x a day... way to cool. Hang in there little mama things will get better. Sorry, no stain removal idea's here except maybe some baking soda or seltzer Water? Oh potty training *giggle* have fun.

Hi Mary, its always good to see you. How are the kids?

Cindy I'm proud of you for exercising, the smallest amount adds up in the end thats for sure, and I'm glad your day at work was better. I suspect it will be a challenging and emotional year for you, but you'll get thru it... God promised :Banane40:

Darcy I don't blame you one bit for wanting a new home, I think its wonderful, a fresh start is always good for the soul... Susie Homemaker indeed!!! Do you think I am being perfect w/eating ??? NOT, I'm nibbling here and there but not going as crazy as I was. One snickers a week isn't going to hurt you... noticed I said ONE :P (well the truth is the truth as much as i hate it lolol). Oh.... cleaning IS exercise ya know :P

Beanie glad you loved the play... I agree those seats are murder, try sitting in the very last row, the one thats on the freakin wall... OMG its horrible, your kneecaps are really used for other folks head rests (they are that close lol) and you feel like your gonna fall forward... they can keep it LOL. Will talk later, and yes, i'll go see ol wrinkle neck if ya wanna :Banane59:

Oooops be back... somebody just walked in and I'm not losing this post..dang gum it !

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Well... I've gone and done it... all of the branch and log lifting... junk packing... vacuuming... stretching and straining... and what does it... I was out this morning raking up the leaves... twisted and BAMMO... back is out. I can't even lift my arms without it spasming. Crap.

Kat... Sorry about the family members... it's a good thing they are not helping your hubby recover... it's that type of love that hampers a recovery... your type of love will have him up and felling like himself... only healthier. You are doing what a truly loving spouse should do. (((Hugs)))

Mary... Sorry that you can't stay and play... miss ya!

Rene... Sorry ... can't comply... breathing hurts ... DAMN!! I am so mad... we have so much that we need to do! I actually took two Advil *collective gasp* in the hopes that I can get back outside and work some more. I've never been to a Broadway show... well... the only show I've ever seen in a theater is the Nutcracker...lol. I bet it is exciting and that would definitley be on my list if I ever ventured into the big city. We have the Performing Arts Center here... I am going to have to check out their website and see if there is anything coming up that sounds interesting.

Eileen...It was the King Sized Snickers...lol. Howzit going with the calorie counting???

CIndy... WTG with the exercise girl!!!! We won't be the same weight for long... you are going to leave me in the dust!

Well crud... what am I going to do now???? I wanted to go to the humane center and walk dogs today too... double crud. ANybody have a hydrocodone handy? LOL...


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Hi Girls -

Quick update

EX signed the papers ~ signed over a Quit Deed on the house and the Bankruptcy is a done deal ~ Everthing in the house stays with me.

I am just waiting for my lawyer to call me to go in and sign. OH HAPPY DAY

to bad you chicas are spread out or we could all get together and Party..

Kids are great - looking back to going to school - seems it was only yesterday when Cindy and Patty were counting down along with the rest of us that have kids in school.

You are right Beanie hate that my surfing days cut. I was making a print out of the chat but could not get on to post.

I did not make it to the RF this year but did wear my dress here to work. I love it!! Wanted to take pics but cannot for the dang batteries that go in the camera. You know those dang special ones Buts got a feeling I know where they are.

I hear some are doing the evil E thing. I have to admit I am not. But before you throw the shoe I took up walking with the boys while they ride the bikes at night. I am just waiting for enough mula to buy me my own bike then we can all do it.

Well gots to go... Eileen what Porn food??? Oh you said the magic oh mean other evil word.. Please post your reciepe - it sounds yummy for the tummy..

Darcy - This House is our first home - I would have been very sad to have left it. We had a lot of good memories and we put so much work into making it ours.. Good Luck

Well gots to go -- Pat ~ Cindy ~ Dianne ~ Kat ~ Betty ~ Bettina ~ Patty ~Sherry ~ Patti ~ Hope I did not miss anyone

Take care

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Kat-lysol purple coloring writings works fantastic on the carpet takes out everything! crud I can't find the bottle but I'll get back to you and let you know. I have found NOTHI NG that works better than that. I'll get back to you. We have range clay here in NC and it is the hardest thing t get up, but not with that stuff!

