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Good Morning Y'all,

It's only going to be in the 90's today!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: We did get a little rain too, so that helped. We need it so bad!

I was sick most of the day yesterday, but so far this morning I feel much better. I don't know what the problem was, but I woke up with a fever and hurt all over most of the day. No fever this morning though!

Sherry - If you can't eat solids honey you are too tight. You need to take just a small amount out. You don't want to hurt your band, and in the long run when you are too tight, you don't lose weight the way you should. Hope you are feeling better today.

Eileen - Hope the party went well, I know you must have been bushed. Glad your DN is home.

Patty - Where there's a will, there's a way, don't give up. Just keep trying! I'll keep my fingers and everything else crossed for you.

Kat - I haven't been able to ride for a long time because of my foot. They don't want me to be walking or standing on it more that absolutely necessary, and I don't think trying to hold my bike up would be too good for it. However, I can't wait too much longer.

Cindy - Sounds like fun to me, you are right, we live too close not to get together. I'll count on it.

Darcy - What's up with you today? Was it hot there this weekend or did y'all just take a break from the cabin?

Well, as usual, running out of time so I need to get dressed for work. Catch you all later!

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Good Morning,

Hope everyone had a decent weekend. I'm home this week :) DD's daycare is closed. I'm watching one of the kids that goes there as well today.... she's 2 years older than my Dd and she's so pushy and bossy it drives me nuts... can be rude and teases my kid so much.... I hope today since her mom won't be here she won't pull that chit. Perfect day to clean the spare room that you can't even walk thru LOLOL...

Kat its great you have good restriction, just make sure your getting enough nutrition. Do you get frustrated b/c you can't eat more? I know I do.

Betty, hope your feeling better, there's lots of stuff going around, last week i was so week and sick I slept all sunday afternoon... :hug:

Well gang, I'll be back later, thats for sure :)

Hugs :)

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I hope you all know that if I miss your name in a post... My memory latches on to the most recently viewed names... but my thoughts really are with all of you!

Sherry...Take care with being overly restricted... some of us are just really sensative to fills. You may just need a wee smidge taken out? I know one thing... once that cycle of irritation starts it is really hard to avoid an unfill. I'm glad you are able to take in fluids and can have a Protein Shake if you need to!

Kat... Hope you had a good walk with the hubby....how is he feeling?

Eileen... Hmmm... sounds like a child that need that Nanny from that one movie... shoot... can't remember her name but she had big warts... a huge nose and one tooth that stuck out. :)

Betty... We did finally go up to the cabin for a short while on Sunday... there was almost a hint of fall in the air! Fall is my favorite season so I was thrilled! I can't wait until we can wear jackets and be around the campfire up there without mosquitos! Hope you are feeling better today!

Cindy... Boy... nobody has ever called me normal before! LOL Hey... I always trya and laugh at myself before others get the chance...lol. In regards to your daughter... my daughter doesn't like anything remotely athletic either. I've tried to get her interested just because I know our gentic predisposition for being overweight... alas... no go. She joined track last year and hated every minute of it...lol.

Donna... WHERE ARE YOU???????????????????????????????????????

Okay...we are off to Eyemart... DD glasses broke yesterday of all days and she is blind as a bat without them!


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Betty-Sorry you felt so bad yesterday. Fevers are no fun!

Kat-Hope you and DH had a nice walk last night. I've been to lazy to go for a walk these days. It's been so humid and when I go I want to take Lucy, but she's 31 pounds and I have to pick her up to get her over the invisible fence. I know excuses excuses!

Eileen-I bet the party was fun! Do you have any plans for this week?

Cindy-I'll be a goalie for chocolate!

Darcy-I forgot where you live, are you near the Cape?

So I have been trying to decide again weather to have a fill or not and I think I'm going to hold off! Or am I stupid not to have one..HELP..I don't know..We go on the cruise on the 21st of Sept. I don't know if I'm losing, but everyone is telling me I look smaller. Size wise I'm still a 12 I did zip a 12 up and they felt good but they were a huge 12 and none of the other 12's zipped. I haven't been on the scale in about 5-6 weeks and now with TOM here I won't until next Monday. But here's the eating scoop. Now that PMS is over I do have some control back in my life! We went to eat yesterday and I had a full piece of chicken parm a tiny bit of salad, small piece of bread, really only to crust of a piece, and 4 bites of canoli. I was stuffed for the rest of the afternoon. Then of course last night I had to eat dinner so I had 4 of those costco egg rolls they are small and I think there like 260 calories for 4.

