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Actually my doc is usually great...but this band was something I put in her head and since her affliated surgeons didn't do the surgery she had to refer me to Boston which was way out of her region. She only knows about the surgery from what I've told her. I just really thought she would of looked at my chart and it would be in there for crying out loud. She really is easy to talk with if I have a problem. I guess since my BP was so high she was more concerned about that because I can still function driving and walking...it's the sitting in front of the computer that throws me off or just plain sitting. I'll take this dang medicine again and see her in 10 days. In the meantime I'll be seeing my surgeon on the 16th and if it's still bad I'll tell him and see if he can offer a suggestion. Usually they just tell me to see my PCP cause he doesn't want to step on toes. My doc was truly interested when I told her how I had to eat now, what I ate and that I see a nutrionist each time I go to the doc. But...you're all right...she should of known about my band. I had to show her my scares and point out where my port is lol

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Hi Y'all!

Sorry I haven't had much time, I got home from the trip and my son was here from Indianapolis. I have been spending time with him. I really enjoyed going tubing and laughed so much. The river walk was nice, except I couldn't walk as much as I wanted with my foot, so I didn't get to see everything. I took some pictures of the tubing, but then forgot my camera on the river walk. So, now I have to use up my film so I can get them developed. I bought a Water proof one so I could use it on the river.

Eileen - Happy Birthday! I sure hope you had a great one! I love it that your rings fit again!

Kat - I am so happy everything went well with your DH surgery!

I am going to try to get back on here and do some personals, but right now I am running really late and need to get dressed for work!

Later gals!

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Good Morning- I'm off to curves was going to take a walk but it is already to darn hot!

See ya later.oh still waiting on one more possible advertiser. She wants to advertise but she is so busy she may not be able to have time to send me pictures....go figure....

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Mornin... Well...actually... almost afternoon!

It's been a busy morning! They finally showed up to take down our huge and beautiful old maple that split right down the middle. Sad. There is a yard full of tree out there that I am itching to work on but I can't without my hubby cutting up some of the branches! I did go out and fill in the holes form the other three trees that they ground the stumps out of... so definitely am getting my workout!

Betty... Nice to see ya! That doggone foot of yours is really getting in your way isn't it! I sure hope that it improves so that you can have the freedom to do any thing your little heart desires!

Sherry... I think every doctor should browse a patients chart prior to seeing them. I browsed my docs charts for him and he also reviewed prior to seeing a patient. We pay a lot of money to see the doc... they should always come into the room prepared... there is no excuse for not doing so. I know they are busy... but not knowing your patients can lead to important health problems being missed. Okay...off of my soap box now. :)

Dianne... hope you are at curves sweating off the cals. :)

Eileen... darned ole boss must be hangin over your shoulder! Miss ya!

Back to the dirty work!

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Hello Gang :huggie:

Kat I'm so thrilled that DH is home and recooping WHOOT! I hope his recovery is gentle AND I'm so glad to hear your DD is getting better, both have a long road ahead but I'm a firm believer that there is power in prayer and especially prayer in #'s. SMOOCH !!!

Sherry babe, I'm glad you went to your doctor, and I hope that your feeling better soon.

Betty glad your home and loving your time off and DS... enjoy !!

Darcy sorry about the maple tree :( I started watching what I"m eating today. DH threw out the left over cake :( I almost cried LOLOL hehehee. it was good while it lasted. I'm now fighting chocolate cravings....always get them this time of day and at night but I'll be okay. How are you doing?

Cindy I hope the dip is good b/c your one determined woman and I'd be sad if you were dissapointed LOLOL.. you go girl. Did you start school today? (brain fart).

Dianne got your PM.... we'll talk ;)

Well kiddies, nothing much happening here cept work and crapola like that. Boss let me leave a few minutes early yesterday so that was very nice.

I just got a note from Beanie that she's here in NJ and we'll be having lunch on Thursday with her mexican boyfriends... ALL OF THEM!!! whoot ;)

I wanna go home NOW! but I can't, so here I sit....

Hey remember the little rhyme we used to sing as kids in the pay toilets???

"here I sit broken hearted...paid a dime and only farted" .... I'm such an ass !!!! lolol.

