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Just curious to know if you had your surgery and how it is goin? I have also done a consultation at Cleveland Clinic, and would like to hear from anyone who has had surgery there

I wish my surgery was complete by now but it was denied by my insurance company. I submitted my appeal yesterday. I should have a response in the next 30 - 40 days.

I continue to be impressed with the Cleveland Clinic of Florida. The staff has been accessible, understanding and helpful. Everything was a go until my insurance hiccup. I plan to move forward with the CCF once approved. Dr. Szomstein was very personable. Not your typical "I am surgeon, I am God".

I work with a woman who had the Gastic Bypass at Cleveland Clinic several years ago. She has had wonderful success and has moved on with her life with a healthy BMI. She has gotten herself certified to dive and seems quite happy. She never complains about her new lifestyle or dietary restrictions. To my knowledge she has suffered no complications and her diabetes is gone. Her mother also went to CCF for the gastric bypass procedure. Her results have not been quite so positive. She is about 30 years older than her daughter and not following Doc's orders when it comes to her diet. She has lost all of her hair. However, she too has lost an enormous amount of weight and no longer suffers from diabetes.

My brother had the Gastric Sleeve surgery in the fall in Buffalo N.Y. Less than two weeks ago he completed a 63 mile bike marathon. I look forward to my future.

I am sure I gave you more info than you needed. Good luck with your decision. I know how hard it is. I looked for a program closer to home and was not pleased. I am willing to travel to CCF for this surgery.


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I don't know how I missed this thread, but what a great idea!

I'm 40 years old, single with no children. I have 2 younger brothers (13 and 15 yrs younger than me- same parents). My youngest brother just graduated law school. I'm excited, yet nervous for him due to all of his debt. I have a B.S. in Computer Science, and 2 classes away from finishing my MBA. I am also teaching undergrad college classes. In the next few years, I hope to walk away from corporate America all together and start up an equine therapy facility for handicapped and disadvantaged kids. I absolutely love volunteering and the deep satisfaction I get from helping others! I am also an aspiring writer. I look forward to the day when I can leap out of bed excited to spend my day helping kids discover things about themselves they never knew existed and improve their quality of life at the same time.

I also have a small farm where I have my horses, cats and until recenty my dog who passed away. I show Arabians at the National level and love not being the "fattest girl" in the show ring!! I take care of everything on my own, although there are some things I have to hire when I don't have the skill or tools to do it myself. I grew up as an only child for 13 years in a rural area of SW MN on a small hobby farm. I was sort of a tomboy growing up, and that has pretty much carried with me into adult hood. Most people that know me from my "day job" don't recognize me if they see me in my "farm work attire/ hair". I enjoy mowing the pastures on my tractor, fixing fence, fishing, camping, etc. I hate cooking, house cleaning, laundry and all that domestic stuff. I've been close to being married a few times, but it was just never right. No regrets really, but it would be nice to find someone who compliments my life one day. I'm fiercely independent, grew up not being able to depend on anyone else for anything and just learned that if I wanted something done that it would be up to me. It seems guys I meet in "the city' disappear pretty quickly when they realize how much work is involved in taking care of a small farm. The guys I meet in the rural setting I live tend to assume that since I work "in the city" that I can be their sugar momma. Seems to be no happy medium. I plan to maybe try start dating again after I have reached maintenance, so we will see.

I have been overweight pretty much all my life. I was what you might call a pudgy child until about the age of maybe 11 or 12 and then the weight started creeping. I remember watching t.v. commercials advertising miracle weight loss drugs and tried desperately to try and figure out how I could get those pills. I never was successful, but I remember so vividly how desperate I felt at that age. The teasing was horrible. I felt like such an outcast, and so it just became a vicious circle. The more depressed I became the more I went to what I felt was my only friend- food. I would sneak food all the time. Eating just to eat. Even though I felt disgusted with myself when I would feel bloated, it was sort of a weird feeling -- maybe like a high. Not really sure how to describe it. I knew it was bad, but I didn't feel like I had any control anymore. By the time I graduated high school, I was somewhere around 200#. My first year of college, my weight skyrocketed another 30#... The next few years are a bit of a blur, but I think by the time I graduated college, I was around 300#. Somehow I was successful in getting my career started, but within the first year, I remember seeing an ad for WLS. There wasn't near the information, support groups, etc available out there that there is now. I had the Vertical Banded Gastroplasty. It was basically the lap band, but instead of using fills, they used a mesh to create a small balloon near the esophagus to create a smaller stomach. I was actually quite successful and lost weight quite easily. It was actually successful, although I missed reaching my goal by about 20# then. It wasn't anyone's fault but my own really. The weight came off quite easily. I got within 20# of my ultimate goal, but I allowed a man I met to get in the way of staying true to myself due to his lifestyle habits of junk food and such. I'm not blaming him, but it did teach me that this time around I am very diligent about not letting anything or ANYONE get in my way.

