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Confused And Depressed -- I Don't Want To Regret This!

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Can't offer any help, don't even have a date yet! But I truly appreciate everyone sharing the bad times as well as the good ones, so that those of us still on this side of the sleeve can anticipate what might be in store for us.

I don't want the poster of the shakes document to become inundated with requests for the file, but I can't download it either. I get a message saying that I do not have permission to view this file. Rather than pester the poster, can someone please explain what is causing the error message?

Thanks, and good luck to all!

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The advice everyone here is giving is good. Ditto for the Top Ramen-high on the sodium but at this point it's more important that you get in your fluids. I did the spicy ones. Either cook just the packet or give the noodles away!

I also "treated" myself and went to a couple of restaurants and ordered Soups 'to go' and took them home and pureed them. Olive Gardens and Chili's worked especially well with this.

My doctor is not a fan of Protein shakes and so I too had just 1 weeks of Clear Liquids (which included shakes) and then was allowed the "full liquids" which included the pureed soups.

While I also say you need to trust your doctor, I also found I had to do what would keep me sane without taking the risks of hurting my sleeve-so I do admit I followed the plans of whoevers doctor was most lenient.

It really is true that after only a few weeks this will be nothing but a bad memory and you never have to have a Protein shake again unless you want to. Many people continue using them daily. Others never again.

Hang in there (you really have no alternative choice, is what I kept telling myself) this stage is definitely HARD but I'll bet in a week or two you will be writing us to tell us how much you Love, Love, Love, your sleeve.

Good luck-and see if there is someone here you feel you can really relate to and see if they will be your buddy or mentor. This journey really is easier with the help of others. As they say in OA "Keep Coming Back"

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I was sleeved one day after you and understand how daunting the Protein shakes are. My husband was stopping at the store daily for me to try new products. You may want to ask your doctor if you can add just a small amount of plain greek yogurt to the shakes and blend it. This seems to take away some of the sweetness (that is of course if you're not lactose intolerant). All I an say is just keep trying different things with your doctor's approval until something clicks.

As far as the depression, don't be afraid to ask for help. There is such a thing as situational depression and it can be treated. Talk to your family doctor. I went through this when I was receiving chemo a year & a half ago and the medication the doctor gave me made a world of difference. You may not even need medication but it never hurts to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Also, I was given prescription acid reducers. I forgot to take it the first day home from the hospital and I thought I was going to die from the acid pain. Once I took it have not had that pain since. So if they didn't give you a prescription for an acid reducer please ask. You really need to be your own advocate as everyone is so different.

Best of luck to you! My thoughts & prayers are with you!


I also can't open the file. If not too much trouble could you email it to me also at ssherwood85@verizon.net? Thank you so much!

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Thank you, every one of you lovely individuals! Your response is truly overwhelming for me :smile1:

I jotted down every one of your great suggestions. I am calling my doctor today to see if I can go to full liquids. Up until now I didn't even realize I could try pureed/strained Tomato basil bisque -- I miss tomatoes so much! I love all kinds of Soups, it's been adding the Protein that made them taste horrible and not being able to get them nice and hot. I think from now on I'll keep my Protein out of the soups (with some exceptions) so that I can actually enjoy them like a regular meal. Way to go Joiebean, reminding me of Won Ton Soup -- one of my favorites as a kid when I was home sick with a cold or flu! The idea of getting back flavorful, savory flavors again just warms my heart. My husband and I are quite the food snobs, always organic and buying fresh from the plethora of food stands we have around us (excellent farmland for produce and fruit). I cannot wait to get into the mushy stage when I can get back to herbs and spices. It's not the quantity I want back, just the ability to TASTE fresh, delicious foods again. I love fish, love chicken, greek yogurt has been a staple in my fridge for years - so I know that stage should be a breeze for me. And we've been strong juicers for a while now, can't wait to shop again for kale and ginger!

I felt horrible guilt to be complaining about something so silly as having to down vanilla, chocolate, berry, etc. type drinks -- such a small problem in the bigger picture I know. I really liked Feedyoureye's suggestion of looking at it like medicine, that really clicks with my type of thinking. I have always been highly imaginative and having visualizations works for me.

