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Is It The Infamous 3 Week Stall Or Is It 3 Weeks Of Stalling?

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Hey, happy. You and I were sleeved on the same day, and I'm also going on 3 weeks with basically no scale movement--I've been losing and regaining the same pound every few days! It's really frustrating, even with the opportunity to read about other people's experiences at this stage.

I just went to the gym for the first time today and rode a stationary bike for 15 minutes, which exhausted me. I had planned to start my Couch to 5K program this week, but I'm going to have to work up to jogging.

I will say that I have more energy now that I'm eating solid foods again. The weakness. I had in weeks 1-3 was awful.

I am so sorry that you are feeling the same pains of the lack of weight loss, but I feel good when I get support from the " Real" experiences of my co- sleevers here at VST.

Other than walking , my Dr is against exercise until 8- 12 weeks. I guess next week she will let me know when I can start. Historically I gain weight my first couple weeks of working out.

In many, many ways I am so lucky and have not experienced weakness or even terrible fatigue. I do get tired, but not the type of tired that sends you to your car for a noontime nap at work. I am n early riser and try to go to bed early. My job is standing and walking most of the day, so I' m very pleased to have escaped the extreme fatigue. I'm not sure if it's because my Dr believes in immediate Vitamin D and B 12 replacements along with a good Vitamin with Iron. I have also been able to get all my Protein and Water in each day since the day I came home from the hospital.

I had also did everything asked of me since my first nutrition and Dr's visits, including the changes in my behaviors . Maybe that all together has made my recovery so good. My biggest issue is Constipation, although I use benefiber daily.... I'm not getting the results I would like.

I would love to stay in touch with you since we were sleeved on the same day if that's ok.. I'll add you as a friend. :-)

So, all of that is just to say...things are getting better since surgery. It's just a slow train we're riding! Best of luck to you. I'm confident that we'll both see great results!

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My weight loss has been VERY slow and in a pattern. I lose for about a week and then I stall for three. This has been ongoing since surgery. I have "only" lost 44 pounds since surgery day on September 12th and I have only lost two pounds since Christmas, which was five weeks ago. Be patient, it will happen and your body is just freaking out right now.

You have done a great job, 44 lbs in four months is awesome . I will try to be patient. I know that my disappointment should be short lived. I will get weighed by my Dr on the 9th and see what happens. I loved your words that my body is freaking out, I think

my mind is at times too. :-) I am usually a very slow loser and should have this figured this out by now.

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I was in a stall for about a week. I increased my calorie intake a little, and made sure I drank 2 Premier Protein drinks a day and I lost 4 lbs. the next day!

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Yay, you're my first VST friend! :first:

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I'm slow too. Just had my 6 week followup appt and according to their scales have lost 26 lbs in six weeks. I stalled for about two weeks starting at 3 weeks, then after AF came I dropped another 3 lbs, and now I'm just sitting there again. But I hope if I keep eating right (Nut said I was doing a great job after reviewing myfitnesspal logs) and starting moving more now. Moving more is my big goal this month.

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I'm slow too. Just had my 6 week followup appt and according to their scales have lost 26 lbs in six weeks. I stalled for about two weeks starting at 3 weeks, then after AF came I dropped another 3 lbs, and now I'm just sitting there again. But I hope if I keep eating right (Nut said I was doing a great job after reviewing myfitnesspal logs) and starting moving more now. Moving more is my big goal this month.

I wish you the best of luck, slow losing may be better in the long run, maybe we won't have any hanging anything. (That would be a miracle) Although just a few pounds and I am getting turkey jowls. Just four more months I may be considered "Senior Citizen" at many restaurants, so I guess I've earned them. :-) My sister had this surgery On August 30th, she looked like she was losing weight, but claims she had a 5 week stall. She has been sort of a roller coaster loser, nothing for a couple weeks than a good drop. She is almost at goal, lost 8 lbs in the last two weeks which is huge considering she is so small. I'll keep hoping it all works out..

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I have been in a stall since before Christmas. Stuck at same weight UGGGG. Really frustrating since I was only 8 lbs from GOAL (ok Dr.'s goal....I am shooting for 135) I ran out of Vitamins for about two weeks (ordered them online and finally got them in) I also tried to up the Protein (I have been busy at work and some days it is hard to get 80 grams of Protein in!) I can't do shakes they make me throw up.

soooooooooooooo anyway.............I weighed this morning and finally after about two months lost 3 lbs!!!WOOOOHOOOO STALL IS BROKEN!!

so I have five more pounds until Dr.'s goal weight.