I don't have time to do personals or even read to catch up with you guys.

Mas coming tomorrow, cleaning lady I canceled because Lucy have fleas and we have to bomb. Sandy and Spot don't have fleas but they have been on Frontline and Lucy ran out and I was to lazy to pick hers up! That won't happen again!

So I have to clean and bomb and run around. I'm sure I won't be sleeping. Ma hasn't been here in 3 yrs!

Hope all is good. Cindy I hope your enjoying school

Rene and Eileen enjoy those BF"s and the food of course.

Kat hope all is well

Betty-sorry your foot is STILL hurting so much

ok I"m going now oh didn't go to curves yesterday but did workout at the pool for a half hour.

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Darcy, shoot girl.... are you sure the weight of that candy bar didn't throw your back out? lol, just kidding. I can just look at some one exercising and poof, my back goes out. Poor dear, I really do feel your pain. Don't you dare take those doggies for a walk today... fix your back first will yah. Counting calories? whats that? LOL, I'm not "counting' but watching. With all my good intentions, I never seem to do it for very long. ooops!

Mary, I'm so glad things are finally coming to an end and you can get on with life once again. My DBrother is going thru a nasty divorce and who suffers the most is his 3 kids... My heart breaks for him b/c he's always at my house these days crying. Hugs and kisss to you. The recipe is posted a few posts before yours... enjoy :P

Dianne, yikes on the fleas !! how long is your mum staying for? Enjoy the pool.

Beanie and I went mongolian today - burp! no cute waiters but a whole boat load of guys in the place..... now I have gas pfffffffffft... oh well its just good exercise for the cheeks (((squeeze))) >>>release<<< (((squeeze))) >>>release<<<.

Talk to you kids later.....taters :)

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Ok Chrispy....I did it. I kept my promise and posted my before and -50 pictures but, I didn't post them on the before and after. I just don't want them completely out there yet. I'll keep it between all of us lol.

So.....DH helped me crop the pictures because I just got to frustrated. He had to convince me and point out where you can notice my loss. It's just so hard for me to look at these. I know I've lost but, man to me...all I see is fat. Sorry..don't mean to be such a downer...like Chris says...we all do a good job at beating ourselves up and that's all I ever do when I see pics. Hence why I hate having them taken and hate even more looking at em lol.

Darcy - So sorry about your back. Do you use a chiropractor? Hope you feel better soon.

Bene - sorry you've been so busy but, happy you were able to catch a show. I remember the older movie theaters being like that. Very uncomfy..now the stadium seating makes it more pleasant. Guess the play theaters haven't caught on.

Eileen - it is nice that you can sneak in during the day. I can't really do that at work. I have way too many people constantly in my cubicle. Sometimes I'll peek at email to see if someone posted something. It usually lets me read a few of the lines. You always crack me up heh heh

Dianne - Amazing how great that Frontline works aye? Don't forget next time...fleas are terrible and pesky. Good luck with your cleaning and hope you have a nice visit.

Mary - sounds like things are moving along with the divorce and in the right direction. Good luck with everything.

Kat - It's amazing what our in-laws do and say huh? You did the right thing for your DH biting your lip and ya know...it was great he stuck up for you as well. I'm sure that urked him that they said anything. You're doing a wonderful job taking care of him, I can just tell. *positive energy coming your way :)

Cindy - WTG with the E wooooot! I hope I'll catch on next week. Going for that fill then I'm going to push it baby. I wanna see more poundage come off. You're quite the inspiration for that E word for me. Keep up the great work.

Anne - I'd would love to see your new hairdew :P The BP meds seemed to help a bit today. I wasn't as woozy..just a little bit.

Well.....I think I'm going to go watch some TV with DH. He certainly helped lift my spirits with the pictures. Maybe I see a little difference. Nice bra, makes me more perky lmao (pssst Chrispy told me about them. Lane Bryant brand.)

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Hey New Jersey ladies!! Sorry I haven't been around to post in a while. I've been reading along, just not posting much. Had a real busy run with the dating, but they've all seemed to fizzle out so I'm having much more free time on my hands. lol.

