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Ok - here goes - my first forum post ever!

I am a 49 yr old working Wife and Mom who has 2 boys age 17 & 24. I've been married to the most wonderful man for 27 years. We met in college and got married as soon as we graduated. I've got one brother who lives far away and 2 lovely nieces and 1 nephew. My mother recently passed away, but my Dad is still hanging in strong!

I work in IT, but am not a total geek cuz once I get home I want nothing to do with computers! I'm thinking this journey may change my mind on that to a certain extent!

I've lived in the South my whole life, but love, love, love the mountains!! My husband shares that love and when we can manage we take trips to mountainous areas. Once we both get in better shape, hopefully we can begin doing the hiking we both enjoy more. We both want to travel and retire early enough and in good enough health to enjoy some!

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My name is Angie. I'm 39, soon to be 40 on November 16. I am scheduled for gastric sleeve surgery on November 5th. I have been heavy all my life. I have tried Weight Watchers multiple times. I have used Adipex with a doctor's supervision. They both worked for a while. My highest weight was 478 pounds. I am at 455 right now. I am nervous about the surgery, but also very excited! I have been reading this forum for a few months now, so I figured it was about time to join. I look forward to interacting with as many people as I can. I'm not one for in person support groups, but I am one for this kind of a support group. I have not attended any of the in person support groups, yet, but I do plan on it. It might be nice to find some people who can support me in person who have had the surgery. I live with my sister and my niece. I am really worried about living with the surgery with my sister and niece. They both eat whatever they want. I am worried I will be tempted to eat what they eat. I know that I will no longer be eating any meals with them so I know that will help immensely. Plus, they are done eating in about 10 minutes, I take 30. There are bad foods in the house which really stinks. It would be so much easier if there was only food that I can eat, but I can't make them change their eating habits. They have to want to do that on their own. Both of them could benefit from eating healthier. I hope to convert them to some of the recipes I have found. My niece actually thought quite a few of them sounded good. So, after surgery, and after I am on solid foods, I will make some of them and hope for the best! The picture is of me and Robert Englund, who plays Freddy in Nightmare on Elm Street! I love horror movies and attend at least two horror conventions per year.


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Hi everyone--I am scheduled for my VSG with Dr. G. Alvarez on November 7. I am 51 y.o. and have struggled with my weight since my children were born now going on 13 yrs. At my age, I am now experiencing medical issues that have led me to the decision to have the VSG. I am not looking to be thin, just healthy, and I would like to shop in a normal store again. I would also like to be able to participate in family activities without being the one who is always winded. I know it is going to be a huge lifestyle change and I am already taking steps in changing my eating habits and walking. I just decided that I want to live the rest of the life I have as healthy as possible instead of dying from a complication from obesity. Wish me luck!!!

Edited by psis

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Well, I guess here I go. My name is Chrissy, I am a 40 year old woman, wife, mother of 2 teenage sons. I work full-time for an International contractor as an Executive Assistant in the Legal department. My husband and I have been married for 19 years this October and together for 22 years. Our oldest son is almost 17 and youngest is 15. Both of my boys play High School basketball so we are a fairly busy family. I would say active, but in reality my sons are far more active than I am, but not more than I would like to be.

I've come to this forum to get information on VSG and start sorting out my options. I've thought about this for a LONG time but hadn't seriously started doing the research and work to decide if it is right for me. I have several friends and coworkers that have had the surgery and all went well for them. They are down to their goal weights and never been happier.

I think I've always had the yo-yo weight and diet mentality. I come from heavier stock women so I realize a big part of my body chemistry is part of the problem, but also enjoying food I get honestly from my family too. I'm also a stress eater and the vicious cycle has finally "broken the camel's back". I have always had major back problems with degenerative disks and scoliosis. When giving birth to my children my hips separated from my spine also. Carrying around this weight is making me miserable. I suffer with major back pain on a daily basis. I know that I would feel better to just be rid of the pounds but I need help getting there and I think VSG is what I am leaning towards.

I'm a very happy person. I love to socialize, go places, play outside with my kids and husband. All of who I am is being smoothered by my weight problems. I hope to get some advice, watch the success stories here and meet new people. Any advice or information is appreciated and welcome!

Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself!


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I love this idea! I am 39 years old, am married and we have a blended family of five kids. I am a registered nurse and work in the intensive care unit at a nearby hospital. We are a rescue home for great danes and currently have six. I love to read an do anything craft related. I sew, knit, crochet, quilt and embroider.

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>Hi my name is Andrea, I am 47. I am happily married (21 yrs. this month), we do not have children, but have been blessed with a wonderful goddaughter. I am the youngest of 5 siblings. I love to do crafty things too. I like to take my sewing machine with me when camping. If I am not fishing I am quilting :) I loves cats. My profile picture is my cat Clyde.