Guess I have to finally change my ticker!!!

Stick in there. Sometimes it just takes time. I have noticed also that my size 14 jeans are way loose....I have not worn a size 12 in about 20++++ years...........kind of want to go try some on just to see????

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I'm in a stall too. It's been a little over a week. I know I need to kick up the exercise, but starting back to work this week has kicked my butt. The hour commute home doesn't help either.

Just FYI and probably TMI, but Citrucel is my new friend. Can't take it all the time, but it seems to work for me. I'm going to insert more Fiber into my diet while keeping the Protein up. Broccoli with my Greek yogurt gorgonzola dip anyone?

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The body fights like a maniac to keep weight stable, even to the point of holding Water, or slowing down the metabolism. Wish my bod weren't so scrappy.

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I'm right there with you. I dropped 17 lbs in the first two weeks. And now....nothing....one lb lost, one lb gained. I'm doing my best to get all the Water and Protein in, but Im just exhausted. Someone mentioned the weakness and tiredness that comes with the first few weeks.....and boy I'm feeling it.

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Wow...I feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one going through this...I feel for all of you who are experiencing the emotions I have...I lost a pound everyday for the first two weeks and now I have stalled for a week now. I have been very upset because I remembered reading where most people lose between 20-35 pounds the first month and it doesn't look like I am going to hit that. I was praying for 25 pounds in the first month but that is not going to happen unless I wake up and lose 3 pounds in a day... I know I need to get moving more and I need to drink some milk of magnesia...I definitely think those two things might help me break my stall...We will see. Good luck to everyone who is going through these stalls...They are really upsetting... I told my family--if I am going to be suffering like this--that scale better move!

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I think I'm un-stalled! Yay (and knock on wood)! 3 pounds down as of this evening.

I hope everyone else is seeing the scale move for them, too.

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Update.... I will be 6 weeks post op tomorrow. I have not lost a thing in almost 4 weeks, since my 2 week check up. I was given a goal of losing 6lbs and now have but one full day to do that in. I have a Dr's and nutritionist appointment on Thursday. I have seen a drop of about 2lbs, but then the next day it's right back on the scale. I hope a miracle happens by Thursday, I am embarrassed to go to the Dr's without any weight loss. I get all my Protein, little to no carbs and plenty of Water. I don't know what else to do. :-( I hate being old. All the young ones seem to have the weight just fall off. I hate to think this was all done for nothing.

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I'm sorry to hear that, happy. I don't think you should be embarrassed, though. If you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing, then that's all you can do! (not sure if that's logical, but you know what I mean) I hope your doc and nut are supportive, not negative. And I just know you'll start seeing the scale move in the right direction again soon!

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What's old my dear. I'm 46. ;-) Have you added cadio and weight training to the mix? Maybe up the calories, up the Protein? Ask the nutritionist. That's what they are there for.

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      I joined yesterday when I was struggling with this preop diet... 
      It typically comes and goes, the hard times and easier times. I'm on day 6 of 14  shakes, water, sf Popsicles and jello. And I might actually be losing my mind. But, oh dear lord has the fear set in. Not about the surgery itself, but life afterwards. If I feel this crappy on the preop diet, am I going to feel like this forever after? 
      I know most of the answers are no, not forever. It might be worse after for a while, then get better. I know it's a more of a mental challenge than physical after the first couple weeks of healing. I get all of that. But I'm starting to feel scared about losing myself afterwards. 
      It might be my hormones or desire to chew something salty talking.. It may go away soon or tomorrow.. I can hope, anyway. But right now.. The fear is real. 
      And this liquid diet can bite me. 
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      1. NickelChip

        Fear is normal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm 4.5 months post-op and the pre-op diet was by far the hardest part of the whole process. There will be challenges and a lot of new things to learn, but I can honestly say at this point I feel so much more "back to normal" and was even able to go on a week-long vacation with my kids without stressing over it. It's so worthwhile.

      2. OhMyGawdItzKla

        @NickelChip This actually does make me feel better! Thank you so much! After the onslaught of Covid, we've all had to deal with a "new normal", so I know it's possible. It's just the fear and frustration in this moment that makes me question if I can find another "new normal" afterwards. The thought of just a few more months seems daunting some times, but I really do appreciate input and real experience. I'll use that to get me through for a few more hours! LOL. Thank you so much! And I'm glad everything is going so well for you! ❤️

    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

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