Saturday we met Kim, for lunch and I ate less than 1/2 of a small omelet. she thinks I need a fill cause I get hungry. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! OH AND WHAT HAPPENS IF WE GET TO 4CC?

Have a good day. I'm bummed the pool is now closed until 3:30! This is the last week they are open..errrrr...bummer

I'll see you guys later. Have a good day.

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Dianne... My surgeon told me that the 4cc band actually will hold more that 4 cc's... I am wondering if Inamed agrees with this assessment. It's not something I have ever worried about as I can't seem to get over 1cc without problems. You may find it only takes .2 to .4 cc's to get restriction again... but don't cross the worrying bridge until ya get there!

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Hi, everyone!

Dianne...you are going on a cruise? And thinking about a getting another fill? Uh..did I miss a big logical leap here? LOL! I'd hold off...but that's me!


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Hello everyone,

Well I did better today but, I think it's because I've tried to notice quicker that the full limit is coming. I had a snack pack of 2% lowfat cottage cheese for Breakfast, 3/4 c onion Soup for lunch and 1/2 of one of those broccoli stuffed chicken breast things by like tyson for dinner today. Not too bad. BUT, ya know what I just figured out DUH! TOM is suppose to visit this Friday so my body is probably starting to retain Fluid. Might explain the 1 pound gain when I barely ate yesterday huh? lol Slow and easy. Oh...I confess....today I melted about 10 Mega M&Ms in my mouth not in my hands lol. PMS here we come.

Everyone....thank you so very much for your advice too. I truly appreciate it. But....how do you ask a doctor to take out .1 when to me, he still hasn't figure out how much is freaking in there in the first place? Oh yea that still frustrates me to death lol.

Dianne - Doesn't sound to me like you need a fill if you only ate 1/2 a small omelet. Was it made with 2 or 3 eggs? Also...is it head hunger in between or real hunger? I swear the head feels just as strong. When is your cruise?

Darcy - I think the 4cc band would hold more because the band holds 4cc but the tubing has to count as well right? Might also explain why we sometimes feel so tight in the morning. I have a feeling the saline when we lay down moves more to the band...when we walk around the saline moves down the tube a bit especially as we eat. Hmmm I think I just talked myself into realizing why my band is so tight in the am hahaha. Oh and don't worry about the missed personals...I know how hard it is to keep up and see all the names. If it's not on the advanced screen I don't seem em either lol. Hugs!

Eileen - God Bless you for watching that child this week. Ohhh I don't like it when kids are like that. I don't know if I could do it lol. Now that my DS is 16 it's just so easy because as long as there is food that he likes in the house he's happy as a clam lol. Hope you do have a good week with DD :)

Betty - Seems to be something going around. A few gals from work had that sick thing too. Ohhh I went to the Harley shop near here to look at a Ridley. Ever hear of them? They are 750s and fully automatic. Ohhh soooo pretty but, man...you can only guess since a Harley dealers sells them that they are just as pricey as a Harley. Well almost. They want $14,000 for the cheapest one and they only go up from there. Man they are beautiful. I love the black one with the pink flames hee hee. Try googling them if you get a chance. Oh yea....DH has this thing he added to his throttle bar...it helps with the carpal tunnel it's called a Palm Breaker. Try looking them up. My aunt uses one too and she has carpal tunnel and swears by them. There anywhere from 10-12 dollars. Try JC Whitney.

Kat - Sounds like I'm in the same boat as you with this last fill. Just eat small portions then go back for more later. I did that with my 1/2 piece of chicken today. Ate 1/2 of the 1/2...sorted laundry, cleaned up some of the house...went back for the rest. It worked...and since I was able to eat the solid I'll keep trying that. You're weightloss has been fantastic...great work!

