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Hi Girlies,

We went to Walmart (leaving the house at 7:30 am) and then to the Catskill Game Farm in NY which is closing its doors in October of this year... they've been there since 1933. I got to see my first giraffe today and my gosh are they beautiful animals, I so wanted to take them home with me, they got beautiful eyes and eyelashes... it really saddens me that I just found out about this place and here its closing :( The animals are being auctioned off... I guess to other zoo's. I'll post some pictures when DH downloads them. We just got home about 1 hour ago and boy are my dogs barking (that means my feet hurt lol).

Patty....awww first day of school, thats so exciting. I'm sure they will do just fine, as kids always seem to do. How are you feeling my dear? Are you back to work yet?

Cindylooo, I remember HATING PE!!!! I was 300 lbs when I graduated HS so you could imagine the terror I had just getting changed in front of the other girls :( I'm glad your DD loved it. The kid I babysat is gone, her mom wants me to watch her again at the end of the week but there's no F-in way I'm doing it.... This is MY vacation now scram !!! I didn't but into theirs when they went to jamacia *no* Mom likes to take advantage if you haven't guessed by now LOLOL.

Kat awwwwww sorry the pup didn't get to stay :( but I'm really happy you found its original owners WTG !!!!!!! How's DH feeling these days? and DD ??

Dianne, glad lucy's okay pheeew ! I can not see that movie (The Twin Towers), It still turns my stomach thinking about what happened and I can still almost smell the smoke coming from the city. Thats to close to home for me, thats for sure. I had nightmares after 911... oy eh~

Allison, whats going on with you? whats shakin toots?

Pat our pool went from 88 degrees (dreamy) to 75 (COLD), we are hoping we get some sun to turn on the solar panels to warm it up. We are expecting more rain this week and next week too :) dang gum it. Watcha doing today?

Darcy darcy bo barcy fe fi fo marcy DARCY!!! whats shakin with you? How are you feeling since the rotor rooter test, are you okay? how's the house thingy..... any news on that? Get this chit, DH wants to go on a 4 week diet starting next week b/c he needs to drop a few lbs ROFLMFAO!!! 4 week...lordy.... Think I should bring cake into the house to tease him like he does me??? LOLOL He's a great guy but I feel like bustin his balls a bit. Maybe I'll bake some of those butter Cookies he loves *evil grin* lolol

Well kiddies.......... I'll chat with you all tomorrow :huggie:

DONNA WTF ARE YOU ??????????? ;) Honestly lady, we miss you, hope everything is okay.


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Hey folks....I've been in a stressful funk and still there :huggie: I'm glad everyone is doing ok. Work is nuts, I'm going for a new job that they've kept me in the dark about, no clue what the pay difference will be but, found out I've been doing the work of this position for quite some time without the title or compensation GRRRRRRR so that makes me think...great if I don't like the raise and I stay where I am...I'm doing the F*&K*&^ working so the person who takes it has a golden job. Nice huh? Well I told my boss...if this doesn't work out, I'm not working at the pace I've been going. Today I worked from 7am until 7:30pm. Didn't get home until after 8:30pm. I'm pooped, cranky to the point where I can't stand myself and uncomfortable because TOM is holding back yet bloating me up. I can actually feel my band and the tubing with my insides if that makes sense. Anyway...I don't want to bring ya down...I'll be reading and thinking of ya. Love ya and thanks for listening..umm...reading ;)

Pat - A Ridley is a handmade motorcycle made in Oklahoma that is a 750 totally automatic transmission. I can bet you'd love riding one of those. A Harley Dealer sells them about 25 miles from me. I was telling Betty about em.

Take care dearies..talk with you soon

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Darcy-Lucy is still having some trouble but not like the other day. Where do you get the Ava food I've never heard of it. Sandy and her eat puppy and regular Ecumiba(sp?) It's expensive but I heard it is so good for them. I can't separate them from each others food so they both eat puppy and adult.

