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Hi all you guys!

Kat, I'm just real glad to hear that you and Dh are doing so well in his recovery, and you seem to be hanging in there! I think I'll carry the soap box and let YOU do the talking! Thanks for the encouragement...I just can't stand to let stuff like that just slide by without comment. It's definitely a failing of mine...

Beanie, I feel like it's Christmas with you dropping by so often! Yes, I will meet you for lunch or something!

Eileen, how you DO go on, girl. You KNOW you have beautiful eyes! Thanks for asking about my day...it was our "work day" which means the day we actually get to prepare for students, as compared to the other 3 days were we are indoctrinated to the district's current global philosophy. LOL! I think everything's ready for Monday. I can't wait to see my "kids" again...a couple of them stopped by today, and it was all hugs and visiting, and I just love those kids!

Darcy, are you okay? Stop in and tell us how you are doing with your back? I skipped yesterday's E word, but I think it's okay...don't want to over stress any muscles with my 2 lb. dumbbells. hahaha!

Sherry, did you read my posts on your picture? I think your pictures look great, and yea for you for posting! It is hard to do, but I think it is very healing, and that is very important. Go, Sherry!

Who did I miss this time....Hi Diane! I didn't do my writing yet...sorry, I'll get there!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Morning :lol:

Cindy I'm glad work went well, I thought the kids were already in school.... they must be dreading monday eh. I remember hating, I mean hating the start of a new year... I guess it was the fear of the unexpected, ya know. I'm still the same way.... nervous nellie... BTW, your such a sweetie.

Darcy...... are you ok? come out come out where ever you are.... hopefully your back is better and your walking the pups :Banane27:

Nothing much is going on today, I got the girls here (my other neice alexis) and my sisters will be here later to join in on the fun in the pool. The mornings here are crisp... like fall (ICK)... you can feel summer ending which is okay, I like fall but HATE the winter... I get SAD (seasonal depression) and winters are just way to long for me.... maybe this year it will be different with the wl.... maybe I"ll be able to enjoy moving outdoors.. *shrug* who knows.

Anyway.... watcha all doing this weekend?

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Morning All...

Back... Tis sitting on the edge of going all of the way "out". I hate that! Anyhoo... I can't sit around so I have been doing all of my normal stuff and hoping for the best. It really hurt when I awoke this morning but it's getting better as I vacuum... do laundry... etc...lol. food... doing terrible... feel the gain again. *poo* Even with as busy as I've been... not so busy as to not shove food in my pie hole.

Eileen... I know whatcha mean about the crisp morning... it was rather fallish last night and I even saw a tree that is turning already... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THis would be my first winter in a long time without being on Zoloft... I think I had better talk to the old doc when I go to get my nooks and crannies checked later this month.

Cindy... I second that you are a sweetie. I bet being back to work will be much better once the kids are actually there! Kids can sense a teacher that really enjoys being with them!

Sherry... I have to say this again... there is a huge difference in your before and after pics girl!!!! You look awesome!

Kat... Keep on enjoying that time with your hubby! Live in the moment for as long as you can! I always try and remind myself of that when I look at my daughter. How did she go from 3 to 13 overnight???

Rene... TO Veg out is my favorite activity... especially in a hotel room. I love to travel... I never grew out of the excitement of a hotel room with all of the little soaps and such...lol. I try not think about what other people have done there though. :lalala:

Crispy... Gawd I don't miss being single! I hated every minute of the dating scene. I was a complete nervous wreck with every date! Hang in there... Mr. Right is out there!!! Heck... I almost let my Mr. Right go... thought he was too nice for me... or I was too wicked for him...lol. Luckily I came to my senses!

Okay... off to finish the laundry! *joy* Have a good weekend everyone! We are off to the cabin after a block party this afternoon!

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Darcy, please be gentle with your housekeeping stuff, and your back! It might be a good idea to check on the zoloft if you think you need it...I have taken anti-depressants in the past and they were helpful. Me, I like cold weather, and rainy weather, and stuff like that, so I guess I have reverse SAD...is there such a thing?

Eileen, I've got nothin' real interesting going on this weekend...the basics. Laundry, ironing, hanging out here...LOL! Right now my DD is over at my sis's helping her babysit their gbaby, my gniece. I went over there to visit this morning. We are still moving forward in the estate controversary...so we had that to discuss.

