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I am sitting here at my computer at work in tears! I am so sorry for you and your family. I can only imagine the emotions you all must be going threw right now. You are all in my prayers. Im sorry this happned.

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Hey Pat... I am so sorry for your best friend, her daughter and SIL... I will certainly keep them in my prayers and please update when you learn more. (((hugs)))

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Well Ladies... I have my 4 liters of NuLytely chilling in the fridge... and 4 big D pills in my system... it's going to be a one on one with the bathroom tonight! I already feel sick to my stomach... anyone want to lay down bets on my keeping the 4 liters headed towards the ole colon? I worked on medical floor and I made many a patient drink this stuff ... I think I'm about to get my pay back! Anyhoo... i think I'm pretty much in for the night...


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Darcy, are you adding some flavor to that? I heard you can add Crystal Lite???? Ok, so I'm elder and not good with math, how many ounces is that? My DH drank it and almost spewed a few times, but he did really well with the test. The funniest part was after they returned him to the room, he was still pretty out of it and he nearly blew the walls out, I was so embarrassed, the nurse kept laughing at me, telling me he wasn't the first to blow. Hugs and good luck to ya!

I feel like such an idiot with regards to my friend, I sent her an email and used her other daughter's name instead of Sierra, duh me.

Don't forget to put some good reading material in the bathroom. Check out that magazine, "Real Simple", nice short articles.

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Hey Pat... I think it is 135 ounces... A LOT... it tastes salty! I've already started drinking it so not going to the store for a magazine now. It's making me feel terribly nauseated... yuck! It's orange flavored... MY BUTT...(no pun intended)... Well... off to drink another cupful. Oh...they fill your intestines with air for viewing purposes... what goes in must come out! Yikes... I think I'll leave my dignity at the door...lol.

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Darcy my dear....sounds like you need a laptop & lots of Charmin. I hope it goes well....alright, I admit it, pun intended!!! :) Let us know how you are when you can. Will be extra prayers going up for you tonight.

Pat--I am so sorry for your friends family. Like Allison, it reduced me to tears. If you will let me know Jae's last name I will add him to our prayer tree at church. I will call and add them both to our prayer chain, extra parayers can never hurt, and God will know who we are praying for without the name! Same as your friend knew who you meant. It was the fact that you cared and made contact that mattered. She is human too, and is not going to worry over the name slip up. We all do it. And BTW, if I had any self control I would have been able to save my own money!! But the fact is, without the restriction--I am without control! But thanks for the good words!!

Sherry--we do Breakfast for dinner too. Breakfast food is easier for me to eat sometimes. Although right now I eat very little of it too. I know I seem to be harping on that, but it is so wierd for me not to eat anything not moving!!! Seems like it just can't be enough, but obviously it is!

Beannie--have fun vacationing! I am jealous!!!

Eileen--boss around? How did the birthday dinner go? My DH and family took me out to my favorite mexican restaurant for my b-day. They make homemade chimchangas, that are tooooo good!!! I was given free fried ice crean from the restaurant for the birthday, and was so full, my DH and granddaughter ate it! Dang it!

Patty--is it cooling off there yet? Got your back to school shopping done?

Betty--are you sick of me asking about your foot yet? Hope it is better!

Is it interfering with your riding? I wondered because of Sherry referring to an AT motorcycle. I understand Honda has a new AT coming out again too. I know it isn't your Harley tho!!! So are you in an area of TX where you can ride year round? DH is concerned that by the time they allow him to lift his bike again, it will be freezing. We have a rally over labor day weekend we always attend, and he is major depressed to miss it. Also--you were ask about Clark shoes...another you might try,is Birkenstocks, they may not be the prettiest shoes around, but when I herniated the discs in my back, they saved me. Still when it goes out, I put them on for a few hours, and feel relief almost instantly!

Cindy--I think taking the day off and enjoying special time with DD is a great thing to do! I used to allow DD an occasional day away from school, that we both just enjoyed. Usually following an orthodontist appointment or something, and we would just take the day and see a movie, or go roller skating, all kinds of fun things. Soon my granddaughter will be old enough, they grow sooooo fast! Enjoy your day!

Diane--well..........we are waiting!!! How'd it go? Such a romantic!!

Mary--Donna---are we gonna have to come and hunt you down???

Talk to all of you soon!


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Wow...so much has happened today.

First of all, Pat, I have already sent prayers for your girlfriend's d-i-l and son...most of you know that I am a true blue patriot and troop supporter, and honor the sacrifices our military makes. They are so brave. So, if there is anything at all that can be done to improve that situation, please let me know. Even if it's just to send a card. I will do it.

I'm sooo happy to see your posts, Pat!!!! I want to second the kudos you sent out to Sherry, too! She is an angel. I can just picture the angel with a flag tatoo!

Kat, you were describing how weird it is not to eat very much...I totally understand what you are talking about. I've found myself just laughing sometimes. It's like a totally unexpected and funny thing. It doesn't bug me, it just amuses me.

