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My gosh Eileen, that nephew must have strength with some to spare, to have survived both! Your family will continue to be in my prayers. I didn't get to try the popcorn, DS and his family showed up, so we postponed the movie until today. I feel better, releif at DH's recovery is the #1 reason. The Dr. is giving DD hope for the kidney situation, and my Mom is healing as well. But also I read about my friends and their serious situations, your nephew,and Pat's friend, and like Kim's sisters place burning down...and my problems today seem insignificant. Perspective........

Darcy-I am so glad your test is "behind" you. Since he did find a polyp do you have to have them routinely from here on out? Kinda weird they gave you the very magazine that had been recommended!

Yesterday between our 3 walks we have now gotten up to a mile and a half a day. That combined with this fill, that has me majorly restricted, has been what has spurred my weight loss. Believe me it is not self control!!! I made a VERY VERY bad decision to eat some corn on the cob night before last...well it just sat. Didn't make me PB...it just sat, for hours. When I went to my band oreintation seminar, a man was telling about eating grapes, and them doing that because a skin had blocked his stoma. He was able to clear it by drinking meat tenderizer--which I didn't want to do. Long story short, after discussingit with my Dr. I did my best to get rid of someof it, and it moved things around that the rest finally moved on. So I was tighter yesterday even which is why I worried about popcorn. But in the end, I stuck to liquid all day. I made a caramel shake last night, and the cool eased it a lot, it felt better almost instantly! I had an egg for Breakfast, and it was fine, so bullet dodged it seems like!! Stupid decision!!! Well I am off to finish getting ready for the day! Talk to you all soon!


So going to be more careful today!!

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So much to read this morning...I laughed, I cried...

I want to add to Sherry's comments directed to our own mod here, Betty. THANK YOU!!!! It must be the biggest pain in the hiney sometimes, and I appreciate the work you do for us on LBT!

Betty, when the weather cools off, why don't you and DH come to BABE's and we'll meet there! Or, I'll drive up to your place and pick you up if you wanna meet, just us girls.

Darcy, girlfriend...YOU are the smart one! I'd be a lot better off if I just stuck to this thread, too! Stay here...it's safer. Most of the time I just lurk on those threads, for the same reasons...What! A trainwreck! I wanna see! I wanna see! It's sick and wrong, but that's me. Kinda embarrassing, really. Then, the teacher comes out in me, and once in a while, I have to give a lesson! WTF! LOL! Glad you have a happy butt!

Pat, thank you so much for updating on Jae and family...that's the crying part. He is a brave guy and I know they are all suffering. I always pray for our troops. It's fightin' words around here if someone disrespects our troops or their mission...disagreement, that's one thing...but out and out disrespect...nope. That makes little mousecrazy go FIREBALL! Please, let them all know that you have some internet friends who are praying hard for them, okay?

I've gotta go now...be back later....hugs, Cindy

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Betty- Thanks for that nice complement. I sure know what you mean about sleeping late on days you can't! It's just not fair!

Darcy-Isn't it comforting knowing that you really are a perfect _ _ _ hole..lol..I have to make sure I'm still one soon. I hate the day before but I do like the lap top idea! I'm sure you;ll all know when it's my turn! Those drugs are great!

Eileen-Wow thank goodness he's ok! What a scary thing, I sure hope he learned his lesson. I sure wish I knew when it's going to stop! I ate pretty good today and we just went out for Mexican. Of course when we came home though I had to have a little chocolate! WTF! I'm so glad your taking vacation next week. I bet you'll have a wonderful week with that cutie of yours, not to mention your pool!

Pat-Thanks for the update. That is so sad I feel so bad for all of them. Enjoy your weekend hopefully the new girl will work out for you.

Natesma-hi I wondered what you were talking about lol

Kat-You have been through so much! I really don't know how you keep it together, well I guess I really do that special strength! I'm glad that the Dr is giving DD hope. Keep us posted. Scary popcorn story, glad your feeling better.

