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August Chat

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Hello to everyone!

Dianne, love your surprise story...I bet ya'll had a really great time! Glad you found the prayer request thread, too...(I just read it a little while ago).

Allison, what's going on? I couldn't tell if you were having a computer glitch, or if that's just all you wanted to say! LOL!

Anne! Great to see ya! Sounds like a great trip, even if there wasn't any internet...thanks for noticing the loss thing...that last fill seems to have been a winner. Congrats on your big casino win, too! That's too cool! I didn't know you were a twin, either... DD is starting 4th grade, waaay excited to go back; in fact, today was her 1st day of school!

Beanie, enjoy the gkids visit, then enjoy the rest from the visit! I really understand where you are with the journey right now, and I'd just go with the flow...you will get your groove back when it cools off, I think you are right about that.

Sherry, you GO girl! All I did was report a thread to a moderator and asked that certain people be prohibited from posting. They are ridiculous and ruin the boards for everyone. (pssst...it isn't the first time this has happened, unfortunately). Also unfortunately, those same people will just re-register as someone else, and we'll be back here with the same pitiful behavior in a few more months...still, I enjoy seeing a little backbone and courage once in a while.

That said, I am another grateful person that we have LBT for the information and support. Some of the posts were simply appalling.

Eileen, hope mr boss man gets out of the office tomorrow so you can post something...

Betty, glad you could stop by this morning, and hope you got that shower! Seriously, when are we gonna get together? You are really always so busy, but there's gotta be something we can shoot for (as in a goal, not that we have real guns...) LOL!

Pat, how's the friends' SIL and family?

Patty, what's going on?

Donna? I'm wondering about you, our Florida friend!

Gotta run...meeting...not that I care, but I still have to pretend I do!


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Anne--no internet...you WERE roughing it girl!!! Glad you enjoyed it, and that youare back. What did you spend your winnings on? Lucky girl!!!

Cindy--I missed the bashing, I have seen reference to it today, but am proud of your backbone! Sometimes I have no problem standing up for myself, others, I wimp out, never know which me is gonna appear! Anyway--way to go! And like you I am begining to worry about Donna. Has anyone heard anything, or is she vacationing again and I missed it?

Thanks Anne!!!--- I was just wondering where abouts you Texans were located as well. Our place in Texas is outside of a little town called Comanche, it is between Austin and Abilene. Anywhere remotely close to any of you?? Betty, I agree the interstates make travel fast, although I notice around where we go in TX, it is all fast!!! Little roads and they have 65-70 mph speed limits. Not so here in NM. We have such abysmal drivers, and all the driving records we set, are bad ones...most DWI's etc. Plus our roads, all intersect with reservation roads, and all the laws change....so it is mostly 55mph. I also like how when we are driving down there, if you come up behind someone, they just slide on over to the shoulder and let ya by!!! Not so considerate here!!!

Eileen--boss change his plans and stick around? Oh no, he will be gone tomorrow---ok, I am slow on the uptake today!!!

Dianne--I am so glad you had such a good time with your husband. It is refreshing! I hope you have many, many years of anniversary's to do your "thong thang".

Patty--you out getting ready for school?

Darcy--I have thought about you and your test many times today, hope you are ok!!! Let us know.

Sherry---any pre-lim drawings of the tattoo you want. I don't have any. Neither does DH, doesn't that make us unique??? My ex was fully sleeved, and had his back convered, so, I tend to stay away!!!

Ok, I am off, we are going to a movie tonight, just have to decide what movie. Wonder if I can eat any popcorn.....


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Oooo not a good day in band land for me. This afternoon threw up wheat thins right up my nose lol. Went to Dream Dinners with my mom tonight and put some meals together. They had samples, I didn't eat dinner because there wasn't any time. The samples went down fine but nooooooo I was thirsty and thinkin only a sip BINGO slimin all the way home more than 20 miles. I kept apologizing to my mom but she said don't worry about it...I just don't know how you can stand it. I said well it's not always easy but this was my fault. I knew better but did it anyway. Truly it was my fault. The wheat thins.....surprised me but, they're thrown away now so not gonna happen again lol. Cooked me up some Onion Soup for tomorrows lunch and I'm going to puree it so I don't have to worry about the lumps. The warmth of the Soup feels so good. Oh wellsky live and learn, do again hee hee

Cindy - seems I always miss the really bad stuff that goes on in the threads but it totally amazed me that on a thread opened by a moderator explaining rules, etiquette and plain old politeness to people and that one particula person, before the mod locked the thread, had to rehash old crap. I can't blame Penni for locking the thread at all! People just don't seem to get it sometimes I guess. I'll keep my safe corner of threads here with you gals :wacko:

Betty - God bless ya..you must read alot of crap and have to work your way through it being a moderator. Thanks for your hard work my friend.

