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Smoking After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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Does anyone smoke after being sleeved. Im 9 days out n having a really hard time i took maybe 3 drags and then felt bad so put it out but im so depressed right now i just want to finish it... What do i do! How bad is it to smoke this soon or at all after surgery

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I was sitting outside at the hospital smoking a cigarette and talking to my husband on my cell within 30 minutes of waking up in my hospital room after surgery. The surgery didn't have any effect at all on my desire or ability to smoke.

I will be quitting in the spring once I've metm y weight loss goals.

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I was told it can blow a hole n my tummy from the.nicotine

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From what I understand, smoking can really impede the healing process. Big time. You are talking about your stomach here and you are OK with it not healing properly or taking twice as long? I'm sure your surgeon talked to you about this, assuming they knew you were a smoker.

Oh, boy ... I'm sure I'm going to come across as judgmental, but, I just have to say ... if you are not going to be compliant in this, how do you think the meal plan compliance is going to go?

Sorry, but you may be in for a rough road, then.

BTW, I am an ex-smoker and I know the demons. If you got this surgery to make a change, then make a change. If not, then I don't know what to tell you.

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My doctor didnt say s**t to.me saw me maybe 5 min after my surgery.. And yes he knew i was a smoker. And yes u actually came across rude n my opinion... But whatever. I was just asking a question. I got my answer thanks

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Oh and btw.... I follow my post op diet to the T

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Whether it's food or a smoking addiction it is hard to stop...unfortunately smoking could affect your sleeve but just like you are making a choice to follow your post-op diet you can also make the choice to ease up on the smoking or quit all together...you can do it you have made it this for, no need in possibly irritating your wonderful sleeve for a few cigs...I too am an ex-smoker (mj variety).....

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I didnt even smoke a full cig it was just a question

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I wouldn't feel guilty over smoking a few drags. Quitting smoking was the hardest part for me in this journey. Yesterday was the Christmas party at work and I couldn't enjoy all the food everyone was having (didn't really want to either), but when I saw all of my friends from work going out to smoke I had a melancholy lonely moment and I went out and joined them..

And ya know what? For me it was the best thing I probably ever could have done. It was gross! I hated how it made my hair smell, my hands smell, I hated the taste it left in my mouth!

I don't really know the mechanics of how smoking can effect our new tummies. However, I do know how much it can slow down our healing process. It's an individual decision to make... But a few drags off of a cigarette- I wouldn't beat yourself up over it.

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Well, as I said, I knew I was going to come across as judgemental, but I really didn't mean to, but I don't see where I was rude.

Quitting smoking is very difficult and stressful, which adds to the difficulty. Going through the first weeks after VSG is difficult, stressful and scary at times. For me, even having a few puffs would make me crave it even more back when I was quitting smoking. Some may say, "A few puffs won't hurt", but I think it can. It made it more difficult to make that total separation which I needed to finally quit. Stress, eating and smoking are a viscious cycle for some and was for me.

I just want you to be successful with your VSG and to do that, we have to set ourselves up for success.

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hi mommamea



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Mommamea; I hope that you decide to not smoke anymore. You have chosen to get healthier and you must have given it up for a while. I know that this is a stressful journey for you, but it's like switching from one addiction to another. Call a friend instead of taking a puff on a cigarette, you will feel better later on. Write something on this site discussing the triggers to taking a puff off a cigarette. I can see you stomping on that urge and being successful. After all, it wasn't easy getting to this surgery. We had to jump through alot hoops and then some. The decision lies in your hands.... Happy New Years!!! ;)

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Hey girl :)

I quit for about 7 months before surgery and then started again about a month or two after surgery. I think that a few drags really won't impede your healing process or make a big difference but regularly smoking while trying to heal could slow down the process. I plan on quitting again soon. I think my surgeon or nurse practitioner mentioned something about it could possibly cause ulcers later on (like caffeine).

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I was wondering the same thing. I haven't smoked in years but yesterday I took a few drags of a smoke when I saw my bf smoking outside. We used to eat together so I guess I was just trying to spend time with him and got caught up. My Doc also said nothing to me on the matter because I claimed to be a non smoker perhaps. Now I know it can harm the tummy I won't do it again. Damn my addictive personality.

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