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Well, I killed this thread right off! LOL Everybody doing okay?

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Hi all. My mom in law and sis in law have been visiting, and all is well.... except it has been extra hard to get everything logged in and eating the best choices.... I have gained the vacation 2 pounds back... and I guess that is pretty good all things considered....but I think it will be easier when Im back on my regular schedule. My knee has been really bothering me, so I have missed two dance classes, but walking still seems ok, and I have managed to keep that up. I am going to the Redwoods this long weekend, and will do some walking there in nature, with my little old doggie and visiting family. Should be wonderful! I will try to take some photos. Speeking of photos, my husband showed us some photos of the last time we visited the redwoods.... who WAS that XXL girl in the photo?

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Hiya Meg...

No, you haven't killed it off ...lol... sounds like you had an amazing trip! Love the fact that food is no longer an issue or cause for concern, I feel that this is a great benefit of the sleeve.

I haven't posted on here for a while cos nothing has really changed. I am at the top of my bounce range which really pees me off and whatever I do, nothing seems to change... I've sorta given up at the moment.

My back/groin has been playing up again too... I went to see my physio - after waiting 5mths - and am doing the exercises she gave me, so at least I feel that I am doing something to get it sorted.

I just feel at the moment, that a lot of what I say on this thread is moaning and groaning and I didn't want it to be like that; more of a place for encouragement, support and good news to keep me, and others, motivated!

Sorry for my absence... I will try and think of something good to post...

Oh, one good thing, we have some sun in Wales... don't know how long it will last, but it is lovely!

Hope everyone else is good!

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So sorry I've been out for a bit. My husband and I do travel-related stuff, and we took a group of students from my university on a post-graduation cruise. It was a blast--the kids were fantastic, very nice, very mature, and the trip was wonderful start to finish. BEST NEWS: Despite drinking more than I usually do (I probably had 2 fruity rum drinks a day plus a glass of wine with dinner) and eating dessert every evening (chocolate melting cake--yes, with ice cream), I got back on the scale this morning and celebrated that I am exactly the same weight as before we left. Yep. No gain. No loss, either, which I didn't really expect--I think everything balanced out, since we did a LOT of walking and running around, swimming, snorkeling, sailing, and I actually did use the ship's gym and walking track a couple of times.

I had no trouble finding food that was appropriate for me and my still-picky sleeve. I discovered that I still could not tolerate prime rib or pork roast (had bites off my husband's plate to check), but sleevie LOVED most of the seafood options. Also really, really loved the wok-cooked vegetables available at every lunch--you select your own veggies and they add meat (I just did veggies) and sauce and cook quickly in a wok--fresh and delicious and very good for me!

I ate fruit and hard-boiled egg whites for Breakfast, frozen yogurt or soft-serve ice cream as a snack, some peanuts, veggies for lunch with a couple of thin slices of cheese, and the dining room dinner (appetizer, usually Soup for me; entree, usually seafood or vegetarian; and dessert, always chocolate melting cake for me!). It was easy, delicious, and I felt GREAT during the trip--not stuffed or uncomfortable.

I will say that the plate/bowl size was incredibly large, even by American standards--they held a ridiculous amount of food. And the serving utensils were designed to give out big glops of food--even things like sour cream were self-serve with these HUGE serving spoons. salad dressings were provided in squeeze bottles that had really wide-spout tops--designed for fast service, but the end result is that people poured on HUGE amounts of these things really easily. And I noticed that in fact, you could correlate the food choices to the body type of people eating them--thin people of every age ate fruit, veggies, and a modest amount of heavier Protein food; heavier people ate really big portions, fattier foods, and several different Desserts at a single meal (it's an all-you-can-eat buffet at every meal on board). It was really kind of eye-opening, having so recently been in the "other camp," as it were.

My sleeve has made it possible for me to see/smell/be around food and NOT WANT IT. This would never have been the case before. I would definitely have overindulged, and if I didn't, I would have felt like I was missing out on something. We went to a "midnight Mexican buffet," and I had--NOTHING. Nothing looked good enough to eat just because it was there. It was kind of strange--I noticed into the second or third day that I wasn't even thinking about food--I was just enjoying the activities and the company. :-) Normal relationship with food, maybe?? is it possible?

Meg, thanks for the recap, that is awesome that food is secondary to all other things!!! What an amazing concept that has eluded us for so many years! Interesting correlation on the body types and food consumed. I know there is much more to obesity than just that piece of the puzzle, but there is no denying that is a large part of it!

On and congrats on not gaining...wow, pretty cool!