Anyway.....can we all check out my girl Sherry?!?! Doesn't she look great!! I know you really hated to post the pics Sherry, but I am telling you that everyone can see a difference. It's hard, because I know we all feel thinner than we actually are. Then we see a picture and say, who's that chubby girl in that picture! lol But like I said - remember before you were banded and you would have given your right arm to lose 50lbs, in 5 months no less?! You are doing great!! Keep up the good work!! You know I love ya!

So I have my appt with the surgeon on the 23rd of this month. I can't wait. I'm looking to have surgery the first week in October. I know it will come quick, but it seems so far away. lol.

Well I hope everyone is doing well. Oh - Heather - I saw your post on the Before and After thread. You look awesome!!

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Beanie-Glad you enjoyed the play so much. I hate seats like that!

DARCY-OUCH! OH NO I can't believe you hurt your self. OK get on all 4s and do the camel back that works the best for me then you can SLOWLY go on from there. But you should still walk even if it's only to the end of your driveway. Feel better soon.

Mary-I'm glad everything is working out the way you want it to with the house and stuff. That's great.

Eileen-you crack me up! I wonder how many times I've told you that! Its so nice that you and Beanie can see each other so often. My next visit to Oakland will be for only 5 minutes on Sept 30th. Were taking a limo with our friends and then my aunt is picking us up at there house and were off to Warwick for a family party. So I won't get to see you this trip :( Ma will be here until next Thursday. I called the bug guys that we have for the house and they came and took care of everything even the outside. Now I'll be up real late cleaning but I'm not to worried the house isn't to bad just don't open the fridge!

Sherry-Don't be to hard on yourself! I haven't looked yet but I will soon. I think it's human nature, as to why we think that way about ourselves. Honestly, I pray for God to show me the truth about how I look and also how I look through his eyes and sometimes I see my self a lot differently. I now do it all the time when I shop, so I feel real confident with whatever I buy.

Kat-Sorry about the in-laws! Hang in there your doing great.

OK I'm off to bed soon cause I know I'll be up early finishing up for ma and I want to just veg out tonight. Saw an old friend today and gave her my favorite coats. I'm so happy that she could fit in them and that she liked them so much. Now I will have to get a coat this winter, but that's ok I'll get it when I need it.

Have a good night. I'll try to catch up everyday but not sure I'll be able to.

Oh I didn't go to yesterday but did the pool and today I took crazy Lucy for a short walk. Tomorrow I know I'll do the pool most liekly not curves..errr...And my eating is back under control TG!

night night

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WOW SHERRY!-Go back and look at you FACE GIRL! and your gut! your are looking great! Enjoy those pictures! I have my DH take pictures of me all the time now because why not I've hidden from the camera for to many years, haven't we all! Honestly you look great. Time to feel good about yourself those days of feeling fat are gone for ever now it's sexy time!

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It's beddie bye time for me, but couldn't tuck in without reading up on today's activities, and checking in with everyone.

Sherry, where are the pictures? Are they on our picture thread? Honestly, I'm actually enjoying the dumbbells...that's a weird sentence to write...

Mary, I'm glad to hear that you are getting closer to moving on...although I'm sure you may have mixed feelings during this time. It's nice to read up on your news!

Beanie, thanks for the Broadway review...and I join you in despising those theatre seats that are just WAY too close for comfort. I won't go to the Music Hall at Fair Park for that very reason. Can't they remodel those theatres or something? Glad you and Eileen get to see each other!

Darcy, I hope you are feeling better, but I know backs take a while to get better sometimes. My DH has that problem sometimes, and it takes a few days, sometimes longer. Take it easy! No heavy lifting, including that Snickers bar!

Eileen, thanks for being you! You make me laugh every day!

Dianne, I think having "controlled eating" is something that just can't be 100%. So, do the best you can...shoot for 80%. Then you won't get caught up in "beating up" on yourself....that could lead to more over-eating....sorry for the philosophy here....just something I've noticed I do.

Tomorrow's Friday! Yea!

I really have to go to bed....more tomorrow!

Hugs, Cindy

Sorry if I forgot anyone tonight....

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Well My Darlings...

It's my last night in New Jersey for another month at least. The storm knocked the power out twice and screwed up the TV... it's a good thing I have a book and my laptop or I would be bored out of my mind. My travelling companions both had hot dates tonight - friends and relatives...

