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Hi everyone! Not much going on here today. It's 98 degrees outside (almost unheard of in Michigan) so we're staying inside. So, what's this about a challenge? Count me in! I'm going to lose 10 lbs this month if I have to have it sucked out by a surgeon. Just kidding... I guess I've had enough surgery for a while, eh? :)

Eilene, congrats on getting your hair back! Mine is starting to come in too. Phew!

Cindy, have a safe trip dropping your DD at camp. Enjoy your alone time with the DH!

Hmm... now that I'm in the new thread I can't remember any of the things I wanted to respond to. WTF?

Have to go anyways - I hear the Water on upstairs. Yesterday DD got nekkid and covered herself in a bottle of hair conditioner. Hope you're all having a great day!

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I already posted once today on the July thread, and nobody wrote me a little PM and said psssst, it's August already, wise up! LOL!

Just got home...dropped DD and her friend at camp. Helped them make their beds, kinda...unpack their bags, kinda...get ready for the pool, kinda...friend had already misplaced her little ID necklace, so we left while DD was helping friend find it. Sheeesh! Will DD and friend survive 5 days without mommies? Will they be wearing each other's underwear before it's all over? Will I be washing friend's clothes and who knows what else when they get home? LOL! Stay tuned for this weekend's exciting conclusion!

Then, on the way home, DH and I went to her school, and unloaded some bucks at registration...PE uniforms, lunch tickets, etc.

Nice to be home, just hanging out.

Quiet, here.

Hugs, Cindy

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Eileen-Great idea! I'm in! I want to challenge myself to keep exercising at curves 4-6 times a week. My PT wants me to take it easy and take a break from curves. So I'm going there but mostly just doing the "resting stations" it's a half hour of something I wouldn't do at home, that's for sure.

Darcy-Bummer! hope your feeling better. Hey I go nuts with those 100 calorie baggie thingies I have a pantry full. But the fudge stripe Cookies always win out! still only 100 calories and I think I'm going to pour a glass of milk and have me a bag as soon as I sign off here. lol don't I sound southern! Wow I'm so proud of you for going over a week w/o ice cream and chocolate!

Ahh you guys are to fast for me and I have to go to bed so I can't read all the posts now.

Real quick and I'll tell ya more in the morning. I got an advertiser. He has the BEST and I am not kidding when I say THE BEST chocolates on earth! anyway it is very unusual and he has it with passion fruit..wow better than sex chocolate it is!!!!! I am not kidding! He also makes cakes so we will now have a cake section! This is GREAT NEWS. I'm claiming 3 more advertisers, I don't know how Gods going to do it but it sure is fun watching and dong my part! I'm hoping for 2 more tomorrow.

OK cookie time then bed will catch up in the morning, did I tell you that already.

Cindy-Good luck with Mr scale!!

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LOL I am caught up! I gotta go to bed maybe I really did hit my head to hard yesterday..WOOOSHHHH, splash, bang....

Hi Anne, thanks for starting August.

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ok ok ok confession time. You tell me I can't have Ice Cream and chocolate and what the heck do I crave, want and don't think about before having? WTF? grrrrrrrrr Before saying I'd be on this wagon....I didn't have ice cream for months...now I have it 3 times in 3 days...hello? lol. Anywho...today the girls at work got lunch from Friendlys. I got the fishamajig. It came with fries and I didn't eat any. I also took the crust off and one side of the toast. (Still afraid of bread lol) They then decided to get ice cream from a homemade place not far from work. I said noooo I'm trying to behave. Wahooo I did it. Well....it's 95 degrees today...came home from work, DH cooked me a nice meatloaf on the grill (we bake with it all the time) and baked potato (sherry size has DH says...which means about 1/4 cup one lol) with fat free gravy. Goes down smooth. Jump in the pool, swim, run, paddle for over an hour and DH says...lets hop on the bike and go for a ride....to get ice cream. I even said...ummmm...I told the gals on LBT I wouldn't eat ice cream or chocolate this week. DH says ohhh hmmmm, I said well.....ok I'll go cause he really wanted to. I could of said no to the ice cream and just kept him company but, man thats like making a baby stare at it's bottle just out of reach lol. Anywho...I had an ice cream SMALL and ate the whole dang cone ta boot. Bad bad bad. I'm sorry....seems I need to go on the NO BROCCOLI, NO VEGGIES diet...hmm ya think that will make me crave those hahahah NOT! I suppose it's still ok cause pre-band I would of had the whole sandwich, all the fries, a soda and the dang ice cream and probably finish if it off with a candy bar.

