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Hi everyone!

I'm a little blue... DH left for California so I've been lonely today. Of course, all week, whenever he was irritating me, I would think "just make it to Sunday, just make it to Sunday". He will be gone to CA for a week, then we go on vacation for a week, then he leaves for another week. His side of the bed is going to get lonely.

I'm fighting with my DS (as much as you can fight with a 5 year old, lol). He asked me to draw him a 50 square hopscotch on the driveway. I did, but there was a mistake on it - so he refused to play on it!!! I almost killed the little bugger. And now my back hurts. Grrrrrr

Well, the pizza is here so I have to go. Did I say pizza? I meant to say that the broccoli and brussel sprout casserole is done so I'd better go pop it out of the oven. Yeah, right. :scared:

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

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I think I'm finally getting sick of that GC cake.... burp! but then again there's always tomorrow hehehehehehehe I have to say girls and this is the last of the food porn that I will talk about until thanksgiving LOL, I make the best spinach dip this side of the mississippi. Usually people fight to keep the bowl near them. One of the ladies at the partie put it on her burger LOLOL, very bad but goooooood stuff. Oh and I serve them with garlic bagel chips.... to die for.. *porn show over*

Anne, enjoy your peaceful time while DH's out... where are you going on vacation ? LOL, sorry but the hop scotch thing sounds like something my DD would do LOLOL Enjoy the veggie cassarole :guess

Sherry glad you had a good time :) but chit girl, you need to see a doctor about the rocking feeling..... you may have Fluid in the ear / vertigo ???

Cindy retirement will be here before you know it..... this should make you happy.... I have 25 YEARS b/4 I can eventhink about retiring :scared: feel better LOLOO snort ~

Darcy.....how is your counting going along? I bet I had 3000 today easy. That last hunk of *censored* that I ate was HUGE had to be 1500 easy peasy... I'm such the pig LOL.

Night night kids... blues clues movie is coming on in a few minutes.

TTY Tomorrow (boss man is back ICK ICK ICK).


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Okay Eileen, is this a spinach dip recipe you can share with us commoners? If so, feel free to post it anytime! May I be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY so you'll read it first thing tomorrow morning! Sorry you have to have boss man to look at, but you can always fantasize about the GC cake, and how good it is be alive! Seriously, I hope you have a great day....you rock, girl!

Sherry, vertigo is definitely a possibility. Please post what your doc has to say, because I'm interested in hearing about it....I bet that baby is a cutie patootie!

Dianne, hi! I see you're on here reading while I'm posting!

Anne, hey there...how's it goin' and how was that wonderful veggie casserole? Enjoy your week...That's what business trips are for...making the heart grow fonder or something like that!

Darcy, how ya doin'? Hope you've had a good day. Hopefully we'll be able to make some of Eileen's spinach dip for breakfast!

No more whining (today only!) about going back to work...I don't want to make Eileen feel bad about her 20ish years ahead of her.....although they go by much faster than seems possible!

g'night, everyone!


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yea I second that motion (even with the motion of the ocean in my head wahahaha) I'd like the spinach dip recipe too. Pretty please with sugar, whip cream and a cherry on top hee hee

Man I hate going to the docs! I don't wanna go but, ok ok I will

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Okay... Today is Eileen's B-Day???? I can't rmember for all of the food porn that is clouding my brain!!! GC cake, spinach dip and bagel chips OH MY!

:happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2:

Sherry... Girl... I am glad you are going to the doctor! Hope they are able to calm the rocky seas for ya!

Anne... awwww... enjoy the hubby free time...he'll be back soon enough and then think of all the fun you'll have "gettting to know" him again. *wink*

Cindy... I think whining about going back to work burns calories... I'm not sure I can confirm that... it's more of a hunch than anything. :)

Well... I was BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD yesterday. I obviously have missed shoving food in my mouth! Anyhoo... I bought a grab bag of sun chips so that I wouldn't over-eat and hubby bought two full size bags of Doritos. *sigh* Then... we cooked up the wonderful Walleye that he caught and WITH it... I had a potato with lots of butter and sour cream... and then a big cookie. *double sigh* Oh... started TOM. Oh... and I had a McDonalds ice cream cone. Needless to say... I didn't count calories yesterday. BUT... today... I am jumping back on the wagon because I have loved seeing the numbers go downward instead of up!

Have a good week everyone!

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Good Morning :)

Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes :)

I had an awesome NSV last night (no not sexual lol)... I tried on my wedding rings and THEY FIT!!! first time in over 5+ years.. whoot !! Made me feel guilty for eating all that cake (well not that guilty lol).

Darcy don't sweat the gorge.... today's a new day and we CAN do this together. Today's my last pig-out day for a while (I hope bawwah). Tomorrow the chit hits the fan :) I want to lose 5 lbs this month.

Cindy thank you love :-) Have a good day at work and ya know... YOU ROCK!!!

Sherry love, get your arse to the doc and let us know whats shakin or

shall I say rockin :) we love yah.


Okay spinach dip recipe but !!! it taste different if you don't use these brand name ingredience..so its important to get these if you can?

