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My name is Patty. I live in Port St. Lucie, Florida. I have chosen the Cleveland Clinic of Florida in Miami. It is about a 2 1/2 drive to Miami from my home. I am 43 years old, happily married for 20 years and have too sons ages 16 and 17. I am a letter carrier for the US Postal Service.

I have been struggling with my weight since adolescence. I would have had surgery a year ago, but the insurance I carried at the time did not cover it. Today was my seminar and first Dr. consultation. I have been to one before, just not at the Cleveland Clinic. I was very impressed. I found them to be very professional and supportive. If I pull all of my info and tests together quickly, I expect to have surgery before the end of March. I am at the very beginning of my new journey, wish me luck.

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This is a great idea!

i'm a newbie soon-to-be-sleever and am loving all the information and support on VST!

I am a 33 yr. old Kansas girl transplanted 9 years ago to Florida. I've been married for 9 1/2 years to my wonderful husband, together for almost 16 years. We have 3 great kiddos - ages 7, 5 and 2 - 2 boys and a sweet and sassy princess :biggrin5: I graduated from the University of Kansas in 2000 and am a forever Jayhawk, hence my screen name. I have a degree in psychology and went to nursing school post-graduation and became an LPN. I worked as a nurse until my second son was born and have stayed home full time since. I have a small online business where I make and embroider children's clothing and other gift items. We have one silky terrier who is rarely away from my side and two cats who believe they rule the house.

I was active in sports throughout high school (softball, track, cheerleading, swimming) and started putting on weight my first year in college. I never lost more than about 20 lbs. when I would try and diet and even if I lost that, it went right back on, plus a few more. When I got married in 2002, I was 225 lbs and although I wished I was smaller, I was still comfortable in my own skin. Then we moved to Florida, away from all my family, and I gained about 15 lbs over the next year and a half and then got pregnant with my first son. I kept my weight gain reasonable during my pregnancy and lost all my baby weight within just a few weeks of having him, plus another 5 lbs. but by the time I got pregnant with my second child I was up about 10 lbs. Again, I kept my weigh gain reasonable during pregnancy and lost almost all of my baby weight soon after he was born, only to gain back about 15 lbs of it. By this time I was around 260 and stayed around that weight until we got a big surprise and found out we had another baby on the way. Same story - reasonable weight gain with pregnancy but after the third baby, I had more trouble taking off the baby weight and have bounced around between 260-287 for the last 2 1/2 years. I have lost about 20-30 lbs a couple of times but can't seem to keep it together to lose more than that or keep it off either.

I have researched WLS for a long time but really just got serious about it as an option for me in the last few months. My mom was obese for years and had gastric bypass about 10 years. She has done great and knows that it saved her life. In being connected to her process over the years after her surgery, I have seen how true it is that WLS is just a TOOL, not a magic fix. It is in no way "the easy way out" as many people view WLS. My mom lives with us now and is a big part of my support system and a great source of advice since she has been through so much of it.

I attended a few seminars and chose my doctor a few weeks ago - I will be having my surgery with Dr. Domkowski in Sebastian, FL. My insurance won't cover any weight loss surgery so I am self pay and my doctor's office is kind enough to schedule several of my appointments in one day since I am a bit of a distance away. I am scheduled for my surgical consult, psych eval and nut appointment on Feb 8. I'm hoping I will have a surgery date soon after that as I am anxious to be a sleever!! I have started my own pre-op diet - nothing too crazy, but lower carb, higher Protein, smaller portions, etc... and have lost 10 lbs so far :biggrin5:

I look forward to getting to know you all and finding some buddies being sleeved around the same time as me for support!

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Hi Patty and Jess! I just moved out of Port St Lucie, but I'm there nearly every day for work. I bought a place in Vero Beach just before New Years! Jess, Dr D did my surgery, too. I think he is AMAZING!!! The psyche who does his consults is a little weird, and she runs his support group meetings, but she approved me for surgery, so she must be okay somewhere in that blond head! :)

You'll love Sebastian River Medical Center. The staff there is amazing and you'll have a private room, probably at the end of a hallway near the nurse's station. If you have questions about anything, feel free to PM me. :) BTW, I chose Dr D because one of my good friends is an ER nurse at SRMC and raves about Dr D's bedside manner and responsiveness to his patient's needs. For a doctor to stick out to an ER nurse, he has to be amazing, IMO!!