This challenge isn't easy with the temps we're all getting this week huh? Oh well tomorrow is another day.....this 2nd fill can't come fast enough for me. I feel like I'm eating everything in site UGH. I think Aunt Flo is do to visit soon so this may be why I'm feeling so hungry. Well...my head hunger isn't helping either.

DS left with his dad today for a week. Nice alone time for DH and I but, I already miss him :) I hope he has a good time :)

This is the first time I actually posted in the right month on the first day hahahah

personals tomorrow I hope. Love ya all and stay cool and hydrated!

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Hey Cindy... I would have said psssst... but I really had no clue that July was done and over...lol.

Okay...Total caloric intake was 1000 cals but that is only because even fluids are going down so slow. I ummm... wellll... I stopped after class and bought a Hershey bar. *hangs head in shame* And by golly if that delicious piece of heaven didn't slide down sliker than... well... you know. :)

Anne... Have you ever seen them suck out fat... EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Thanks for hauling our unsucked butts into August. :)

Dianne... I like the 100 calorie baggies too... my fav is the nutter butters... Yum!

I didn't work out today... my stomach hurt... felt nauseated and given time I'm sure I can come up with some more excuses...lol.


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Alright, gals! Seems like today was "a bad day." But, that's the absolute beauty of friendship and the band...we'll do better tomorrow. All is not lost. Look how many good days we have had! How's that for a bright shine on a bad day? Just to make you guys feel a little better, I'll go have a little bit of ice cream...then we'll all be even. THAT'S how much I care about ya!

Seriously, Darcy, are you feeling any better?

Good for you, Dianne, on getting that great advertiser!

Sherry, that meatloaf on the grill sounds soooo good. I'm still eating vegetable Soup. I did have a Zone Perfect bar today, but with this new fill, I really, truly, cannot eat much at one time. Okay, I know that's the point, but it is sometimes annoying. I'll be glad in the long run!

Okay, as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is anotha day..."

Hugs, Cindy

Did I say how quiet it was around here?

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Morning...getting ready for work so can't post much. Today is another day and it's going to be a scorcha. (In Massachusetts say it like SKAAAAW' CHA heh heh)

So....I'm really due for a fill. Cindy, I totally hear what you're saying...good to have restriction but, sometimes a pain in the ars. Right now though...I know I'm ready for one. After what I ate yesterday I need it I was grazing way too much and got away with it. NO egg, no golfball no discomfort and THATS NOT GOOD. When will I learn? How about stepping on the scale to see an added pound today UGH. I know it's not much but, its in the wrong direction so it's discouraging. I guess I'm beating myself up already this morning because I just don't seem to learn. Well I better stop typing or I'll really self beat myself.

I do hope you all have a wonderful day. STAY COOL! Chat with ya soon. Hugs

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Good Morning :)

Shoot, I didn't realize it was August either *shrug*

Girls, I ate like crap yesterday too.... me thinks TOM is coming as well (good excuse eh lolol true but ya know, I eat like crap no matter what the TOM is LOLOL snort ~ )

I am going to make better choices this week but start my calorie watch on Tuesday the 8th. I need more veggies and less crap thats for sure. This weekend I will plan out my menu for next week and go from there. I am not cooking during the week and thats whats screwing me up b/c I'm grabbing anything and everything in site.

So my Personal Challenge will be 1400 - 1500 Calories ~ 8/8/06. I'm not gonna say I can't have this or that, I will just work it in the calories.






Anyone else care to make a "personal" challenge for the month of august... please join in.

Ohhhhh this is gonna be good *giggle*

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Hi everyone!

I am so sick of this heat! We need a pool. Unfortunately, we live in the woods and it would be impossible to keep one clean. I haven't caved on the ice cream and chocolate, but I made up for it with Sun chips and red wine last night. WTF?! Aren't I just the gourmet?

I know that I need another small fill. I had a cinnamelt yesterday at McDonalds (!!!!). Bandsters should NOT be able to eat cinnamon rolls without pain.

I'm back on track today. Time to go workout like a good bandster! Talk to you girls later. :)

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Yello Ladies...

Well... I have to say that I would just about kill to chew ANYTHING about now! THis should be a nice little jumpstart for getting the weight-loss back on track!