Knorr's Veg Soup Mix (dry 1 pkg)

1 and 1/2 pts of Breakstones Sour Cream (24 oz total)

1 Cup Hellmans mayo

1 Bunch of Scallions chopped up well

1 package of Birdseye Chopped Spinach (in the frozen section, maybe 8 oz... the small pkg) thawed, rinced and squeese the life out of it to drain the Water.

Mix everything together and let sit in frig for a few hours so the dry Soup mix soaks up the wet ingred.

I server them with Garlic Bagel chips and people go nuts... its so easy peasy and so freakin fattening and good.

There.... now don't blame me if you get hooked.... :nervous

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It's Eileen's birthday!!!!!!!!!!

And her wedding rings fit!!!!!! What a great birthday present to you!

Thanks for the recipe, and I can't wait to make it...think I'll shop for the stuff today! I must need Iron or something? It sounds so good...

Guess what? My DD and I did a 15 minute walk this morning! I did physical exercise? WTF? OMG!

Now, I'm getting ready to run my last-day-of-summer errands...shoes for DD, file my passport stuff at courthouse, get a non-fiction book for DD, go out to lunch (okay, that's not an errand!), and take DD to the dentist....whew!

Well, dentist just called and they have an opening early...so gotta bug out!



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Cindy have a fun day... scoot !! and remember, let the dip sit for a few hours in the frig b/4 enjoying :)

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:) Eileen- Happy Birthday to you,:note: Happy birthday to you,:note: happy birthday to Eileenie skinny winnie with the ring onnnnn,:note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOO youuuuuuuuu:cake: :happybday:

Anne-You need to take a picture of the hopscotch! 50 squares! WOW you know you can always go back to him when he's older and say look what I did for you that HOT summer day back on 06!

Sherry-I bet that's what it is! This has been going on way to long GIRL!

Darcy-I was bad all weekend! You know your not hungry but you want something! I would have gone for a walk but it was to freaking hot out! URGH! Good thing I don't live in NJ anymore or I would have gone to Eileen's house and ate the rest of the cake!

Cindy-WTG on the walk! Thanks great! I'm dressed and ready to go to curves now it's a matter of getting off my ARSH.

Well I haven't been the perfect eater this weekend. I have finished all the kisses in the house!! Well the specialty kisses. I still have the bag of regular that I brought last November from costco. I haven't broken back into them yet I have a goal to make them last a year!

Do any of you know who owns this site? Is it Alex? Does he have the band. How come he is so nice to put all of this together for us? Just wondering.

Well I'm off to curves! See you later

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Hi everyone---We are home! Surgery went well, the recovery is going okay. He had a rough night, we got home late last night, and he ended up throwing up from his meds, and just couldn't get comfy. Today he has eaten some, walked a bit, and is now sleeping. They ended up doing a more extensive surgery than originally planned...but it all went well. They repaired his valve with a plastic ring, rather than having to replace it, which was awesome news!!! They also ended up actually cutting away part of his heart that had enlarged, the left atrium...and removing the inlet that is usually responsible for causeing Atrial fibrillations, and blood clots. Then they did what they call a Maze procedure, where they use elctro-cautery type of thing, and create new impulses, or direct the blood in a better way to reduce the irregular beat. I have it all down on paper, but that is a quick off the top of my head of what I remember, considering I have not really slept in days....it may be a bit off!!! He come through the surgery fine,and is really doing well....THANK-YOU everyone for the prayers that I know were with us, and that continue to be raised. May God Bless each of you in special ways, he has indeed blessed me with an awesome bunch of new friends just when he knew I would need them. Thank you again. My DD is showing some signs of improvement, we will do the match testing to be on the safe side, and hope for the best. My Mom is recovering well.



I remember 42!!! I hit 46 in a few days. DH turned 46 the day after surgery, he considered the successful surgery a pretty good gift! He is 2 weeks to the day older than I am, and I rub it in each and every day!!

I am going to read through and try to catch up with all of you. But for now, figure I better get the house picked up, I know my inlaws are headed this way, and who knows how many of his work buddies will show up...and my house looks like a pharmacy!!! DH is home on Oxygen,so we have tubing everywhere, as well as suitcases, and hospital basins, you name it!!! Will be back later!!! Once again big hugs and HUGE thanks to everyone!!!


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:happybday2: Happy Birthday Eileen! :happybday:

Happy Birthday and WAHOO on the rings fitting. That's just awesome!

Darcy - Isn't it wierd how some food just go down no problem and others just won't budge. To think a few days ago you couldn't eat at all? Man I think we have twin bands lol. One day I can barely eat...the next watch out my name is Vacuum!

Cindy - Great job on the walking. Come over here and rub that on me will ya?

Anne - I can't remember the last time I was alone alone....I know what you mean though. You crave it sometimes but, when you get it you're not sure you want it hahaha. I hope you can do some things for yourself during that time like a nice pedicure and manicure...aaaa relaxing :)

Kat - I'm so happy your DH is doing well. Make sure he takes it easy and relaxes so he'll heal up nice and easy. I've got ya both in my prayers and wishing you the best with the recovery.