I'm gonna mosey around the threads. Hope everyone is doing well. The scale was playing games with me this morning so I decided to ignore it hahaha.

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Hi Anne- It's good to see you. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

Betty-How's the training going?

Beanie-I'm excited for you about your vacation. When do you leave? Have a wonderful time. Hang in there with the weight stuff. Like you said at least it's going down!

Eileen-We need to come up and kick his butt!!!

Cindy-How was DD's first day back?

Pat-Any new news?

Kat-Thanks I can't believe it's been 25 yrs. I feel like I'm just starting my life and I have grown up kids and I've been married so long. I was a baby bride, 21, so I guess I really am beginning my life! How is DH doing?

Sherry-Sorry about the Wheat Thins. I was so hungry for dinner send DD to subway I get a 3 inch sub there and I ate 3 bites fast and need I say more! What an idiot I am!

I will try to post that picture on our picture post and see what happens. Then I'm hitting the sack! I have that dizzy headache body aching thing going on! Night night.

Oh Patty-Did school start today?

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Hi all,

I've been cleaning all day and I'm pooped! I cleaned out the top of the fridge, the laundry room, the coat closet, and gave the kitchen a good scrubbing. My older DS is having a garage sale next week so I'm pulling stuff out for that as well. I haven't nested like this since I was preggers with my youngest. Don't even think it - DH had the snip snip months ago. :wacko:

Sherry, I'm sorry that you had such a tough day. I've never had problems with Wheat Thins... just goes to show how differently our stomachs react to the band. Of course, that may all change when I get my fill next week. Hope you're feeling better now!

Kat, I spent my casino winnings on DD's bedroom. She's moving from a crib into a twin bed, so I bought her a really cute comforter and curtains from Pottery Barn. I never would have let myself spend the money if I hadn't had the windfall, so it was a lot of fun to make a guilt-free purchase. :eek:

Cindy, I couldn't agree more with you about those posts ruining it for everyone. I was trying to explain it to my sister and I told her that there are two queen bees fighting over the drones - LOL! Also, I really hate that thread where everyone rips on the newbies for asking stupid questions. You don't know they're stupid questions when you're a newbie! I know it's supposedly all in fun, but if I was new I'd never want to start a thread. Sigh... it's just so... highschool (shudder!).

Allison, you must work for the same company as Eilene. Is the boss man on your trail? :rant:

Betty, they sure keep you hopping at work! They're lucky to have you.

Eilene, can't wait till you can come out to play tomorrow. :)

Darcy, have you recovered from the scope? Been thinking of you. (((HUGS)))

Okay, gotta get the kids to bed. We've been getting up later and later all Summer, so it's going to be a rude awakening when they're going to bed at 8pm again. Talk to you all soon. :P

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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh, this would have been a good morning to just lay in bed for a while, but come tomorrow morning when I could lay there I will be up with bells on! WTF?:):D :D :D

Darcy, oh Darcy~ where are you girl? Hope your test wasn't too bad! Thinking about you girl!

Cindy - Let's think of a time and place and I'll be there. I might have to bring the old man, I don't know my way around too many places.:D

Eileen - Don't that boss of yours ever take a vacation? Kick his butt out the door!

Dianne - I loved the picture of you on the other thread, you are a beautiful lady!

Anne - You sound like you put in a good days work, time to stop and smell the roses now.

Pat - Hey girl, how is the new gal doing?

Patty - Well, have you been pestering them? Move it girl, drive them nuts!

Sherry - You can eat that stuff, just don't drink right afterwards. It seems to set it up into a thickness that just don't want to go down. I hate it when I forget and take a drink too soon after eating anything like that. Hope you feel better!

Nates Mom - Good morning right back at you!

Beanie - Hope you are enjoying your time off!

Well, got to run, I got my shower yesterday and made it on time, now here I am again, running late! Today is jean day though, so I don't have to get clothes ready and all, I love Fridays!

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Morning All!

Sorry for the delay... I was soooo drugged yesterday afternoon...lol. My sister kept giggling because I would repeat the same story...OVER AND OVER. The prep was hell but the actual procedure was a breeze... and let me tell you... those were some great drugs! LOL. He saw and removed one polyp and there were internal hemorrhoids... but that was it. Whew! I'm just glad it's over with!

Betty... TGIF!!! Hope you are nice and comfy in your jeans today and that you get to snooze till noon tomorrow!

Eileen... THis boss situation is getting out of control... that man has got to get a busy travel schedule!