Cindy-I pretty mush stick around here and NC. But like you it is interesting sometimes to snoop, I can't believe how stupid some people act on here, I don't mean LB questions I mean other dumb comments about "stuff" I guess I really mean how immature some can be! None of this sounded right did it! Sorry, I'm shutting up now.

Well we practiced Sister Act for tomorrow night. Added motions to the music and then we all forgot the words..lol..it is going to be scary. Have a good night.

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Darcy-I'm sleepy I hope you know I'm only being funny you are the farthest from an A Hole. I just always say that about me and everyone I know that has that test. Oh man I feel like I'm putting my foot in my mouth tonight.

Sorry I don't want to affend anyone!

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Dianne, I am sure Darcy understands--after that test, the jokes just can't be helped!!! My BIL, was given a picture (I know....made me go hmmmmm too!) I wanted to find someone with the know how on a computer to superimpose a picture of his face on it, so we could tell him they DID find his head up there!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! My LBT was down again yesterday..


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Whoooo Hooooo! I finally got to get back on here! I didn't get to read much on Friday, then couldn't get on after that!

Like Cindy, I cried and laughed reading it all, now I can't remember who did/said what!

Eileen - Wow, what a picture! I'm glad he will be fine. I had a nephew that was riding with someone else and a big steel rod came through the back window and cut his brain stem. He went through a lot, and was sent to a nursing home to die. When the nurses there started working with him, he totally came out of it. He has a limp and has a hard time with his memory, but alive and doing well. Miracles do happen!

Pat - What a horrible story, my prayers are with them. When it rains, it pours!

Kat - It's time for good things to happen for you, enough of the bad stuff. You and your family are in my prayers.

Cindy - When it gets cooler, we can ride our bikes back down there again, if my foot is better. We both really like Babe's, and it will be really special if you are there too!:clap2:

Darcy - Hope things are healing up for you now! I need one of those really bad, doctor has been telling me for a long time to go, I just can't make myself do it!

Diane - We all know you were just kidding! I don't think we have to be so careful of what we say here, we just grin and bear it!:D

Well, I have to get off here for a few minutes, I have been feeling under the weather all day. Now I have to try and get just a few things done.

Thanks ladies for all the nice compliments too! :):D :mad:


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Every time I try to post.... this site is down. :D

All I have is bad news.

I got denied again. This happened on wednesday and I'm so hurt I can't think straight. PacifiCare wants another 6 months of "healty roads" a call in service bariatric program.(like thats what I need) My surgeons office has tried to change all the propoganda and insurance won't budge. I was advised to get an attorney and to call Inamed to back up my claim. This is just amazing! I have insurance.... I was encouraged to have bariatric, I jump thru hoops and get denied 2x. I would feel sorry for myself except in the middle of getting the denial letter Taylor tells me that goop is dripping from his right ear! We drop everything and race to the peds office. Being grateful that we got a same day appt I was relieved to be told that Taylor had a bad case of swimmers ear. We left with ear drops and pain meds and I took the kids to Disneyland for the afternoon to keep the kids busy and take Taylors mind off his discomfort. By 7pm he was ready to go home and I put them all to bed. The next morning I throw out by back -- just what I needed. I now can't clean house, laundry, dishes or drive and the extra weight that I'm toting isn't making this any easier. I want to do something about this but the heavens won't allow me to. Great. The boys leave for visitation again Fri - Sun and my back is still killing me.

Last night my Mom calls, my uncle in Holland just passed away. He is 73. Mom hasn't talked to my aunt(my godmother) and she tells me airfare is $2,000 a seat. I am secretly glad the flight is expensive and would like to keep my Mom in the US. Her bypass wasn't that long ago and she doesn't need a 10-14hr trip to europe. Ughhhh, my head is spinning. :) My twins start school this wednesday Aug 30 and I head back to work Sept 6th. I'm not a happy camper right now and just plain grumpy.

PS: Darcy, I'm really really glad you are OK. Reading thru the posts got me worried. Hugs.