So, I actually did "reasonably" well over the next 7 to 8 years bouncing around between 160 and 180#, lose/ gain, you know the drill. It wasn't until I started working at a job that about sent me over the edge in stress that things started really getting out of control. I put on 30# in one year there working for one of the most insane boss's of my life. I was there 2 years, which was 2 years too long. I never honestly thought having another surgery was an option. I started sinking into more and more of a depression and relying on my "friend" food to get me through each day. It wasn't until a friend who had the lapband surgery a few years ago made the comment that she knew some people who had had more than 1 WLS. So, my research began and I became determined if not obsessed to have another surgery and finally get control over my life once and for all.

The day before my sleeve surgery, I weighed 271#, am 5'3 or 5'4" depending on which Dr.'s office you ask. I think I'm 5'3" from what I can determine on my own. Anyhow, I had my first WLS a little more than 14 years ago which was the vertical banded gastroplasty. I'm now 16# away from reaching my final goal, and I feel incredible! I love people commenting how thin I am. I do have lots of loose skin, but considering the alternative of staying fat, I will deal with it. If plastics are ever in the future, that will be great. If not, then I will deal with it. I love riding my horses, love feeling "normal" and I look forward to the next half of my life living healthy!!!

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This is so true, I am not my soon to be sleeve, I am me. So my name is Tara I am 42 yrs old and have been married to my best friend for 24 years. I have two adult sons and 1 granddaughter who is the most amazing thing in my life aside from my DH. I work full time as a Realtor and enjoy my work so much, I really enjoy helping people and sharing in their excitement. I love to travel (especially Maui) my favorite color is purple, my favorite animal is a sea turtle, I enjoy cooking for my friends and family while entertaining or camplng. We are an outdoors active family with camping, hunting, fishing, snow sports and beach going activities. I have two dogs who are my little girls named Angel and Sadie. I also have a cat named Fraidey but you don't see him much hence the name. I have PCOS which has really made the whole weight thing and side effects really hard on me. I lost my dad when I was 27 and that was really hard to have my dad gone at such a young age. My mom is still alive, lives near me and is a major support for me. I am not really a total girly girl. I like to get pedi's but my nail polish needs to be pink or purple camo. Well I also have a personal goal. The town I live in has a women's half marathon every May and next year I hope to run it and finish. I have never accomplished anything that required that kind of committment or with that much satisfaction to complete. So that is my goal. Well thats a bit about me and not just my sleeve.

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Brilliant idea!!!


Pleasure to meet you and read your story!!

30 years old


Married for 1.5 years.

Almost done with B.S. 3 courses to go!!

May get my masters!!

Have a baby girl.

Two Silky Terriers!! I ????dogs!!

First time home owner.

Love make up, nails and hair.

I love music.

Do not like movies.

Not into the tele.

I have been told I am a serious person, but I smile a lot.

Obsesed with my phone (using it now).

I love to decorate my home.

Gardening is a hobby of mine.

I am native to my state.

I beleive in loving and accepting everyone for who they are. Try to live a nonjudgmental life.

I am ABSOLUTELY in love with perfume. When we travel to other lands I try to bring home perfume!!!

I can not stand violence of any kind!!!

Addicted to coffee!!!

I love to try new things!!

I beleive in always learned and expanding the mind!!!

Pleasure to meet everyone!!! I loved reading your stories!!!!

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Great idea.

I am 42 years old, married with 3 adult children (two of them steps but I claim them as my own lol).

I am career focussed and am in senior management within government. I travel domestically frequently, like weekly, for work which makes for a pretty crazy life. My husband and I love travel so we try to travel internationally at least once a year, with a trip to the northern hemisphere at least once every two years.

I love to cook, to entertain and spend time with my family. We have a boat and when the weather is good go fishing a lot, or playing on the lakes.

I am Scottish but we moved to New Zealand when I was a child. I consider New Zealand to be my home and love this country oodles.

I love to read, waste time online and spend time with my husband. We are currently building a new home which is pretty exciting but also a bit stressful.

I have a 16 year old dog, a bichon/Maltese called Jonty who I adore. He is a grumpy old man dog but holds my heart like I never thought an animal could.

That's me!

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Great thread!

My name is Jennifer, I am 36 and I am very happily married to the love of my life for 9 years. We have a 7 year old son who amazes me every day in his strength, independence, and humor (just like his dad!) I am an RN and I work the overnight shift on a medical/surgical floor and I LoVE my job. We also take care of the post op bariatric patients so I knew the surgeons quite well and how they took care if their patients immediately postop.

I love to travel the world (which I did a lot befor my son was born), I love to read, and I am a 100% jersey girl so I spend most if my summer down the shore :) Next year I hope to take a medical mission trip to Asia, and keep going in school towards my bachelors degree.

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I'm 36 years old, an OR nurse and I just became an acute care nurse practitioner. I'm a single mom with a soon to be 16 year old special needs daughter. She is the reason I'm the person that I am, and I credit God for giving her to me. I live in Cypress, Tx (a suburb of Houston) and I own my home. The man of the house is a Schnauzer and he takes his job seriously, lol. I love to read and watch ID. Life is good, and it'll be even better after surgery.