Anne... I bet your daughter's room looks so cute! It's always a lot more fun to spend money when it is guilt free! Good luck with your fill next week! LOL on the fart story... I apparently let a fairly impressive one fly after... joy.

Sherry... Bummer in regards to the wheat thin incident... yikers! I can usually get those down but tricuits are a whole different ball game...lol. Sip that onion Soup and stick with liquids all day if you can.

Dianne... Glad you had a wonderful anniversary celebration sporting that thong! I bet your hubby is really enjoying watching you come out of your shell with the weight-loss! COngratulations!

Beanie... I bet you are lovin on those grandbabies as I type! I hope you all have a terrific time and that you get some much deserved R&R this weekend!

KAt... I did go through a whole ROLL of the Charmin...lol. OMIGOSH... that stuff was awful and I only got a little over half down before it started coming back up. I was afraid they wouldn't do the test and that I had gone throug all of that for nothing... but they did it anyway! Sorry you and the hubby have to miss the Rally... but next year he will be healthy and strong and you will be sporting a sexy little outfit!

Mary... I know you are reading so sending you a ((((hug)))) Hope everything is okay with you and that you get some extra time to play with us soon!

Donna... Where are you girl... we are all starting to WORRY!!!!!

Cindy... While I read the drama on the board because I am afflicted with the "can't pass a train wreck without gawking" syndrome... I never participate. THat's what led my my leaving LBT in the first place and I will never be goaded into participating again. I generally just keep my posts here... it's safer that way... actually... that is a bit sad that I don't feel at ease posting elsewhere isn't it. Oh well. *shrug* How did your daughter's first day back to school go????? OH... and this is funny... that magazine that you and Pat mentioned was placed on my lap to read by the nurse while I was waiting for them to take me back for the scope...lol... I am going to look into getting a subcription as I really enjoyed it!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!

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Good Morning, what a busy busy few days its been. My nephew was in a car accident on Wednesday, I hope the picture thingy works so you can see the firemen cutting him out of his car. Took them 3 hours to get the roof off. It was his fault, he cut off a truck. It was scary b/c we thought he wasn't getting Fluid to the brain but it turns out he is okay.. a broken hand, concussion and lots of bruising... lucky boy. Long story behind this nephew, some day i'll tell you all about his 100 operations b/c he accidently fell with his hunting gun and it blew 1/4 of his face off (when he was 13, he's now 23).... so we're happy he's okay. You can see him laying in the car... poor thing.

"] http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/8459/kenny82306caraccidentbw001mn8.jpg

Pat, its so good to see you back....I've missed you so much. My stars, I feel horrible about your friend and his family, they are all in my prayers, especially the father of the baby :(

Nates.... WELCOME !!! and your baby boy is just precious. Your doing fantastic with your WL... WTG !!!!

Darcy, the first thing that came to my mind about your heiney test was hemorroids... i'm SOOOO glad the test went okay and its nothing serious :D btw, I had one of those tests with out being drugged up... they did it with nothing... can you imagine... felt like it was gonna come out of my teeth... butchers.

Betty I'm with ya on laying in bed today. I'm emotionally drained and today would have been a good day thats for sure. Hope your doing okay toots.

Beanie 20 lbs is good IMHO, shoot, if you lose 20 in 6 months, thats 40 in 1 year... thats almost 1 lb per week which is what we should be doing according to everything i have read so WTF is your doctors problem. listen.... your doing great, don't let this get you down, just keep doing what your doing. My doc is happy with 1 lb a week.... so am I. Have fun with the kiddies and mostly ENJOY YOURSELF !!!!

Anne, good to see your back. I have such a messy house if ya feel spunky today I'll give you the keys LOL. I give your sister credit for having a garage sale, i can't deal with people and them trying to hack you down on a 10 cent item... drives me bonkers lolol.... just like our Jersey road rage, I have garage sale rage :D have fun. 1500 bucks at the casino's.. how *f* cool is that ???? congratulations.

Diannnnnie, glad you had a wonderful time with DH on your anniversary.. but come on chickie, a thong and hitting the sack at 9:30 pm ?????? :D I think not, bet you had DH working double time on that CAP machine LOLOL snort ~

Sherry, crackers out the nose... allll righty then :phanvan is your fill to tight or is that some sort of new seductive pick up move that you've tried on your DH ROFLMFAO !!! Hope your feeling better today and yes, Soup feels so good, I have it every day.

Kat how is DH? you sound really better lately...its a good thing :hug: Were you able to down some popcorn.... I sware, there's nothing I can't eat and i find bread to be the easiest.... I surely am strange huh.

