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Thanks for noticing that little ol' pound, Darcy!

Baby steps, baby steps....

I'm in the mood for a little free weights tonight...a few tricep curls ought to put me to sleep....zzzzzzzzzzzz.

I'll finish up the bull-dozing in DD's room tomorrow!

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Stopping in quick before getting ready for work. Cindy you truly are doing awesome be very proud of yourself!

Darcy - Are you able to maybe puree some liquidy Soup that has Protein in it? You and I have the same Christmas Goal...now how neat is that. You're doing better with the exercise than I am. I jump in the pool but, I think I need some kind of weights added. YUCK! lol

Eileen - TOM certainly causes problems huh! I know I've been grazin like crazy. I don't normally eat all that stuff but, man the past few days haven't been good. It's not helping that I feel like a bottomless pit right now either.

WHAT did I tell you folks about me telling myself I can't have something? Forgive me LBT-NJ for I have sinned! Wellllll, last night my mom comes up and says "I'll treat you guys to ice cream, lets go" Ohhhhh man. 4th time having ice cream in 5 days!!!!! Not only ice cream I had a dang Peanut Butter Cup Sundae. Ohhh yum but, dang nabbit! I think ice cream shops need to stick a big ole sign in each sundae saying how many calories we're consuming so we think twice lol. Oh well...it's gone now hahaha

Ok off to get ready for work. Love you folks!

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Morning all...

Sherry... I know what you mean about the sudden urge for things that are no no's! Oh...and one time I looked up the calorie content of Culvers custard ... OMIGOSH... I have only had 2 ice creams there in the last 2 years!

Cindy..Hope the muscle pumping didn't get you too worked up to sleep! I know I can't workout anytime close to bedtime or else I am up for the night. Speaking of that... was up at 3:45 yesterday morning and 2:45 this morning... WTF?????

Still hungry this morning... still have liquids going down ever so slowly and wondering if I will ever be able to chew food again...lol.

Have a good one...

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G'mornin :)

Your all right, life is to short to say NO to everything, especially ice cream in 100 degree weather. So instead of saying NO, lets just say... "small" or "child size" and enjoy.

You all start your challenges when ever you want to... I only picked the 8th b/c I know I'm gonna eat birthday cake this weekend and gosh only know's what else *evil grin* :guess

Dianne... your challenge is great too !! in the long run it all helps. As much as I'd hate to admit it... exercise IS good for yah. How are you today? feeling any better?

Anne, sun chips and cinamon rolls... girl you hit a nerve. I've been doing the same thing, snacking on chips just to get food down when I darn well know I could be eating healthy.... *shrug* I just love junk food (not fast food, real junk food). I also find that bread goes down easy WTF is up with that????

Cindy congrats on the 1 lbs...heck I'll take that in a heart beat, and every pounds adds up, thats for sure. Your dd should be happy with a new bedroom. I don't think your challenge is silly... the way to start exercising is a few minutes at a time. I used to power walk.... 5 miles in less than 1 hour and the way I started was 15 minutes at a time. That got me down to 150 lbs... oh the good ol days LOLOL before my bad back.

Darcy, glad your feeling better. 1400 is great !!!! your on a roll now. You know the band is so *F* up. Some days i can eat a stack of pancakes and other days I can't get 2 bites down and it really depends on the time of the month. Hang in there and make sure you are getting your Vitamins.

Sherry, pffffffft... don't let the ice cream visits get you down..... enjoy the summer and pick back up when things settle down.

WARNING !!!! this is how I've been my entire life... the more I focus on my "diet" the more crazy I get :confused: :eyebrows:

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Eileen, I think you are DEFINITELY onto something...and I've just forgotten it temporarily...every time I was ever on a diet of any kind, that would cause all kinds of cravings, and rebellious behavior...are we fat because we're rebellious? Soooo, I think if that's the case, I'm just going back to my "eat like a normal person" idea...it was working there for a while. Normal people eat more ice cream in the summer, because it is hot outside...see how that works, Sherry? LOL!

Darcy, I wouldn't call it weight "pumping" really...more like controlled stretching, and it feels good to me, kinda works out the muscle tension I'm prone to get. I'm hoping it will also take up some of the slack on the back of my arms while I'm at it!

