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Food And The First 2 Weeks Of The Gastric Sleeve

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I've never tried to shame anyone. There's no shame in dealing with a food addiction. I didn't eat something I wasn't supposed to. I didn't hyperfocus on watching food because I missed it so much I couldn't eat it. There's no shame in that either, however, it is indicative of an issue. You posted in a public forum. You posted that you want to lose 100% of your excess weight so you can eat. That doesn't strike you as having an issue with food?

Of course you don.t

I'm done

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shhh.... it's ok.... shhh.... it will be all better soon . heh. sorry :-)

Jellyfish: are you taking any liquid Protein ? Even this soon after surgery you should be getting Protein or you're going to get ill. 100 calories a day is not enough period.

Now, to address your original post : I don't know since my surgery is scheduled for Feb. 13 . But from what I have read of other's experiences, we will eventually be able to eat "normal" food just in much smaller amounts. We can also polish off a gallon of ice cream every day (slow & steady, eh?) if we choose.

I too love to eat and prepare lots of different and exciting foods, which is why I chose the VSG rather than the lap band or bypass.

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shhh.... it's ok.... shhh.... it will be all better soon . heh. sorry :-)

Jellyfish: are you taking any liquid Protein ? Even this soon after surgery you should be getting Protein or you're going to get ill. 100 calories a day is not enough period.

Now, to address your original post : I don't know since my surgery is scheduled for Feb. 13 . But from what I have read of other's experiences, we will eventually be able to eat "normal" food just in much smaller amounts. We can also polish off a gallon of ice cream every day (slow & steady, eh?) if we choose.

I too love to eat and prepare lots of different and exciting foods, which is why I chose the VSG rather than the lap band or bypass.

I don't drink Protein shakes at the moment. My nutrition plan says not to have them until next week when I begin soft food. At the moment, I only have Clear liquids. My apple juice ran out and at this point i do not like apple juice. So I've been on Water and sugar free popsicles. I'm now down to 20 calories a day but its just for 4 more days. I'll survive but obviously, I'm looking forward to eating again.

Like I said before, I don't like deserts. I don't hate ice cream. I just don't like it. The last time I had ice cream was probably, a year ago. (It's that serious) but I don't stand that some food are high calorie in small portion. I realize we are going to eat smaller portions but when I posted my comment i was thinking about the things worth having and things worth avoiding.

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I've never tried to shame anyone. There's no shame in dealing with a food addiction. I didn't eat something I wasn't supposed to. I didn't hyperfocus on watching food because I missed it so much I couldn't eat it. There's no shame in that either, however, it is indicative of an issue. You posted in a public forum. You posted that you want to lose 100% of your excess weight so you can eat. That doesn't strike you as having an issue with food?

Of course you don.t

I'm done

I am normal. I have a perfectly normal feeling towards food. If your trying to make me feel bad cause I had 1 spoon of pureed tuna on my second week of being post-op, you can hold your breathe because I don't feel ashamed at all. I simply tested where my stomach is at. I will be allowed to have pureed meat in 3 days anyways. I am honest about it. I'm honest about my feelings. I'm not going to let you or anyone tell me there is something wrong with me when I followed my nutrition plan so well.

You have no right or place to tell me I have an obsession. You are not a psychologist. I haven't eaten in two weeks. I watched some food shows. I miss food. I should miss food. I think that's healthy.

I want to lose weight so I can eat without shame. It makes perfect sense to me. You're being fake and unrealistic because IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE that one day when we are all thinner we will feel alot less shame having a piece of white bread with our meal. As a heavy person, I often feel bad when I eat certain things because there is a voice in my head saying, "You should be on a diet." I feel bad if I drink the sweetened ice tea or eat the roasted pork but I believe when I'm thinner and in control of my weight, I'll be able to eat and have a normal relationship with food. That's my prerogative. That's what I said in my first post which maybe you didn't real. It makes a hell of a lot of sense and I'm sticking to it.

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Jellyfish, may I suggest you simply ignore the comments you don't agree with and simply focus on the responses that answer your question in the manner you were expecting? I think it's great that you modified your last post from it's original form, but I think this conversation is getting a little too emotional to be productive.

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Jellyfish, may I suggest you simply ignore the comments you don't agree with and simply focus on the responses that answer your question in the manner you were expecting? I think it's great that you modified your last post from it's original form, but I think this conversation is getting a little too emotional to be productive.