Cindy - You're right....small small pieces work. Amazing as you swallow something you turn :phone: knowing rut ro that was too big...then you wait :confused: for the ball to start lol. Thanks for reminding me to cut it small, cause it really helped me with dinner tonight. Ohhh when LBT was down this weekend I thought we were all being punished lol. We didn't do anything but, because of the complainers and flamers last week. I missed my buds

Bean - Did you end up with another fill? Can't remember if you said you were getting one or not.

I know I've missed people but, Gosh my posts are always so dang long when I post personals. I just can't seem to shut myself up :guess . I swear I could talk to all of you for hours! Anne, Donna, Mary, Patty, Pat.....HELLOOOOOOO :)

Ok time to cruise around and see what trouble..oops...see where I can help hee hee

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Hahahaha! Sherry, that cracked me up! I'm trying not to be so "helpful" this week. Sometimes my mouse wants to click on a thread and I say NO, and make my mouse just move right over it! LOL!

Dianne, didn't mean for my response to be so abrupt. Someone walked in my room right then, and I had to bug off the post...sorry! But seriously, a cruise and a fill? As my fave NJ girl says, WTF? LOL!

OH yeah, Sherry...apparently TOM can cause havoc with a fill...I don't have that prob. anymore due to a hysterectomy a few years ago.

Darcy, just saying hello...whatcha doin?

Everyone else, forgive me...it's bedtime, and I'd love to stay up and play, but it's time to call it a day and listen to DD read to me!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hey Guys,

Please say a quick prayer for our little Lucy (puppy) she is having stomach trouble and if she doesn't seem better in a few minutes I'm going to take her to the emergency vet. She loves her pull toy which has lots of strings and I fear that she may be all tied up inside...yikes...DH is out of town and kids have school so I'd be taking her solo. She is only 9 months old.

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Prayers are on their way and will continue to be sent. Wish I was there to go with you for moral support. big hugs for you and Lucy too...my nieces call me Aunt Lucy! (My DH is legally named Ricky...even tho I call him Rick!). Let us know how she is.


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Oh Dianne... I hope Lucy is okay! Saying prayers and please let us know how she is doing...okay? It's so hard when puppies are sick... they just can't tell you what is wrong! ((((Hugs))))

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Good Morning Y'all!

It finally cooled down some here with a little rain!:clap2: :clap2:

I think it's going to be a long week for me, I got up today thinking it was Wednesday!

Diane - I sure wouldn't get a fill before I was going if it were me. I could go in your place if you don't want to worry about it!:D :D :eek: Hope your puppy is better, did you find out what was wrong?

Sherry - Wow, those Ridley's are cool, I really like the x88's. Glad you are feeling better now. I have one of those things on my bike already, it does help a lot.

Eileen - Have your rested up from the party yet? Oh, I forgot you are on vacation this week aren't you?

Darcy - I just love those big campfires when it is cool out. It makes me so relaxed! We used to have some really big ones!

Kat - You are doing a great job with your band. I sure wish I could do some nice walks again, it's funny when I had to do them I had to make myself, now I wish I could.

Well, I have to run, want to check a few more threads and I am running late already!

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Good Morning,

Betty yes, I'm home this week. Its a foggy gloomy day out... kinda nice but who wants to waste their vacation indoors ya know. Yes I've recooped with the party, still have cake in the frig but its not calling my name AS loud today LoloL.

Dianne, how is Lucy :D I would not get a fill b/4 vacation b/c you never know. At least if you get it after your trip you'll be home and if something goes wrong you'll be close enuf to your doc to fix it.

Sherry glad your doing better today.... mega M&M's huh... are you raiding my cabinets?? lolol, you sound just like me, I LUV those things.

Cindy, Darcy, Anne, Beanie Toots, Pat, Patty, Kat, Mary, Allison, Donna luv you gals... pop in when you can.

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Hey all

Lucy is spending the day with the vet. She gave us the look! I brought her favorite stuffed toy so she can relax with him.

Vet says everything feels normal like there is no blockage, but he is conserned as to why she is doing this. He hopes she'll show him what she's been doing at home thats why she's hanging out there for the day. He thinks she may have colitis! I have no clue what that would mean for a doggie...how is she going to have a colonoscopy ever year!

I'll know more later today.


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