Eileen, what day is your birthday, and what birthday is it, or do you mind telling? I KNOW you are all younger than me, so that should be pretty safe!

I'm taking a break from DD's big "DIG"...probably taken 50 lbs of trash out of there so far! Darcy, I loved your joke about the ballerina's! DH is gone to an estate sale right now, but when he gets back we're gonna build the futon frame, and a couple of shelves in her closet. I think I'm making him take me out to dinner tonight...like I can eat something! I'll just order tortilla Soup, and get a bite of his dinner.

Like you said, Eileen, the band is *f* up on consistent restriction! Before this fill, I was eating big ol' plates of food, now, hahahaha....1 cup is pushing it. I had like 10 Cheetos, and got a golfball that lasted an hour. LOL!

Gotta go, back to the saltmine!

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Wow...everyone's busy today!

Still cleaning DD's room...this is a deep clean, as you can tell. Now I'm going through all the CD's and matching them to the covers....talk about a brainless activity.

We went to Lowe's and got wood for the closet shelves, and then out to eat. I ordered tortilla soup...a bowl. I brought half of it home. I'm so full I hurt. I'm learning all over again. Dang it! But, good in a way.

I'll check back for the evening update!

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Honey, I'm HO-OME...

Hey Guys - I am still alive and I have been thinking of y'all - but DANG my job has been stressing me out! Forget about giving up Ice Cream - I want to win the (&%$#)(O_+ Lottery and retire to a Carribean Island somewhere! Geesh!

I have been working about 10-12 hours a day consistently for the last little while - and it's making me insane. I decided I had better stop in, even though it is well after nine pm, cause I want you guys to know that I love you all and I am thinking of you. I spent the last hour catching up since my last post - Ye Gods! So much stuff!

I can't even begin to do personals for everyone with so many things. I am glad to hear that spouses have jobs, nieces DON'T have cancer and everybody is hanging in there. Nobody is failing, either. I can say that I was feeling like a total failure because my scale has been showing the same number for like a month, now - but when I went in for another fill the other day, the "Official" scale shows a loss since my last fill of 8 lbs... My new "Official" weight is 314 - down from 322. So, I wasn't too excited about that - since I knew the last weight was high because I was all puffed up - but I was glad to see the new number.

Then, the next darned day, MY scale dropped to a new low - 309. DANG. I was pretty pumped about it. I won't get TOO cocky until I see that number appear several days running - but GOSH! I might ACTUALLY get under 300 lbs in this Lifetime!

You know - as far as hunger and fullness - I almost never get a recognizable hunger pang anymore. My stomache growls pretty much any time I eat or drink - so that's not a hunger sign. Now, I just WANT food at certain times. Unfortunately, I tend to eat what I want... Spoiled, A little?

The lack of hunger is good - but the flip side is that neither do I ever really get that "oh, I'm full" feeling until I have eaten far more than the 1/2 to 1 cup of food that is supposed to be optimal. If I start eating - I keep eating. The only good news is that RECENTLY - a big ol' plate of food that I would have previously called my First helping, is actually enough to make me feel like after thanksgiving dinner, you know? That OH MY GOD I AM SO FULL feeling.

I am hoping that this new fill will just make it so much of a Pain in the @$$ to eat, that I will lose interest after the first little bit.

I keep thinking strong thoughts about no erosion, no slippage and no infections. I REFUSE them. I will not have them, ever. Because honestly, I don't think I have learned any self control, yet. I would just puff right back up without my band. FOR SURE.

Well - I have been here for far too long, now. I have to stop at the store on my way home so I have cream for my coffee in the AM.

I love you guys, and I am thinking good thoughts for everybody.

I will be in NY from Tuesday thru Friday of next week - and I might have some more time to hang with my peeps. (My party-boy boss isn't going for that week and I am thinking my other co-workers will be more sedate - but one never knows.)

I will try to check in more - I miss you guys - and I really lose motivation when I don't stop in.

Hugs all Around!!


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Morning Y'all,

I don't even have time to post, just wanted to let you all know I will be out of town over the weekend, so don't send the dogs out!:eek:

My washer went out and we had to shop for a new one, I can do with out a lot of things, but a washer isn't one of them.

