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Hi everyone, I'm Rocco from Jakarta, Indonesia.

I have been dealing with my weight as long as I could remember. My biggest weight was 137 kg and my height is 167 cm. I am considered morbid obese. I finally did my Gastric Sleeve surgery in Jakarta on 24 October 2014.

I wrote down my background, my post op, surgery and my updates on my blog: www.gastricsleevemiracle.blogspot.com

I hope my blog would help fellow sleevers and would inspire all of you.

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Hi my name is Kamar, I am 39 years old my start weight is 271 pounds I wear a size 50 in pants and 3-4xl in shirts. I want to get down to a size 36-38 in pants. I have two dogs that I love more than anything. I have one brother, which he is a great young man. My mom and my brother are great for support, I have talked about the sleeve surgery so much he wants to have the surgery done.

I had my surgery on Monday 10th, I will say that the surgery went well. I will say about the only thing that is not and does not feel very well is the gas. I went and got gas x the chewables and they did not do anything. I live in Michigan and it is cold outside to walk from like corner to corner. But I really understand when they say you need to walk, you need to walk until your feet hurt because it will make your insides feel much better. Today is my first real day out, I went to Walmart with my mom and we pick up things but just by walking around let me know that it works. By the time I got home I had to go to the restroom and the gas was moving (if you know what I mean). I am tired of eating Soup broth, so I thought that I would be grown and eat a chip, now I did do one thing chew chew that is what I did so I really don't know if it is because I walk around or just because it was to early.

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Hi. My name is Brenda and I am a survivor of the gastric sleeve surgery. I say survivor because I almost died from it. I had surgery July 23,2013 and was cleared to go home the following day after they did the swallow test. I started running a fever 10 days later, called my doctor and go in to see him about a week later. I was told, by the doctor himself, that he never had anyone have trouble with this surgery; and because he didn't correct the problems, he sent me to another doctor at a different hospital. I had a hole in my stomach and the infection was spreading through my body. The next doctor, explained that he would place a stent in my stomach and that would take care of it. This surgery took place on a Friday night and he went home for the weekend, failing to leave an order for something to keep me from vomiting every 5 minutes for the next 48 hours. Two weeks later, I was so weak I couldn't get up off the sofa myself and could barely get to the bathroom when I needed to go, which wasn't often because I wasn't able to eat or drink without throwing up. I went by ambulance to the local ER and that is when my mind shut down. I don't remember anything about the hospital until I woke up in ICU. My body was full of infection, my lung had collapsed and was full of infection and I had another hole in my stomach and one in my esophagus. I spent several days in ICU and then was told that there wasn't a doctor in my town who could 'fix' my problem and would need to go to St. Louis to Barnes. My son works with a company there that deals a lot with doctors and he was able to find a doctor who could help and was willing to take me on. This doctor is a thoracic surgeon and he saved my life, literally! I was taken by ambulance to Barnes and this doctor and his fellows were in my room within the hour. I was taken into surgery again where he had to scrape out the infection from my lung and put 2 drain tubes into it. Then he flipped me over and dealt with the hole in the esophagus, putting another drain into it. He also had to put a feeding tube in because I was unable to eat or drink anything for the next three months. In total, I came out of that surgery with 7 tubes coming out of my body and it was 6 months before the last one was removed. The incision in my stomach to repair the holes became infected several times and I had to have a wound vac on for 3 or 4 months. Every time it got infected, I had to go back into surgery to have it cleaned out. I ended up having 10 surgeries, spending 10 months of my life in and out of the hospital and then rehab facilities. I was on deaths door three different times during all of this and was begging God to let me die. He isn't done with me yet, so I am still here:) I spent 10 months in bed, too weak to even sit in a chair for more than half an hour at a time. When I finally did start feeling better I wasn't able to stand up without passing out, I was too weak. I would even pass out in my wheelchair when I was working with physical therapy, sitting down. I have been home since Mother's Day this past May and I am finally done with PT. I have a long ways to go; my stamina is very low and I tire quickly when I am up doing things around the house. I have taken over the cooking and laundry again, which thrills my hubby to no end. I can be up about a half hour working before I have to rest. People have asked for the good the bad and the ugly but I have found they really don't want to hear the ugly truth. But, if I can save someone from what I have been through I will keep telling my story. I have an appt on the 20th with an attorney. I have huge medical bills because someone did something wrong, maybe 2 somebodies and I need help paying them off. I lost almost a year of my life laying in bed wishing for death, my family was put through hell right along with me. Someone needs to be held accountable. I do love the new me; I have lost over 150 lbs and have gone from a size 32 to a 16. Sometimes I see myself in the mirror and have to ask myself who is that? Would I do it again? NO!!!!!

Thanks for letting me share.

Thanks for sharing, everyone's story is important. So glad God brought you through. I pray you are completely healed in Jesus name. No more complications or set back.