Toodles :huggie:

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I survived (just barely) the first day back at school. THIS year, we were greeted with a morning full of BS about how the US is falling behind the rest of the world in preparing our student's for the 21st century...that's a fine "how do you do." They expect to encourage us with THAT? I guess that's why all those international students come to the US for university, and 18 of the top 20 universities in the world are, oh yah, in the US. The US educates all of the available population under 18 years of age, whereas these other countries mainly educate on a track system, and believe me, "inclusive" is not in the picture. They go more days a year, and more hours a day. I'm not opposed to any of that, but the travel/tourism industry in our country is opposed to it.....sorry, just venting here.....taking a deep breath....okay. I know we have problems in public schools, but dang...what kind of start to a year is that? Ya'll stink, welcome back!

Betty, glad you enjoyed the tubing and San Antonio...and hope your foot is feeling better!

Darcy, what happened to your trees? Did I miss something?

Eileen, I was so p'sd on my way home from propaganda world inservice that I forgot about the dip!!!!!! What a bummer! Now I wish I had some....boohoo!

Tomorrow will probably be more of same....the funnest thing today was my BF and I made my 90 link chain to hang around my bulletin board...one for each work day until R-day!!!!! Also, I got to meet the "new me." Yes, they have already hired my replacement....she is so brand new, she's not even certified yet....she's getting alternatively certified, which means she does not have a teaching certificate from a university at this time....sigh. See how that fits in with "students are not prepared for the 21st century"....okay.....stop.....somebody slap me! LOL!

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BF in the above post means "best friend" who works in my school with me, the one I went to Austin with! I don't have a lot of boyfriends or anything.....

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Hi everybody!

We went to my sister's house to visit with the cousins and decided to stay overnight. SO, first things first...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY EILENE!! I hope you had a nice day. I'm proud of you for throwing out the leftover cake. Here are some beautiful roses for you that I grew myself. If you stick your nose on the screen you can catch a whiff. LOL!

:huggie: :huggie: ;) ;) :( :( :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

Kat, I'm so glad to hear that DH is home safe and sound! It sounds like he went through quite a procedure. Still tough times right now I know, but hopefully he'll improve a little bit each day. Great news about your mom and daughter too.

Cindy, I had no idea you were back to work so soon! Sounds like quite a meeting. If that's the way they treat the teachers I can see why you're counting down every day. By the way, I make Eilene's spinach dip too (and it's sooooo good). Try adding chopped Water chestnuts if you like them.

Darcy, what happened to your tree? Did it go down in a storm, or was it just old? It's so sad when one of those big old trees dies.

Sherry, has the blood pressure medication helped with the vertigo at all? I sure hope so! It's hard to concentrate on much of anything when you're dizzy.

Dianne, good luck getting that last advertiser locked in!

Betty, sorry to hear that your foot is still giving you trouble. Has the boot helped at all? (((HUGS)))

Beanie, have a great trip to NY! I hope work is slowing down for you and you can stop in and say howdy.

I went to get my hair cut and colored today. I went darker than usual and asked for a hint of red. I've never had any red put in my hair before, so I was nervous, but I think I like it! Now maybe people will stop asking me where my kids get their red hair. :)

Quick story... My son was painting with some new paints today but he was having trouble getting the paint onto the brush. He made me paint the entire picture all by myself under his supervison. When I was done painting he said "Oh wow, it's so beautiful. Dad's going to be so proud of me!". LOL! Everyone says he's going to be an engineer, but I think management might be his calling. He sure loves bossing me around at any rate!

Time to get the kids to bed. Talk to you all soon!

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hello everyone....sounds like everyone had a crazy day one way or another. I started taking my BP med today and things were still a bit woozy but, not as bad. Hmmm wonder if it's just cause I'm naturally a little dizzy hee hee. All in fun though. I noticed a little bit of a difference though so that's good. Maybe once this BP med settles in my body it will be better.

I have great news :huggie: I hit the 50 pound mark today hee hee. I'm so excited...I wasn't sure I'd see this day for quite some time. Still hard to believe that something is finally working ya know? Now I made promise to my friend Chrispy that I'd take a pic and post it. To be technical and picky about it...when I lose .8 more I'll be exactly 50 hahaha. If ya noticed I'm stalling it's cause I am lol. I'll work on taking it though...have to have DH take it for me in the same position and place I took my before pics. Funny thing on my before pics...looks like I"m on drugs. He took a shot just as I was blinkin and we didn't notice before we left. Oh well it is what it is lol. I'll try to take a new one and post it soon. I keep my promises so I have to do it lol.

Hey Betty welcome back :huggie: Sounds like you've been busy.

Oh Eileen you asked me before where in NY we go to visit family. We go to Newark NY. It's not far from Lyons if either of those towns sound familiar to ya.