Anyway, everyone have a great weekend, have fun and enjoy yourself!


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Good Morning,

BEANIE !! good to see yah. We'll do some catching up next thursday :eek: can't wait to see yah.

Cindy, my b-day is monday the 7th... and i'll be a ripe old age of 42. Egads... I said it 42 *shiver* lol. Yes I agree back to eating like a normal person... well trying to anyway lolol. One reason I got the band rather then gbp was to eat like a normal person so to speak... and by golly, I need some one to kick me in the ass so i remember that. I wanted the band so i could eat everything, just normal portions. I can't eat to many cheeto's or crackers b/4 it gets stuck too.... turns into a gluey paste and poof.. pain LOLOL. Maybe if i ate them slower it wouldn't happen but geeze how long can you nurse a cheese doodle for crying out loud.

Betty have a wonderful weekend !!!

Darcy how are you feeling today? did you get enuf food down yesterday?

Sherry, watcha up to toots?

Dianne, watcha doing this weekend?

Where's Donna, Pat, Anne, Patty's on vacation, and the rest of the group?

Well I went to my gyno... have to have some more testing done b/c she didn't like to hear that I was having TOM every two weeks a few months ago... soooo.... but everything else looked good (well was good as a 42 year old can be I guess). When my doc realized it was almost 5 years since my last visit she slapped me. ROFLMFAO.

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What am I up to hmmm UGH packing to go to NY with two dogs in tow. Eh Gads! Ok...so.....I'm still cruisin on that ship. TOM game to visit today and yesterday the wooziness was so bad I had to leave work. My MD wasn't available and we have to leave around noon for this trip to NY. I have an appointment on Monday to see my MD. Man...this is aweful. I think because TOM is here and the retention of Fluid things the woozy stuff is bad? You think?

I did better eating last night..didn't snack as much. This weekend at the inlaws I know I won't eat as much. I get very uncomfortable there when I'm eating...even when I didn't have the band. They don't exactly hold back when it comes to weight and telling you what they think. I especially feel bad when my DH is greated with Gee you put on weight before a hello even comes toward him. The poor guy could of lost 20 pounds and that is still said. His brother picks on my accent to the point where it's not funny anymore. One time DH had to tell him to stop because he could see the tears welding up in my eyes. I can take alot but he was brutal that day. Anyway, once all that crap is out of the way we have a good visit. I'm looking forward to seeing my new nephew Christopher.

Well I better get packing and I'm going to run to the pharmacy to see if the pharmacist knows of anything I can take to help this go away. UGH. Love you folks!

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Hi you all:) Missing LBT in a big way. Cannont stay long since I have people looking over my shoulder now.. I will have to print off the pages and read them to catch up.. Big hugs to you all and I will post from home..

You all take care and prayers to all..

Doc & Eileen -- You are both in my prayers...

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Sherry, where in NY are you visiting? gosh girl, we have to meet one of these days. I'm sorry your inlaws are ass's.

Mary its so good to see you. Hope your doing well :eek:

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Hey Guys...

Just didn't want you to think I had floated away with all of these fluids I'm a drinkin! My caloric intake yesterday was well below the 1800 as I still was on liquids. The horrible hunger has subsided now to a low growl...lol. I did try some chili a little bit ago and I think it is going to stay down YAY! It was wonderful to chew something!

Beanie... Good to see ya but sorry they are working your arse off!!!! Congrat on the all time low for your weight and I bet you'll be in twoterville shortly!

Eileen... 42nd B-day eh???? It must be a comfort that you look like you are 32????? I'm glad your gyno gave you a whack! Sheesh woman... that cervix could rot and fall out in that amount of time! :eek:

Sherry... You should not still be feeling woozy... you need to see your doc about an inner ear issue or something! Sorry about the in-laws...sounds like they need to be whacked by Eileen's gyno as well!

Mary... Good to see ya... hope you get to post an update soon!