We had some rain this morning! That's news around here!

I can't think of anything new going on, so I'll sign off and check back later. I've got to go fold the laundry...I think that ought to be the REAL "never ending story..." LOL!

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Darcy its good to see you, I was getting worried. Be gentle on your back okay......Hey chicken little, I know your struggling with your eating lately but hang in there, some times we just go through these awful slumps that last longer than we want but you'll make it threw. Hey I was thinking... could your depression be part of the eating culprit? I know for me 90% of my eating and weight gain is b/c of depression. I can do good during some of the summer... like a high but then poof.... the rest of the year I get depressed enough to start shoveling chit into my face and not really knowing why the hell I'm doing it. Also food is my drug of choice... no matter how I'm feeling, I run to food and don't know how not to :Banane27:

Cindy I don't know if there's such a thing as reverse SAD, I mean I don't see why not. Depression affects people in so many different ways. I bet your dd is having a blast co-babysitting. I know my dd would love it !

Well its time for me to put on my PJ's I've had enuf sun today and Im pleasantly pooped lol. Y'all have a wonderful evening... I wish we could all sit together on a beautiful evening like this and share some coffee or tea and chat.

Hugs and Kisses !!!

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Eileen, in a weird way, we actually do get to sit together and share a cup of tea or coffee and chat, it's just that we're physically separated by long distances! LOL! I do feel like we "get together" though...but REALLY getting to do it would be so much better!!!!!!

I second Eileen's advice, Darcy...some slumps just last longer than we want them to, but it will pass, and the main direction is a good one...we'll get there together! Remember we're right beside all you way!

Where's Sherry, Pat, Betty, Dianne, Mary, Kat, Anne...?????? Hope they are out doing somethin' fun!

Hugs, Cindy

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Hi- I can't do personals tonight gotta run. Hope you all are fine. I do wish we were closer to each other!

Have a good night, I'll try to check in tomorrow.

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Hi everyone!

I'm just catching up on the posts, but I'll be back for personals soon. We leave for vacation today, but I'm pretty sure we have internet access. If not, however will we pass the time?! Traveling with my sister and her family to a condo. Should be lots of fun - there's a huge pool and lots of stuff for the kiddies to do. And I promise to post pics of my new haircolor after the trip, but I didn't get as much of a change as I wanted. It's just brown with a small hint of red.

3am - yikes! I should head to bed. Hope you're all having a great weekend!

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Good Morning,

PAT OH PAT.....get your boney arse in here !!!! pry yourself away from your work desk and come to the light..... don't make me come down there and smack you !!! :( WE ALL MISS YOU.

DONNA OH DONNA.... ditto's....... we all miss you? did you fall off the planet? or are you enjoying your summer. Hurry back.

I know the rest of the girls are busy so your lucky today, I won't single you out LOLOLOLOL, just get your butts in here soon, even if its to say boo (and boys...you know who you are).

Its another crystal clear blue sky today... just beautiful. I have to go food shopping as soon as DH comes back from home depot (which is in about 1/2 hr).. I hate shopping with crowds of people...they have no manners and it drives me insane to have mom's let their kids run all over the place and lay in the isles or leave their carts right dab smack in the middle of the isles while they are on their cell phones.... GROWL WOOF WOOF! I really wanna bite them (see I'm not so nice lolol).

Nothing else is planned for today.... pool, maybe some cleaning IF I come indoors lolol. I need a few mondays off so I can catch up on cleaning...that would be awesome but.

Watcha all doing today?