Eileen... I gain to take the same route/personal challenge as you with exception of the caloric intake amount. I think the ole TOM is a great excuse and there should be some benifit besides the pain of child birth for enduring such a messy/icky thang! I just don't do well when I say no to a certain food. BTW... I had a Venti Peppermint Mocha this morning for Breakfast. Isn't that an appropriate liquid food? ??? I met with my sister and that is kind of a tradition for us.

Anne...WTG on the chocolate/ice cream avoidance and heck... I had cheese puffs the other day so you are certainly a gourmet in comparison to me! :)

Sherry... Don;t beat yourself up... just make that appointment for a fill and you'll fee a renewed energy for the whole business of being banded.

Miss Cindy... I'm still as tight as a old door in Arkansas in the middle of summer! I did just eat an all creme yogurt and that seems to actually be slipping through little by little. I'm also not hurting today like I was all day yesterday. Sounds like your fill is working just perfectly and I know you are going to get your Christmas wish!

Did the workout thang this morning. :)

Hope everyone is have a better day today!

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Sherry- you are to funny! You said no to many things yesterday I think you did GREAT! You could have said yes to that lunch time ice cream.

Darcy-Hang in there, I break down too as you know! 1000 calories is great for the day. I had a huge bowl of spaghetti last night. It was mostly sauce but it was a regular size bowl. I enjoyed every bite of it and didn't feel guilty at all. Your doing good come on help me go to the gym I am having trouble getting my butt there also so lets drag our butts together! Wanna! Starting tomorrow weather it's going some place or doing stretches or walking or swimming as long as it totals 30 minutes a day at least!

Cindy-LOL did you have that ice cream?

Eileen-Good choice on your personal challenge! I was in an eating disorder hospital about 16 yrs ago and that was exactly what they told us, not to restrict our selves from anything because then we'd go back and make up for lost time..lol..

OK MY personal Challenge for the rest of August is to exercise by doing something whether it's curves the pool walking or floor stretches.

The other thing I started today was to put the timer on every hour. Remember I told you about eating something every hour? Well I'm hungry today! and I was noticing my hours were lasting only about 20 minutes at times..lol..some hour huh...so I'm putting on the timer and when I want to grab something I look at how much longer I have to go. I only have about 6 bites but I sure look forward to those bites! So for today when I see I have more time I'll set the timer.

I wrote this earlier, Now I'm in a real pissy mood, I hope you guys have had a better day! I think I'm so pissy cause I'm HUNGRY and can't get satisfied! I'm doing pretty good with my small bites. Sorry for _itching.

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I've been working like a dog in my DD's room this afternoon, and I'm on my "break" right now...we went to IKEA and got her a futon for her room! We're moving the twin bed that's in there now to my DH's room, and that bed is goin' OUT. (oh yeah, we have our own rooms for sleeping due to snoring...still lovebirds, though...sorry, TMI) SOOOOO, as you know, when you start one of those projects, it leads to others....and I've cleaned out her closet, her dresser, under her bed, and so on. It feels good to get it out of there!

I lost 1 lb. last week, although two days ago it was 2 lbs, so WTF? It's mysterious, sometimes, huh? Yes, I did have some ice cream, and I agree with ya'll. When I try to deny myself a particular food, it makes me want it soooooo much! The Lent thing worked fine, but then I was doing it for a more spiritual reason, I guess.

My personal goal, beginning 8/8/06: (don't laugh!) 15 minutes of physical activity that isn't regular stuff. On purpose exercise of some kind. Every day.

Eileen, are you keeping a list? Are we just reporting in each day how we did?

Darcy, I'm craving a peppermint mocha sooo bad. The nearest Starbucks is 15 miles away, so tough for me. Hope you enjoyed your sis.

I'm gonna go read some posts, then go back into the DD's room and take advantage of her absence to straighten out her little world! LOL!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hey Cindy... Sounds like a great personal challenge you just start whenever your little ole heart desires... that's what make it personal! Oh... and when my daughter was away at camp... I sent her bunk mail almost everyday per the computer and told her how pretty her room was starting to look with the new ballerina theme.... hehehehe... a very wicked thing to say to a Tom Girl. *evil grin*

Caloric intake today... 1400 calories... and I think I am pushing it a little on the heavy side. I am so hungry for food I can chew. I tried some watered down refried Beans... no go.

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Wait... I forgot... congrats on the weight-loss Cindy!!!

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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