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Kat- I LOVE that idea! That is too funny! OK I know how you can do it...Take a head shot of him then put it between your thighs it will look PERFECT!!! LOL NO PUN THERE HUH

Betty-How sad about your nephew! How old was he when the accident happened? Is he well enough now to live on his own? What a miracle his life is!

Patty-WOW GIRL I'm so sorry your having such a tough time. 3 times is a charm, hang in there they'll ok you. You may want to PM Mrs.Sadre , that's Karen she wrote a wonderful letter herself to the insurance company after being denied you might want to copy it and send it off.

Sorry about your back that does stink. You are lucky you have another week off of summer.

Well lasts nights show was hysterical. We had about 12 nuns, we looked great! it was so much fun the whole night. Over 300 people attended.

I've got to take a nap feeling like crapola due to TOM so I'm off to nap land I wish it was raining out I hate sleeping on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

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Oops! I wrote a LONG post to everyone, and then it didn't work! boo hoo.

I've gotta run now, so I'll catch up on the post later...but wanna send hugs to everyone, and I'm watching the posts for news of Eileen's nephew, Pat's friend's family...and send a special hug for Patty!

Hugs, more later, Cindy

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Hey Guys.. WOWZA... I was finally home for a weekend and all be darned if LBT wasn't...lol. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to come back online!

I will have to come back in awhile for more indepth posting... NO WORRIES about joking about the testing on the ole bum... Let's face it... what could be more funny that having a thumbs up from the nurse over the public expulsion of gas after such a glamorous test?

Patty... Girl... I am so sorry... it just isn't fair! It's one thing to jump through hoops for approval... it's another to jump through the hoops for a denial! This is why so many end up going to Mexico. (((Hugs))) I sure hope Taylor is feeling better!

Dianne.... I wish we could have all seen your show... I bet it was a hoot!

Betty... Hope you are feeling better... probably just your body telling you that it needs a little rest!

CIndy... looking forward to the long post when you get back!

Ahhhh... Kat... Eileen... Pat... Mary... Beanie... Allison... not forgetting you... thinking of you too! I'm being paged by my hubby... hafta go!


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Hey everyone, LBT being down drove me nuts but, now ...my band is so damn tight I'm having a hard time with everything today :D I don't understand it. I followed the rules, did well, then all of a sudden I keep getting stuck after just a few bites. I guess this is restriction for ya. I swear I can feel the band inside me right now though. Anyone else ever get that? Believe me...if I can't get solid Proteins down...I'll be calling my doc this week. I love the weight loss but, I also know it's not healthy to not be able to get solid proteins down. I guess we'll see what happens. My TOM isn't due so it's not that grrrrr. One day at a time. I'm getting uncomfy sitting here so I'm going to go pace the hallway a bit to see what happens. I miss ya and hope you're all doing ok.

Patty I'm so sorry so much has gone wrong or bad for you so quickly. I do hope things get better soon and that there is something else that can be done to get you approved.


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Sherry, I'm just checking on something here...are you cutting your solid Protein (chicken, meat, whatever) into really little tiny bites? When I do that, it really helps! If I forget and eat like a "normal" person (LOL!), I'll get a "golfball." I've never PB'd. Otherwise, if I eat carefully, I can eat a reasonable small meal. Nothing like I could in the "good ol' days" though!

Darcy, it sounds like you are feeling, well...back to normal? LOL! Thanks for being a good sport! Ya know we love to tease, and you had such a good subject!

Patty, I swear these hoops are getting out of control! Look up that denial letter of Mrs. Sabre. Beanie did a good job of it, too. Just keep after it. I'm sorry to hear about your back...you've sure got a plate full of problems right now! ((hug))

Dianne, your show sounds like it was great! Wish I could have seen it!

Pat? How's your friends' family?

Eileen? Your nephew? Enjoy your week's vacation!

Anne? Whatcha up to?

Allison? How was your weekend?

Betty, okay...so sometime toward the end of September or the first of October we'll try for a Babe's date...I hope your foot will be better. If it's not, I'll drive to meet you. We've GOT to do this...we live too close not to!