No. She's being rude and she deserves to be told she's a dumb hoe. I don't start fights but I will finish one.

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No. She's being rude and she deserves to be told she's a dumb hoe. I don't start fights but I will finish one.

I understand you're upset but I really think the name calling is a bit childish and unnecessary. She was just offering an opinion, that you solicited, and just because you don't agree with it doesn't give you the right to be nasty. If you can't handle getting a response you don't like, either grow up and learn to accept that we all have different opinions, or delete your OP, but please don't pollute our normally very supportive boards with your negativity and immaturity.

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I LOVE food. I went to culinary school, I've done lots of catering, I worked at a winery for 12 years and did many events with pairing wine and food, I order catering for my group at work all the time and plan parties and great food and wine is always up front and central in my thinking and life. I will not give up good healthy food.

However, I now and previously, look at food as nutrition. I want the best nutrition possible. I will use this fabulous sleeved stomach as a tool for a forever healthy, fit, lean, life. I believe down the road I can/could eat anything I want, but it will just be in much much smaller portions to be satisfied. I truly believe poor un-nutritive food, processed food, junk food, SAD (standard american diet) diet is the culprit for the majority of disease and obesity. We all have to make your own decisions on how we fuel our bodies. You can fuel your body with fat, sugar, white flour, processed foods and junk and do not one thing positive for your health, or you can fuel your body with food and calories that count and provide good nutrition for an ultimate healthy life.

I personally will be sporting a plant-based nutritive diet for the rest of my life - once I am done with this liquid phase. Will I ever consume a meat product, dairy or something not all that healthy and nutritious?, yes, very likely, but it will be on a very rare occasion.

I highly recommend a movie - Forks over Knives - http://www.forksoverknives.com/. Just watch it, it doesn't mean you have to change everything you do/eat, but it will enlighten you and will likely change something in a healthy positive direction with your diet. It was life changing for me and many people I know.

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I see we have several new members posting in this thread, and I would like to welcome each of you. I would also like to direct you to our forum rules:


Please remember, everyone has the right to express their opinion and we ask that you always be polite and respectful to each other. Please remember rule number five:

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Thank you everyone for remembering these rules and treating each other with respect from here on out.

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Okay, now that we have all of that out of the way, and we are all being polite and respectful while posting our thoughts and opinions, I would like to add me .02 worth.

I got the sleeve to be a normal person. I do not plan to be on a diet for the rest of my life. There is not a single food that I have eliminated from eating just because it may not be the healthiest choice. I try to eat healthy the majority of the time. But, if there is something I want, I will eat it and enjoy it without guilt. Everything in moderation. The difference now is, instead of stuffing my face until I am uncomfortable, I eat a sensible portion, then push it away and remind myself, I am done eating this right now. It doesn't mean I can't enjoy it again in the future, so there is no need for me to overdo it right now. I love food. Normal, skinny people love food. They are just better at eating eat in reasonable portions than I was.

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Well, here's what I plan to have "normal" look like for me. I plan to eat low carb for most meals, and then when I go out for a special celebration or holiday or whatever, I'll have whatever I'd enjoy, without guilt. That way, although I may not be indulging in a huge multi-course dinner, those big food occasions will still feel special to me. I do think I'm going to find it very difficult to go out with my friends and know that I can have four tablespoons of food, and I'm going to have to choose them pretty carefully. No more appetizers, salads, main courses and Desserts. Maybe that won't bother you or others at all, but I do think I'll go through a mourning process over it, and that's why I decided to see a therapist.

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I understand you're upset but I really think the name calling is a bit childish and unnecessary. She was just offering an opinion, that you solicited, and just because you don't agree with it doesn't give you the right to be nasty. If you can't handle getting a response you don't like, either grow up and learn to accept that we all have different opinions, or delete your OP, but please don't pollute our normally very supportive boards with your negativity and immaturity.

My post specifically asked, "What do you guys eat when you go out? What foods affect your weight the most? How do you feel about food?" I even gave circa an example of the type of information i was hoping to get. She ignored it.

After reflecting on the conversation, I stand behind what I said. You chose to get yourself involved for no reason. In the process of telling me not to call people names, you called me immature, nasty and suggested i delete my account. SHe said something I found offensive. SO I responded. You felt that was offensive so you responded. Isn't that the EXACT same thing? So it's OK for you to call me names about a situation but not for me? Your doing exactly what your telling me not to. I find that hypocritical.

