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so, do any other women experience a change in your menstral cycle since being banded? i still feel like i am carrying around 2 watermelons on my chest full of water! and my period came a whole 5 days early this month. i have only lost 17lbs but in the past, when i lose weight my period changes from when i am heavier. does that make a shred of sense?

on another note. i seem to be going through alot of emotional changes lately. i don't know if they are band related or just feeling the crunch of pre-wedding stuff. i feel like i should be further along than i am with the band. i know it has been about a month. but, i really wanted to be down by more by now. well, not true. before the surgery, my one month goal was to lose 12lbs. i did that, and more. but once the scale started going down, i wanted to continue to see that until i had lost at least 30lbs. and i know that most real weight loss does not occur until the first fill, but remember, i got 3 ccs in my band at the time of band placement so, i didn't expect to be stalled for a week and a half. i should just be happy that my scale isn't going up continuously like it was pre-band. everything was too tight and my wedding dress was going to need to be let out some, now it will need to be taken in. so, i am grateful. but at the same time i want more. but, alot of my clothes fit better. so, there is progress.

another thing, someone suggested that i need to eat more calories in order to lose weight. well, let's see. honestly, most days i get between 300-500 in per day. once i eat, i am just not hungry. or thirsty. i get a little Water in first thing in the morning. then because i feel full from that, i wait about 45mins. to an hour before Breakfast. then once i eat that, i am full for another 3 or so hours. then i try the Water again. then i am full til dinner. and i try to make low calorie healthy choices. i don't see how i can get more in. i don't like that stuffed feeling or the uncomfortable feeling of waiting for the stuffed feeling to go down. my fiance is constantly asking me what i had to eat today or asking about my food choices and stuff. i know he is just concerned but it is annoying sometimes too. i have told him i don't need him being the Protein police or anything else. i know the rules of the band and i intend on abiding by them!

again, maybe i am having pms or just whacked out because of the wedding.

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Hi Christa,

I also had a problem with my cycle. Though I have endometriosis, I'm 51 and haven't had severe cramps in years. This past month, I was in bed for a day, and had cramps for 4 days straight. Thank goodness I had some Lortab left over. My googling led me to believe this was from the sudden weight loss, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed the next one won't be so bad.

Your body has probably gone into starvation/weight preservation mode with the amount of calories you're taking in. You're going to have to eat 1,000 - 1,200 calories a day, or you'll be defeating yourself. Can you drink Protein drinks instead of plain Water? That should help with calories, but you should call the doctor, you may be too tightly banded. Also, are you exercising? That can help get past a plateau.


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yep. i have been getting some exercise in since i had the surgery. i am going to try for the 1000 calories. but, i am afraid that is going to make me gain.

my fiance is not too pleased about the period thing. he wants us to have a baby soon after we get married and my period doing different things each month is an indicator of ovulation issues.

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Christa, funny you should ask about a period change.....I was just talking to my GP about this after talking to the gyn about it.......losing weight absolutely changes your cycle!!! Flow changes and everything! My sis was told this too and I didn't believe it so last week I asked my woman GP. And I am living proof of this because post Pfen-Pfen......was Rachel (now 9) my Gyn said "I could have told you this would happen post weight loss---but he never said why...lol. Crap, and I thought it was caused I looked hot and hubby just couldn't help himself....ROFLMAO!!!

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yep. i have been getting some exercise in since i had the surgery. i am going to try for the 1000 calories. but, i am afraid that is going to make me gain.

my fiance is not too pleased about the period thing. he wants us to have a baby soon after we get married and my period doing different things each month is an indicator of ovulation issues.

Hi Christa,

I agree, you need to be getting in around 1000-1200 calories a day at least. Any less than that, and you will go into starvation mode, and stop losing.

If you can, try a protien drink in the morning, and maybe one at lunch time (this on top of what you are eating) to bump up your calories a little.