So I did one of the things that I like to do... I ordered room service and vegged out. I was going to veg in front of the TV - but that didn't work out - so I finished my trashy novel instead. Love conquered all, as usual.

So now, I am here to report on my lunch with the Glorious and Beautiful Eileenie... Ye Gods! Has she gotten thin, or what?!? It just makes her eyes get bigger and bigger. Amazing.

We went to a Mongolian Grill place - Eileenie called it a "Man's Place" - and it did seem a little testosterone heavy at lunch... we decided it must be the "all you can eat" appeal. But, even with all the men there, I didn't get a single boyfriend... so I guess I have lost "IT" - whatever it is. Or maybe it only works in the presence of refried Beans... who knows?

We talked about everything and nothing - the band, our families, the people on LBT that we don't hear enough from (IRA?? ZAN?? we love you and miss you... Ira - we were wondering how your wife is doing - how her surgery went. Zannie - now that we stay in Fort Lee, it's much easier to get downtown. I thought if I knew where to find you, I could come visit you next time...)

Anyway - neither Eileen or I has come up with a way of making a comfortable living without actually working - so we figure we'll just keep on doing that until we win the lottery.

Eileenie - sorry I said the "E" word in your car. :]

Darcy-Baby - there is just NOTHING worse than throwing your back out. ICK! I hope you feel better soon.

Mary - glad to hear you are getting some quality time with the boys while you (shhhhhhhh - exercise). We'll have to Celebrate the Final Decree from afar. Hugs!

Dianne - have fun with Ma - and gold stars for you and the "E". Good luck with the fleas... I scar up something awful when I don't keep the cats medicated. The fleas find me a tastier treat than the cats, I guess.

Sherry - I will have to look at your photos and come back... but I bet there's not a darned thing wrong with them!! And I bet you look LOTS thinner now... But, I also know what you mean about looking and only seeing the fat. I may add some before & after shots, too. I have been thinking about it - since I am nearing the big 50 from my "starting" weight of 358.

Chris - sorry the whole dating thing isn't going so great. I hope you trip over the right guy soon. It seems like that is how one finds the right one - completely by accident. Maybe the best friend of some you actually date or something. Hey, I picked up mine at a hot dog stand. Life is full of possibilities.... Hugs!

Cindy, you and I are going to have to arrange for a lunch date some day when you are a retired lady and have nothing better to do than tool around town, visiting your banded friends.

Well, I am going to go visit the photos of Sherry and see about maybe posting some....

Night all!

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Hi All!

Another day...we survived recovery, potty training, and well intentioned family!!! And tomorrow is Friday, the weekend is imminent!!

Beannie--Glad you enjoyed your trip, and your show. I too am jealous that you and Eileen get to get together, no one lives near me here in BFE!!! We have a coliseum here that they hold a lot of concerts in, and the seats are so small, it is horrible. I am 5'9" and my knees literally bang the person in front of me in the back of the head! I always feel like everyone is looking at me as I attempt to fit. We used to choose our concerts by the artist, now we also choose by the venue, because it is so awful!

Darcy--Sorry about your back, I can relate all too well!!! I have a herniation at L4-L5, S1 station. DH and I refer to the Sciatic nerve pain I get as psychotic nerve pain!!! One of the best bits of advice I can give you on it is, do not sit in the same chair or position as you heal. Move from the couch to a chair, then lay for awhile. Always find the comfortable spot wherever you are, but often the place we always sit, in the position we always assume, is not the best for healing. Meaning when I am healing I have to get my butt outta my recliner!!! My neurologist told me to change seating often, and it helped a lot! Good luck on the house tho. I don't blame you a bit for wanting your own home, you deserve it, and I bet it relieves a lot of stress between you and DH.

Eileen--laugh at me potty training my granddaughter, and I may just send her to you!!! She is such fun tho...you might keep her so I better not!

Sherry--big difference in the pics!!! You look years younger! I don't like my picture taken either! But a friend caught me unaware during the luau we did for my folks, and I was laughing at something, and I was shocked how much difference it made...me laughing rather than scowling at him and his ever present camera!!! He is going to do some pics for DH and I of us on the bike, when DH is able to be on the bike again. His limit is under 10 pounds now....so it will be awhile!!! Anyway, I plan on smiling! 50 pounds is a big accomplishment! Be proud of yourself, I am proud of you!