Patty-How did the twins do today? Mrs Sadre, Karen's, letter was more of a personal letter to them telling them why she personally needed the surgery. Go on the NC site and PM her I'm sure she still has a copy that you can get ideas from.

Cindy-I'm glad DD loves gym! I cut it so many times that I almost didn't graduate HS. I had to stay after for 2 weeks and run around the track everyday in order to graduate. I still have nightmares about that!

Eileen-Catskill Game farm is closing! How sad! That was a great place. Ok have you been to Van Sawn Park I hope I'm spelling it right. You get off buy the Bergen Mall make a left going towards River Edge and it's on the right. They have a zoo, pond, trail ride, pony rides. The train ride was 50 cents the last time I was there and that was when DD & DS were little. I went to that park when I was little. How about the Land of Make Believe?

Donna-Come out from hiding!!!


Well I have to get back on track with food!!! I think I"m getting back on track with Curves I am planning on going tomorrow morning so now I need to just do it. 3 weeks from tomorrow is the cruise! I'm excited I haven't seen these friends since Christmas time. I've always been the biggie in the group now I'll be the smallest! I'll also be the only one exercising and walking the plank!

Went to COLD STONE today with a friend and we shared a germanchocolatecake as the say it. OMG! It is orgasmic, no kidding. So I didn't do great today but better than I have lately. Gotta go play with Lucy she is craving attention right now tugging at me leg.

Night night.

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Good Morning Y'all!

I just want to go back to bed today! I am so tired! We had company till late last night, didn't even get supper until 9:00. Then I kept waking up all night so needless to say this morning I am a wreck. I hope I don't fall asleep at the computer today!:heh:

I just wanted to stop and say hello, I'll try to post more tonight.

Just because I'm not here doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you. I wish I could check in during the day. Hugs to you all!

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Betty-I was up all night too!


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Dianne... It is a food that is for problems with specific breeds... Ava's breed is prone to skin allergies and stomach problems and so I thought the royal canine would be worth a try. It worked so I will continue to pay out of the nose. I get it at PetCo. Eukanuba is what my old vet rec. I feed Ava ... the new one rec. a prescription diet and I was just giving the Royal canine a try before paying the REALLY high price for ID.

Sherry... I'm sorry for all of the stuff going on with your job... stress throws everything in life off! I hope things get better soon! (((hugs)))

Betty... You better take a nap on your lunch break today!

Eileenie weeinie fo feenie... Feeling fine since my public poop chute viewing! I got the results back and the polyp was of the type that turns into cancer so I am very happy that the rrhoids sent me in for an early scoping! THe house thang is on hold... and I think I may have ta go on that 4 wk diet with your hubby! LOL. Glad you had a good time at the zoo and I have to agree... giraffes are beautiful! Lashes to kill for!

Have a good day all... (((hugs)))

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Dianne... I really would take her off of food for a couple of days... just Water and then introduce s l o w l y the cooked white rice with a very small amount of canned food mixed in. Is it possible that she is getting into something in the yard??? I feel for ya both!!!! She may get dehydrated if the diarrhea and vomiting keep up so check by pulling up an area of skin... if it pops right back into place when you let go... that is good... if it slowly goes back into place... not so good and she may need IV fluids if she is not able to keep water down. You may have to take her back in Dianne... I am so sorry she is sick and I so know how tired you feel... hang in there girl!

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Well she's back in! The vet is having her spend the night. He's giving her an IV and taking xrays and starting her on an antibiotic. I have a peace about it and know she's going to be ok.

So I left the vet and went to curves. Execised and then got on the scale. OK I have the end of TOM I had had a protien shake and a bottle of Water. But I haven't been on since July 21st. The scale said I was up 3 pounds! WTF! I know why I have been eating all the sweets I can like a jerk idiot. So now I'm thinking I should call the office and talk to them about a fill. I do not want to hit the 200 mark ever again and I know this is all my fault! I'm tired and crabby now upset and exhausted!