To answer other questions, yes I do have a giant packet and diet plan from my doctor. But it's been a bit confusing to waddle through it all and understand HOW to improve on their suggestions. He is a great doctor, I'm incredibilty thankful to have found him and that I was one of the lucky ones who had insurance to help me out. His RN and RD are trying to help me, but I'm not the easiest person to deal with when I'm not feeling well. Yes, I take Omeprazole 20mg (PPI) every morning. The funny thing is that I suffered from not making enough stomach acid before the surgery, so I'm wondering if I really need it. But no doubt, I'll continue taking it! No problems getting in the Multivitamin, B12/Folic Acid, Calcium w/vitamin D -- all that feels very normal. I love herbal teas, they are the best part of my day. I gave up all caffiene about 6 months ago, and found myself rebounding with energy once I did. I only buy unsweetened almond milk and/or soy even prior to surgery because I had tested positive on a food allergy test for sensitivity to all cow and goat products (and eggs). The greek yogurt and some cheeses were the only things I allowed in moderation. But still, a majority of the protein is whey (cow) so no matter what I use, Water or dairy alternative, the whey is still problematic.

I have been in the care of a wonderful psychotherapist for about a year now. I'm an A-type personality who works too much and suffers from anxiety/stress disorder, stemming from perfectionism and wanting to please everyone. So to be "down" for a week in bed, tired from regular everyday stuff like walking up and down stairs - just is not my normal self. Besides trying to "find my normal with food" I know that's been the biggest reason for my depression. I'm not used to being this weak! Yesterday, my husband and I fought while out walking and I found myself doing a good click for over a mile. That's what I usually do with stress, work it out with housework, projects or going full speed ahead like an idiot and overdoing it on the physical. Just can't sit still when I'm in a bad mood! I'm suffering a bit from that today, more sore than I was before around my abdomen. I'm listening to it and planning to go-easy today. Oh, and I should mention I'm ramping up on the PMS which is like adding dynomite to building with a raging fire.

Up until about age 28, I was an atheletic, svelte 130lbs woman who lived vibrantly. But through a number of accidents and tragedies, I gained over 100lbs in one year, tacking on another 30-40 off and on over the years. At first, I just thought I could get it off myself -- but then it just didn't come off. Then the PCOS started, and that freaked me out. I continued to work 50-60 hours a week with 2+ hours of commuting by car each day, which left no time for exercise (along with injuries). A lot of people I haven't seen in 7 years don't even recognize me, that hurt. Inside, I'm still that girl that loved the 2-3 hours bike rides through the country and kayaking across lakes. I don't really care about what size I end up in, be it 12,10,8,6 -- I just want those things back in my life again.

Thank you again everyone. I will reach out to those who I can work with together on this journey - mentoring or mentoree. You are all angels in my book!

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Hello Everyone! This is my first time posting to any forum, just not something I've done before, reaching out to strangers. But in my case, I decided not to tell any family or friends about my sleeve. Only my husband and doctors know. It's a long story to get into, but not why I'm here now.

I was sleeved last Monday, Jan 30. From what I've been reading for weeks, I'm very thankful that there were no complications and I was able to take on fluids and Protein right way. I have not vomited once and nausea is manageable without pills. Went home the next day and have been able to get in fluids and Proteins everyday. Only complication is that I may be lactose intolerant, trying to figure that one out. The gas pains were horrific and I went an entire week without a BM. But after 3X daily doses of Benefiber and mega does of Milk of Magnesia, that problem seems to be getting better. The most disconcerting part is that my guts feel like an alien trying to escape my body. The sounds they make at night wake my husband from dead sleep. Walking does help, but that's been a bit problematic due to other reasons I'd rather not get into. I am getting 20-40 minutes of walking everyday, if it kills me.

Now, my biggest problem is the depression. It hit hardest on Days 3-4, then 5 was OK I think because my husband was around. Today has just been a complete mess. I don't think I can do any more of these disgusting shakes. I hate sweet things - cherry, vanilla, chocolate - all of it is just horrible. I was not a big sweets person before either, so not a shock to me. Even the Jell-O and Popsicles make my tongue and teeth ACHE. I try the chicken and beef stuff, just takes like wet mud to me. Then I'm confused when I see some people on here talking about eating yogurt, applesauce, cream of wheat, oatmeal, tuna, etc. less than a week out. My doctor told me I have to be strictly on these Protein torture drinks for another 1-2 weeks. A lot of the things I'm complaining about -- the gas, bloating, walking problems, etc. -- I think I can get through that. But the idea of another 7-14 days of NOTHING but SWEET, SWEET, SWEET and MUD absolutely makes me want to stop eating all together. I miss flavor, real flavor. Not talking fattening junk food, but just the taste of a Tomato in vinegar, and nice tuna salad with fresh celery and dill. I'm dreaming my teeth are going to fall out because they ache so much.