Patty, I went to Strax in Fort Lauderhill for a consultation, but not all the way to Miami. I'm glad you found a doc you are comfortable with, but there are a couple of well-regarded doctors closer, if you decide you want to look. Dr. Domkowski in Sebastian did mine, and there is a group of WLS surgeons affiliated with Jupiter Hospital, as well. I'm not trying to change your mind, just letting you know if you want someone closer to home.

I'm so thrilled to see people from close to home on here!!! :)

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Do you know that beer commercial with the "Most interesting man in the world"? Well I'm his goofy cousin, "The most BORING man in the world".

I am 51, been married to the same woman for 30 years, no kids - therefore no grandkids. We have no parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles. My siblings are all busy with their own lives, kids and grandkids so that leaves me pretty much all alone with her. It's not been great but it's not been bad either. The bad thing is that not having any real family I am sort of the odd man out in nearly every group. We don't fit in with people our agee as they are celebrating their grandkids and families, people younger than us are still rasing their kids. There seems to be no room in anyones life for a middle aged childles couple. Well enough of this boring stuff. :(

I am 1+ year post-op and down about 170 pounds. I've started swimming about 10 months ago and it has really mad me a lot fitter than I have EVER been before in my life.

We like to ride our motorcycle in warm weather but the wifes arthritic hips keeps us close to home on the bike. We horse back ride a few times a year at a stable near Eureka Springs Arkansas. Oncein a while we go to a stage production at our local arts center. We mostly watch TV and doodle on the internet at sites like this. Maybe a movie every couple months.

Well that's me in a nutshell, sorry if I put you to sleep!

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Hi, I'm Linda. I'm 51 and have been married to my husband 28 years. We have 3 sons, Jordan is 25, Joshua is 21 and Jacob is 18. A beautiful daughter-in-law and 2 gorgeous grandsons age 2 and 8 mo. My two oldest sons are in the military so we've been through one being deployed to Iraq and one to Afghanistan. That was a tough 2 years. We live in northern Louisiana. I am a cardiovascular sonographer and have been for 28 years. I love spending time with my family and reading every book I can get my hands on. I never had a weight problem in my younger years but found the more I dieted and lost the more I gained back until I had gotten up to 245. Last year I lost 40 lbs on my own and then within 6 months had gained 30 of it back, that's when I decided I need something permanent and learned about the sleeve. This surgery is the best decision I have ever made regarding my weight. I feel so much younger and more healthy than I have in years.

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Wow, this is hard to talk about yourself. I was a police officer for ten years. I was always heavy but could still run and keep up with the p.t requirements. I lost my first wife and son in a dui accident and decided to change careers. I am now an electrical technician in a tire manufacturing plant. I am remarried and have three daughters. I ate my stress away and am now ready to kick this weight. I am having the gastric sleeve on Feb 7th and can't wait. I know that police officer to electrical tech is a huge jump but I went to college and have a degree in engineering. When I graduated I had a job at Texas Instruments but was laid off. I figured that policemen didn't get laid off so I thought what the heck. I just didn't have the stomach for the gore after my family was killed. It changed my outlook.

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Wow, this is hard to talk about yourself. I was a police officer for ten years. I was always heavy but could still run and keep up with the p.t requirements. I lost my first wife and son in a dui accident and decided to change careers. I am now an electrical technician in a tire manufacturing plant. I am remarried and have three daughters. I ate my stress away and am now ready to kick this weight. I am having the gastric sleeve on Feb 7th and can't wait. I know that police officer to electrical tech is a huge jump but I went to college and have a degree in engineering. When I graduated I had a job at Texas Instruments but was laid off. I figured that policemen didn't get laid off so I thought what the heck. I just didn't have the stomach for the gore after my family was killed. It changed my outlook.

OH, bless your little heart, Mater. I weep for you. :( I pray you have all the success you desire. :)

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How fun. :)

My name is Amanda and I'm 22. I was born and raised in both northern and southern Illinois, except for one year where I lived in Missouri. I'm currently in college working on getting my BA in Graphic Design and Art History. I work in a movie theater (sadly with popcorn smell wafting around me at all times...) and it's a blast. I am single right now and hope that changes after I lose more weight and be happier and more confident in myself!