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I'm Ashley! I'm a 29 yr old, married mother of 2. I'm a nursing student working on my BSN. I was sleeved on 12/12/12 & have lost 115 pounds. I've been stuck at the same weight for a few months...ugh!

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This thread is great. I never knew I had so much in common with so many.

I am 37 I work as an engineer in the Detroit area. I have been married for almost three years to the most incredible man ever. Previously, was married to a man who was abusive. (He was an absolute trainwreck.) It took me ten years to leave him. Very screwed up that it took me so long to realize he was never going to change. Life is great now though.

I have no kids. I desperately want a family. We've getten pregnant, but miscarried, and to be honest I think it's stupid for my body to try to carry a baby given my health/weight. It obviously doesn't want to. I am 5'7" and about 250. Time to do something about that.

I love the Detroit Tigers, if you could not tell. ;)

I am not girly. I love Legos. I love my nephew. I despise cooking. I love my job and probably work too much. I am *terrified* of small spaces , heights and spiders (the largest one I ever found in my home... In Michigan.. was 4 inches in diameter. Not a typo. Found two of them.)

Like some others being bigger never really bothered me...until I turned 35 and saw that I couldn't... hike, ride a coaster, canoe, run, do stairs, dance on the Wii, play laser tag, bike far, etc etc. I want my health back and I want a family.

Surgery will be in Jan or Feb. very excited for this journey to begin. Game on.

Thanks for listening...!


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Hello, my name is Stephanie! I had Gastric Sleeve surgery on July 15, 2013! I am new to the site and I am so excited to get to know others that are experiencing this same journey! I feel that making the decision to have this surgery was the best choice for my health! I love to sing, dance, read, and watch movies! I am engaged and a proud mother of three; two boys that are 9 and 10 and a little girl that is 3. I am a preschool teacher and I love my job! I live in Vermont, but I was born and raised in North Carolina! Nice to meet ya'll :-)

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Hello, my name is Stephanie! I had Gastric Sleeve surgery on July 15, 2013! I am new to the site and I am so excited to get to know others that are experiencing this same journey! I feel that making the decision to have this surgery was the best choice for my health! I love to sing, dance, read, and watch movies! I am engaged and a proud mother of three; two boys that are 9 and 10 and a little girl that is 3. I am a preschool teacher and I love my job! I live in Vermont, but I was born and raised in North Carolina! Nice to meet ya'll :-)

Welcome Stephanie & congrats on your journey!

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I am Mindi.

I was sleeved on November 20. Eating pureed foods at the moment. Had some complications in the hospital and ended up in ICU with DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis. Not fun. Doing good now. Off three meds so far. Down 12 pounds in the past week. Loving this.

Here is my story:

This is what we consider to be our "last chance" at having a child in our lives. I'm 45 now. I've lost three children and two years ago lost my bladder and uterus to cancer. We've fostered children for years and had four failed adoptions. Last chance adoption. If we can afford it.

My life reads like a soap opera. When I was 11, my sisters and I were hit by a car while waiting for the school bus. My little sister Kathy didn't survive. I was raised by a wonderful Mom and an abusive alcoholic Father. And then I married an abusive, drug addicted husband. Stayed with him for 12 years until I had the strength to leave.

In 2001, I met Mark, the most wonderful man ever. We married in 2003. In 2005, at the age of 37, Mark and I conceived our first child. In 2006, I gave birth to our son Daniel, too early for him to survive. Later that year, we lost our second child.

Fast forward to 2010 (time spent between 2006 and 2010 resulted in our becoming foster parents and having three failed adoptions). At the age of 42, I found out I was pregnant. Went for an ultrasound, where they found numerous tumors in my bladder. I lost the baby and started chemotherapy in Dec 2010.

In March 2011, I had my bladder surgically removed, along with my uterus....losing any chance of having our own baby. But, in the end, I was/am currently cancer-free. We named our third baby "Angel" for saving my life.

We became licensed as foster parents again, and had a 15 month old baby girl placed with us. On March 1, 2013, after living with us for over a year, baby girl was taken and given to an Aunt in another state. Failed adoption number 4.

Through all of this, my husband Mark has been the best friend, nurse, Father, husband, caretaker ever. He deserves to have a child. WE deserve to have a child. We've looked into adoption and have started the process, which could take years.

I have recently undergone weight loss surgery, to regain my life. Best decision I ever made. Once I lose some pounds, I will be having a hernia surgery to fix the 14 inch hernia sticking out from my belly. And THEN I will live again!!!


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Hello everyone! I am Jackie. I am 45 and happily married to Joseph. No children, but we do have an adorable 10 1/2 year old yellow lab named Brooklyn :)

I am a born-again Christian. I enjoy so many things!! I love music, it really helps me through almost anything. I am writing a book and am an avid reader. I have a bucket list of 101 things I hope to accomplish. I love being outside and being in and around nature. I live in Southern CA so I am able to enjoy the beauty of creation throughout the year!