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Dianne, sweetie...don't make big decisions when you are Tired, Hungry, Angry or....there's another one....I can't think of it now. ANYWAY, becasue you are tired and stressed, your food decisions aren't the best they can be. That doesn't mean a fill will help that. That means if you get a fill, and you are tired and stressed, your food decisions will be even worse. Just get a breath, and calm down some. Let your food decisions return to a better place, and you will be okay. If you get to 200, it will only be for a minute, and the band will gently take you down again. I worry about the perfectionism drive we all seem to have at times. I think it might be one of the reasons we got ourselves up to 300...????

Darcy, OH NO! F***** is D****** is L*** *****. Please, somebody stop this madness! I refuse to go there. I refuse. Eileen, I loved that you got on that first mod thread and called her out as a troll...that was priceless!

Eileen, your field trip sounds like so much fun! I haven't been to a place like that, but Animal Kingdom as a Safari thing that sounds a lot like it...I love animals and nature, too.

Hi, Betty! Glad you stayed home today to get some rest!

Patty, I wish I woke up to coffee and pancakes! Sounds great!

Gotta run, have stuff to grade!

Hugs to all, Cindy

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Dear Dianne,

Hang in there baby! You sound sleep deprived with a bit post-partum depression. It's good news that your pup is being seen by a doctor. I recently tried a shake recipe by PhotoNut. She mixes Protein powder/milk/slimfast into a huge cocktail and WOW that thing slamed my hunger and boosted my energy.... I'm gonna make another one today! I no longer have my sugar cravings and am much less grouchy -- whew!

Update date on the twins first day of High school. They did great! As they walked to the car I didn't see smiles but relief that Mom was there. As the afternoon progressed I heard about how big the campus was and that each brother was searching for the other..... and that they both share their last class of the day! Well, for this Mom, she can finally breathe a little bit :nervous

Sherry: Just wanted to encourage you on the new job application. It's just not fair when you are doing this huge job and not being compensated for it... just like when men get paid the higher rate :P I really hope you get a shot at this new position -- keep us updated.

Darcy: I'm calling you for doggie advice on the day I adopt a dog. Mind you I won't be calling for a long long time but your pet knowledge is admirable.

Eileenie: Thanks for the little hug. I am really glad to have gotten the twins settled in. Now for me and my 2 munchkins.... we 3 begin on September 6th. The real test will be dropping off all 4 kids, racing home to change and get to work on time -- it's magic!

PS: thanks Dianne for the letter info on the NC board. I will look into it.

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Hi everyone!

Dianne--I am so sorry the pup is sick again, it just leaves you feeling so helpless. Wish I could help. At least we all have Darcy here, our own resident vet!!! And don't we love her for it!!! Too bad she had to learn all she knows the hard way as well!!! I was a bit sad that Lost Lucy didn't get to stay. But, it at least told me I am getting past the fear of having another dog. Having to have Chelsea put down was just a lot harder than I can say. On a brighter note...I am going today to look into the Curves here in town. Time to tighten up some jiggly junk!!

Betty--I know about your foot, and I know it requires it to be well to support the bike...Now why I didn't put 1 and 1 together and come up with 2? Who knows!! Brain fart!! Sorry, you and my DH are partners in misery then, the cooler weather here, is tempting him so badly. We always go to a rally up in Southern Colorado over Labor Day weekend. But at the last minute things went to pieces, with the tribe wanting more money, it is held partly on the reservation. So now they just cancelled most of it. Leaving vendors, and bikers coming in from all over. We had planned on driving up and walking through. but now we kinda wonder how the "mood" of the masses will be affected. They said some vendors are setting up in town...we may drive up Sunday and check it out if Saturday goes well. Anyway--rest up, and hope you feel better!