So, we start another week...Haven is totally loving 4th grade so far...8 students in her class! (that's what we're paying for...LOL!) Her church choir and chimes start up this week, so we're kinda sneaking up on our regular schedule. Still don't have a firm schedule for athletics...not that she's looking forward to the first sport: soccer. She's never played, and doesn't like running. But with her build, I'd predict goalie for her...and if the coach offers her some chocolate for every goal she does not allow, NOTHIN' will get through! LOL!

Good night, all! Hugs, Cindy

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Hey girlies,

I could not get in all weekend, the only thing I could do here is PM.

Nephew is home and doing okay, I have not called the house yet but will tomorrow, I hate to bother them. But as far as I know he's okay, broken hand and concussion, bruising too. Thanks for your concern.

Patty so sorry to hear about your uncle, 73 is to young :D

2 denials...girl you have to show them who's boss... don't give up if its in your heart that this is what you want to do. Insurance is betting you'll just give up, they are counting on it.. I say screw em and fight. Awww hugs to you and I'm glad the little one's ear is better.

Sherry be careful, last thing you need is to do damage to your innards... I'm glad your calling your doc...maybe all you need is a teeny unfill like .1 (something like that). HUGS !!!!

I'm on my way to bed, Dd's birthday party was today so I'm pooped. I'll do more personals tomorrow morning :)

Nighty night !!


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Hi Everyone-

I read about your denial Patty, and had to come back and let you know how sorry I am about it. I was denied twice, and they recommended an attorney as well. That's when like Darcy said, I went to Mexico. I had my uncle who is a M.D. check things over for me, and on his recommendation, as well as friends here who had been banded there, I went. I understand the financial impossibility of it for you now, I really do. I wish I could get the insurance to realize their mistakes... I also want to send my condolences over your Uncle, it is never easy. I do agree, I would hate to think of your Mom traveling so far already! Glad Taylor's ear was not something more serious, lucky you, going to Disneyland to take their minds off of things. Heck when we go it is a long planned vacation....one I haven't been on in many years! I think my oldest DD was 16, so it was 8 years ago! We have vacationed since, but not Disneyland! I am jealous!

Take it easy on your back, but don't let it keep you down, walk carefully, it has always helped me more to stay moving a bit. If there is anything to help in any of your situations right now, let us know!! We love you, and hate that you are going through all this....big big hugs.

Sherry, my last fill was a major hello to restriction as well. I had adjusted to eating smaller amounts, but still a fair sized serving. Now I eat a few bites, and am done. I checked in with some of the long timers, and found most of them saying during their biggest losing stretch, they ate several small meals a day, and each consisted of 6-8 bites. I was shocked, I guess when I had heard "small" before, I never expected THAT small!!! I have been trying to make sure I do good foods, since it is such a small amount. Now I had that fill middle of last month, and I still cannot eat a lot, but it has not affected me health wise, I seem to be doing fine with it. It is hard on my head!!! I WANT to eat more than that of some things! But every couple of hours I eat some. And as I have lost some extra weight, it seems to have loosened some. I eat like Cindy said itsy bitsy bites. I do quite a bit of fish. But it was a shock to me the change! My first fill was 1.5 cc, that was not a lot of difference than nothing it seemed. Then just another little .50 and WHAM!!! I am restricted! But I have made some necessary changes to how I eat, and realizing I only need to eat a couple of bites, and then I'm not hungry anymore, so eating until I am not hungry as opposed to eating until I am full is my goal!! Sounds silly, but in my mind it made sense!!! Good Luck with it, you are not alone!!

Cindy--I lost a post the other day, what a pain!!!

Eileen-glad the 2nd party was a success!

Darcy--glad you are back up and doing well.

Dianne--I would have loved to have seen your program, glad you had fun!

Betty--you off riding?

Hope Beannie is enjoying her vacation!

Anne, Mary, Pat, Allison, Donna (wherever you are..we are worried!) & anyone else my tired brain is forgetting not personal, sorry) Big hugs to you all!

Well we are off for our evening walk--y'all take care!


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