Cindy - sorry you had a yucky day back. Sounds like quite the cheer up session.

Darcy - We have lots of pine trees in our yard and they are TALL! I don't know what we'd do if one came down...kinda scarey. You said your tree was split? Did lightening strike it or did it just die?

Anne - isn't it funny how the kids can figure out how to claim the work? lol My son used to end up with me typing his entire report and tweaking it just by talking to me while I did it. Hmm doesn't work now at 16 though lol.Now it's mom...can I drive you to the store. *pop* another grey hair lol

Dianne - can you rub alittle of that energy on me to make me go to curve too?

Anyone here from Pat or Patty. They doing ok? I'm missin Bene too. Where is Mary and Becky too lol. Everyone must be on vacation ;) I hope everyong is doing well.

Love you folks!

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Hey Y'All -

Here I am in Fort Lee, NJ - hangin' at the Hilton. We went to NYC tonight and did dinner at Bubba Gumps - very nice food! Then we walked all over hell and gone gawking like tourists. (uh - I guess we are tourists, so that's expected, right?)

This trip, I am here with co-workers - no boss-type people here this time. Very relaxed, just me and the girls.

Anne - I will send my info for Christmas cards - but I guess that means I have to get off my petute and send some this year, huh? pizza? Normal people eat pizza. Seriously, they do. :] And too funny about your DS. Yep, Management fast track for sure. That boy is EXECUTIVE material! OK - we want pics of the hair. Red sounds like fun!

Darcy - I don't know why it's so hard to get motivated to exercise, either. Darn it! It feels great after you do it... but for whatever reason, I just fight it with all my lazy bones. Can we make some kind of a Pact? Maybe I can just say that I will go at least once to the gym within the week after I get home. Maybe if I can force myself to go once a week, I will be able to work up to twice. Seriously, anything is better than sitting on my @$$ in front of the TV, right?

Cindy - How exciting is a Disney Cruise! I want to go... Great Job on getting on with the "E" word. :] And don't apologize for being passionate about your work! If more teachers were passionate - more students would be better prepared for the 21st century! (lol) What a way to motivate.... "Hey, you guys have been doing a crappy job - now get out there and teach!"

Eileenie - mind your toes, now... No dancing for you this week, I guess. Hope the tootsies are feeling better. Sorry I missed your birthday! Hope it was fabulous - from the food porn, it sounds like it was Choctastic.

Sherry - Babies are pretty cute... OTHER people's Babies are the cutest of all... Ah. yep, BP can make you dizzy - but it doesn't sound much like your doc is really into what's going on with YOU... if you know what I mean. Maybe you could get a 2nd opinion?

Dianne - Great job on the "E" for you, too. Dang it! You guys are guilting me out. I am going to have to get back to the gym!

Kat - I am so happy that all went well for DH and the surgery. We will continue to think good thoughts for a speedy and complete recovery for him. Thinking good thoughts for DD, too. Hugs!!

Betty - sounds like you had a great time on your trip. Enjoy your time with your DS. Hugs!

Well you guys - I have to sleep now. It is WAY past pumkin time for me, but I wanted to check in. Since I don't have any spoiled husbands or cats demanding my attention while I am here, I don't have any excuse not to keep up with my beloved LBT pals!!

Love you guys. I will check in again, tomorrow. (or sometime today, or whatever)


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Cindy sorry your day was sucky, hopefully today will be better.

Sherry glad the BP meds are helping some... hopefully more so today. Congrats for hitting the big 50 (in poundage that is LOLOL) its really a great feeling isn't it.

Anne, the picture story was a pisser ROFL !! I say executive material for sure LOLOL, and thank you for the roses ;) Ohhh red hair... now they can stop looking at the mailman funny ROFLMFAO jk jk jk.

Beanie, glad you had fun in NYC *giggle* my favorite place NOT! Y'all had better think of a good place to eat for tomorrow ;) Will talk then.

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Hey guys...

Not much time... have been cleaning and organizing as an agent is coming by to give us a market value estimate on the house. We are thinking about down-sizing as this house is much bigger than we need AND... it is the home that my hubby raised his children in with the YUCKY wife. ;) Anyhoo... it is a beautiful home but I feel a bit like it isn't mine. I also feel really uncomfortable when his kids come to visit as I know it was their childhood home and I have made a lot of changes in my attempt to make it feel like home. All of the neighbors were also here for the most of the past 25 years as well... sooooooooo...