Poor Darcy! That stuff is just gross! I know you don't want to go to the store, but do take a look at that mag. Pat told you about, Real Simple. It's really great, and I've enjoyed the ones I've read!

We ran our little errands, and saw Material Girls, then came home and started piling up all the stuff she has to take to school tomorrow...her school requires her to read 4 books in the summer and do projects, so all those go to school with her, and she has to prepare a presentation to give to the class, too, on one of them, so that's ready, too! I'm not complaining. I am glad she goes to a school that requres something out of her.

So, that's it for me...all's well here. I will say prayers for Darcy and Pat's friends, and of course, all the rest of you.

Hugs, Cindy

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Hi-I'm here for a quickie..lol...unlike last night....I can't stay on long though I'm exhausted!..lol...

Pat that is so sad. I'm sending prayers that way how terrible.

Darcy-this time last night I was drinking too...but it was wine...

We had a wonderful time. He was totally shocked and laughed about the thong, he couldn't believe I would wear one. Me either! It sure did feel sexy!:) I also got a cute teddy thingy but it sisn't stay on long because my boobs were so squished I couldn't stand it. I'll have to save that for another time.

We went to a nice resturant and when I told him he wasn't going home he couldn't figure out how that could happen. He sleeps with a sleep apnea machine and must have it. Once I told him I had it in the car. He was thrilled couldn't believe I would think of such a wonderful thing to do. It was really a fun fun night. By 9:30 we were:notagree lol but then we did have this morning...lol...

It was really a wonderful time together, and the thong was fun! Didn't feel good but fun!

I told the girls at Curves today about the thong and we are going to put up a sign with a date and have a thing workout day..lol...we laughed our heads off today.

On another note. Kim from NC's I can't think of her screen name right now, but her cousins house burnt to the ground they have 3 kids and lost everything. I sent an email out to our church chior and collected a lot of stuff for them tonight. One wonderful man gave me $200 cash for them, and we don't even know them. People are so wonderful. Another man pulled up in his car, and said am I to late to give you clothes. He had a car load. To make matters worse this family is members of a very small church, like 30 members. Well the house fire was Sunday. That same night a single mom with 3 children also lost everything in a house fire! Can you believe that! Kim's cousin is spliting all the gift cards and cash she gets with them. It's very sad but wonderful how strangers are helping out.:clap2:

2 miracles, they have a bunny and somehow he was found alive. The second which is really the first is that 2 bibles were found in a draw untouched not even an ash mark or a wet spot on them. Everything else in the draw was gone. My DS is a fireman and bibles NEVER burn! NEVER! Again God amazes me with his wonderful mysterious ways!

Night night gang...Oh we did take pictures.....I'll post them tomorrow...BEWARE.....

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Awwwwwwww you folks are making me blush. I am who I am, just try to treat others the way I'd like to be treated. Hmmm what rule was that? hee hee.

Pat - I'm with Cindy on the Patriotic heart. The whole family is in my prayers. Thank you for sharing that with us because we all sometimes need to be reminded how lucky we truly are. These poor folks are going through so much and if we all keep them in mind and in our prayers I'm sure it will lighten the load.

Well it's late so I figure I'll pop around and read some threads. Already put my 2 cents in somewhere in a thread about people growing up or needing to. I have NO CLUE what the hecks been going on but, I wanted to show support for our mods and Alex. I truly am grateful to have this website to learn from good and bad but, mostly because it brought me to all of you. Hugs to my NJ friends. May you all have a wonderful nights sleep and if ya shrink an ounce or two while sleepin even better hee hee.

Love ya !

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Hey Y'All...

It's a rare moment when I have some time to kill and my desk is the best place to do it... so here I am!

I am all done with what I have to do at work - and Just waiting for the plane to land at DFW so I can run and grab the DIL, SIL & Grandbabies for the big vacation.

Mary - we miss you, girl! Come out and play some more. How are you? How are the boys?

Darcy - sorry about the week from hell. Keep your chin up and think good thoughts. Payback - that's funny! Just think, all these experiences will make you a better caregiver in the future. :] Sorry you are feeling icky. Hugs!!

Allison - let me chime in and say that Nate is incredibly cute!