Animals are a great gift to all of us. I love animals...almost every single creature that falls into the animal category! I would own a huge animal rescue if I could.

All sorts of crafts make me happy. I love being creative. Besides writing, I will be taking piano lessons soon and have a love of drawing, painting, and photography. I make candles and soaps. Love to cook and bake.

I assist in the office of my husband's company about 40 hours a week. I also am getting my Thirty One Gifts business off the ground very soon. I volunteer when I can.

I cannot think of anything else to add. Hope you are having a great day!!


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My name is Stephanie. I'm a 35 year old wife an mother. My husband and I have been married for 12 years and we have an 11 year old son and a 4 year old Daughter. We live in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of California and live on a lake.

My husband and I own and operate a landscape Company that has been in business for 13 years. He is a contractor and loves doing landscape design.

I have been a mortgage broker for 13 years of my life and 3 years ago during the recession decided that enough was enough. So I went back to school and got my Bachelors and now work for the State of California in HR. I really like my job, it's fun and exciting and changes daily.

I have been chubby all my life. I was born 9lbs 8 oz. People called me the Michelin Tire Baby which then evolved into such horrid nicknames like "fat daddy" or "fluffanie". I wasn't one of those really fat kids, at 11 years old I was 92lbs.. Sounds like a lot actually considering my son is 11 and is 70 lbs if that! Lol! Anyways, I have always carried in extra weight. The only time I was thin was at 17 when I was strung out on drugs. I weighed 118. I got married and was 165, had our son and rocked 190, had our daughter and now in tipping the scales at 235. I've become someone I don't even recognize. I have always been about self love and body image and love your curves and shit so for me this is not a much about vanity as it is about health. I actually have pretty high self esteem and think rather highly of myself! lol!!!

3 years ago my Daddy died. He was my best friend, my beacon and my biggest supporter in life. He accepted me for ME and always built me up and told me I was beautiful and fearless and unique and he taught me how to be strong and never to take shit from anyone. He was my rock and without him I have this huge hole in my heart.

He died of: diabetes, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and other illnesses caused by a poor lifestyle. He is full blooded Mexican and grew up in Lard and Pork Fat and All kinds of artery clogging goodness. I remember he used to put Mayonnaise on everything!! Even tortillas and in Beans and he even just made mayo sandwiches!! He fried his eggs in bacon grease and smoked 2 packs a day and was a raging alcoholic most of his life. And yes he was FAT..

I will never forget the way I felt when he left me.. And I hate the way I feel without him. He was only 62... He never got to meet my daughter, his granddaughter... My son misses him every day. My husband gets choked up every time we talk about him, my sister and I relate everything we do to him and sob in each others arms on occasion. I decided I don't ever want my kids to feel like this... The fact that he lived such a careless lifestyle was selfish of him!! So my reasoning for this surgery (VSG) is based on my health. I want to be healthy and live a long healthy life for my kids and grandkids. I want to be here for my little sister for as long as I can, I don't want my family to see me die slowly and know that I did this to myself. I'm doing this for ME and my KIDS because I love myself as much as I love my Kids.

I know it won't be easy.. And it will be a long journey of trial and tribulation. I also know it's kind of risky an may be considered drastic to some but I have never been one to back away from a challenge.. My sister asked me the other day, "well what if something goes wrong Steph? What will happen Ito you if you do this?" I just looked at her an said, "what will happen if I don't?"..........

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Hello! My name is Stefanie, I live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex, I'm 46 years old and I am a long-time member who has two grown children...a daughter, 24 and a son, 21 whom I love dearly! My daughter is married to a wonderful young man and I love him and his family, as well. I am an avid Harley-Davidson enthusiast who rides a 2013 Ultra Limited. I've ridden my whole life and will never stop riding! I love cycling and swimming, and WANT to be a runner....but I've been saying that for years without much success. LOL I'm hoping that 2014 is the year I become a runner and complete my first triathlon!!! I also love weight-lifting/body building and can be a real gym rat. I look forward to getting to know more of you and learning all I can from you! Y'all have a great week!!! :)

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My name is Terry I'm 35 and happily married to my wife of 3 years Sharon who had her sleeve surgery November 11th. I have a son 5 & a daughter 11. Me and my wife made a decision back in March that when my daughter was fully recovered from her open heart surgery (fix and repair valves and by far the scariest thing in my life) that we had to do something drastic to ensure we will be around for the kids for as long as possible. So she went in November and I'm due up December 18th. This has been a journey for me personally dealing with my weight since my time in the Army and a very bad knee injury. I will be pushing myself hard to do the right thing. More about me I am a former member of the US Army, the NJ National Guard and a classic car enthusiasts (newest project 1969 Dodge D100 step side). I am employed at Richard Stockton

College as a Senior Building Maintenance Worker. I have two children through previous relationships and am a very proud father. My children have sparked my need and drive to get this surgery right. Thanks for reading and good luck everyone.....

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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