Can anyone advise?

Hi em :)

Let me just tell you, I wasn't the biggest fan post surgery either. I was quite miserable in fact. I was in pain, every time I swallowed it hurt me, I couldn't get all my fluids or protein in, everything tasted just awful to me, I had no appetite, I had ZERO energy and the list goes on and on!

I don't think it really wasn't until about the fourth month that everything started to come together. That black cloud of despair lifted from my head and ever since then I've been riding high.

My only advice to you is, with time passes and so does all the bad stuff post surgery. Be patient with yourself. You just had major surgery, take it one day and one sip at a time. Also, the broths that you are using may just need a little doctoring. I didn't just drink Swansons broth all day. I added some bouillon cubes of all different flavors. They were actually really tasty! Those were the only meals I actually looked forward too, because like you all the nasty fake sweet junk just didn't do it for me.

Hugs!!! Trust me, if I can get through that so can you. I really did and now you won't find a bigger cheerleader for the sleeve anywhere.

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I to have been depressed on and off since surgery Dec 12,2011 (8 weeks ago this Tuesday). I hated the shakes but was given a list of some pretty tasty ones. I was given some very good advice on here, which made me stay and little bit by little bit I have opened up to the wonderful people here.

I use and used Top Ramen flavor packs for the taste and really loved the hot coco Protein rich they were my stand by's until I got to mushy's

Don't try to rush through the processes your body will tell you when to step up. If you try mushy's and get sick step back down and the same with going on to real food. If you have problems step back down for a bit. Each of us are different as to how well we tolerate the changes.

I couldn't walk at all before having the surgery it was just to hard. I had to start very slow, walk to door, then to drive way, then to street and so on. Now I am walking for 7 minutes on a tread mill. It may take awhile but you will get there.

I have attached a shake file with over 190 shakes to chose from I hope this helps get past this part.

Day by Day Step by Step with Jesus is what I pray for each day.

Wishing you a better, brighter, new day.

I would like the shake list too, please. firstgoslin@gmail.com


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For those of you looking for the Protein shake recipes, there is a huge list of recipes in the food forum under protien shakes. I am not sure if these are the same recipes, but it's a very big list of good Protein Shake recipes.

You need to keep remembering that soon you will be hauling off all your clothes that are too big and watching the scale go down. Think about all the things that you mentioned that you like to do and that it won't be long until you'll be able to do those things again.

I have no doubt that you're going to be successful because you already have good eating habits and seem to like to exercise. This first month is difficult, but it's not going to be long before you can eat whatever you want, in small portions

You're going to be very happy that you are sleeved and have changed your life!

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You've gotten lots of great advice here, and I just wanted to say I'm a bit past six weeks out, and the liquids phase was definitely the most miserable. I thought of it also as medicine and I also kind of think of the whole post-op diet phases sort of as my form of "rehab" from my food addiction. LOL> I know not everyone who has the surgery is a food addict, but I sure am. And the fact that I am on the other side now and can honestly leave a bag of chocolates sitting in the pantry and have one small one every day or two....its crazy.

My doc's diet plan was strict as well, but I was offered variety in the liquid choices, so hoping your doc might too. I too wanted salty not sweet for those early days. My staples during that time were beef broth, premier Protein shakes, and nectar fuzzy navel. Much beter than the thick Protein powder drinks to me.

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Up until about age 28, I was an atheletic, svelte 130lbs woman who lived vibrantly. But through a number of accidents and tragedies, I gained over 100lbs in one year, tacking on another 30-40 off and on over the years. At first, I just thought I could get it off myself -- but then it just didn't come off. Then the PCOS started, and that freaked me out. I continued to work 50-60 hours a week with 2+ hours of commuting by car each day, which left no time for exercise (along with injuries). A lot of people I haven't seen in 7 years don't even recognize me, that hurt. Inside, I'm still that girl that loved the 2-3 hours bike rides through the country and kayaking across lakes. I don't really care about what size I end up in, be it 12,10,8,6 -- I just want those things back in my life again.

boy do we have a lot in common - mine wasn't accidents, it was actual poisoning. Our lives seem to be near replicas. Now we're both on our way back to the healthy lifestyle we once thrived in :) You are truly, truly NOT alone :) I do know what you're going thru.

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Would anyone happen to have the shakes doc that was mentioned earlier in this post? I can't get the link to work -- pls reply if so and I can send u an email addy!! Thank u! Needing some variety big time!

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Here is the shake list if you cab't get it to work send me your email and will send it that way.

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