Eileen--my SIL collects giraffe stuff. It is always so easy to buy for her and please her!!! In HS I was skinny...not thin...skinny. Not a good look either I might add. But my best friend was heavy, and I would always stand in front of her...I don't remember us ever arranging it, but she thanked me for it, and we did it every day!!! On either side of the bench, my back to her, but blocking a direct view of her! Hadn't thought about that in years!! We went on to both end up very big. She diet pilled, and drank her weight down to almost normal. And is no longer my best friend, she is now my ex husbands girlfriend!!

Sherry--hope works settles down. If you want the new "old" job (!) I hope you get it, and that the pay goes along with it!

Patty--how did the boys first day go?

Cindy--how goes things? Glad DD likes PE, that helps so much!!

I am truly beginning to worry about Donna. Hoping and praying all is well.

Pat --where you be at??

Allison?? You out having fun today too?

We ran some cement for my Dad this morning, he and I did, poor DH hates not being able to do anything. He is healing well tho, not a time to ruin it. DD is waiting to have a test run to decide what the extra renal pelvic floor diagnosis is all about. I saw a cartoon, that I felt applied to us at times, had a guy saying he had so many problems he felt like a Problem Pez dispenser. Everytime he turned his head a new problem popped up!!

Well I am off to unload the DW, while the granddaughter is sleeping. She is such help!!! Talk to y'all soon!


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Hiya Ladies...

Dianne... I am sorry that Miss Lucy is with the vet again but sometimes it is a load of ones heart and mind! I'm surprised they didn't do and X-Ray on your first visit to rule out an obstruction? I hope they figure out what the heck is happening! Get some sleep tonight girl!

Patty... It's unfortunate how I have gotten my dog knowledge... too many sick dogs I'm afraid! Maybe get a little mutt/mix when you do get one... they seem to have a more diverse gene pool and sometimes seem to be healthier dogs in general. I swear... from now on this girl is getting a mutt! I'm glad the twins survived day one in the big world of high school!

Cindy... Huh? LOL... ya lost me there! Oh wait... I think I do get it... doy... took me a minute to figure out the code there! I've learned the read and run technique... I didn't have a choice last time really... but this time I'll just read and move on down the road... straight to Jersey!!!!

Kat... you better keep a leash on that hubby of yours! As he feels better it will be harder to keep him out of trouble!

Okay.. so... Patty's making pancakes and coffee in the morning????


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Hi Kids,

I left this morning and forgot to log out of LBT, so it looks like I've been here all day LOLOL duh me.

Kat isn't it strange how things work out (meaning your ex friend and ex hubby).. well IMHO, its really no loss to you... good riddens to old rubbish. I hope DD's testing goes well, its just to much to go thru for some one so young.

Patty I'm glad the kids did well.. the first few days can be so nerve wracking. Your gonna have to get up at 4:30 am like I do to get ready and get yourself to work on time lolol it isn't fun but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Sherry that sucks that they are making you work so many hours, you have every right to be pissed, upset and tired. Who can go on like that???? I know I can't. I remember in my 20's working like that but dang, there's no way I could do it now. Hope things straighten out soon.... luv yah.

Cindy, I try like a bugger to stay away from those threads but it just knaws at me some times..... some times the best words are no words lol.

Dianne love, I agee with Cindy, I would wait until your stress level goes away some b/4 making a decision.. hang in there and poor little Lucy has my prayers. Yes, I've been to van saun.. its a great little zoo but nothing like the catskill farm, I'd love to see the camden aquarium some day.

Betty, awwww hang in there too. Hope your day went fast and have a good nights rest.

Today I took some co workers to lunch with DD, then visited my mom only to take her to the emergency room b/c when she was gardening she got pricked by a rose thorn.... her hand blew up like you couldn't imagine. It looked like a purple orange on the top of her hand (b/c of the blood), the doctor took out the thorn which was a good thing I took her b/c it could have traveled in her system thru her blood, they gave her an antibiotic and sent her home 4 hrs later OY!!! It was not fun entertaining 2 kids (my dd and my neice) in the hospital LOLOL.

So my dears, I'm gonna post some zoo pictures and then call it a night.... I's be pooped!

Luv you gals.

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