As for the period issue. Messed up cycles, in an otherwise healthy woman, after a major surgery, do not indicate an ovulation issue.

Surgery can play havoc with a womans cycle. They have no idea why really, but it does. When I went into hospital for my banding, I was told to bring "supplies" with me, incase I started my cycle in hospital. And when I did my pre admit for my Tummy Tuck they asked me when I was due to start my cycle (2 weeks after my TT) and they told me to bring supplies anyway. When asked why (I am like a 3 year old sometimes "But whhyy?") And they said even the most regular woman can have their period come early, or not at all after surgery.

Losing weight can alos alter a womans cycle. In reality, skiped periods, negative ovulation tests (blood or urine) and blood work are they only real way to determine fertility problems. And most doctors (fertility, and GP's) like a young, healthy couple to try for a baby for 6 months before sending them off for further testing.

Your body is probbably just readjusting, and you will be back on track in no time.

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Here's what I found on a website unrelated to lap banding:

"To to burn a pound of fat, you have to metabolize as energy 3500 calories more than you take in. That difference between energy use and intake is called a "caloric deficit". Now here's where it gets tricky - severe caloric restriction triggers a fasting state that slows your metabolism down, and also causes muscle loss. Moreover, it causes your body to increase the level of "fat storing" enzymes (lipoprotein lipase) in the body. Exactly what you don't want.

In short, as you lose weight, your body subtly tries to gain it back. The only way you're going to counter that is by increasing muscle mass, intentionally maintaining muscular activity (through cardio and weight training) while you lose fat, properly setting your portions, and being careful to avoid sitting around all day after your workouts. Extreme caloric restriction (e.g. less than 1000 calories a day) doesn't work because it ignores the body's tendency to "survive" by shedding muscle, increasing fat storage efficiency, and slowing metabolic activity."

Try getting in 1000 calories and change up your exercise regimen a litte for a few days. Taking in so few calories can also lead to infertility, as that is the body's way of protecting itself from the burden of pregnancy when it's starving. Also, tell your fiance that your hormones will likely level out again once your body gets used to the quick weight loss and shifting caloric intake, if that is what's causing the problem.

Good Luck!


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Hi, I was just banded 7-17-06 and I started my period 2 days later. I was a week and a half early. When I was in the hospital, a woman in my room had the by-pass and she started her period too. she said she wasn't due for another 2 weeks. The doc said that this can sometimes start a womans period early. go figure.

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Stress also plays a part in your period.....you have had lots of stress from surgery....the bigger one is the wedding!! :huggie: The anesthesia plays havok as the other ladies said.

I think it's love that makes our "man" ask us about our Protein....it's love!! My husband does it too.....think they feel a bit helpless and this makes them feel like they are helping!! Just take it as a sign of love!! Works better than getting frustrated...also talk too him if you can't handle it....

17lbs is NOTHING to sneeze at!!!! That's a lot of weight....go pile and carry 17lbs of sugar or whatever....you are doing GREAT!!!!! Keep it up!!!

You have 2 life-altering things recently....the surgery.....next the wedding!! Your normal to be stressed! Your body is responding....

About the calories....eat what you need....your body tells you....I know what's said about slowing metabolism....but....please don't get upset anyone....it's all individual. My band has been controlling me BIG TIME since a fill....I'm eating about a can of Soup a day....still losing. It's not on purpose...it's what I have to do. I add Protein any way I can....I take chewables....it's a season!! Not forever!!

God Bless,


Banded 3/20/06 -70lbs :P

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Hi, I was just banded 7-17-06 and I started my period 2 days later. I was a week and a half early. When I was in the hospital, a woman in my room had the by-pass and she started her period too. she said she wasn't due for another 2 weeks. The doc said that this can sometimes start a womans period early. go figure.

