vintagehound 1 Posted July 27, 2006 I thought it would be interesting to start a thread for bandsters that got their surgery done in Mexico to share their experiences as many people are curious. I was banded on the 21st, 5 days ago. If you write about your experiences, don't forget to let us know who your doc was...... Dr. Pedro Kuri - Tiajuana July 21st 2006 34 years old Want to loose 100lbs My experience: First of all, I was kept informed and received information from a facilitator here in Cali. on behalf of the office. All of the arrangements were totally smooth. It was all done online. I had an appointment within 3 weeks of deciding to do it. It all happened very fast. My facilitator sent me all the information I needed for diets, payments, all medical info.... The pre-op diet information could have been more specific. The day before surgery, we were picked up at the border parking lot promptly at the arranged time by the driver Miguel. I heard about his driving, but honestly I have been way more afraid in cabs in NY! It wasn't so bad. Very fast to the hospital from the border. Dr. Kuri's office is in the building right next to the hospital, it was very convenient. The Kuri staff was very nice and spoke great english. It was kind of assembly line. One doc took the EKG and did a small physical, at the hospital I gave blood (never got any results back...), Then we had a brief rundown and were sent away for our last meal. Several of my fellow banders and their companions and my husband and I went out to eat. We had to be back at the hospital by 6:30 to check in, no more food....... The hospital was really nice, marble floors, the rooms were very clean and lovely. Nobody in the hospital spoke a word of english. I had to use sign language the whole time. There was a bad smell on the main floor. That evening, a bit later than scheduled, we had a group meeting with Dr. Kuri. It was not very long. I got to touch the band and inspect it. This was the first time any of us met him. There were 6 of us getting banded the next day. He does 8 a day sometimes! That day he said he did 20 fills. All the customers I saw in his waiting area and getting banded were american. That night, they gave us a sleeping pill. Too bad my husband didn't get one, his bed was........ Very early the next morning all of us bandsters were woke up early and told to shower. I was last to be banded, I did not go in until 12pm. I was taken to a room with a couple of other waiting banders, and given a "happy Pill" the nurse said. It went under my tounge and tasted horrid! I turned to the lady next to me and commented on how rank it was, and I remember nothing else. When I got to my room I felt terrible! I was in pain and out of it, and I had a catheter eeewwwwwww. As soon as I could, I signed to the nurse to get it out and went to pee. They gave us nothing but ice the whole surgery day and night. I would have liked some tea maybe..... That night of surgery, late, Dr. Kuri and his team came to each of our rooms and let us know how we did. I unfortunately got some bad news that while he was inside me with the camera, he saw a cyst on my tube or ovary the size of a small orange. He said he would have taken care of it but it was too far down, and would have required more incisions. I am glad he was paying attention. I will have to deal with that next...... The next day we got our first meal, Jello & apple juice, both of which I hate. I suffered a few bites and I was starving! Before we were discharged, we had to do a barium swallow in the floroscope. It was great! You stand in front of a wall and watch your swallow go down your esophagus through the band and into your lower stomach, on a TV screen. We were later given copies of it on XRAy to take home. This made sure the band was on right. We were picked up by the hotel and driven there with a fellow bandster and stayed for 2 days at Tiajuana's version of a 5 star hotel. The fee of $9000.00 I paid for surgery included the hotel for both nights. They had the best buffet I ever saw with every tropical fruit known to man, and all I could eat was broth and Jello. It sucked! I hear mixed reports about how some people feel hungry after surgery, and some don't. I never stopped feeling ravenous. I stuck to the gross diet though, for the sake of healing correctly. I was very sore for the next two days, and used all my pain pills. I tried to walk as much as I could per instructions. I am so glad I had a bandster friend there with me to share with. Go Denise!!!! I had terrible dreams and nightmares too. I woke up the night after surgery and had a wierd anxiety attack of shaking. My husband had to calm me down. I think I was starving to death, or maybe a little in shock. The next day We were promptly picked up by the driver again and taken back to our car at the border parking lot. 12 hours later, we were home! MY BED!!!!!!!!! I haven't had a good nights sleep yet, anywhere, cause it is so hard to find a comfy position. I went to work last night for about 7 hours and did what I could to revamp my retail store. I am sore today cause of it. I am in high spirits, so far I would do it again, I feel great except sore at my port site. The pain in my port area is attached to a pain in my abdomen somehow....anyone else..... I think I have a lot of energy. I graduated to pure'ed food yesterday, thankyou!!! I can only eat about 1/4 cup at a time, but it moves through quickly and I eat another 1/4 cup about 10 minutes later. I am suprised how fast I get full!! I am trying to eat mostly organic, I have pure'ed several Amy's Soups. I don't know if I have lost weight since surgery, I have no scale. I am going to buy one on Friday and only use it once a week.....I sure hope I have, it was a trying week! So far, I am so glad to be a bandster and I am very excited!!!! I look foward to hearing all your stories.... Zoe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charlene821 0 Posted July 28, 2006 Congrads Zoe and great sucess...i'm scheduled for august 21 in TJ,Mexico with DoctorCorvala......Charlene Share this post Link to post Share on other sites