Cindy--My kids had a few teachers, and school personel that endeared themselves to us through the years. Unfortunately they also had some who were pathetic! I love that you spoke up ...heck I'll even haul your soap box around for ya!!! You need to put a new ticker with a countdown to retirement, so we can keep up with it, since the chain thing is a little difficult online!!! Have you bought all the back to school clothes for DD yet?

Anne-- I love the painting story, and I have a feeling you have lots of fun times in store from this little guy. Lots of girls gonna be left behind with broken hearts! And I too wanna see the red hair! a couple of years ago we had to go to my BIL's funeral, and all of the girls (the cousins around my DD's ages, there are 6 of them), all showed up with red hair, now they all lived in different areas, and had not consulted, but they had all gone red...and one of my SIL's friends remarked on the family genes, showing up! Kinda like everyone telling my DD she is just like her Dad....meaning my DH, and he is not her Dad! She come from my first marriage!

Betty--how's the foot? Must be better, seems you have run away somewhere!!!

Dianne--what was the final ad count? As for your PITA...We had a dog when I was growing up, he was a boxer mix, and his name was (spelling it like we said it) puhn-in-thee-us....in reality it was painintheass...all run together. We also had his brother (same thing, as it sounded) deeohgee...D-O-G, because we couldn't come up with a name I guess so we just spelled dog!

Mary--Since you are glad about the divorce, I will be glad for you. It is a weird thing...glad it is over though, life will be simpler without that all hanging over your head. Keep us posted! Might have to see about how I send a champagne toast!!!

Patty--if you check in, I hope you are relaxing and enjoying the time with your boys and your family!!

Well I am off to bed...hoping tomorrow is a good day. Found myself grouchy as hell today!! Think I didn't eat or drink enough. This fill is tight. I am losing weight, but I just don't eat much at a time, and I am not hungry, so I forget, to eat more often, and am letting my calories, and Protein get too low I think. So I worked on it today...and tried to de-stress some. It is very nice going walking with DH even if it is just a few blocks each time. I usually walked alone...holding his hand and walking with him is much better!!! Sorry he had to have surgery for us to discover that!!! Actually it was his work schedule keeping us from walking together more than anything. Oh well, I am going to enjoy it while we can! See y'all tomorrow!


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Hi Kids :Banane27:

Sherry you look wonderful........ I could not help but smile when I saw your picture. I'm so proud of you.

Crispy the time will fly by an poof ! its october. I was exactly where you are last year at this time (my surgery was october too). Enjoy this time.

Dianne, to bad we couldn't meet up but there will be other times and really.... I want more than 10 minutes to sit and chat with ya LOLOL. Have fun with mom.

Cindy, how did your day go? was it any easier? and yes, whoot its friday.

Beanie I heard that NY got over 2" of rain and some folks got struck by lightening. 20 minutes from you where I live we got nothing, strange eh. How long did you have to wait at the airport? All I kept thinking was man oh man your gonna have one long wait. Ohhh Beanie, you are sweet.... the big eyes was because I wanted to eat that sesame bread and couldn't LOLOL, kinda like a deer looking at headlights LOL... and skinny NOT! your to kind. One thing about the guys in the mongolian place...did you notice most of them were bald, between 45 - 55 and stuffy looking....not like our boys in the mexican place ;) You my dear look fantastic and are prettier and prettier every time I see you. :lol:

Kat its so good to hear DH is feeling better. Lookie at you losing all that weight.... you go girl.. but your right, make sure your not going to low or you'll get sick and you don't need that right now... how about some Protein drinks in the frig for a quick grabbie. Take care of yourself.

Darcy love... are you feeling any better? I know for me, the 2nd or 3rd day of a back injury is usually the worst and then it gets better after that.... I hope your not like me. HUGS !!!

Well I'm off to bed in a few minutes..... I'm pooped. I got my other neice here for the night and you know how kids can get. They are watching austin powers right now and laughing at fat bastard getting his ta ta's squeezed..... my DD goes mama, he's getting a nurple OY VEY!!! and thats with the naughty parts cut out LOLOL.

My eating wasn't good but not to bad today... I really need to do better... oy! My fill is great, its just ME.

TTYT.... love you all.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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