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I am 40 by just a few weeks. I'm a CMA and work in an office devoted to workers com. I'm hoping to go back to college to get BSN. I'm having surgery 6/27. Hoping to reverse diabetes, chronic joint pain and just to be overall heathy.

I'm married with 2 kids and 1 grandson. My daughter is supporting me but son and spouce not do much. I love gone with the wind and wizard of oz. reading is one of my favorite things to do.

I have 2 dogs and 2 parrots. They are my fur kids.

I love good Italian food garden fresh corn and veggies. My kids get together at our house usually once a week for dinner.

That's a me who's next ?

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I am 40 by just a few weeks. I'm a CMA and work in an office devoted to workers com. I'm hoping to go back to college to get BSN. I'm having surgery 6/27. Hoping to reverse diabetes' date=' chronic joint pain and just to be overall heathy.

I'm married with 2 kids and 1 grandson. My daughter is supporting me but son and spouce not do much. I love gone with the wind and wizard of oz. reading is one of my favorite things to do.

I have 2 dogs and 2 parrots. They are my fur kids.

I love good Italian food garden fresh corn and veggies. My kids get together at our house usually once a week for dinner.Btw my name is Patty.

That's a me who's next ?[/quote']

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Hi there!

I'm 44 years old, single with two daughters.

Oldest 25 youngest just turned17.

My oldest has two boys 6 and 3. Yep, Im a Grandma!

I bought my home ( by myself) 3 years ago this July! I am a hardworking Nurse, I oversee two Assisted Living communities every day and every third weekend take care of the entire senior community on our campus. I consider myself girly, but I also LOVE the NFL. San Diego Chargers being my heart. I love second hand shopping with my girls and playing Wii with my grandsons. I also have a sweet silky baby, Pepper(4 year old silky terrier)

I have lost weight many times over the years, but some how it keeps finding me! But seriously,

I have no problems losing weight, it's keeping it off that's the major problem!! I'm greatful this surgery is here to help me out! I'm almost 2 months out and have lost 45 pounds, only 35 more to go!!! Woohoo. So wonderful to meet all you fellow Sleevers!

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Hello! My name is Katie. I am 32 years old, single and I have no children. I am very proud bird nerd, and amature photographer, whose trying to decide if she wants to finish her degree in Nursing, or Social Services, or both! I live with my parents stil, I struggle a lot. I have one brother whose married to a wonderful wife whose the sister I never had! They have two little boys who are my world! I love my nephews to death!

I am an animal, nature, lover! I am most happy sitting outside taking in the sun rays, and enjoy the beauty around me!

I live near Dayton Ohio.

I have yet to have surgery, so I haven't officially joined the losers bench. I am working toward it though, slowly one step at a time (would have had it done 6 months ago if I could have).

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Hi. Great idea for a thread. My name is Audrey (duh). I am a 55 year young New Yorker from Queens. I have been happily married to my husband for 27 years. In those 27 years, he has gained 5 lbs to his runners 160 lb body, where I have gained 100! How can you love and hate a man so much. Lol. My 3 daughters are 26, 23 and 17. My grandchildren are 4 and 2. I teach math and social studies to emotionally disturbed middle school children, ages 9 to 14. I like science fiction and am addicted to twilight and true blood. Love my family. Trying to love myself.

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I am Sally from Indiana. I am 32 and married to love of my life, Mike, since 7/7/07. We Celebrate 5 years in a few weeks. We have no children yet but 3 adorable black cats. They are our kids for now. I am a 4th grade teacher enjoying summer vacation. I am getting sleeved next month. My main reason is to start a family, something we've tried to do for over 4 years. My weight seems to be the only roadblock. I've been able to achieve every goal I've made for myself except losing weight. I wanted to own a house, be married and earn my Master's degree by the time I was 30. Done! I also aspire to be a school principal and am all ready to do so on paper. I truly feel that losing the weight will help me achieve that goal also. My biggest dream is to be a mommy. I have many nieces and nephews whom I adore, particularly my 1 year old niece, Violet, who is also our Goddaughter. I want to be able to have the energy to chase after her all the time. I am thrilled to be taking this step. It's been a long journey and I wish I had done this a few years ago but I know that everything happens in God's time. Good luck to all. I've enjoyed reading your stories and look forward to hearing more.

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I just started the process for VSG and can't wait to kick some serious flab and become a lean, mean, running machine! My goal is that when I get under 200 lb I'm going to go zip lining!

I want to go zip lining too!!

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Well Here i go!

My name is Jordan, I am 24 years old. I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. i am Single . I am 1 of 8 Siblings. I have a twin brother. My oldest Sister Died from complications with MS at the age of 24. I work at a medium sized IT company. I enjoy the outdoors and technology. I listen to all types of music. My favorite action movie is Taken. got sleeved nov 2011 and since then i am down 130 pounds.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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