Dianne - Curves....hmmm I think I remember that place lol. I went faithfully for about 2 months and now nuttin. I can't get my ars back there for some stupid reason..umm even though my money has been there UGH. I've been going in our pool but, still since I'm paying for it I should be going. How often do you go? You've done awesome!

WELL....I went to the doc

doc says/sherry responds

Temp is up 99.2/Always that temp doc even surgery day

Tonsils big/You always say that doc, they don't hurt never did

Ears don't hurt huh?/Nope their fine

ears look fine/yup thought so :)

Oh you lost weight/Yeap feel great cept this boat I'm on

You're doing a good job keep it up/planning on it I had surgery remember

You did?/Umm yea in February Lapband you gave me the referral

Ohhhh that's right/Yup getting it tightened again next week

You are? They go down your throat?/nope needle (showed her the port AGAIN)

BP is too high/CRAP! :faint: It was good bottom was 70-75 all the time

Nope 98-100 now/DANG NABBIT :think

Yup could cause ya to be dizzy see in in 10 days/grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol

then went on to explain the band AGAIN and she looked through my chart. Says I haven't weigh this weight of 229 since 2001. On her charts I've lost 49 pounds. She reminded me how much I put on yadda yadda. I know doc I'm shooting for 150 but would like to be below 200 for Christmas. Sooo that's that. She thinks its my bloodpressure. Suppose it could be it but, I'm telling ya I"m on that ship still. There is alot of pressure at work right now so I know it's not helping my BP. Oh well....take the dang meds and see what happens. Nothing like crushing that crap and taking it, it tastes TERRRRRRIBLE.

well gotta go to BJs Wholesale for stuff for a cookout this coming weekend. You're all welcome if ya wanna come to Taunton, MA for a cookout on Saturday :) hee hee We really gotta work out getting together one of these days!

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Kat-That is wonderful news! I'm so glad it went well. Have you had a chance to breath? Prayers continue for you both and your DD.

Sherry-What a ditz! This Dr of yours are you sure she's good. How could she forget you had the band! BP thing does make sense, I hope thats not what it is though. I draggieahass to curves 4-5 times a week. urgh..but if I don't I know I won't do a thing and I just have to go. It's to hot for walking or anyhting else. Once you get out of the routine it is hard to get back into it. I've been a member since 03 but only in the last 10 months have been going regularly. You should try it you see the same people a lot and then you all suport each other it's nice. Plus being measured every month is a good thing.

OK big growling in the sky this afternoon. It's a perfect nap day. I did finially drag the butt to curves and exercise. I've been trying to get to the pool every afternoon also for more exercie but the bowling alley in heaven must have a full house playing.

I've been bad with food again today alothough I do feel that I have it under control better.

I'm going to send you guys a PM so look for it I have an idea!!

See ya later.

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Me agian. LOL Magazine is in production. I have the possiblity of 1 more full page ad if the lady can get her pictures together in time..URGH..I HOPE SHE CAN!

Anyway I'm loking for testimonies I will be sending you guys PM's about it and why I want them. No rush, thanks, di

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Kat! What a blessing for DH, and thanks for posting your good news. Now, the REAL hard part begins...keeping a DH satisfied and still and following dr.'s orders! Sorry that falls on you, but it just does, and I know you'll be able to handle it. Come here and vent when you need to, and you will. You're right, we all said our prayers!

Sherry, ummmm, I'm just not real sure about your dr....no offense if you love her/him. Is this an internist? Might want a referral for one, don't know what your insurance requirements are....I swear there's an inner ear component here...but waddaIknow? I'm so sorry you are suffering with this.

After running all over town all day, I didn't get the stuff for the famous dip, but it's goin' down this week or else!

Hope your birthday's been a fantastic one, Eileen!


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Hey Kat... So glad everything went so well and that you both are home safe and sound... WELCOME HOME! Sending healing vibes amd hoping you get a wonderful nights sleep tonight!

Sherry... Time to get a new doc...lol. Gosh... I feel bad for suggesting you go see one...lol! Yep...crazy bands they are... but I am finding that right before my TOM the darned thing closes down to a trickle! I don't know what would happen if I had a fill... I don't think I would even get Water in suring the TOM.

Dianne... Sorry sweets... I don't really feel like I have a testimony in regards to my band. I did in the beginning maybe... but it's been a long hard road. I'm sure there will be a gazillion happy success stories out there for ya though! Good Luck!

Cindy...Woo Hoo on the walk!!!! I bet it felt pretty darn good???? Did you like it...just a little bit??? :) I didn't go work out today... but I worked like a dog organizing the basement and garage... so I think that counts!

Eileen... THat is do great!!!!! I bet it feels wonderful to wear your rings again! I was a 1 year newlywed when I got banded... and couldn't wear my rings... that was a big dang deal when I finally could! Hope it was a very Happy B-Day for you!

Well girls... I started out counting calories... but got so busy that I stopped half way through. I think I did okay... I'll try it again tomorrow... and hopefully off to work out.

Nighty night

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