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Today is going to be very laid back. I think we let DH overdo yesterday, he is sore today, but no serious set backs of any kind. I had wrote all about what our plans were for yesterday, and inadvertently hit a wrong button and lost it all...so give up!!! Decided to tell you about it afterwards instead!! We put DH in a wheelchair and took him to the County Fair, where they were having a oilfield company (including the one he works for) BBQ cookoff. You buy your plate and go around sampling as many as you want. We decided it was a good thing they gave us complimentary tickets, buying mine would have been a waste of money. Actually it wouldn't have been a waste, the money they raised all went to the Blue Star Mothers. A group of women who each have a child in the military. They use the money to send care packages, and to carpool to the airport in Albuquerque when a troop comes home. Different things, but a good place to raise money for. Anyway, we took our DS and his wife and baby, and DD and her baby, and met up with our best friends and their son and his wife and baby. So we were a group!!! We had a lot of fun, Rick got to see a lot of his coworkers, and visit, and catch up. We ate good food. They added a new category to the cook off, where the new side dish had to have jalapenos in it, in one form or another. I had one of those moments I truly wished I could eat like I used to!!! Some of those stuffed jalapenos looked soooo good!!! But I am still on the 3-6 bites at a time regime. An hour later I can eat another 3-6 bites. But we didn't want to be there all night!! Anyway they have a panel of judges, and then they have a peoples choice award in each of the categories, of BBQ beef, pork, sidedish, and jalapeno side. last year DH worked the cookoff and they won peoples choice for beef. We razz him about being a chef! They had a band playing, actually they were only practicing for a concert they will do later in the week, but we all listened for awhile, and watched my granddaughter dance up a storm. Then we all (minus the DD and granddaughter) came back here to our place and played a game of cards (progressive rummy). At which I got whooped on!!! We were out and about and up late, and wiped hubby out!!! He is in his recliner snoring as I type!!

Eileen--I really try not to stop my cart in the middle of an aisle, but lately it is the only safe place. My mild mannered granddaughter lately has taken to grabbing anything she can get her hands on, so the only way to avoid things being knocked off the shelf, or added to my cart...or me getting dirty looks for scolding or spanking hands....is to park her where she cannot reach!!! I wish we could all get together too. But have to admit, that even the friends I have who ARE close, we seldom seem to spend evenings like we finally did last night!! And these friends we see often compared to some others!! And there is no reason, except we all have different schedules. Usually we meet up and have dinner somewhere. We used to spend a lot of time together when our kids were playing ball, and that kind of thing, but not so much anymore...shame on us!

Cindy--I like the occasional rainy or snowy day. If it is snow, it has to be just so. Everyone has to be safe where they need to be, and not on the road, then I can put something in the crock pot, or on to simmer, and enjoy the snow. But that does not happen often. Rain I don't have such strict "rules" with. Although DH is always grumbling about how drivers mess up equipment by not knowing how to drive in the mud. And out here where I live if it rains much the backroads become bottomless. They literally use CATS to pull equipment and trucks off and on locations in the field. So he colors my perceptions!!! I love Spring, and watching things come to life, and we always end up with new calves and I like that. Fall is beautiful here. The river bed is as bright of gold as you will ever see, and the scrub oak is bright red, it is an awesome sight. But I can't enjoy it as much as Spring, knowing soon those trees will be bare, and icy!

Anne-- I know I missed you, enjoy your vacation...I either didn't know or forgot----where'd ya go????

Darcy--How's the back? Be careful, they are not to be taken lightly. One serious injury can screw with you for life. Worrying about it hurting, and hurting it worse, etc. will make you eat I would imagine. I am a stress eater in a big way!!! BTW, I was going to ask you (not that it is any of my business!!) are DH's kids giving him any grief about selling the house? I know you will love making your home together, rather than trying to deal with the current situation. We are thinking of building a new home in about 5 years. We will be debt free then!!! Our current home is paid for, but we have other things we want to finish with, and then we plan on building out on the farm. Right now, his folks have a place out there, as well as our DD and DS. In all honesty, one of the main reasons we want to wait 5 years, is that right now, his Dad would have him busy "helping" every second he was not at work!! He tends to keep him busy with us living several miles away! In 5 years DH will have changed jobs, dropped his hours, etc. Because our retirement requirements will have been reached!!! Then he will change to a slower position, and just add into his 401K. And we want to build out there so we can add a shop, something we really don't have room for here in town. Let us know how the sale prep goes!

Everyone enjoy your Sunday---I am off to move the Water. Will the fun never end???


Oh yeah I have a new mini goal---I will drop to obese level 1,(down from morbidly obese, then through level 2 obesity) when I hit 235 pounds. I have 5.5 pounds to lose to make it!!! Woo Hoo!!!

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Hey All... Just got back from the shack a bit ago... tired (didn't sleep well on ye old futon)... stinky (no running water)... but yet... it was beautiful and beautiful temps! Anyhoo... I read posts but I am just pooped so I will hafta do personals later. Back is still holding steady... the futon didn't help matters...lol. ANyhoo... (((hugs))) to everyone!