LOL Oh joy!!! Something else to look forward too!!!!:huggie:

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You have a few different things going on. One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet, is that hormones are stored in fat. Overweight people have a different hormone make-up than regular weight people because of this. As you lose weight, your hormone balance shifts, not just because you have less fat in your body, but because as your body burns fat, the hormones stored in the fat are released into your system. While losing weight your hormones will fluctuate a fair bit, once you've reached your bottom weight and maintained it, things will level out again, but your hormonal makeup will likely be different than what you've been used to. So anything regulated by hormones can be effected by weight loss, not just menstruation cycle and symptoms, but mood, skin, etc, and very commonly - an increase in fertility. A lot of people become pregnant post band, your fertility should increase. If you start eating enough that is! I agree with what others have said about calorie intake, I would shoot for 1200, and I would not go below 900, and those 900 calories would have to be super healthy, nutrition matters. Check out a site like fitday.com so you can see what you're missing out on in your diet, or sparkpeople.com a lot of people like as well. You won't lose more fat lower than 1000-1200 calories, your body will go into starvation mode and it can't get all that nutrients it needs from your fat, you will break down muscle tissue as well, and possibly organ tissues, heart, etc, and it can become very dangerous. Your energy will go way down as your body tries to conserve energy by having you do less. Also if you lose to fast you risk more sagging skin, be patient, and take care of yourself, if you want to have a baby you'll need to have a healthy body that is well nourished so you can nourish the baby too.

Best of luck to you! you have so many wonderful things ahead of you, fuel yourself well for it.



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Yup Yup, Leila....that was exactly what the doc told me -hormones are stored in fat.....worries me thought, will I grow a mustache once the fat is a lot less and I have less hormones:confused: ??? LOL OMG my DH just shaved his beard -gotee--and now his face looks bigger --poor thing i used that notion to try to get him to grow it back and he looked at me and asked what I was gonna do to hide my chubby neck (please, that is the ONLY part of me that doesn't have fat!) I looked at him and said "i guess I'll just grow a gotee!" LOL:p

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Also if you lose to fast you risk more sagging skin

Just a minor point.

Genetics, how overweight a person was, how long they were overweight, and where they carried their weight determines sagging skin. Not the rate of loss.

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Those things definitely factor in more than the rate of loss. I've had one dermatoligist tell me how fast you lose makes no difference, and then another caution me to take it slow as he felt it did make a difference, so even the skin pro's don't agree on this one. I like to err on the side of caution.

Just a minor point.

Genetics, how overweight a person was, how long they were overweight, and where they carried their weight determines sagging skin. Not the rate of loss.

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Those things definitely factor in more than the rate of loss. I've had one dermatoligist tell me how fast you lose makes no difference, and then another caution me to take it slow as he felt it did make a difference, so even the skin pro's don't agree on this one. I like to err on the side of caution.

All of the plastic surgeons I saw said that they were the only real factors in sagging skin. As did both of the GP's at my doctors office.

I know that my arms, legs and boobs are fine, but my belly is a train werck. I lost pretty fast, so, going by the logic that if you lose fast you have sagging skin everywhere, I should have sagging skin everywhere right? Not just in one place.

I dont. Everything is great, apart from the area that carried the most weight.

The plastic surgeons I saw could be right, or your dermo could be right, but it is wrong to say that losing fast is the only factor in skin issues.

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I totally agree with you, It absolutely is wrong to say it is the only factor, and I never said it was the only factor, in fact my last post I made clear that I agreed with you that all the factors you listed factor in more than the rate of weight loss.

All of the plastic surgeons I saw said that they were the only real factors in sagging skin. As did both of the GP's at my doctors office.

I know that my arms, legs and boobs are fine, but my belly is a train werck. I lost pretty fast, so, going by the logic that if you lose fast you have sagging skin everywhere, I should have sagging skin everywhere right? Not just in one place.

I dont. Everything is great, apart from the area that carried the most weight.

The plastic surgeons I saw could be right, or your dermo could be right, but it is wrong to say that losing fast is the only factor in skin issues.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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