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I'm still here, but I had the flu for a week and was laid low, I took to my bed for about four days of to-the-bone exhaustion but am feeling loads better now. Getting back to crossfit is going to hurt no doubt, but I'm kinda looking forward to it ;) BTW, don't know how sick any of you have been since getting sleeved but this was the straight up legit no-foolin' influenza FLU and let me tell ya, it is a whole different ball of wax getting sick after the sleeve! Whatever "appetite" I claim to have utterly disappeared and it was all I could do to force a single Protein shot down my throat as my "meal" for an entire day and that no doubt made it worse.

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Awesome new phone app I found for tracking. It's called Lose It. It's free and so simple if u journal your intake this app is fantastic!!! Just found it and love it!!!

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Thought I would post a quick update...

Prior warning - not in a happy place; lots of moaning...

I'm still not feeling great, my back has got to the stage where I needed to take time of work and I haven't trained for 3 weeks now...grrrr

Also went to my docs for a range of bloods to be tested as I've been feeling exhausted for several weeks; they've come back normal. I haven't seen the doc, the lovely lady on the phone told me - I hate it when that happens!

I have mixed feelings on the results, not that I want to bring an illness on myself, but I sorta hoped they would flag something up that could easily sorted eg low Iron, thyroid etc. So I am still none the wiser as to why I feel soooo bloody sh*tty!

Also been to see the meno doc, she said that the HRT is why I am retaining Water but didn't offer me any solution. She also suggested for me to take the tablet form of HRT, Kliofem, as the Patches are making me 'show' pretty much daily since I started them. I have to pick the new tabs up later; I will try them and see what happens. She did recommend the IUS - coil? - but I said no... can't remember where or when but I am sure a lot of ladies have had trouble with this and it caused weight gain!

Anyone had any experience of this...

Talking of which, the nurse weighed me and I have gained on their scales... I told her that I have gained at home and she said 'oh my dear, you must stop eating so many calories... aren't I a cow?' and chuckled... how I didn't smack her smug fecking face in I don't know. I replied 'oh I do watch my calories and believe me when I tell you I don't over eat'. She said; 'the weight you've gained is due to too many calories, weight is as simple as calories in and calories out'... I told her that my caloires are between 1000-1200 daily and that I can't function on less and she looked at me as if I was lieing...'Then my dear, you just have to exercise more won't you' ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

At this point I just smiled and walked out cos I could feel my blood boiling and I didn't want to cry! I just hate the fact that this woman who doesn't know me feels that it is ok to judge me... she did it before so I should of been prepared... but alas I wasn't!

I am sooooo angry at her... and to be honest, I am starting to feel a little helpless! Nothing I do is working for me right now and am at the top of my bounce range and have been for over a week... this is seriously doing my head in and then to hear that from some stupid old cow didn't really help matters!

I am hoping that this is a blip in the matrix and things will get better as I am starting to feel low and I don't want to crumble now when I have done sooooo well!

Sorry for the rant ! xx

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COOPS ~ Before my surgery I had an IUD inserted called the MIRENA bc I am peri menopausal and have had no difficulties. My OB/GYN also had me wearing a Climara patch for hormone therapy and I was bleeding constantly still. My surgeon had me stop the Patches and I did. Even after surgery I didn't start back up on the patch because my bleeding had stopped. i had been bleeding for about a couple of months, very annoying. The Mirena IUD has no side effects for me and I haven't had a period since. Thankful to the core for this. That stupid nurse was a total, inconsiderate B****! I would talk with her supervisor about her unprofessional behaviors. I hope things get better and you get your energy back soon. This is probably a stupid question but, did they test your B12 Vitamin level? Can you increase your B12 to see if it helps? :)

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Love across the pond Coops!! I really think that your exhaustion, weight stalls and gains, even a small portion of your back pain, are ripple effect impacts from the death of your student. Our minds and feelings have an incredible impact on our bodies, and vice versa, none of our parts exist in a vacuum. Have you considered seeing a counselor regularly?

And I would have told that STUPID STROPPY COW that the only reason she wasn't getting punched in the effing face was because she wasn't worth the trouble!!

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Dorrie and GT,

thanks you...


I am peri menopausal as well... started when I was 39 (I am 41 now), but looking back the symptoms were there, I just blamed my weight! has the Mirena stopped you losing weight... doesn't seem to have effects you in that way as you're doing so well. I suppose I am frightened of something 'alien' in me! I know that sounds weird, my meno doc didn't really understand it...lol... She said it is the best way to get the hormones in, in a regular way.

I have got tablets now so I am prepared to give them a go... gotta go back in 10 weeks. Then there is a part of me that just wants to stop the HRT all together cos I just don't feel 'right' ... Oh I don't know!!!