I love, love, love to read. I mainly like fiction, particularly fantasy and historical fiction, as I get enough non-fiction in my own life. ;) Anything related to East Asian cultures is fascinating to me. My bedroom is decorated with Asian influenced items. I have also loved mythology since I took a class on it in high school, where it mainly focused on Greek/Roman. A few years ago, I started getting into Norse mythology, especially since my dad's whole family is Norwegian. I also love video games and cartoons/anime. I'm a total geek. ;)

Guess that's all I have to say!

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Hi. My name is Nadia. I'm from Ontario Canada.

I had VSG on November 18th 2011, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. My surgeon was Dr. Scott Gmora. Who has the best bedside manner of any doctor that I've dealt with. I didn't have any complications and am doing great. I had some issues with nausea in the beginning but that's been resolved.

I'm new but I have no regrets. VSG has been the best thing that I could have done for myself.

I'm a Freelance Writer & a new Blogger. Writing is my passion and has been for many years. It's just been in the last year or so that I decided to put 100% of myself into it and make my aspirations come true.

I'll also add that I have a true passion for animals, which includes my cat Kai. She is the current love of my life.



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Well here goes my name is Cathy (52) and I live in the UK. I have been married to my lovely husband for 28 years and I have 2 sons, 24 and 18.

I am due to have my sleeve surgery on 3rd April. I am paying myself so don't seem to go through the same process that you do in the US. However, I have arranged the surgery but have not seen my doctor yet. I wil have to go and see my GP (general practitioner) in the next week or so and tell him of my decision. I have been given a list of tests/bloods that must be done soon.

I have been overweight for most of my life and just am so sick of it. I have over the years done slimming clubs, gyms, lighterlife, cambridge diet so thought the sleeve is the tool I need to succeed.

One of the interesting parts of my life is that I lived in HK for 10 years and both my boys were born there. It was a really interesting part of my life and in that time we travelled within Asia too.

I enjoy reading everyones posts and I hope you will keep in touch with me as I start this journey.

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Hi..My name is Barbara I am from South Philadelphia..Right Near the stadium and spectrum...that I can here the games without actually being there..lol..I am married to a great man for 22 years..I have a 21 year old daughter..My journey with my weight problem started when I had my daughter and gained 50 lbs..that did not come off..Then about 8 years ago my husband was diagnosed with advanced bladder cancer..He now has a urine bag...but I don't care as long he is here with me to go threw life with...Then approx.4 years ago my 16 year old daughter(my only child) was diagnosed with cancer ..Its's been 4 years she is in remission and is doing great..she just moved to florida..So this is were my weight loss journey started..I decided It was time for me..so here I am 5 months out ..58lbs lighter and determined to get back to the old me...thats what keeps me going to the gym and eating right ...Its time for me..

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What a GREAT idea! Thanks illgeturhairdid for suggesting it! I have to say though, for SO many years, my thoughts, no, my entire life has centered around "what can I do to get rid of some of this weight? I know I would be happier (healthier, more content, would love myself more, would feel better about myself, etc) if I was thinner"!

But anyway, here goes...... I am a 62 year old female, a wife of 42 years to Bill, mother to Katie, 37, Sarah 36, J.D. also 36 (NOT twins!) and Daniel 35. (Sarah will soon be 37 and Katie soon to be 38). I am also Grandma to Taylor, 17 tomorrow!, Alex 14, Ella 7, Tate 6 and Tyler 5. The kids, their spouses and the grandkids are the lights of my life and the joy of my heart!

I am a Labor and Delivery nurse of 42 years and still working. I am a travel nurse, which means I work for an agency that contracts me out, usually for periods of 13 weeks to various hospitals. I grew up and live in Iowa, but have been working contracts in California for the last 4-5 years. I HATE Iowa winters (it is freezing rain right now as I write this, the TV is already publishing the school closings for tomorrow!) which is one of the reasons I love to work in California.

I love to cook and bake (one of the reasons I ended up having a VSG!) and of course I used to love to sample what I made. My only regret in life is that I didn't understand how much I loved to cook and bake till about 10-15 years ago. If I had realized it in my 20's, I would have been a chef, not a nurse. My youngest son IS a chef, and he kindly teaches me lots of tips and tricks of the trade. So I do get to do some "chef" like cooking sometimes.