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Hi. My name is Brenda and I am a survivor of the gastric sleeve surgery. I say survivor because I almost died from it. I had surgery July 23,2013 and was cleared to go home the following day after they did the swallow test. I started running a fever 10 days later, called my doctor and go in to see him about a week later. I was told, by the doctor himself, that he never had anyone have trouble with this surgery; and because he didn't correct the problems, he sent me to another doctor at a different hospital. I had a hole in my stomach and the infection was spreading through my body. The next doctor, explained that he would place a stent in my stomach and that would take care of it. This surgery took place on a Friday night and he went home for the weekend, failing to leave an order for something to keep me from vomiting every 5 minutes for the next 48 hours. Two weeks later, I was so weak I couldn't get up off the sofa myself and could barely get to the bathroom when I needed to go, which wasn't often because I wasn't able to eat or drink without throwing up. I went by ambulance to the local ER and that is when my mind shut down. I don't remember anything about the hospital until I woke up in ICU. My body was full of infection, my lung had collapsed and was full of infection and I had another hole in my stomach and one in my esophagus. I spent several days in ICU and then was told that there wasn't a doctor in my town who could 'fix' my problem and would need to go to St. Louis to Barnes. My son works with a company there that deals a lot with doctors and he was able to find a doctor who could help and was willing to take me on. This doctor is a thoracic surgeon and he saved my life, literally! I was taken by ambulance to Barnes and this doctor and his fellows were in my room within the hour. I was taken into surgery again where he had to scrape out the infection from my lung and put 2 drain tubes into it. Then he flipped me over and dealt with the hole in the esophagus, putting another drain into it. He also had to put a feeding tube in because I was unable to eat or drink anything for the next three months. In total, I came out of that surgery with 7 tubes coming out of my body and it was 6 months before the last one was removed. The incision in my stomach to repair the holes became infected several times and I had to have a wound vac on for 3 or 4 months. Every time it got infected, I had to go back into surgery to have it cleaned out. I ended up having 10 surgeries, spending 10 months of my life in and out of the hospital and then rehab facilities. I was on deaths door three different times during all of this and was begging God to let me die. He isn't done with me yet, so I am still here:) I spent 10 months in bed, too weak to even sit in a chair for more than half an hour at a time. When I finally did start feeling better I wasn't able to stand up without passing out, I was too weak. I would even pass out in my wheelchair when I was working with physical therapy, sitting down. I have been home since Mother's Day this past May and I am finally done with PT. I have a long ways to go; my stamina is very low and I tire quickly when I am up doing things around the house. I have taken over the cooking and laundry again, which thrills my hubby to no end. I can be up about a half hour working before I have to rest. People have asked for the good the bad and the ugly but I have found they really don't want to hear the ugly truth. But, if I can save someone from what I have been through I will keep telling my story. I have an appt on the 20th with an attorney. I have huge medical bills because someone did something wrong, maybe 2 somebodies and I need help paying them off. I lost almost a year of my life laying in bed wishing for death, my family was put through hell right along with me. Someone needs to be held accountable. I do love the new me; I have lost over 150 lbs and have gone from a size 32 to a 16. Sometimes I see myself in the mirror and have to ask myself who is that? Would I do it again? NO!!!!!

Thanks for letting me share.

Thanks for sharing, everyone's story is important. So glad God brought you through. I pray you are completely healed in Jesus name. No more complications or set back.

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Hi. My name is Brenda and I am a survivor of the gastric sleeve surgery. I say survivor because I almost died from it. I had surgery July 23,2013 and was cleared to go home the following day after they did the swallow test. I started running a fever 10 days later, called my doctor and go in to see him about a week later. I was told, by the doctor himself, that he never had anyone have trouble with this surgery; and because he didn't correct the problems, he sent me to another doctor at a different hospital. I had a hole in my stomach and the infection was spreading through my body. The next doctor, explained that he would place a stent in my stomach and that would take care of it. This surgery took place on a Friday night and he went home for the weekend, failing to leave an order for something to keep me from vomiting every 5 minutes for the next 48 hours. Two weeks later, I was so weak I couldn't get up off the sofa myself and could barely get to the bathroom when I needed to go, which wasn't often because I wasn't able to eat or drink without throwing up. I went by ambulance to the local ER and that is when my mind shut down. I don't remember anything about the hospital until I woke up in ICU. My body was full of infection, my lung had collapsed and was full of infection and I had another hole in my stomach and one in my esophagus. I spent several days in ICU and then was told that there wasn't a doctor in my town who could 'fix' my problem and would need to go to St. Louis to Barnes. My son works with a company there that deals a lot with doctors and he was able to find a doctor who could help and was willing to take me on. This doctor is a thoracic surgeon and he saved my life, literally! I was taken by ambulance to Barnes and this doctor and his fellows were in my room within the hour. I was taken into surgery again where he had to scrape out the infection from my lung and put 2 drain tubes into it. Then he flipped me over and dealt with the hole in the esophagus, putting another drain into it. He also had to put a feeding tube in because I was unable to eat or drink anything for the next three months. In total, I came out of that surgery with 7 tubes coming out of my body and it was 6 months before the last one was removed. The incision in my stomach to repair the holes became infected several times and I had to have a wound vac on for 3 or 4 months. Every time it got infected, I had to go back into surgery to have it cleaned out. I ended up having 10 surgeries, spending 10 months of my life in and out of the hospital and then rehab facilities. I was on deaths door three different times during all of this and was begging God to let me die. He isn't done with me yet, so I am still here:) I spent 10 months in bed, too weak to even sit in a chair for more than half an hour at a time. When I finally did start feeling better I wasn't able to stand up without passing out, I was too weak. I would even pass out in my wheelchair when I was working with physical therapy, sitting down. I have been home since Mother's Day this past May and I am finally done with PT. I have a long ways to go; my stamina is very low and I tire quickly when I am up doing things around the house. I have taken over the cooking and laundry again, which thrills my hubby to no end. I can be up about a half hour working before I have to rest. People have asked for the good the bad and the ugly but I have found they really don't want to hear the ugly truth. But, if I can save someone from what I have been through I will keep telling my story. I have an appt on the 20th with an attorney. I have huge medical bills because someone did something wrong, maybe 2 somebodies and I need help paying them off. I lost almost a year of my life laying in bed wishing for death, my family was put through hell right along with me. Someone needs to be held accountable. I do love the new me; I have lost over 150 lbs and have gone from a size 32 to a 16. Sometimes I see myself in the mirror and have to ask myself who is that? Would I do it again? NO!!!!!