Cindy love, how's school going along, this would be your first full week? I know your counting the days huh.... can't blame you. I have 25 more years b/4 I can even think about retiring... uhhh thats sad LOL, hope i live so long ((((egads that sounds like my mother, what have i become ahhh)))) :D

Okay.... I am on vacation this coming week b/c dd's school is closed yahoooooo, I am so gonna sleep. We are gonna do some day trips but thats about it and i'm also meeting a friend (internet) who i met in 1997. She is flying out here so i'm so excited.

As I'm looking at all the good work dieting you all are doing, i was shoveling a HUGE chocolate coated cookie in my pie hole, bet that cookie was 500 calories... sigh, I'm talking 1" thick..... 5" long, butter cookie with chocolate icing on top and inside.... :help: i'm so ashamed, really... when is it gonna stop? rant over...

I'm so sorry if I have forgotten anyone, I will go back to see :)


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OMIGOSH... Eileen... It is amazing that he is okay... AMAZING! Boy...that picture is going to be one for the scrapbook! Looking forward to the whole story of your DN's life... sounds like it will be an interesting one. I'm not sure if he has bad luck or good luck??? You deserve a vaction girl and I'm glad you are getting one! Oh...BTW... I am not doing well with the dieting either... so don't feel like you are the only one. (((HUgs)))

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Good Morning All,

Here's my latest email from my friend:

Jae arrived in San Antonio last night (with his parents). His sister also

arrived sometime in the night and they were able to see him for a few

minutes this morning. He was heavily sedated because they were "cleaning"

his arm again and preparing him for his first skin graft this afternoon.

The doctors are very encouraged about him - he has made it thru the first

critical 72 hours and now we pray he makes it thru the next 2 weeks with

no infection. Internally he is still doing great so we are thankful for

that. His ears are packed to try to hold the cartilage together, the tip

of his nose is burned and just above his upper lip. The 2nd degree burns

on his legs and right side will be fine - may require one skin grafting.

The 3rd degree burns will be the challenge - especially his arm. They will

remove a layer of skin from his stomach to do this first skin graft but are

hopeful that soon they will be able to skin graft from his legs.

We are taking Sierra back to the hospital this afternoon to try inducement

again tonight and tomorrow morning. If that doesn't work this time, they

will do a C-section - the doctor wants Addie to be born by the weekend due

to the worsening edema.

We appreciate all your prayers and hopefully will soon have a healthy baby,

and a healthy mother who can soon get to San Antonio. I know some of her

stress level will lessen once she can go there and see him.

I would also ask that you keep all the soldiers and their families in your

prayers - there were 3 more killed in Jae's unit on Tuesday.

I will send another update once we have little Addie here!!

Poor thing, this is her first grandchild and with so much sadness at the same time. Thanks everyone for all of your prayers.

Eleven years ago, 3 of my employees were electrocuted, two of them died, but there were massive burns, so I can somewhat relate to the condition of Jae, I don't think my friend or her daughter can even imagine the magnatude of pain and suffering he is going through. I can remember the face of one of the guys that died, his face was swollen so bad his lips looked like they were going to explode from all the fluids being pumped into him.

Sorry to be so depressing today, but happy TGIF, I'm so looking forward to Saturday myself, this going into work every day is a bummer.

The new girl starts Tuesday, but she's kind of wimpy, not sure she'll make it in our fast paced office.

I was checking out the picture page, you're all looking great, didn't see any pictures of Eileenie or Cindy, just to mention a couple of ya.

No time for personals today, gotta sign the pay checks.

Will catch y'all later...Hugs

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Hey Pat... I'm glad that Jae is back in the States! Bless his heart and the pain he will have to endure over his recovery. I can't imagine how helpless his Mom must feel! My prayers continue for Jae... his family and for the safe delivery for momma and baby!

Hope your new girl works out... sometimes wimpy girls have gusto... it's just buried a little deeper.

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Well guys that actully was a computer glitch I started to write and before I even got started it posted and kicked me off. Oh well today is another day. I got my appoinment for my first fill on sept 23rd , a little over 8 weeks after my surgery but its the earliest date I could get. Hey who ever minds a lil weekend vacation in Mexico right? Sherry , I think I am on the same page as you becuase i was having Breakfast this morning and I dont think my band like the wheat toast I thought I would "try" I have been sticking to almost no carbs becuase I am a little scared of the big bad BREADS. lets just say it felt like even after it was well chewed it was just stuck there in my throat. I had some Water and it seemed to do the trick but it was a little scarry for a few min. Anyways I am glad that everyone is stable for now harleys nana. I hope that things just get better from here. My heart goes out to the familys of the people that were less fortunate. As for everyne else have a WONDERFUL FRIDAY!! AND AND EVEN BETTER WEEKEND.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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