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Hello all,

We went to church, then home to the "try-on marathon" for DD's school uniforms. Let's just say we've got some buying to do. Here are her measurements: 40" / 41" / 40". She is 5'1". Interesting, isn't it? So, I have a 4th grader who needs school uniforms (khaki/navy shorts and pants, or skorts) and wears womens plus size measurements, except in length, and rise. It's a challenge! Sometimes plus petites work...the poor girl has absolutely no uniform shorts that fit from last year, so I've got to go scrounge the stores...dodging the rude shoppers that Eileen alerted us to...so I guess I need to go in the middle of the night to Walmart or something! LOL! Might as well laugh, right?

Glad you're back, Darcy...hope you are feeling better!

Kat, boy, it's hard when there's a big eat-fest going on, and we can eat 5 or 6 bites...we just have to make each bite count! Glad the healing process seems to be on track!

Anne, hope your vacation is fantastic!

Betty, where are you? I saw some couples on bikes in Sanger, and wondered if you were one of them? Were you in my little town this weekend?

Eileen, wouldn't a 4 day work week be just wonderful? Let's start now!

Hugs, Cindy

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Good Afternoon Y'all!

Just trying to get here and say hello to everyone! It's been a busy month and I haven't had time to think! My son is here and I am cooking more every day it seems.

An update on my foot, I went to the doctor and he said I still have some swelling in my foot, he is telling me if I don't stay off it I am probably looking at surgery if it won't improve. It's really hard to stay off it with so much to do, but I do try. It still hurts a lot, but I don't have near the swelling I had before or the big knot, but it hurts to stand on it.

Sherry and Beanie I love the pictures! You can tell a big difference in both of you.

Darcy I hope the back is better, I have back problems too, so I know how much they hurt, and yes I have to keep moving too! Sometimes I find if I lay down on the hard floor it helps, but it's hell getting back up!

Eileen - Hope your shopping wasn't too bad! Enjoy your time in the pool!

Kat - Glad to hear DH is doing better! Hope he didn't over do it too much!

Cindy - I bet you are busy getting ready for school!

Well, I guess I can't even sit down and write this, now I have company so I have to go! Hope to catch up later!

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sorry I haven't been around the past few days. I'm pooped but, wanted to say hello. We had a big cookout yesterday and between running to the store, setting things up, cooking, cleaning, playing hostess, cleaning it all up, washing dishes and THEN discovering that my mom's cat has terrible fleas and we're all being attached really STUNK! Sooo off to the pet store to buy flea spray, flea/tick cat wash, equivalent of frontline for cats and yet another trip to the pet store for more flea spray, vacuuming her entire apartment, getting the cat into a carrier and outside, OMG what a mess. It took well over 5 hours to complete this task and my mom wasn't here so guess who had to do it :) DH helped me when he got home from fishing because I was swearing like a trooper how this isn't even my cat and I'm the one taking care of it and the apartment just so it doesn't come up into my house...of course which some already did grrrrrr. My dogs are protected with frontline thank goodness but, still the buggers jump on us and bite us. :) I'm so disgusted and I need to talk to my mom about it. The freaking chemicals were over $80, 5 hours later and both DH and I doing it. The poor cat was being eatin alive :( DH gave him the flea bath and the Water was turning pink thats how much this poor thing was suffering. Thank goodness DH helped. I don't know what I would of done. Anyway....the kitty seem to feel better with the bath. He wasnt' crying anymore and I haven't had a flea jump on me the last hour or so so many we got them. Oh please lord say yes cause bombing the place will be sooo hard to do.

After this lovely crapola...I still had to go to the grocery store for our regular stuff and now I sit here sliming away on 1/2 a slice of pizza. Why is it when you're sliming and you spit it into a tissue you end up wearing it all? I just don't get that! Anywho.....hopefully I'll be able to catch up with everyone soon. Miss you!

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Kat-How great that DH felt good enough to go out! Sounds like he's doing well.

Anne-I hope you have a great vacation!

We are having a very nice day. Swam for 25 minutes straight then walked about a mile with crazy Lucy. Had 2 slices of pizza, pepperoni, but I didn't eat hardly any of the bread so I had 2 slices of cheese!

Were going to watch a movie now have a good night.

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