Kat - I guess my restriction just isn't as good as yours... cause I can still eat a fairly normal portion. Not nearly what I used to eat - but still, like a regular person eats before I fill up. So for me the loss is very slow. I am glad you are getting more bang for your fill. :]

Cindy - yep - my motivation seems to run in cycles... and it depends a lot on how stable the rest of my world is. Right now, not much is really stable... so my motivation is just to keep on keepin' on thru the changes. I know that if I EVER hear about the promotion, if we EVER get our desks moved (a somewhat regular occurence)... well, at least the house is pretty clean. *sigh* I suppose it would be TRUE growth if I could just get past all this stress crap and keep my motivation anyway - but I don't see that level of growth occurring anytime soon! I really shouldn't complain... I certainly don't have anything really WRONG in my life - just a little unsettled at the moment... This, too, shall pass. And I agree - I am learning some things in this phase. Plus, I know I will ramp up when it is cool enought to actually go outside for more than ten minutes, too. :]

Sherry - dinner is the very best time to eat breakfast food, in my opinion! And I am actually getting a vacation from my vacation... The kids leave on Wed. or Thurs. of next week, and I don't have to go back to work until after Labor Day! How flipping fantastic is that! I will have a whole four day weekend to get myself together and recover from the visit.

Pat - I am DYING laughing about your description of the day of your test... too funny! And don't you worry about slow going for you! You look fantastic! I still have over a hundred pounds to go - which is why my doc wants me to get up off of that thing... Of course, he is right - but that doesn't make me like it any more.... :] I am sorry for your friends. I hope Jae makes it through. I will think good thoughts for all of them.

Dianne - I am so waiting for the photos. Glad you and DH had a great time. Hugs!!

Well, I have to run and get the kids now. I will try to check in at some point. Love you guys!!



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Hi everyone!

Wow - I'm a little overwhelmed at all the catching up I need to do, but I'll do my best! Our trip up North was a lot of fun. Turns out we didn't have internet access after all, so we were really roughing it. Okay, so it was was a fully furnished condo, but for a princess like me no internet is roughing it!

We spent most of our time down by the pool or playing putt putt. We got a sitter one day and went to the casino and I won $1500!! They have to report big wins to the IRS, so he asked me for me license. Well, I didn't have it! I had left my wallet on the kitchen table. So, I told him I'd be right back and I walked out to the car and returned with my twin sister's military id. I kept waiting for Homeland Security to take me away for a full body cavity search! Thankfully, they bought it.

Darcy, my DH had to drink that nasty orange stuff last year. He's only 33, but he has a family history so his doc wanted to get a baseline. The nurses wouldn't let him leave afterwards until he could pass gas. There was my hubby in the recovery room with ten men in their 80's, all doing their best to fart. I was laughing so hard tears were running down my face. Hope it all goes well for you today!

Beanie, enjoy your vacation! And then enjoy the vacation from the vacation. :confused: How old are the step-grandkids? When will you hear about the new job? Will you still be traveling to NY if you switch positions? Can I ask any more questions? :P

Pat, it's so good to see you posting again! Get that new girl trained so that we can talk to you more often. Any news on your friend's family? I'll be sending healing thoughts their way.

Eilene, tell your DD that I'm wishing her a very happy birthday! Is she starting kindergarden this fall? My little guy turns 6 in a few weeks so I'm working on sending out party invites right now. What is your daughter into right now? it's ALL about Spongebob at my house. Darn kids are growing up too fast. :drum:

Dianne, so glad that you and DH enjoyed your night away. Happy anniversary! I look forward to seeing the pictures. :)

Cindy, you are doing just awesome with the weight loss! Something tells me you're going to make that Christmas goal. What grade is your DD in this year? Is she excited to go back?

Patty, my honest opinion is that you should dump your "friend". She sounds toxic, and you deserve better. (((HUGS)))

Mary, it sounds like things are going well with DH's recovery! I have to say - I really felt for you with the whole birthday dinner thing. Let's just say, I can relate. Did you hock a loogie into the potato casserole? Just kidding!!

Donna, where are you chickie? Hope everything is going well.

Allison, your son is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pics. :)

Betty, how's the foot? I hope it stops giving you so much grief. Has DH started his new job yet?

On a purely random note, I've always wondered... do you Texas gals live near each other? I know Texas is a monster of a state, but I was curious...

Okay! I hope that I haven't forgotten anyone. If I did, here's a big (((HUG))) for you. Have a great night all.

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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh, I started reading the board and got lost in time, still haven't gotten in the shower!

Beanie - Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it girl!

Pat - Welcome back! So sorry about your friends, I'll keep them in my prayers.

Sherry - I don't have any tattoo's at all! I'll bet the one with the angel will be a great one! Pictures when you get it done!

Darcy - Good luck today, keep us posted! I'll be thinking about you all day.

Anne - How nice to see you back! Congrats on the big win!

Cindy - How is school going? You are doing great with the weight loss.

Kat - I think some of us girls live fairly close here, I know I am not too far from Cindy, and I think Beanie is somewhere there close. With the big interstates, it makes it good.

Eileen - I prolly missed it, but how did the B-day party go?

Well I gotta jump in the shower, I'll catch up later, if I missed you I am so sorry. The boss is training me on new stuff, and I need to be there early today!

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Oh crap, I can't read up at the moment but I see lots of I'm sorry's :rant:

Tomorrow boss will be out... I'll catch up then.

SORRY GALS :wacko:

Dang gum it !!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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