I love to read (Yeah Kindle!), cook/bake (already mentioned that one), travel (hench the Travel Nurse job), collect antiques (have a house full, am becoming VERY selective of what I buy these days!), decorate my house (am currently stripping the wallpaper in our bedroom. If I even mention wallpapering one of the rooms in our house again, please shoot me! I HATE TO STRIP WALLPAPER!!!), shop (that one gets me into trouble!), Entertain (hence the cooking/baking) and socialize with friends and family.

I had a total hip replacement when I was 48, and my doctor told me he was sure my weight at least contributed to my need for it. My joints (other hip and knees) have been painful for years now, and I was dreading the thought of more surgery, which seemed like it was going to need to be done SOON. I was plagued by fatigue from dragging 260 pounds around all the time. I was finding it difficult to go out in public anymore as I was ashamed of how I looked. My (Intimate) relationship with my husband had deteriorated due to the fact that I hated to have him see or touch me as I was so fat. In short, I was miserable! I hated my body and how I looked. I finally decided I HAD to do SOMETHING in order to feel better physically, and to feel better about myself!

My cousin IS a bariatric surgeon, and I went to see him for a consult. He offered to do my surgery for free, but I would still have to pay the hospital and anesthesia charges myself, as our insurance would not cover any of it. Since those two items would amount to almost $15,000-20,000, I decided to go to Mexico for the surgery. I cashed in one of my retirement 401Ks to pay for the procedure. I wanted it THAT badly! And I have to say, it is the best thing I have EVER done for myself!

I have lost 98 pounds so far and am within 10 pounds of my goal weight. I went from wearing a size 26/28 top and size 24 pants to size 12/14 tops and size 8 jeans/slacks! I love it! And I love the way I look now. I hate it that my skin is saggy and floppy, but in my Size 8 jeans, no one can tell!

When I had my surgery, I was working a contract in California. My husband flew out and went to Tijuana with me, and then came home, leaving me in CA. That was in June. The next time he saw me was the end of September, when I flew home for a week of vacation, He came to the airport to pick me up, I was waiting curb side with my luggage. Guess what? He drove right past me! He didn't recognize me standing there, and we have been married for 42 years! As he drove by, he thought he recognized the luggage, and stopped and backed up to see if it really was me!

I am now home, working a contract at a small county hospital in (cold and frozen) Iowa. (Did I mention I HATE winter in Iowa?) I am hoping to do a contract on the east coast, somewhere within commute distance of Washington, DC this spring, as I have never been there and want so badly to explore the Smithsonian, all the Memorials and Monuments, the historic places, etc.

To help in my Quest to get healthy and fit, I recently joined a fitness center near our home, and now I work out for an hour four days per week. I HATE it too! But I am DETERMINED that I will succeed. I will be healthy. I will not go into old age gracefully giving up doing the things that I want to do. I will work to be lean and fighting mean and HEALTHY! Since the surgery, I have been able to go off my arthritis medications, my blood pressure meds, my cholesterol meds and my allergy meds (who knows about that last one? I don't have ANY idea why my allergies would be better from loosing weight!) But I am saving big bucks not having to purchase all those meds, and I AM Healthier!

And I almost forgot, I LOVE PINK TOO!!!

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My name is Patty. I live in Port St. Lucie' date=' Florida. I have chosen the Cleveland Clinic of Florida in Miami. It is about a 2 1/2 drive to Miami from my home. I am 43 years old, happily married for 20 years and have too sons ages 16 and 17. I am a letter carrier for the US Postal Service.

I have been struggling with my weight since adolescence. I would have had surgery a year ago, but the insurance I carried at the time did not cover it. Today was my seminar and first Dr. consultation. I have been to one before, just not at the Cleveland Clinic. I was very impressed. I found them to be very professional and supportive. If I pull all of my info and tests together quickly, I expect to have surgery before the end of March. I am at the very beginning of my new journey, wish me luck.[/quote']

Just curious to know if you had your surgery and how it is goin? I have also done a consultation at Cleveland Clinic, and would like to hear from anyone who has had surgery there

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I'm doing great I had my surgery jan 24 2012 by dr wizman in margate fl I'm down 65 lbs! Wearing size 14!

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Hi! I am 38 married for 6 years to my soul mate. I have 3 daughters 20, 13,and 11. I had a hairy divorce and raised the girls alone. I worked hard and climbed the ladder so I could provide for my daughters . I always put then first. For the first time I m putting me first and having the sleeve. I have 150 to loose. And I am happy to say I am doing this for me!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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