My regular doc suggested that if the bloods came back clear then it could be psychological... not sure what that actually means but you might be on the same page as her. Steve reckons that the weight stall, back problem and headaches are all stress related... I just don't know how to deal with it! I certainly can't comfort myself with food now... I suppose I am a little lost at the moment... I think I need some time to sort my head space out, but I don't really know where to start. Counselling is a toughie for me. I've been before but I lived in a different area. Not sure what kinda facilities we have around here? And to be honest, I don't know if I could deal with it at the moment.

And as far as that nurse goes... OMG... I really don't want to see her soon!

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Coops ~ the doc was saying that it is most likely psychosomatic in which case GT is absolutely correct. Instead of food, started writing a journal in how your feeling and you can also do some journaling. That's where you start writing anything and everything that comes into your thoughts with monitoring it. It doesn't have to be correct. it is a way of expressing yourself and getting it out. Most times as a therapist I recommend exercise, but you have pain, so that's not an option. Just keep talking to Steve.....

Keep it up and thanks for sharing. No, I have not gained any weight from my Mirena thank goodness. I don't even know it's there. ;)

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what kind of things do I write... I did try this years ago and as soon as I had a pen in my hand I went blank and started writing things that were so comical they could have been turned into a screen play...lol!

I do talk to Steve, but honestly, he doesn't get it!! Bless, after all he is only a bloke! In his defence he does try, but I think I am so confused myself that I don't really speak clearly and at the moment I am that tired I find it hard to articulate how I actually feel; that and the fact that I am not really sure in what I am currently feeling apart from a lot of frustration and a little anger!

I'll keep working on in...

thanks for listening... you have no idea how helpful it is just to pop on here and have a vent to those who know what I am going through x

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Okay, Coops! Been right there with you! I am sooo tired all the time, I even think WHEN I am in bed sleeping that I feel exhausted! lol I am under a lot of stress right now with grandchildren/daughter living with us and I am having to take on a lot of added responsibility I didn't intend to have at 58! (thank god I am 100lbs lighter!) I feel the same way about the weight. I know, for me, it's just a matter of exercising and sticking to not snacking too much. But, truthfully, those sliders are still serving me as a "crutch". There, I've said it! Fatty, fatty, boo BA latty! ha! May be thin on the outside but I'm a BIG girl inside still! ha! And worry, worry, worry all the time about regain - WHILE i'm eating a cookie! Hang in there! This too shall pass! REALLY. I believe that - everything looks worse when you don't feel well. On that note - are you taking B12? Just another note - and don't get mad at me people - when you are going through menopause, etc and no hormone balance, many doctors are now prescribing a low dose anti-depressant. I had a full hysto in 2000. Did fine while I could have the hormone replacement therapy and then the scare about cancer/heart disease came out and they pulled the plug on that! Trust me - I would welcome that small threat versus Hair loss (extreme and then VSG) no desire at all (nope), and depression!!!! I took a very small dose for a couple of years that really, really helped me. Just made me think, "Hmm, I can do this!" Off now but I would discuss with your Dr. if you don't feel better soon - physically and emotionally. We are all here for you!!! And that nurse - KICK HER IN THE SHINS NEXT TIME!!! How rude!

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Write about your anger and frustrations, sadness, feelings of self worth, feelings of depression. What ever comes up and then have a funeral for those feelings. I personally would burn the paper or vision putting it in a big hot air balloon and the balloon lifting off, watching it until it disappears in the universe. Start walking some if possible. Believe me, you have done so great! The rest will come off and if not, then look how beautiful you look! Stunning! ;)

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Things have been a little overwhelming for me too lately... but not really SO bad. I do feel like running away sometimes, but don't have the money or guts to do so. There are so many rotten things going on in the world right now, but we both have jobs, and jobs that really mean something too... and we just lost a TON of weight, and have lots to be thankful for. Chin up, one minute at a time if need be. I figure I will get out of this crappy eating pattern soon, I bet as soon as my mom in law and sis in law are back home. I love them and they are really nice and easy going, but my obsessive calorie and Protein counting is out the window, and my exercise habits are off kilter too. Not their fault, but I just need a fine balance to get the job done right. Don't even mention the wine and nibbles every evening! I am enjoying it, but the little weight gain and tiny voice telling me " keep this up and gain it all back baby" is not adding to my feelings of well being. I look forward to exercising a little more control soon....sooner than later! I had a great vacation by the way... lots of walking, and lots of good food. The sleeve helped me so much to stay at least in the ballpark...gaining only a few pounds is really a miracle.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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