Cindy... Sorry about the first day back to work... take the book Whale Done in and have the powers that be read it. What dorks... WTG guys... that'll get them all fired up to make a difference!... Gosh! Anyhoo... (((HUgs)))

Anne... Come on...show us the hair girl! Oh... and the big maple...just split right down the middle... we don't know why. It was 25 years old or so. It split all of the way down to the ground but didn't fall down. I'm glad we got it down before it fell!

Rene... Dang it... I haven't gone this week AT all. In my defense... I have been working my buttocks off... but still... I know what happens when I break the habit! I bet if you commit to once a week you will go more... give it a try. ;)

Sherry... Congrats on hitting the 50 pound mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I can't wait to see those pics! Where is Crispy anyway?????

Eileen... I stopped on the the way home from class last night and got a Snickers... DAB NABBIT!!!!! yum. Anyhooo.... I think I am making up for all of the food I didn't eat last week! Where exactly did your hubby throw that cake???? *wink*

Okay...gotto go... must try to leave the impression that I am a good homemaker... ROFLMAO. Hopefully she won't bring the white gloves!

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Sorry I missed your Birthday Elieen.. May this year bring you many blessings.

Kat I am so Happy for you both. My prayers that your Hubby continues on the Road to Recovery with no more Bumps in the Road.

Really want to read what everyone is up to but very very busy..

Miss you all...Take Care

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Hi, Beanie! So you're in the Big Apple again? I hear you're gonna meet Eileen for lunch or dinner and you're bringing all your boyfriends, too! LOL! Thanks for the understanding toward my passion toward my "kids"...if I could just straighten out this mess...

Yes, today was a better day, thank goodness!

Day 2 of my dumbbell exercises....the best part is the stretches at the end!

Hi Mary!!!!!

Darcy, I'll check out that book...I felt a little better today when some of my colleagues gave me some love for challenging the assumptions of the book used to give us that info. That felt good.

Thanks to all of you...I'm doing some exercise for the first time in a decade!!!! (blowing kisses to all!)

Goodnight, and see ya tomorrow!


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Sitting here listening to it rain.....loving it!!! I don't have to Water tomorrow now!!! Usually DH's job, maintaining the lawn.....now my job. Not gonna miss watering either. I am voting for a new in ground irrigation system!! We have Water rights,and free water, which is a huge savings, but it is ditch water, and has so much junk in the water, it is hard to find a system that will handle it without plugging up the sprayers, or having to clean a screen every few minutes....so we have just continued dragging the hoses around. But we have a big yard...bigger when I have to care for it!!!

Does anyone have a good suggestion for removing stains from carpet? I knocked over a vase of flowers that were sent to DH, and the water in the vase had been dyed a royal blue. All over my very light taupe carpet. Most of it come up, but it looks dingy there now, just the remains of the damn blue....grrrrr I need to have it cleaned, but prefer to wait just a few weeks. I am in the process of helping my DD potty train the granddaughter. She goes running that direction, saying "potty-potty-potty" as she runs---so does it!!! So...would prefer to finish this before paying a fortune to have it cleaned!!! You probably have to be the Mama or the Gramma to find it cute as rather than just cringing!!!

DH is doing great, today is one week from the day of surgery, he is walking about 4 blocks 3 times a day. We don't race, it is nice & slow, but he sets the pace, and he says it helps when he walks, he feels like he breaths easier. But his Mom and sister both have told him not to let me push him too fast. Irritated the hell outta me!! I walk on a daily basis, but I walk 2-3 miles on average, but I would NEVER expect that of him. Here I am waiting on him hand and foot, and loving the fact he is here for me to do so with, and they don't come around to DO anything, but then say that! His Mom actually said it to my face, I caught what his sister said by his defending me on the phone....had to bite my tongue not to snap at either of them. He defended me, so I will have to be satisfied with that! Don't want to add stress to his recovery.

I am really trying to avoid the chocolate still--but found myself picking the cookie dough away from the chocolate chips today when I was baking Cookies for my granddaughter!!! how pathetic am I???? Not sure what I want my personal challenge to be...it needs to be challenging, but not too much so!!! Thinking about something to do with the free weights we bought. Something maybe to help with the wings!!!

Well I am gonna head off to bed, morning comes way to early. DH is still not sleeping real well, he wakes up stiff and hurting from being in the same position for too long. So it is not restful sleep. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow....will check in with ya then!!! :notagree G'night!


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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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