Thanks for letting me share.

Thanks for sharing, everyone's story is important. So glad God brought you through. I pray you are completely healed in Jesus name. No more complications or set back.

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@brennyjill: I had a similar experience. I still can't in good conscience recommend bariatric surgery to anyone. (You can read about it in my posts by clicking my username.) But all is better now. And with nrhannon, I thank God you're still with us!

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I'm a 57 yr old retired hospital executive. I never planned to retire so early, but now my husband of 35 years is being offered early retirement in January 2015. Wow, never expected that! We are both now talking about what kind of part time jobs we want to get just to get out of the house and apart from each other!

I have three wonderful children. Oldest son is 30, married to the best daughter in law, and they live in Southern California. My 27 yr old son lives in Jacksonville, FL (that's where I live), works full time and is a part time student at University of North Florida. My daughter will be 20 yrs old this coming Friday and she's a sophomore at FSU. She is my best friend, confidante and just about the only person who can make me laugh until I cry.

I love to teach at the university level and may go back to being an adjunct professor sometime next year. MY PART-TIME JOB??? I had a dog until I had to put him down last July. I still cry just thinking about him. My husband doesn't want another dog, and I'm not ready for that fight until I've taken care of myself - health, weight, social, self confidence etc. etc.

So I spend my time reading, taking daily 3-5 mile walks and working on my family tree at Ancestry.com.

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I am a wife and a mom of 4 children ranging in age from 21 to 9 . I had gastric sleeve on October 6, 2014. So I am about six weeks out and down 40 lbs. I had my surgery in Mexico by Dr. Amanda (sp). I really have no complaints. I am Impatient I weigh every day and get discouraged when the sale doesn't change but I am so glad I am losing. Before surgery I could work hard and lose 20 lbs but then I would gain it back. It is a challenge working and keeping up with Fluid intake and getting my Protein and calories in.

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Yes,I have lost 110 lbs .this morning I had.gained ,4 lbs I hope it Fluid had 2 cups sugar free lemonade yesterday

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Hi my name is Jamie and I am new to this forum. I am 47 years old and will have the sleeve surgery in either February or March depending on when my insurance finally approves it.

I have been married for almost 19 years and have a son that is 25 years old from a previous marriage and he has my only grandchild, a girl, who is 18 months old. I also have a 15-year-old daughter.

I am originally from Cincinnati Ohio and moved to Kansas City 4 1/2 years ago. Since that time I am retired and babysit my granddaughter two days a week and chauffeur my 15-year-old around. In my previous life I was a human resources director for 25 years.

I have fibromyalgia and about 60 to 70 pounds to lose. I don't exercise because it hurts and I am looking for gentle ideas to incorporate into my post surgery lifestyle. I also just created a post about not liking puréed foods. I know that it's going to be a problem I just can't deal with the consistency of them. So any and all advice would be greatly appreciated and I am looking forward to getting to know all of you

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Hey everyone , my name is kathy im 49 yrs old. I have four teenage sons. I have been hindered by my weight my whole life settling for less. Making bad choices because i felt unworthy . My husband passed in feb of cancer and it was horrific. I needed to do this for me. I need to live for the first tine in my life i feel it is attainable. I had my sleeve sx on nov 28 th so i am brand new but i am hopeful that this tool will be the answer for me. I hope some of you can relate i wish all of you great success !!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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