Frankly, the whole dumb hoe thing would not have come up if you didn't get involved.I think my and circa's conversation actually ended before you added your last comment. By getting involved, not only did you make the conversation worse but you also made it longer. I may be immature but I'm honest, very strong willed and I stand up for myself. I am who I am. Not everyone is going to like it or how I express myself.

So I told her what I needed to say. I regret it not. I don't think you are being any more mature by getting involved and taking sides. I think the case is resolved now.

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Okay, now that we have all of that out of the way, and we are all being polite and respectful while posting our thoughts and opinions, I would like to add me .02 worth.

I got the sleeve to be a normal person. I do not plan to be on a diet for the rest of my life. There is not a single food that I have eliminated from eating just because it may not be the healthiest choice. I try to eat healthy the majority of the time. But, if there is something I want, I will eat it and enjoy it without guilt. Everything in moderation. The difference now is, instead of stuffing my face until I am uncomfortable, I eat a sensible portion, then push it away and remind myself, I am done eating this right now. It doesn't mean I can't enjoy it again in the future, so there is no need for me to overdo it right now. I love food. Normal, skinny people love food. They are just better at eating eat in reasonable portions than I was.

What do you eat ? What's your normal dinner?

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My post specifically asked, "What do you guys eat when you go out? What foods affect your weight the most? How do you feel about food?" I even gave circa an example of the type of information i was hoping to get. She ignored it.

After reflecting on the conversation, I stand behind what I said. You chose to get yourself involved for no reason. In the process of telling me not to call people names, you called me immature, nasty and suggested i delete my account. SHe said something I found offensive. SO I responded. You felt that was offensive so you responded. Isn't that the EXACT same thing? So it's OK for you to call me names about a situation but not for me? Your doing exactly what your telling me not to. I find that hypocritical.

Frankly, the whole dumb hoe thing would not have come up if you didn't get involved.I think my and circa's conversation actually ended before you added your last comment. By getting involved, not only did you make the conversation worse but you also made it longer. I may be immature but I'm honest, very strong willed and I stand up for myself. I am who I am. Not everyone is going to like it or how I express myself.

So I told her what I needed to say. I regret it not. I don't think you are being any more mature by getting involved and taking sides. I think the case is resolved now.

Actually, you called her a bi*ch and a hoe before I got involved - just because you revised it doesn't mean the original wasn't emailed to everyone who had already posted. So please, get off your high horse and own up to your actions and stop trying to make it look like I needlessly intervened.

"I had one spoon of tuna which didn't stay down. The simple fact that you pointed out you didn't eat something you were suppose to is patronising. This is a public forum but that isn't an excuse to go after people and be a judgemental B***h as if you're some how perfect. I am two weeks post-op and I have been on Clear liquids for two weeks. There is NOTHING unhealthy, addictive or hyperfocused about my wanting to eat. HUMAN BEINGS EAT TO LIVE. It is not indicative of an issue. I am fine.

I want to lose 100% of my excess weight so I can eat. That is a perfectly normal resolution. I want to be able to eat a chicken sandwhich and not feel bad afterwards. It makes perfect sense. I don't want a voice in the back of my head going, "You're too big to eat this. You should be on a diet." I just want to have a normal relationship with food which is what I stated in my post. You are idiot and I'm tired of you. I know their is nothing wrong with me. I've lost 34 pounds. I've stuck very closely to my nutrition. I WAS HEALTHY even prior to my surgery. I don't eat pizza and hamburgers from fast food. I Go to restaurants and having Pho, grilled duck, roasted chicken, etc. I'm 22. I had normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol, normal blood sugar (no diabetes) and very healthy heart. My problem is and has always been portion size. So i had this procedure. My weight is already coming off and I'm contemplating on what my REAL DIET will be when I start eating again. That was my post. MY best friend is a psychologist and she said to let you know that people like you make her business because you apply stupid interference to perfectly normal feelings.

SHe wants you to know and obsession is something people do constantly over a period of time and in extremes. Me spending a few hours to watch food tv shows is not an obsession. Everything I feel is normal. There is 100% no need for medical intervention of any kind. So screw you hoe!"

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