Betty...Sorry about the washer... you're right... that is a must have! Things just never break down at a good time do the???? (((hugs)))

Cindy... How's the DD's room coming along???? I bet it is really shaping up! Yum... I love tortilla Soup although I have to say that I am getting pretty sick of soup after this little tightening of my band. I just keep thinking about what a great little jumpstart for weight-loss this will be for me. :)

WIsh you all a great weekend and Eileen... hope you have a very Happy Birthday with lots of spankings. :)

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Cindy-Congrats on your pound! That is great! It is so much fun redoing rooms for DD. Mine was on a mission trip all last summer and our core group girls and I redid the whole thing. If I didn't have those girls help I would have never made it. She has the classiest room in the house.

Darcy-How ya doing?

Sherry-I did the same thing! Only it was my own doing! Took my DS to Carvel for a Sunday on Wednesday you know buy one get one free day. I would have gotten a small but he wanted a regular. I did tell them not to make it as big as his though, but I ate the whole dang thing!! I'm still craving Cold Stones German chocolate..OMGosh

it is good. I'll be thinking of you this weekend. My in-laws used to pull that crap too. I hated it! Hang in there good luck.

Eileen-Your birthday's coming! Yippee! I'm feeling better thanks, I laugh everytime I think about it, so that's good thanks for asking.

Your so right about the craziness with focusing on a "diet" That was a big thing at the Renfrew center that they talked about. I need to write a book! lol We all should write a book together! Hey I'm not kidding I have ideas but I don't want to broadcast them on here.

Have you guys noticed that on August 1st we had 81 people look in on us and we were the only one's posting! HUMMM makes ya think huh.

Betty- Have a good weekend!

BEANIE-WELCOME HOME! We have missed you! Congratulations on the weight loss That's great news! How was your trip?

Well I claimed 3 but then said ok 4 but really felt 3 more advertisers would come in by today. I called all the people I've seen in the past 3 months to follow up the ones I thought for sure were coming in didn't..WTF...Then I called the person the other day and they got in and as you know I now also have a cake section because of them, Do you think that count's as 2? I don't get anything from the 2nd section, but to me that's 2. Then out of the blue someone I went to see 5 months ago called and is signing up!!! I hope I get 1 more so I can officially call it 3. It' just cool how it's working out.

OK I'm off for another appointment. I'll catch cha later.

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Hi everyone! Finally, we have a nice day here. I just scrubbed out the little kiddie pool so the kids are happily playing outside. I don't have any plans this weekend. DH is going out of town on Sunday, so there will be the usual rushing around to get him ready. I'm so proud of myself. I've been workout out (very lightly) every day this week, and it's starting to show on the scale even though I've been far from perfect with food. I've lost 7lbs since my port was fixed and filled 3 weeks ago.

Dianne, congratulations on you new ad accounts! I think that cake account counts as 2. :eek: It sounds like your hard work is really paying off.

Betty, have a safe trip this weekend! I sure don't blame you for getting a new washing machine. I was without one for over a month a little while back, and it was no fun.

Beanie, I was just wondering where you were! I'm sorry that things have been so crazy at work. I was looking at your signature, and it looks like you're now down about 50 lbs from your all time high. That's gotta feel great!! By the way, I've decided that nobody else is allowed to slip/erode/etc because I've already more than satisifed the 3% complication rate for our little NJ Chat group. Wasn't that considerate of me? LOL

Darcy, I'm glad you were finally able to get down some semi-solid food! I'll bet your scale will reward you after so many days of liquids.

Sherry, I hope you feel better soon! Let us know what the doctor says on Monday. Try to have a good trip to NY! Your inlaws sound a bit like mine. They think they're being funny, but usually they're just hurting my feelings. (((HUGS)))

Mary, what's up? Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're doing well!

Eilene, you finally went to the gyno!! :clap2: :clap2: Good luck getting TOM under control. Any big birthday plans this weekend? What kind of cake are you having? :) Don't forget - 42 is the new 32!! Heck, Christie Brinkley is 52.

Cindy, have you finished with DD's room? When do you pick her up from camp? Boy, is she going to be surprised!

Patty and Pat, hope you're both too busy having fun to hang out on LBT!

I know this is a little premature, but I was thinking it would be fun to have everybody's home address for Christmas cards this year. What do y'all think? You could PM me your info and then I can send everyone a list.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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